
Chapter 814 Wuye

Chapter 814 Wuye
Yi Tian has been looking for a way out since he entered the depths of Sea Eye, but he didn't find any clues even after killing Luo Que and Qian Lingzi along the way.

The murals on the stone wall in the passageway I entered before are particularly eye-catching. The person described in the painting went from a mortal to the world of comprehension, and then climbed through the thorns and thorns to skyrocket.Although he split into two people directly by mistake, his cultivation is amazing.

Moreover, the body of my patriarch Ji Xuanyuan is still his apprentice, so I should be regarded as this person's disciple and grandson according to this calculation.The treasure hunting mouse in the palm seemed to have seen the pattern on the mural, and shrank into a ball, trembling as if it had discovered something terrible.

Yi Tian glanced over and found that it was more panicked than when he saw the poisonous snake in the grotto before.After three breaths, the Treasure Hunting Mouse scrambled in the palm of its hand, and turned into a ray of light and rushed back into the beast-controlling bag after not being comforted by Yi Tian.

After that, no matter how much he summoned the Treasure Hunting Mouse, he just curled up in the beast-controlling bag and trembled all over, and refused to come out again.

So Yi Tian had no other choice, so he had no choice but to part the imperial beast pouch to his waist first, and then stretched out the tip of his right index finger to sacrifice a wisp of white flame.

In this pitch-black cave, the white flame was particularly conspicuous, and then illuminated the surrounding space of ten feet.

Yi Tian turned his head and scanned the surrounding environment first. At this time, the entire cave was empty, except for Qian Lingzi's charred corpse, and He Weiming's magic cultivator clone stood standing on the other side.

This demon cultivator's avatar was originally refined with an innate spirit body, even though it is not controlled by the main soul, it is still a treasure in itself.Yi Tian glanced over and flew to the side of the clone's body, and put it directly into the storage ring for later use.

Then he walked slowly to Qian Lingzi's body and searched it up and down with his spiritual sense, and finally peeled off the storage ring on the middle finger of his right hand.His eyes lightly glanced at the storage ring, and he found that the word 'inspection' was engraved in spiritual script on the front, and the word 'three' was engraved on the back of the ring.

After reaching out his hand to erase the original mark on it, Yi Tian slightly invaded his spiritual consciousness to check it out, and later a look of ecstasy appeared on his face.The storage space of this storage ring is ten times larger than the flame inscription ring held by the leader of the Li Fire Sect. No wonder this item from the upper spirit world is really amazing.

After putting all my storage rings, bracelets, and storage bags into it, I calculated that even one-tenth of the space was not used up.Moreover, there was originally a collection of Qianlingzi among them, and the spirit stones among them were brought down from the upper spirit world. Although there are not many left, there are still more than 20 yuan left, which is considered a good value for my next cultivation. Great help.

Take it out and compare it. Compared with the top-quality spirit stones on Tianlan Continent, the quality is much higher, and it can be regarded as a super-quality spirit stone.Maybe it's not a big deal for a cultivator in the stage of transformation, but it's no less than a considerable amount of wealth for me who has just advanced to the late stage of Nascent Soul.

In addition, there were a few jade slips that caught Yi Tian's attention. He took them out and opened them one by one to read, only to find that these were the various tasks that Qian Lingzi had received when he was in the spirit world.The first piece of jade slip is to track down Luo Que, a monk of the Asura clan. This person broke into the human race's spiritual realm without any reason, and he didn't deliberately provoke or hurt anyone. He just ran around for thousands of years as if he was looking for something. like something.

As for the second report, it is Qian Lingzi's unfinished report. It says that he has been following Luo Que's footprints for hundreds of years. As a result, at the end, Luo Que's whereabouts were marked in detail, including the places where he had stopped.

The third jade slip is Qian Lingzi's shining swordsmanship and a set of cultivation methods called "Lingyao Huashen". Yao Jianshu and Lingyao Huashen Cultivation Art are the direct methods of his sect, it seems that Qian Lingzi's status in the sect is not low.

Moreover, this Scarlet Rain Sword Sect is not only powerful in battle, but also very good at cultivating spiritual plants.This exercise covers all exercises from Yuanying stage to distraction stage. As for the exercises above the distraction stage, you need to go to the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect to find them.

