
Chapter 818

Chapter 818
At the auction in Tianyi City, the sudden arrival of He Tianxiong and his brother Jiang Tiancheng from the Blood Fiend Cave to the Shunjiang River made the atmosphere at the scene strange.After the two sat down in the VIP room, He Tianxiong said in a deep voice: "Since it is an auction, please bring up the auction items, so that I can open my eyes and see the strength of Tianyi City."

After Lan Bing heard this, the grim expression on his face became more and more dignified. It was definitely not a good idea for these two people to come here uninvited this time.And it seems that they will definitely interfere with the next auction, but they don't know how to disrupt the auction.

While urging the servants to continue the auction, the other half summoned Huang Wanting again to urge her to come.Facing two monks in the mid-stage Nascent Soul and three early-stage Nascent Souls, they could barely maintain an evenly matched situation. Only the four of them could work together to overwhelm each other.

But Huang Wanting seemed to have not responded after receiving the summons, which had to make Lan Bing feel dissatisfied with her.Although there is some grievance between the teachers and sisters, there is only a chance of winning when the enemy is united.

The host below is Lan Bing's younger sister, Lan Haidie, who was urged by the city lord to bite the bullet and start the auction of the next item.Only a crisp voice shouted: "The next auction item, the Ningshen Guiyuan Pill refined by the high-level alchemist of Tianyi City, is especially effective for monks in the late stage of Jindan. The base price is 80 spirit stones, and the price will increase every time No less than [-]. Please bid.”

To be honest, the reserve price of 80 yuan for this bottle of Ningshen Guiyuan Pill is reasonable. If the auction reaches 120 million yuan under normal circumstances, it will be a proper thing.

But as soon as Lan Haidie's words fell, he heard He Tianxiong's bid from VIP Room No. 80: "The old man offered [-]."

Just one sentence made all the people who wanted to bid shut up, and the cultivator who had some good things showed a look of hopeful expression on his face, and turned his head to look at VIP No. [-] and No. [-] rooms.

These elixirs were useless to Yuanying cultivator, but since He Tianxiong made a move, none of the people present dared to disobey his pride.

At this time, the foreheads of Lan Bing and the other three were also deeply wrinkled. They knew that He Tianxiong was a brother who was not kind, but they didn't expect them to be so impatient that they would directly attack.

Although what they have done is disgusting, they are also fair and aboveboard. The bid is not an indiscriminate trick, and it is a conspiracy to suppress people.I'm afraid that as long as they bid for the next auction, no one will bid again.

The three girls discussed with each other through sound transmission in private, after which Lan Bing directly took out the communication jade token and informed the younger sister who was in charge of the auction below.Next, the reserve price of the second auction item was directly raised by [-]%. In this way, even if all of Tianyi City was auctioned off by He Tianxiong, he would still be able to make a profit, and would not lose money if the price was lowered.

After bidding for the next two items, He Tianxiong seemed to have sensed something, and later he said in a deep voice: "City Master Lan, don't you all bid? If this is the case, the old man will be impolite and want to make a round. However, the Loose Cultivation Alliance There will also be an auction next month, so please ask the city lord to send people to support us."

Such a naked slap in the face made Lan Bing's face suddenly show a trace of anger, but after three breaths, he regained his composure and replied directly: "Since it was invited by fellow Daoist He, I will definitely come to the door to support you in person next time, as for the next auction here It’s good to continue, if Fellow Daoist He wants to buy it, he will stop it, and Fellow Daoist can do as he sees.”

The conversation between the two was completely open-ended, and the monks below listened to it, and there were meaningful expressions on their faces.Although the Blood Fiend Grotto came to smash the market, Tianyi City seemed not to be outdone. Although it would not lose money, the purpose of holding this auction was defeated.

On the other hand, although He Tianxiong seemed to have been taken advantage of, he messed up the auction. He was afraid that the things he bid here would appear in the auction held by the Loose Cultivation Alliance later.

He Tianxiong just worked as a porter, and he will raise the price even more.

After the two finished talking, the blue sea butterfly below took out another auction item and said: "There is only one copy of the sixth-grade red crystal sand, a treasure unique to Tianyi City, with a reserve price of 200 million spirit stones, and each bid should not be less than five." Wan Lingshi, please congratulate the suzerain to bid."

It is estimated that Lan Haidie was angry after being disturbed by He Tianxiong, so after introducing the auction items, he directly challenged the other party in the direction of VIP No. [-] room.

There was no sound in the venue at this time, and the many monks who sat down in the main venue focused their eyes on the two VIP rooms in the middle of the second floor, as if they were waiting for their next response.

