
Chapter 817

Chapter 817
Flying alone on the assault boat over the Demon Sea, Yi Tian looked for the black turtle that was waiting near the vortex of the sea eye since Patriarch Wu Ye broke through the boundary and ascended.

After letting go of his divine thoughts, he discovered that his divine thoughts could cover a radius of thousands of miles.But after scanning it again, there was no trace of the black turtle, so there was no free mount, so I had to drive the assault boat by myself instead.

Fortunately, since Patriarch Wu Ye's ascension, the dark clouds above the sea eye vortex have dissipated, and the golden sun shines directly from the sky on the sea surface, dispelling the fog within a thousand miles around this side.

In this way, Yi Tian directly took out Luo Geng, the corona, and could easily determine his position according to the orbit of the sun.Afterwards, he took out the sea chart and made gestures on it to identify the direction of the return journey, and then set off on the assault boat and headed back.

It is also thousands of miles away from the sea eye vortex to the deserted island where Tianya Haige is located. Fortunately, this road is considered peaceful, and no high-level sea beasts have been seen.During the period, there were a few sixth-level deep-sea tiger-toothed sharks that appeared on the edge of the divine sense, and Yi Tian didn't want to cause more troubles, so he let go of the spiritual pressure on his body.

The spiritual pressure fluctuations of the monks in the late Yuanying period spread thousands of miles away, directly frightening the sea beasts, and then they turned and swam in all directions.

The subsequent journey can be said to be smooth sailing, but the long-term driving of the flying boat Yitian could not get effective supplies, and the middle and high-level spirit stones in the storage bag were basically used up.There are only a lot of low-grade spirit stones and a few super-grade spirit stones left.

Naturally, these super-grade spirit stones can be used for other purposes, so Yi Tian had no choice but to show the Asura statue along the way and free up five hands to continuously absorb the spiritual power from the low-grade spirit stones.

Although the supply of spiritual power was not much, it finally lasted for a while and successfully arrived at the deserted island of Tianya Haige.

When he set foot on the island again, Yi Tian first revisited the stone pavilion on the cliff, thinking about three people coming and going one by one, he couldn't help but sigh in his mouth.

It's only because of He Weiming's bad background, but Qian Lingzi has tampered with all the exercises he practiced, so that he easily drained his body's spiritual power.Moreover, the cultivation method left a fatal flaw in He Weiming's soul, and he had no resistance to Qian Lingzi's soul invasion.

Looking back, I found the cave where the ultra-long-distance teleportation array was located and went in to investigate. There was no trace of the teleportation array being activated again, which meant that Qian Lingyuan hadn't discovered the secrets in Kunwu Cave yet.

Although it is good news, Yi Tian has not seen any clues left by Patriarch Li Huo to return to Central Continent.

Thinking of this, I was speechless for a while, and had no choice but to hastily set up a fog circle outside the cave of the teleportation circle to hide the entire island.

After doing this, Yi Tian flew up to the sky again, took out the chart, positioned it with the sundial Luo Geng, and chose the opposite direction to fly.

After several months of flying, a white mist appeared in front of my eyes, and it was difficult to distinguish the direction soon after I penetrated into it.But at this time, Yi Tian's heart became hot, as if he had been here before, he couldn't help thinking that this was the border area of ​​the Demon Sea in the Wandao Sea Territory.

I also discovered the hinterland of the sect of Yunxiao Pavilion for the first time back then, so I no longer lost my mind and flew straight to the depths of the mist.

I remember that there was still a guardian sea beast in Yunxiao Pavilion back then, but I haven't seen it for many years, so I don't know if this guy still recognizes me.Fortunately, Qi Shanyun once left a jade card for controlling beasts, and Yi Tian took it out from the storage ring and tried to activate the jade card to summon sea beasts.

It's a pity that things backfired, after a full quarter of an hour, there was no sign of sea beasts in the surrounding area, Yi Tian also shook his head helplessly with a corner of his mouth.There are only a few possibilities for such a situation to occur, either the sea beast is too far away from him and has exceeded the range that the jade card can convey, or it is dying but this possibility is extremely small, or it was hunted and killed by a human monk go.

After putting away the jade card, Yi Tian had to go on the journey alone again. There were not many spirit stones left in the storage ring for a long time, and all the pills that could be eaten were used up. If this continues, he can only take those spiritual plants Baocai came and devoured it directly.

It has been a long time since Yi Tian flew from the whirlpool of the sea eye, finally found the place he was familiar with, restrained the fluctuation of spiritual pressure and galloped away in the sky.