As for Qian Lingzi himself, he is keen on practicing swordsmanship, but he is not interested in Ling Zhiyi.However, in his storage ring, he still found a volume of jade slips called 'The First Explanation of Lingzhi'.Although the above records are the more common spiritual plants and their cultivation methods in the upper spirit world, it is no different from a vital treasure for me now.

In his heart, he secretly despised Qian Lingzi's ignorance of good and bad, no matter where he learned a skill, he could get more resources by it, so there was no need to rely on fighting and killing to maintain his cultivation like him.Carefully put away these jade slips, there will be time in the future to study them in detail so that they can occupy a favorable position immediately after ascension.

Before Qian Lingzi claimed to be the inspector of the upper spirit world, it seems that this ring is a token of his status as inspector.But Yi Tian seemed to be very interested in everything from the upper realm, and this thing might be of great use in the future, so he put it away for the time being and put it on his finger.

The original Flame Inscription Ring still had to be left to the next Lihuo Sect Master, so he had to find another place to store his own things.Although I got a lot of storage rings from killing the Nascent Soul cultivator before, but compared with the tokens of the inspector, its storage space is really insignificant.

After tidying up all these, Yi Tian turned his attention to the huge portrait on the stone wall at the bottom of the grotto.In the center of the portrait is a monk, shaken by chains and seals.

It can be clearly seen from his face that this person is the person who was defeated and suppressed on the stone wall of the passage before.Although it has the same origin as his other half, it seems that the power of his soul has been drawn by the other half, leaving less than five points.

There are a series of spiritual circle patterns engraved around the mural, and the chains and seals on his body are completely complementary.After looking at it for a while, Yi Tian suddenly felt that the person in the painting seemed to be right in front of his eyes, but the two seemed to be separated by something.

Reaching out his hand, Nanming Lihuo slowly approached the mural, wanting to take a closer look.Suddenly there was a ripple in the space in front of him out of thin air, and then he discovered that the person in the painting blinked at him for the first time.

I don't know whether it's dizziness or the hallucinations that occurred after he was exhausted to deal with Qian Lingzi and Luo Que. Yi Tian rubbed his eyes lightly and stared at the figure on the mural again. This time he not only blinked his eyes, but also his lips Also moved.

After confirming that it was not a hallucination, Yi Tian was startled, so it seems that the person on the mural should be sending a message to him, but the two seem to be not in the same space, no matter what he says, he cannot hear his words.

Soon Yi Tian realized that only when he approached the mural with Nanming Lihuo on the tip of his right finger could he clearly detect the movement of that person. Once he moved away, the entire portrait on the stone wall seemed to return to silence.

Thinking of this, he stretched out his hand and raised the flame in his hand to directly point it towards the stone wall.As soon as Nanming Lihuo flew over the stone wall portrait, he fully activated it, and the center of the whole painting quickly moved.

After ten breaths, a gap of seven feet in size was opened above the space in the middle, and a cry came from inside: "Since you are here, why don't you come in and see me".

At this time, Yi Tian only felt his scalp tingling, but driven by curiosity, he still bravely walked forward and directly drilled in from the gap in the void.

When I came to the inside of the gap, I found that there was a hole in the sky. There was a five-foot-sized space inside, and a monk sitting cross-legged on the ground in the middle was the person painted on the mural in the passage.

And his limbs and neck were tightly shackled by arm-thick chains, and he couldn't move even half a cent.

Yi Tian could clearly feel an old and simple aura on his body, which was even older than Luo Que and Qian Lingzi before.

When the man saw Yi Tian, ​​he was slightly taken aback and asked, "Who are you, where is Ji Xuanyuan?"

With a glance, he knew that this person had a great relationship with his ancestor, and he belonged to the same line as the master of the ancestor. Yi Tian didn't dare to neglect the respectful Jishou right now and said: "The clone of the ancestor Ji has fallen 3000 years ago. Yes, I am his reincarnated disciple, I don’t know the senior’s name?”

"You mean Ji Xuanyuan's avatar has fallen," the man stared at him with an incredulous look on his face and said, "I'm Lihuogong Wuye, and I'm Ji Xuanyuan's master."

"Senior Wuye, you are not divided into two people, and I know from the previous passage mural that you were suppressed by the other half," Yi Tian tentatively asked.

"Huh, you already know, it seems that the old ghost should have set up a prophecy formation here, and engraved all his life experiences on it," Wu Ye asked hurriedly: "Then did you see it when you came in?" In the end result, the prophecy formation will reveal all your experiences here one by one."

