
Chapter 819 Entanglement

Chapter 819 Entanglement
In the sky above Tianyi City, violent spiritual pressure fluctuations were suddenly counted and dispersed. At this time, the city below was already full of onlookers. Almost all the monks present witnessed the death of the two Nascent Soul monks on the spot.

These people now have mixed worries and joys on their faces, Jiang Tiancheng, the number one expert in the Blood Fiend Cave, is not even that person's all-in-one enemy.But before that He Tianxiong actually turned around and left after a few words, ignoring the situation here.

What's more, Huang Wanting, the first combat power in Tianyi City, who was cultivated in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, was instantly killed like Jiang Tiancheng. It is not known whether it is a blessing or a curse for such a big man to come to Tianyi City.

At this time, Yi Tian, ​​who was in the air, reached out and put away the storage rings and spiritual weapons of the two, then turned around and swept across the faces of Mu Yunyan and Ziyuan, who were not far away, with relaxed smiles. Lan Bing was directly ignored.

After Mu Yunyan collected herself, she realized that the person standing in front of her had become unattainable, and she was no longer the fellow Yi Daoist back then.Then he slowly flew forward and raised a blessing towards Yi Tian, ​​and thanked him: "Thank you, fellow daoist, for this shot, and now the title of the number one master in the Wandao sea area is well-deserved, fellow daoist."

"It's okay to have such a false reputation as the number one master. Jiang Tiancheng deserves to be blamed. His younger brother He Tianxiong is a man who understands current affairs. I have dealt with this person many years ago. In the future, Fellow Daoist Mu must deal with it carefully," Yi Tianbai Waving his hands with a look of disdain.

"Yunyan knows about this, I don't know why fellow daoists came this time, but will they stay here?" Mu Yunyan hurriedly asked.

In fact, this time passing by Tianyi City, Yi Tian also had no intention of planting willows, besides, he was robbed by a Jindan late-stage monk known as Youming Taoist on the way. That's all.

Afterwards, he found the invitation card for the auction in his storage ring, and then he came to participate on the spur of the moment.I didn't expect to meet He Tianxiong and Jiang Tiancheng to step on the field. I can only blame these two people for many years in the sea area of ​​Wandao, so they acted too arrogantly and got into trouble with me.

Immediately, Yi Tian sighed softly and told Mu Yunyan about the matter of Tianyunmen in Zhongzhou in detail, and a nervous expression appeared on the latter's face when he heard it.When he heard the news that the founder of Tianjizi had fallen and that Tianyunzi was trapped in the ancestral hall of Xingxing Mountain, a tear flashed from the corner of his eyes.

Knowing the relationship between her and Tian Yunzi, Yi Tian comforted her, and then told the story of how Xiao Linhang and his elite disciples went to Dongao to seek asylum from the Xuanyang Sect.

A thought flashed through his mind just now He Tianxiong could tell that his bone age was less than [-] years old, but in fact he didn't know how long he stayed in the prison space deep in the sea eye, and now he doesn't know the spiritual chaos between the day and the earth How long has the period passed.Then he directly changed the subject and asked, "Mu Daoyou, I don't know how many years we haven't seen each other?"

Mu Yunyan lowered her head and thought for a while, then stretched out two fingers and said: "This concubine first met a fellow Taoist in the Wandao sea area about 200 years ago. It's really gratifying to be able to surpass two steps in a row."

Yi Tian didn't take Mu Yunyan's compliments to heart at all, but silently counted the time in his heart, and later found out that it had actually only been nearly four or fifty years since he entered the depths of the vortex sea eye.And the chaos of time and space caused the time spent after fighting Luo Que and Qian Lingzi at the bottom of the abyss and staying in that prison space for at least 50 years.

Unexpectedly, the passage of time in this process is four or five times that of the outside world, but my own bone age has not actually increased, which is an interesting phenomenon.After a while, I sorted out my mood and replied lightly: "Without him, it's just some chance, but I'm a little surprised that the Taoist friend was promoted to Yuanying and became a part of Tianyi City, maybe it's because the homeland is hard to leave .”

At this point, Mu Yunyan's face became a little more relaxed, and she asked again later: "You Daoist Yi seems to have passed by here unintentionally this time, why don't you go down to Tianyi City to rest for a while so that the younger sister can be a bit of a landlord?" Friendship."

