
Chapter 816

Chapter 816
Yi Tian finally strengthened all the Nanming Lihuo in his body after a long time in the dungeon of space. The result this time was gratifying. When he put the flame on the tip of his right index finger again, he could feel a slight difference from before. .

The original flames look white and bright, but in fact, the true energy in the inside and outside shoots out, which makes people feel that the power is extraordinary at a glance.

But now the flames that were sacrificed did indeed have a hint of purple light in the white light, and the energy of the flames was well restrained, and it was easy to distinguish it as an ordinary fire-type technique at a glance.

Sitting in the middle of the dungeon formation, Wu Ye suddenly raised his head and stared at the ray of real fire for a long time, but there was a look of surprise on his face, and then he said: "I did not misunderstand, your boy is talented!" Cleverness only took a hundred years to raise the real fire of life to the fourth rank, and then you just need to practice the fifth-level fire alchemy body in the nine transformations of Lihuo step by step. The day of success is the time to transform into a god. Disciple of Lihuo Palace, the intensity of your natal real fire has increased by two steps."

"I would like to thank the patriarch for his support. Next, I would like to ask the patriarch to show me how to release the shackles on you?" Yi Tian replied respectfully.

"Don't be busy, since you have already refined to the fourth grade, and I have waited for tens of thousands of years, there is no need to rush for a while," Wu Ye waved his hand and signaled Yi Tian to walk in and let him take a closer look at the strand in his hand. Really hot.

After Yi Tian walked in, Wu Ye opened his eyes wide and looked at it carefully, then lowered his head and thought.

Seeing this, Yi Tian didn't know what went wrong, but he didn't dare to disturb the Patriarch's train of thought, so he stood aside and waited.About a quarter of an hour later, Wu Ye sighed and said slowly: "I see that your natal real fire seems to have undergone a mutation, and the energy contained in it seems to be several times stronger than that of ordinary disciples."

"Wouldn't that increase the power greatly?" Yi Tian asked with a smug smile on his face.

Wu Ye just nodded lightly, and then said with a worried look on his face: "Although your strength will far exceed that of monks of the same level, even I can't reach such a state with your cultivation level. But you are powerful. Your strength will make the sky thunder you face stronger when you cross the tribulation, I don't want to find a heir who can match Ji Xuanyuan with great difficulty, but because of the failure to cross the tribulation, he will fall halfway."

It turned out that Patriarch Wuye was worried about this aspect, and Yi Tian knew it well, if his Nanming Lihuo had undergone a change, the main reason that directly led to this situation must be inseparable from that seal.

And now I can be sure that [-]% of it is because the seal has been in my body for so many years, and it is the result of assimilating the original Purple Flame True Fire on the aura with the Nanming Lihuo on my Nascent Soul.

I remember that when Luo Que broke into his Niwan Palace before, he called the flame he recognized as 'Doushi Ziyan'. If he could really refine the Tushi Ziyan into a life-like real fire, maybe his strength would be even higher. .

What Patriarch Wuye was worried about was only the problem of crossing the catastrophe, in fact, he didn't think so in his heart.But what everyone thinks is still a little bit wrong. The biggest crisis at present is that the seal will automatically fly out when passing the catastrophe, and use the power of the thunder catastrophe to strengthen the body.

But the consequences of this situation will definitely hurt me again, but fortunately, I have a solid understanding of such things after many experiences in the past.

Looking at Wu Ye's face, Yi Tian replied with a relaxed face: "Patriarch, don't worry, my disciple has practiced both spells and physical skills, and he has also cultivated into the golden body of physical skills of the Buddhist sect. He is in awe of the catastrophe, but he doesn't care about it." Don't be afraid, you will try to cross the tribulation after you have cultivated these body techniques and secret methods to a certain level."

After hearing this, Wu Ye's face became a little more relaxed, and then he stretched out his left hand to take out a jade slip and put it aside, saying: "This is the method of breaking the ban, you can read its content, if there is anything you don't understand Ask me directly." After speaking, he closed his eyes again and sat up cross-legged in the formation.

Yi Tianyi reached out to the jade slip, opened it and read it directly. The first half of the jade slip described how to refine and depict the pattern.

From it, I learned that the inscription of the big formation that locked Wu Ye was "Hunyuan One Qi Sealing Spirit Formation". This kind of formation needs to be selected in a place with abundant spiritual power but chaotic. The large formation can isolate the banned people from absorbing the surrounding spiritual power. And constantly extract the true essence in its body to maintain the operation of the formation.

In the final analysis, this formation is to use the banned people as nourishment to confine people in turn. If things go on like this, after their spiritual power is exhausted, they will be completely locked in the formation and will never be able to escape.