After flying in the white fog for a few days, there seemed to be a transparent barrier a hundred miles ahead of the Shennian Tan, which was released, to isolate this sea area.

After being overjoyed in his heart, he secretly said: "That's right, there should be a barrier formed by Lihuo old clan and Wuxiazi old Taoist. As long as you break through there, you should be able to go out of the Demon Sea and return to the most chaotic area in the Endless Sea." , although there is still such a force as the Loose Cultivator Alliance, but now it can be easily destroyed in my own eyes."

After a while, Yi Tian came to the edge of the transparent barrier, and after a sweep of Yi Tianshen's mind, a smile appeared on his face. Most of the formations were laid in the depths of the seabed. As long as you dive down and find the foundation of the formation, you can open the gap and get in.

Thinking about it, Zhou Shen's blue aura flourished, and after more than doubling the protective shield, Yi Tian's figure fell vertically from the sky, and after a while, he dived headfirst into the sea.

The depth of this sea area is as much as [-] miles. After diving for a hundred feet, there is no light around. Fortunately, I have also experienced naval battles in the depths of the South China Sea, so I am not surprised by this at all.He reached out and took out a few night pearls and flicked them towards the water below.

Several bright lights streaked across the deep sea, illuminating the surrounding area of ​​more than ten feet, and those deep-sea fishes immediately scattered and swam away when they saw the sudden bright light.

Yi Tian fell to the bottom of the sea so easily, and then easily found the base of the enchantment in the depths of the coral reef by virtue of his years of formation formation.

After carefully inspecting the spirit patterns on the base of these formations, I found that they are all the patterns of the spirit patterns on Tianlan Continent. It seems that the level of these formations is not much higher, but the wide range of layout should be regarded as giant of fog.

It may be that the materials for the formation are costly, and Lihuo Laozu and Wuxiazi couldn't find enough materials back then, so they had to settle for the next best thing and give up using the formation of the spirit world.

After finding the node, Yi Tian hurriedly took out the formation-breaking awl, found a weak node near the base of the formation, raised it lightly, and pierced the awl into it.

The enchantment that was as transparent as a cicada's wing was only shaken symbolically, and then a two-foot-sized breakthrough was propped up by the formation breaking awl.

Turning around later, he put away the formation-breaking awl again before slowly swimming toward the sea.


The north-south division of the Wandao sea area has maintained a pattern of three north, six middle schools and one south for thousands of years.The Xuesha Grotto in the south, the City of Providence in the north, and the area around the Demon Sea occupied by the Loose Cultivation Alliance in the west formed a balanced situation.

However, Zi Wushang, the lord of Tianyi City, fell for no reason hundreds of years ago, which greatly reduced the strength of Tianyi City.Although Mu Yunyan, a newly promoted Nascent Soul cultivator, joins in with the third palace lord Lan Bing, but the second palace lord Huang Wanting is always at odds with them.

In the next hundred years, the young palace lord Ziyuan broke the alchemy and became an infant, although the number of Nascent Soul monks in Tianyi City increased to four, but the strength of the two Nascent Soul mid-stage monks was still not as good as Zi Wushang's.

Huang Wanting also didn't want to meddle in mundane affairs. In addition, she was seriously injured in the Battle of Yin Corpse Island many years ago, so after returning to the sect, she also lived in seclusion and entrusted the power factor to her junior sister Lan Bing.

However, the three monks at the early stage of Nascent Soul were unable to deter the originally huge sea area. Those loose forces that were originally attached to Tianyi City gradually turned to the Blood Fiend Cave. As time went on, rumors spread that Tianyi City was not as powerful as before.

In the following time, the Xuesha Grotto even connected with the Loose Cultivation Alliance and began to further erode the sphere of influence of Tianyi City.Until now, its actual control area has been reduced to half of its original size, and all the sects in these divided territories have been integrated by the Xuesha Grotto to become its subsidiary forces.

For a while, the strength of Xuesha Grotto leapt above Tianyi City in the sea area of ​​Ten Thousand Islands, and even the Loose Cultivation Alliance also gathered many Jindan monks. Controlled islands are harassed, invaded, differentiated and suppressed.

Decades later, these sects had no choice but to change their appearance and join the forces of the Sanxiu Alliance without the effective support of Tianyi City.It can be said that the current Tianyi City actually controls [-]% of the ten thousand islands sea area, but the places where government orders can be directly issued are limited to the northern islands and the surrounding area of ​​thousands of miles.