After sweeping his eyes over the blue ice and Ziyuan in the distance, Yi Tian shook his head with interest and said, "Thank you, fellow Taoist Mu, for your kindness. I'm just a passer-by, and I've already got involved with Wandao sea area a lot. Now that I'm At this level, I don’t want to meddle in the entanglement between sect forces in the world anymore. Besides, I still have important matters to return to Central Continent as soon as possible.”

Seeing that Yi Tian didn't want to stay with Mu Yunyan for a long time, he didn't do much to keep Mu Yunyan, but took out a few materials and put them in a storage bag, and then slowly sent them over, but said in his mouth: "Anyway, please accept this Bo Li, if you Daoist Yi can make a timely rescue this time, the division of forces in the Wandao sea area will produce unexpected results, and in any case, my Tianyi City will definitely be the big winner."

Yi Tian put his divine sense into the storage bag and checked it for a while, and then his face showed a little horror. Unexpectedly, Mu Yunyan really spent money, and the three treasures provided were all above the sixth-level intermediate level.Although I don't lack anything, it's not my style to eat for nothing.

Immediately with a smile on his face, he took out the Kuaiyu token, branded a set of patterns on it, and then raised a solid sword light to lock it into it.Later, he threw the jade card to Mu Yunyan and said: "This thing can be used three times, and it contains the three magic spells of Qianling Yaojian that I left behind. It can be regarded as a return gift for you." After finishing speaking, he put away his hand storage bag is ready to go.

Suddenly, the figure of Ziyuan in the distance flew forward and stared at Yi Tian for a long time before asking: "Brother Yi is really you?"

For such a little girl, Yi Tian also found it extremely difficult to deal with, but since she took the initiative to come forward and ignored him like this, it seemed a bit petty.It can be thought of that although his father Zi Wushang did not die at his own hands, in the final analysis it is still inseparable.

Moreover, He Tianxiong, an old boy, had made clear the reason early in the morning. At this time, he couldn't argue with his own words, and Mu Yunyan was also present at the time. In the end, Zi Wushang died at his hands, which can be regarded as a worthy death.

It's not difficult to get rid of this matter completely, but Yi Tian didn't want to cause too much damage to Zi Yuan's psychology, so he said lightly after thinking about it: "Congratulations, Fellow Daoist Zi, who has broken the alchemy into a baby, and will also be the suzerain in Tianyi City from now on." exists."

Just one sentence identified her identity. After hearing this, Ziyuan's eyes flashed with tears, and then she caught up and asked, "Is what He Tianxiong said true? My father died at your hands." of?"

This matter is the most terrible, Yi Tian has always been unwilling to face this matter directly, but now that the resource has brought it up, he can't allow himself to push it back.

Restraining the smile on his face, Yi Tian's complexion sank and he replied slowly: "I did show up when I was besieging Cui Zhenzhen, the flying female corpse, and I also reached an agreement with Cui Zhenzhen to ask her to drive the formation to separate me and your father. Teleport to the uninhabited sea."

"Why did you do this, Brother Yi? As far as I know, you will not simply act aimlessly. I know that my father has done many wrong things, but he is always my father. I hope you Can you give me a reasonable explanation," Ziyuan asked excitedly with a flushed face, regardless of how powerful the person in front of her was.

Sighing, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and pointed at Lan Bing beside him, and said, "You first ask her about your sect's history."

Lan Bing couldn't stand it for a long time and was ignored as soon as she came up. She also had a relationship with Yi Tian back then, but she didn't know that the gap between the two would widen so much after only 200 years. .

Later, Fei came forward and told Ziyuan everything about the Yunxiao Pavilion, and the latter realized that there were so many details in it.

Half a moment later, after Lan Bing had finished speaking, Yi Tiancai spoke again: "There was indeed a confrontation between your father and me on the uninhabited sea, and the answer is self-evident. But I can only tell you that I just defeated In the end, he was sucked into his demon soul streamer, but he died because of me, I cannot escape the responsibility for this matter, you can put this matter on my head."