Suddenly, a discordant voice came out from the private room on the second floor: "210 million."

The sudden sound of bidding directly broke the silence, and at the same time successfully attracted the attention of everyone present. Some good-natured people kept muttering, "This is a good show to watch."

At this time, the three of Lan Bing sat in the private room and faced such a sudden change, they still couldn't guess who was in the private room who dared to disturb the tiger's whiskers in the blood evil cave.But this is a good thing for Tianyi City, at least it successfully distracted He Tianxiong's attention.

Sure enough, after three breaths, He Tianxiong's bidding voice came again: "210 million, this fellow Taoist should think about how to bid next."

But in the face of He Tianxiong's blatant provocation, a bid was heard from the room without hesitation: "300 million."

In such a scene, there were several whispering voices again, and everyone was secretly inquiring about who the Holy Spirit was.

Not long after, a maid rushed to the box of the three of Lan Bing and handed a jade slip to the city lord for review.After ten breaths, the three of them looked at the jade slips invited by the VIP, and all of them showed doubts on their faces. This private room was originally reserved for Taoist Youming, but this person is only a late-stage Jindan monk and he was only a casual cultivator. Dare to challenge He Tianxiong head-on, this courage is definitely commendable, but I don't know how the other party will face the furious He Tianxiong next.

Just as he was thinking, suddenly He Tianxiong's voice came out again: "Fellow Daoist Nether really needs this thing, I hope you can do it yourself." At this time, it was obvious that there was a third of anger in his voice, and the intention of threatening was also very obvious , so that all the monks sitting below couldn't help but sweat for this Youming Taoist.

It is estimated that if He Tianxiong hadn't been worried about turning his face directly on the Tianyi City's territory, he would have violently exploded on the spot.

I didn't expect that He Tianxiong would give up like this. Just when everyone thought that the matter was over for a while, another sneer came from the VIP room in the corner: "He Daoyou, your skills may not have improved in the past so many years, but the skill of talking is really good." Much better than it was back then.”

As soon as this remark came out, the whole scene became chaotic. Those who dared to reply to He Tianxiong were either really crazy, or they were the same existence.

The three of Lan Bing sitting in the No. [-] VIP room also had a bright face at this time. They seemed to have known each other from their accents, but they couldn't guess the exact identity of each other for a while.Suddenly, Ziyuan's eyes turned red and she turned her head to look at Mu Yunyan and asked, "Is it that person?"

The latter just nodded his head slightly with a puzzled look on his face, Zi Wushang was defeated by him back then, and later heard that he returned to Zhongzhou, but he didn't know why he reappeared here after so many years.

If it is said that this person is responsible for the current situation in the Wandao sea area, Mu Yunyan slightly moved her lips and said, "When did you come back, fellow Daoist Yi?"

"Passing by Guibao place to join in the fun on a whim, I didn't expect to encounter such a disappointing thing," said another lazy voice from the corner.

A simple sentence revealed his identity, so He Tianxiong just opened his mouth and replied: "Boy Yi, you still dare to come back, you messed up the campaign to siege the flying female corpse, and now she is helpless like a maggot attached to the bone in the Wandao sea area." For the eradication, these responsibilities should be borne by you. You are also directly related to the downfall of fellow Taoist Zi Wushang, and you, the public enemy of the Ten Thousand Islands Sea Territory, dare to show up again. I am really impatient."

When He Tianxiong told the truth about the year, the whole scene boiled. I didn't expect the people in this private room to be such terrifying existences. All of a sudden, those low-level Jindan cultivators made random pictures. Hastily moved towards the other half, and some people took advantage of the chaos to exit directly through the side door.

This auction house has now become a place of right and wrong, and I am afraid that these Nascent Soul monks will fight if they disagree with each other, and they can only be cannon fodder if they stay. In their eyes, low-level monks can be destroyed like ants.

Suddenly Yi Tian's voice came again: "Huang Wanting, have you been waiting outside for so long, do you want to fight here so that you can reap the benefits of fishing?"

After speaking, I saw a ray of golden light descending from the sky in the center of the auction house, and the real body of Huang Wanting, the second palace lord of Tianyi City, appeared in the escaping light.At this time, she looked helplessly at the second floor and then said to He Tianxiong, "Fellow Daoist of the Blood Fiend Cave, can I invite the two of you to avenge my brother?"

Before He Tianxiong could reply, a ray of blood flew out of the box and landed beside her. After three breaths, Jiang Tiancheng's figure appeared, and then he pointed to the box where Yi Tian was, and said, "Boy, you plotted against my child, you hurt him In the end, even the Nascent Soul was turned into a corpse by switching to the Corpse Dao Kung Fu, so we should settle this account properly."