Seeing this, Yi Tian's heart trembled. Seeing that Patriarch Wuye took a breath of air, in this space, under the environment of chaotic time and disordered spiritual power, Patriarch was trapped for tens of thousands of years and can still live alive until now. How powerful it must have been at its peak in Spring and Autumn.

As for how unbelievably strong the other half that captured Patriarch Wuye is, thinking that I might be an enemy of such a powerful person, my heart trembled, and the hand holding the jade slip trembled involuntarily up.

Patriarch Wuye opened his eyes and looked at Yi Tianhou and said with a cold snort, "Now you should have realized what ultimate fear is."

Mu Na nodded, but Yi Tian was thinking about another scene at this time. In fact, he was tricked by Wu Ye into boarding a pirate ship this time.After thinking for a while, he forced himself up and asked: "I don't know if the Patriarch has thought about the future countermeasures. In terms of strength, you are not as good as the one in the Upper Realm Lihuo Palace, and you have been imprisoned for tens of thousands of years. Afterwards, the strength of the two of you will be further and further apart."

Wu Ye raised his head and laughed loudly, then pointed at Yi Tian and said, "Okay, okay, it's rare that you are so frank and it suits my taste. As for the things you worry about in your heart, I can probably guess, but I have mine. The secret. What I can only reveal to you now is that in terms of strength, I am stronger than that hypocrite, and in terms of spirit, I still have a half core part here, as long as I meet him again, there is a way to assimilate him."

After finishing speaking, Yi Tian looked at him again and continued: "He is in Lihuo Palace, and there are no less than ten disciples and dead guards around him. My helpers deal with these people for me."

Yi Tian suddenly felt a coolness coming from his back, and it turned out that his sweat from being nervous wet his clothes.Then he stammered and asked, "So I am this powerful helper?"

Wu Ye said disdainfully with a corner of his mouth: "Don't elevate yourself too high, you will be lucky to be able to fight against Ji Xuanyuan for me after you advance to the fusion stage, as for the others, I will find some friends Come to help."

After hearing this, Yi Tian was relieved, but the thought of being an enemy of his own ancestor was not a taste, and it was the first time since his debut that he was looked down upon by others.

At the same time, Wu Ye also comforted him: "Don't underestimate yourself, Ji Xuanyuan is the young master of Lihuo Palace, and his cultivation has reached the middle stage of fusion. Unfortunately, it seems difficult for this kid to advance to the late stage, and in Lihuo Palace, that person Potential disciples have been suppressed under the control of the sect, and they showed signs of failure many years ago, and it is for your own good that I do not let you join the sect."

After hearing this, Yi Tian's expression changed a little, and then he quickly read through the contents of the jade slip before realizing that, in fact, with his own strength, he couldn't forcibly break the ban and let Patriarch Wu Ye get out of trouble .

But fortunately, after Nanming Lihuo refined the fourth grade, he could barely draw the formation pattern, and the method adopted by Patriarch Wuye was to make himself tamper with the formation pattern nodes.As long as the broken spirit patterns are carved on the nodes and run from point to surface to destroy the sealing formation, then Patriarch Wu Ye can forcibly cut off the connection with the sealing formation and escape by relying on his own strength.

The plan is good and what I have to do is not difficult, but at least the person who set up this formation was at least a monk or a higher cultivation level. With my cultivation base, I am afraid that if I touch the backlash, I will be directly killed by the formation. go.

Therefore, Yi Tian was also extremely cautious and evolved the method of how to portray the broken spirit pattern several times in his mind.

After half a day, I adjusted my state to the best, and then I turned to Patriarch Wuye and said, "I'm done, please Patriarch to guide the order of breaking the formation."

After hearing this, Wu Ye swept his eyes over Yi Tian, ​​then nodded in satisfaction and said, "Then let's start," he said, raising his right hand and showing the inner side of the shackles upwards to Yi Tian before saying: " I have already figured out the structure of this formation, and the distribution of its nodes is also well known. The nodes of the formation will shift every time, and now it is just above the shackles on my right hand, you can try to directly engrave the broken spirit pattern on it."

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his left index finger and tapped lightly on the shackles. After three breaths, several dense formations appeared on it, and a gleam of light flashed through, revealing the nodular patterns of the nail-sized area.

Yi Tian watched from the side and knew clearly that this was the guidance made by Patriarch Wuye, and the position of this light spot was not static, as the patterns slowly turned, the nodes moved at a speed that the naked eye might not be able to detect.

