
Chapter 815 Insights

Chapter 815 Insights
In Wuye's prison, Yi Tian sat cross-legged on the ground and carefully read the jade slips in front of him.It's hard to express the shock in my heart at this time, the jade slip in front of me records the entire set of exercises of Lihuo Palace in the upper realm.

From the beginning of qi training to the fusion stage, although they are all recorded in the spirit world, it is not difficult for Yi Tian at all.

After reaching an agreement with Wu Ye, the other party was also very generous and directly took out this jade slip from his ear and handed it to Yi Tian, ​​which is a way of expressing his attitude.

But Yi Tian would not be so stupid as to pick it up and practice directly. After uncovering the above blockade, he first inserted his divine sense into it and read it carefully, and then deduced the exercises in his mind.

After a few hours, he sighed with relief on his face and said: "Patriarch Wuye, the exercises recorded in this jade slip are indeed extensive and profound, but there are two things I don't understand, please explain to me, Patriarch."

The eyes on Wuye's face flashed and then he said with a smile: "I really did not misunderstand the person, you are not only bold but also careful, even when facing high-ranking monks, you can be calm and composed, that kid Ji Xuanyuan is here Your cultivation base is far behind."

Yi Tian just showed a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, and then his face returned to normal.Although I agreed to make a deal with Wuye, I still have to be on guard. Once a big man like him gets out of trouble, he can casually take his own life.

After thinking about it for a while, I asked, "During the exercises, the disciple discovered that he needs to take a pill called Liuzhuan Concentration Pill from the stage of transforming the spirit to the stage of distraction. The Ganghuo Shayan in the forbidden area of ​​the Fire Palace can only be used as an aid, and the Patriarch will be asked to clarify these two places."

After hearing this, Wu Ye showed a look of infinite memory on his face, and later he came back to look at Yi Tian who looked puzzled and said: "It's true that these two places are the places where the Lihuo Palace restricts the cultivation of disciples, but any The cultivators of the Great Consummation of the God Transformation need to use their accumulated merits to go to the source of the sect to exchange for this sixth-rank Concentration Pill."

After a pause, Wuye continued with great meaning: "I also went through this level back then, during which time I had to complete the most difficult tasks of the sect before I had the opportunity to exchange this pill in the hands of the previous suzerain. "

"Compared to those experiences, it is also a tribulation. Patriarch Wuye also went through all kinds of troubles in exchange for this pill?" After hearing this, Yi Tian hurriedly flattered him, hoping to find another way from Wuye's mouth.Then he asked: "Since the patriarch has served as the suzerain of the Lihuo Palace, he must know the refining method of the six-turn Concentration Pill, right?"

Wu Ye did not deny it, but reached out again and took out a jade slip and handed it over, and then replied lightly: "Look for yourself, and ask me if you have any confusion."

Yi Tian hurried forward to put away the jade slip, then opened it and read it carefully.Half a moment later, his face was frowning, but his eyes were fixed on the words recorded on the encounter, and he sighed: "Dare to ask Patriarch, is the treasure in this six-turn Concentration Pill formula extremely difficult to obtain?" ?”

Wu Ye nodded and replied: "There are two difficulties with this elixir. One is that it needs a distracted demon beast inner alchemy and spirit to guide it. Of course, the higher the level, the better the effect."

"This disciple knows that it is difficult to kill a monster at the distraction stage with the cultivation level of the god transformation stage. Originally, the monster race has blood talent, and even if it is under the same level, it may not be able to beat the opponent. What's more It is to kill the opponent and take out the inner alchemy and spirit directly."

"You're right, but that's just the second thing. The most difficult thing is to ask an alchemist to take the elixir directly within a day after killing the demons and taking the courage to collect the spirits before the spiritual power in the treasure material is lost. Refined, and this kind of elixir usually requires the help of seven alchemists, usually such alchemists are mostly monks at the distraction stage, and it is almost impossible to find those at the stage of transformation."

After hearing this, Yi Tian's expression changed, and after some calculations, a sense of powerlessness suddenly emerged.Doesn't Patriarch Zhao Wuye want to bring the alchemist who was distracted when he killed the monster?

Moreover, it is almost impossible for a cultivator at the transformation stage to find a higher-rank alchemist to accompany him to kill monsters, and he may even lose himself.

Seeing Wu Ye's calm and composed look, Yi Tian knew that there must be another trick in it, and after sighing, he turned around and asked respectfully: "I don't know how to make this kind of elixir in Lihuo Palace?"

Wu Ye just said lightly: "The lords of the Lihuo Palace in the past are all masters of alchemy. .”

It turned out that Yi Tian thought in his heart that it would be easy to explain if this was the case, and the suzerain of Lihuo Palace must have personally monopolized the source of these elixir, and trained all his disciples to be obedient.

Thinking about it, the patriarch in front of him must have suffered a lot for a pill.