The current city lord Lan Bing and the young city lord Zi Yuan of Tianyi City seem unwilling to sit still, they actively contacted various vassal forces in private and promised a lot of benefits to tie them to the battleship of Tianyi City.

For this reason, various activities were held ingeniously to strengthen communication. Today, a high-level auction happened to be held in the largest auction center in the city on the main island of Tianyi City.

The host of this auction is Tianyi City's Young Palace Master and newly promoted Nascent Soul cultivator Zi Yuan, and beside her are Mu Yunyan and Lan Bing.It can be said that this auction has drawn all the Nascent Soul cultivators that Tianyi City can dispatch at present.

Most of the crowd who came to join in the crowd were mid-to-late Jindan cultivators who originally belonged to the mid-sized sects of Tianyi City, and some Nascent Soul loose cultivators who came here specially to join in.

After the auction started, Ziyuan brought out several kinds of resources and treasures unique to Tianyi City, stirring up the atmosphere of the entire auction hall.

The entire auction process was carried out in an orderly manner, and of course there were unexpected episodes.From time to time, the VIP room on the far side of the second floor of the auction site will directly participate in the auction with a price exceeding [-]% of the auction item.

Fortunately, this person also targeted some precious materials and spiritual plants, but ignored the finished spiritual tools and elixirs.

After a few rounds, the three Nascent Soul cultivators let it go, as long as it wasn't malicious bidding that disturbed the atmosphere of the auction house.

But Tianyi City will not deliberately suppress anyone who abides by the rules.

The three city lords were chatting and laughing in the most central box, and they did not analyze the current situation during the period.Suddenly, an extremely strong spiritual pressure fluctuation suddenly descended from the sky, as long as a monk with a little knowledge can recognize that it is the spiritual pressure of monk Nascent Soul, and its strength is much stronger than that of the three city lords.

Needless to say, only the monks in the Blood Fiend Cave have such strength. Some timid monks at the auction on the spot were ready to get up and leave. It will become cannon fodder.

Lan Bing, who was sitting on the main seat, frowned, stood up and said solemnly, "Go out and see what they are here for?"

Mu Yunyan and Ziyuan also nodded in agreement, and the three female cultivators walked out of the room to the stands outside.Shaoqing's entire auction site was boiling, and many golden core monks in the assembly hall below could see three city lords appearing together at the same time.

Looking at the three of them, Lan Bingzai, dressed in a blue robe and counting hair in a bun, looks like a woman, but the face looks like a young woman in her 20s.

Behind her was Mu Yunyan in a blue shirt and floral dress. Because she was a newly promoted Nascent Soul cultivator of the City Lord's Mansion and seldom showed her face on weekdays, her appearance really surprised the people below for a while.

The young city lord Ziyuan in a purple robe was walking at the end. At this time, she was still dressed as a girl. Ever since the former city lord Zi Wushang fell, she had hidden her smile deeply. Appeared in the form of climbing.

The spiritual pressure fluctuations in mid-air suddenly changed, and then another stronger spiritual pressure spread out in an instant, swept all the people in the venue, and then subsided after three breaths.

Now everyone in the hall was blown up, and there was more than one here.Lan Bing's originally cold face showed a trace of uneasiness at this time, it would be difficult for He Tianxiong to deal with it, and his senior brother Jiang Tiancheng was even tougher, I'm afraid it would be bad if he didn't deal well with the comer and turn his face on the spot and affect the innocent up.

As the two auras slowly descended, Lan Bing hurriedly discussed countermeasures with the two people behind him via sound transmission.Suddenly, a rough voice came from the spiritual light and said: "Tianyi City is such a big show, today's prosperous old man should come to join in the show, I hope the city lord will forgive me for coming a little bit later."

But listening to his tone, there is no half ashamed meaning, and it is completely provocative. Lan Bing and the three know that the arrogance is in full swing at this time, but they are unable to face it head-on because of their lack of strength. They can only wait for Huang Wanting to come out here. Only when we come together can we fight against each other.

It was He Tianxiong who said this, so Lan Bing couldn't keep silent any longer, everyone had already hit the door, if he didn't take the initiative to attack, the suzerain elders of the vassal forces below might have two hearts.

Immediately, Lan Bing stepped forward and bowed to the two people who were in the twilight: "The presence of the two fellow Taoists of the Blood Fiend Sect to participate in this auction really made the city of Heaven's Will shine. The two enter the VIP seats."

After speaking, he turned his head and ordered his subordinates to let out the Tianzi No. [-] room, and went up to invite He Tianxiong and Jiang Tiancheng to sit directly.

(End of this chapter)

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