If it weren't for the strong spiritual sense, it would be hard to detect, but the problem that arises from this is that I am equivalent to depicting the broken spirit pattern on the moving manuscript.Yi Tian then took a deep breath and stretched out his right hand to sacrifice Nanming Lihuo, then closed his eyes and only relied on his divine sense to lock onto the formation pattern nodes.

Wu Ye nodded in satisfaction after seeing it, with a look of relief on his face, and then sat there with his right hand firmly waiting for Yi Tian's shot.

After a bright light flashed, I saw that ray of Nanming Lihuo pierced through the void and hit that node accurately, the entire sealing formation seemed to feel a trace of external invasion, it shook slightly, and then the formation pattern began to speed up.

At the same time, Yi Tian was outputting real fire with all his strength, gathered it into a bright line of fire, and quickly engraved the entire broken spirit pattern on the nodes of the array pattern.

After the last stroke was made, Yi Tiancai was relieved, Wuye, who was sitting in the middle of the closed formation, suddenly showed a gleam of joy on his face after finishing his work and preparing to take a rest: "You stay aside for a while, and wait for me to break through the formation with my luck." I'll take you out with me later."

After finishing speaking, he didn't care about other things, put his hands together in front of his chest and quickly formed a seal.A streak of spiritual power flowed out from Wuye's dantian, spinning rapidly in his body.Yi Tian hurriedly stood aside and stretched the protective cover to the maximum, only to see a spiritual power vortex suddenly appear with Wu Ye as the origin, absorbing the chaotic and disordered spiritual power coefficients around him.

Then I saw that Wuye had changed from a mortal to a qi-training monk directly. After less than three breaths, the aura on his body rose rapidly, crossed the foundation and entered the Jindan realm.After ten breaths, the golden core broke open to reveal a three-inch-sized Nascent Soul spirit body, which went straight from the dantian to the Niwan Palace.

The surrounding spirit patterns seem to have sensed, and after the coefficient is activated, they are rapidly absorbing the spiritual power from Wu Ye's body.

But seeing that he showed no fear, he made a seal with one hand and nodded towards the broken spirit pattern on the node and said: "broken".In an instant, cracks appeared starting from this point, and then the lines spread rapidly. When the next pattern node was broken, the entire large formation became more trembling.

It didn't take a moment for Wu Ye's cultivation to reach the next level, which was one level higher than Yi Tian's at this time, but Wu Ye's explosive momentum stopped after this.

Yi Tian looked at Wu Ye who had entered the stage of transforming gods and asked: "Did the ancestor only restore his cultivation to the stage of transforming gods?"

After listening, Wu Ye nodded and said: "The spiritual power in this world is thin, and it is already the limit to restore the cultivation base to the stage of transformation, but it is enough to forcibly open the void passage, breaking the boundary and ascending. You are lucky, you can have the opportunity to observe The process of one ascension has always been of great benefit to your own ascension in the future."

Yi Tian was overjoyed, just as Patriarch Wuye said that opportunities are absolutely rare, and it is really a good thing that happens once in a lifetime for him.

Afterwards, under the violent shaking of the surrounding spiritual seal formation, after a few sounds of 'Ka Ka Ka', the chains on Patriarch Wu Ye's body fell off in response.

After getting out of trouble, Wu Ye let out a cold snort at the corner of his mouth, stretched out his hand and raised a flame towards the void in front of him. After the flame flashed by, Yi Tian saw a four-foot gap in the space of the cage in front of him.

With the sound of "Let's go", the two rushed out of it one after the other to the outside world.After flying out, Yi Tian found that he had come up from the bottom of the sea eye vortex.

At this time, the place where the two of them were standing was not far from the sky above the sea eye vortex.Patriarch Wuye looked up at the sky, then turned around and said: "I have already taught you all the exercises and secret techniques of the Lihuo Palace. I hope you can ascend to the spirit world within a thousand years."

Then he took out a piece of jade pendant and gently sent it to Yi Tian, ​​saying: "When you enter the upper spirit world, activate this jade card, and at the same time I will sense your arrival, and then I will look for you."

Yi Tian stretched out his hand to go to the jade tablet, and then scanned it with his divine sense, and found the spiritual power contained in it, he thought to himself: "The things in the upper spirit world are really extraordinary."

Patriarch Wuye then said: "There is a magic spell of mine in this jade card, which can be used to save life, but it only has the power of one blow. I hope you can make good use of it. I have to go, see you in the spirit world."

After speaking, he raised his head and looked up at the sky, and then raised his hands together to sacrifice a spiritual light to strike directly into the void, and the entrance of a void passage appeared in front of him in an instant.Afterwards, under the aura of the whole body, he covered one end of his body and submerged into the void passage. After his figure completely entered, the aura of the passage flashed and closed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

(End of this chapter)

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