Wu Ye glanced over and roughly guessed what Yi Tian was thinking, and then said: "I advise you to find a way to refine the pill yourself? According to the eyes of the person whose personality is difficult to get into, even if you are Ji Xuanyuan's reincarnation disciple will not help, you have at least two checkpoints in the hands of that hypocrite."

Yi Tian was overwhelmed by Wu Ye's words, and he knew that the Lihuo Palace also has intricate strengths, and it might not be easy to stand out there, and it might be the result of a show of wood that will surely be damaged by Lin Feng.

A thought flashed across Yi Tian's mind, and then he leaned over and said with a smile: "Since the patriarch has pointed out a clear way for the disciple, please express all the doubts in it. Is there an alternative."

Wu Ye didn't hide anything but explained all the difficulties. First of all, Yi Tian needs to make up for the art of alchemy, which is a must.It is also possible for the disciples of the Lihuo Palace to attack and kill monsters in the distraction stage by leapfrogging outside, as long as they are lucky and coincident, they can still do it, at least that's what he did back then.

In this way, as long as enough auxiliary materials are collected, the elixir can be refined by itself.

The threshold of entering the stage of distraction has been solved, but there is still a hurdle before the fusion stage.That so-called Ganghuo Shayan is within the forbidden area of ​​the Lihuo Palace in the Fire Domain, and it is not to say that you can go to that forbidden area based on your own strength, even if you step into the Lihuo Palace, you will be discovered long ago.

At that time, not to mention Patriarch Wuye who is the other half of the suzerain of Lihuo Palace, even Ji Xuanyuan, an old clan of his own family, may not be his opponent.What's more, no one can say about the matter of advanced cultivation. It can be as short as a few days or as long as a hundred years. If you take [-] steps back and say that you can sneak into the forbidden area of ​​Ganghuoshayan while the high-ranking monks in Lihuo Palace are not at home, it is hard to guarantee When he was about to leave the customs, he ran into one or two fit monks, but he must have gone and never returned.

I shared my concerns with Patriarch Wu Ye one by one, and the latter just showed a little disdainful expression on his face after hearing this, and said: "You are afraid of such a trivial matter, then let me point out a few more clear ways for you."

"A few," Yi Tian was happy when he heard the words, and then looked at Wu Ye's face and knew that the next road must be even more difficult.

Sure enough, Wu Ye stretched out his right hand and counted them one by one: "Among the nine domains of the spirit world, there are three treasures for cultivation that are comparable to the evil flames in the forbidden area of ​​the human fire domain, and the true flames in the demon spirit world. The Jedi can be regarded as one, the habitat of the monster fire phoenix and the real fire place with the phoenix nirvana is also a good training place, but the best effect is the Ashura True Flame Secret Realm in the bedroom of the Queen of the Asura clan."

Then he turned his head and looked at Yi Tian with a teasing face and stopped talking, but his meaning was all here.Yi Tian looked at Wu Ye's face and knew that this matter is not easy to handle, but the other three places are not without opportunities.

Regardless of the place where the monster phoenix lives, the demon spirit world and the upper spirit world are deadly rivals. I haven't planned to switch to the magic way for the time being, and I think this way is broken.On the contrary, there is still a chance in the True Flame Secret Realm of Queen Ashura's bedroom, but seeing Wu Ye's look of being determined by himself, he felt amused for a while.

Although the patriarch of his own family must have a way to check and balance himself, he didn't expect how it would appear.Immediately, he pretended to be regretful and said: "It seems that I have to enter Lihuo Palace to have a chance to enter the forbidden area."

"That's not necessarily the case," Wu Ye replied resolutely with a face full of pearls in his hands: "I will leave you a token when I return to the upper spirit world, and I will arrange a place for you after you ascend. Getting started, as for the trip to the forbidden area from the Fire Palace, as long as you can show enough potential, I will create an opportunity for you, and it is up to you whether you succeed or not."

Yi Tian knew that this was the path Wu Ye had left for him, but everything depended on the value he displayed.Once the value of use is lost, I believe that Wuye will definitely choose someone else, and following his lineage will definitely face Lihuo Palace and Ji Xuanyuan and stand on the opposite side in the future.

But there are not many ways to solve this matter at present, after all, this shortcut is also something that is desirable and unattainable.

After reaching an agreement with Patriarch Wuye, Yi Tian didn't do it. He wanted to directly recite the coefficients of the exercises in the jade slip.After recombining several times and confirming that it was correct, I started to practice.

Now after absorbing one-tenth of Luo Que's chaotic spiritual power, his cultivation has finally passed the mid-term bottleneck, and now when he sits cross-legged to exercise and practice, he feels extremely light.

And with the growth of my cultivation base, I roughly estimated that in the most powerful state, I can use Lihuo Sanjue three times, and I still have enough energy to stay.