Yi Tian recalled his previous experience and said slowly: "Senior Wuye, don't worry, I only saw the murals of fighting Luo Que and Qian Lingzi with my companions. After that, I didn't see any patterns appearing again."

"Who are Luo Que and Qian Lingzi?" Wu Ye asked suspiciously.

Yi Tian looked at him carefully and found that he didn't seem to be lying. When Luo Que and Qian Lingzi broke through the boundary and descended, then Huo and Li Huo's ancestors were all detailed one by one. The explanation is given below, which just ignores the situation of Feixianyin.

After Wuye heard this, he showed a comprehending look, and explained later: "This is the place where the spiritual power is the most chaotic in Tianlan world, and the time here is disordered, and the speed of passage is several times faster than that of the outside world. "

At this time, Yi Tian finally understood the words Luo Que said. It turned out that he was not lying. He and Qian Lingzi had stayed here for a thousand years, and had to use the secretary to seize the house after exhausting the potential in his body. other side.

But Qian Lingzi chose the freezing method to seal the two of them in a huge ice cube. In this way, the body was in a state of suspended animation, and the passage of life energy became extremely slow. It was not until his own intrusion made it impossible. Without breaking through the ice.

Originally, the two were fighting against each other, but their own joining interrupted their war of attrition.

But the ice cubes formed by these two people have been standing in front of the mural for thousands of years. Could it be that Wu Ye didn't notice it?After Yi Tian expressed the question in his heart, he wanted to hear the other party's explanation.

Wuye pointed to the front and said, "Look for yourself, if you didn't bring Nanming Lihuo from our sect to this prison, maybe we would never have the chance to meet."

Then Yi Tianyi turned around and looked towards the direction he came in, only to see a gray space partition in front of him, from which he couldn't see the outside situation clearly.

But in his heart, he secretly said, "The feeling that Luo Que and Qian Lingzi came here was also a miscalculation. They spent two or three thousand years in vain, and in the end they didn't even see the real master. If it wasn't for the descendants of Lihuo, it would be impossible to open this cage." Yes, no wonder Wu Ye thought it was Ji Xuanyuan who came to see him. '

Later, he asked respectfully: "Senior, if you are the master of Lihuo Patriarch Ji Xuanyuan, you can be regarded as my patriarch. Please point out the way for your disciple to leave this place as soon as possible."

Wuye sat upright and then glanced at Yi Tian, ​​as if he saw through everyone at a glance, and then snorted coldly: "I was imprisoned here if you didn't see the patriarch, as long as you try to Release me and I will have a way to take you to the upper spirit world."

Yi Tian's heart felt hot, and then his face returned to a serious look.It is true to be able to break through the realm and ascend, but from the records of the Zongmen, it is known that the formal way of ascension is better through the Ascension Platform, which can be regarded as an aboveboard and easier to ascend to the spirit world.

Otherwise, after forcibly breaking through the interface like Wu Ye, he would be a black account, and many forces in the upper spirit world would treat him as a different kind.And I still have a lot of things to do in this world, especially after taking care of Qian Lingzi's avatar.

After thinking about it for a while, he directly rejected Wu Ye's proposal according to the longing in his heart: "The disciple of the patriarch's heart is appreciated, but the other half of the patriarchs in Lihuo Palace may not tolerate me."

"Are you afraid of that hypocrite?" Wu Ye said angrily, "Everyone thinks that he occupies the rightful position in the Lihuo Palace as the Lord of the Fire Domain, but who would know that I gave him the position?" .”

Yi Tian was stunned for a moment, but there was some strange color on his face, he hesitated to speak after looking at Wu Ye who was locked up, he didn't know where to ask.

Wuye turned his head and looked at Yi Tianhou before saying: "Fortunately, I can teach you all the unique skills of Lihuo Palace. As long as you reach the fourth level, you can help me out of trouble. I have my own way to go back to the spirit world, how about you and I not owe each other?"

Faced with such a condition, Yi Tian's heart was suddenly moved. If he could learn the unique knowledge of Lihuo Palace, the road to eternal life would be smooth all the way in the future.

And the price was not cheap, compared to the patriarch sitting in Lihuo Palace who will definitely notice it in the future, so I have to think about how to face his anger.

After thinking about it, he weighed all the pros and cons before gritted his teeth and said with a determined look on his face: "Deal."

(End of this chapter)

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