Then he stretched out his hand across the five bloody marks and pushed aside the outer wall of the private room. After three breaths, the inside of the private room was revealed. At this time, Yi Tian was sitting on the seat with a jug and wine glass in his hand with a relaxed expression. Use your own discretion.

Seeing such a situation, there was not the slightest bit of timidity on his face, but instead he looked at Jiang Tiancheng and Huang Wanting and said: "I have long guessed that Huang Wanting has an inexplicable relationship with Xuesha Cave. I thought it was He Tianxiong's best friend. It was only when I learned about Jiang Shuai from him that I thought of you. Speaking of which, you are the ones behind the manipulation of the Wan Dao Sea Territory, but it is a pity that I, a passer-by, exposed it."

After hearing this, Huang Wanting's face changed and she couldn't refute for a while, but Jiang Tiancheng said carelessly: "So what if you know, today I will avenge my son, and if I don't tear you to pieces, I will never get rid of the hatred in my heart. "After finishing speaking, he took out the spiritual weapon and sacrificed it in his hand, ready to do it.

Suddenly Yi Tian raised his head, looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "Jiang Tiancheng, I said that you are blinded by hatred, but your younger brother Lao He is more insightful than you." After speaking, he pointed to the wall of the No. Papi generally opened the wall.

At this time, He Tianxiong stood in the room with a solemn face, stared at Yi Tian for a few breaths, and then said a few difficult words: "The five-hundred-year-old monk of the late Nascent Soul, in the Ten Thousand Islands Sea, is not Tianlan Continent. It is also unique in existence.”

After speaking, he teleported directly to Jiang Tiancheng's right side, and the three of them took out their spiritual weapons and sacrificed them in their hands, waiting for them in a glyph formation.

An invisible pressure came from Yi Tian's body and directly collapsed the whole house.After the six auras flew out, they formed two groups facing each other high in the sky, but their attention was all focused on a cyan aura not far from the sky.

I saw that the blue light was completely restrained after a flash, and the spiritual pressure fluctuations emitted after wrapping the figure inside were like an ordinary foundation-building monk.

It's just that no one can underestimate the existence in front of him, and He Tianxiong exclaimed in amazement: "Back to the basics, you have practiced to such a degree, who are you?"

"Back to the basics, it's still a little short of time, but you should be able to reach that level in at most 200 years. I'm not mistaken. He Tianxiong, you are indeed the most discerning among these people, so you should know the consequences of staying. What is it? I have no intention of disrupting the balance of forces in the world, and you still have three breaths to think about it," Yi Tian's breath suddenly changed after speaking, and then the spiritual pressure fluctuations were instantly dispersed.

Taking the position where Yi Tian was standing as the origin, an extremely sharp wind rose suddenly, and the wind mixed with spiritual power formed a small tornado, and then quickly eroded towards the area where Jiang Tiancheng and the three were located.

When He Tianxiong saw this, a resolute expression appeared on his face, and then he turned around and galloped away towards the distance.His actions directly aroused the curse of his senior brother, but after three breaths, when the strong wind blew directly on Jiang Tiancheng and Huang Wanting, they felt that He Tianxiong's decision was extremely wise and decisive.

In this world, it seemed that the surrounding spiritual power was cut off by the wind, and then after Yi Tian's figure flashed, a cyan sword light flashed in his hand, and then rushed directly through the wind and attacked the two of them.

Jiang Tiancheng is also a fierce man who has been famous for a long time. Seeing this situation, he clapped his hands together and took out a one-foot-sized flywheel. After spitting out a ball of blood, it turned into a bloody light that directly attached to it, and then went straight to meet the attacking blue light. go.

There was a crisp sound in the air, and only a "click" was heard, and the blue light cut the bloody gun that was attacking in front of him like cutting tofu into two.Immediately afterwards, a gleam of green light flashed in Jiang Tiancheng's figure, and then a bloody light escaped from the top of his head. into two halves.

Before Huang Wanting could react, she saw her Taoist partner fall in front of her. Just as Ji Ling was about to make a move, a voice came from the wind: "Have you ever thought about today, I was just doing it for Qi Shanyun?" Senior cleans up the house, Zi Wushang has done a lot of evil, and you, Huang Wanting, are also an accomplice. Originally, I just wanted to kill the culprit, but I didn't expect you to jump out this time and want to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, so no wonder I am."

After speaking, he stretched out his hand and pointed, the blue light hit Huang Wanting again, and after a short breath, it galloped past him, and even the Nascent Soul was split into two without even getting out of it in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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