But according to what Patriarch Wuye said, I have to cultivate Nanming Lihuo to the fourth rank before I have a chance to release him. Now that I have practiced Lihuo Sanjue, it is equivalent to practicing the kung fu to the peak of the third rank. You can break through to the fourth rank.I silently recalled the records in the secret art of the exercises in my heart, the general Lihuo Palace monks can only refine to the first stage of the fourth grade in the early stage of transforming gods.

Only a few Lihuo disciples with high aptitude can reach such a state in the late Yuanying stage. Generally speaking, such disciples will be the focus of training in the future. The difficult thing belongs to the existence of Yuanwang Fusion Stage.

But Yi Tian knew that he was different from ordinary Lihuo Palace disciples, and the number of paths he took was also different. Although there was a shortcut, the path was full of thorns.

Putting away the extravagant hopes in his heart, he stretched out his hand and took out the Zixiao lamp, then sacrificed a ray of natal real fire, placed it in it, and began to refine and strengthen it.

The most fundamental of Lihuo Gong's exercises is the Nanming Lihuo, so Yi Tian is going to strengthen his practice steadily from the basics.

Unexpectedly, Wu Ye showed a strange look on his face when he saw it, and then shook his head and said: "It's okay if you are outside, boy, but the chaotic and chaotic environment here will definitely hinder your cultivation. The time here is three or four times faster than the outside world, but you also need to have enough lifespan to cope with the passage of time."

Hearing this, Yi Tian's face showed a look of surprise, but he didn't think about it.If you can use ordinary methods to practice sacrifices in the outside world, but you must hurry up here. After thinking about it, you stretch out your right hand and directly sacrifice five times the real fire, place it in the middle of the Zixiao lamp, and then the spiritual power of the whole body circulates quickly. Hurry up and start the sacrifice. .

Not long after, I felt that the spiritual power in my body was weak after being replenished. I opened my eyes and looked around to find that the phenomenon of spiritual power chaos had affected this place, and the originally abundant spiritual power in the surrounding air was gradually dissipating.Going on like this, without enough spiritual power to maintain oneself, it is absolutely impossible to raise the real fire to the level of the fourth rank in a short time.

Wiping the storage ring with his left hand, he took out all the middle-grade and top-grade spirit stones and piled them in front of him to form a five-foot-high pile of spirit stones.

Then use the divine mind to manipulate and place these spirit stones in order according to the formation of the spirit gathering array, and then type a magic formula on it to activate the spirit array and continuously supply spiritual power to yourself.

Only in this way can the sacrifice of the real fire continue, and at the same time, Yi Tian found that he needed too much spiritual power, and the spiritual power of the spirit stones used for the formation in the spirit-gathering formation was quickly drained.Then, the spirit stone had to be replaced quickly to maintain the operation of the formation.

Fortunately, the middle-grade spirit stones on his body are no less than a few hundred thousand yuan, and the top-grade spirit stones also cost tens of thousands of yuan.As the real fire in the body was continuously accelerated, the speed of the consumed spirit stones also became very fast.

I don't know how long it took Yi Tian to strengthen two-thirds of the real fire in his body, but all the hundreds of thousands of middle-grade spirit stones in front of him were used up.Then, without hesitation, the high-grade spirit stones were directly filled into the spirit-gathering array, and at the same time, the speed of the sacrifice of the real fire in the Zixiao cup on the right hand was also accelerated after receiving sufficient spiritual power support.

Wu Ye, who was sitting on the side, nodded frequently when he saw it. It seemed that he was also a little surprised by the speed of Yi Tian's cultivation in his heart, and there was a look of relief on his face from time to time.

After the real fire in the Zixiao lamp was compressed into a bright white flame, Yi Tian knew that the promotion of the true flame of his life had reached a critical point, and it would depend on whether he could cross it in one step .After thinking about it, he gritted his teeth and took out four super-grade spirit stones to directly embed them in the spiritual power output nodes in the four directions of the spirit gathering array, front, back, left, and right.

In an instant, under the guidance of the four super-grade spirit stones, all the spiritual power from the other spirit stones on the spirit array was drawn out, and then the phenomenon of spirit energy turning into liquid was formed in the surrounding air.

Yi Tian took a deep breath and swallowed these spiritual fluid coefficients into his mouth, only to feel that the spiritual power in his body was filled instantly.

The flame being sacrificed on the Zixiao lamp in the palm of his right hand rose suddenly under the support of sufficient spiritual power, and the flame's figure doubled to more than twice its height.In Yi Tian's mouth, he muttered and waited for the real fire to completely turn into a bright and transparent white color before taking it back into the Niwan Palace. At the same time, he covered the Nascent Soul with the flame and started refining the real baby with fire.

The fourth grade of Nanming Lihuo in the Lihuo Gonggong is not an attack method, but to polish itself again through the real fire baby refining.

 Thank you for the monthly pass

(End of this chapter)

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