After hearing this, Ziyuan's eyes burst into tears, and immediately fell into Lan Bing's arms and cried, but the way she looked at Yi Tian became more complicated.At this time, Mu Yunyan, who was on the side, suddenly interjected: "Zi Yuan, don't blame Yi Tian anymore, I was there at the time, your father Zi Wushang was defeated by Yi Tian and met my interception and finally failed to escape. The demon soul streamer that was refined was involved in it and fell on the spot."

"Why did you never tell me about Aunt Mu? Why did you kill my father?" Ziyuan asked with tears on the spot.

Lan Bing on the side also hastily echoed: "So, your purpose of joining Tianyi City needs to be further investigated. Is it because of guilt in your heart, or out of sympathy for my niece, or is there another purpose?"

Mu Yunyan just glanced at Lan Bing, then turned to Zi Yuan with a hesitant expression, but she couldn't say anything.

Unexpectedly, Yi Tian's words sounded: "Mu Daoyou is a descendant of Senior Qi, and also a disciple of your Yunxiao Pavilion. His master Zhongzhou Tianyunmen has a deep relationship with me. Yes. It’s a pity that being imprisoned by Zi Wushang for a hundred years wasted a lot of time, otherwise it would not be impossible to advance to the middle stage at this time, why should you put the blame on Fellow Daoist Mu.”

After looking at Lan Bing, Yi Tian showed a disdainful smile and said: "Fellow Daoist Mu advised me to carefully observe the reincarnated disciple of Yunxiao Pavilion. If he is not some vicious person, he can let him die. You and Huang Wanting They were originally on my must-kill list, but I was soft-hearted and stopped in time under the persuasion of Fellow Daoist Mu."

When Lan Bing heard these remarks, his expression became very ugly, with a look of deep fear on his face, but his skills were not as good as others, and his thoughts were useless.

And today, after all these things were clarified, Mu Yunyan might not be able to stay in Tianyi City. In the future, the huge Tianyi City can only be supported by her and Ziyuan.

After thinking about it, Lan Bing insisted on taking Zi Yuan to leave first, but unexpectedly, Zi Yuan asked Mu Yunyan, "Aunt Mu, do you hate my father very much?"

Mu Yunyan nodded helplessly, but kept silent and said nothing more.

Are the tears on Zi Yuan's face, the words of the two people in front of her are already very clear, and thinking of Mu Yunyan who has been by her side all these years, even if all the hatred in her heart disappears in an instant, I want to hate but can't hate it , want to love but can't face it.

After three breaths, his complexion changed and he couldn't control his emotions, and he was in pain again.But no matter how Lan Bing tried to persuade her, she couldn't calm down.

When Yi Tian saw it, his face darkened and he felt bored, then he packed up his things and prepared to leave straight away.

Suddenly a crisp voice called out: "Don't go, I have something to ask you?"

As soon as Ziyuan spoke, Yi Tian stopped immediately, and asked instead, "Tell me what's the matter?"
"Have you ever liked me?" Zi Yuan asked expectantly with red eyes.

Faced with such a question of love for children, Yi Tian suddenly felt dizzy, and didn't know how to respond.In fact, the journey with Ziyuan after I was exiled in the sea area of ​​Wandao was indeed the most memorable thing.

Immediately, he didn't say anything in his mouth, but in his mind, he recalled the situation when he got along with him back then, and a smile of reminiscence appeared on his face.

Just about to reply, Ziyuan suddenly said: "From your expression, I can see that you still have a crush on me. But what I want to say is that the journey since I met you was the best in my life Memories, I miss those years very, very much, even on the way to be hunted down, as long as I am with you, hiding in your arms, I will not be afraid of anything. I like you and I want to be your Taoist companion."

After Ziyuan said these words like a cannonball, the whole person's expression was relieved, as if he was finally relieved.Then he looked at Yi Tian with a flushed face, expecting an answer.

Lan Bing beside her also widened her eyes, looking at her niece in an unbelievable manner, as if starting to look at her again.

Mu Yunyan was also full of surprise. In her memory, Ziyuan had never expressed her inner thoughts so boldly to this day.Turning her head and glanced at Yi Tianhou with a playful look on her face, the situation was out of her control at this time, and in the end it was up to the two of them to choose.

Yi Tian was also a little dizzy. He thought that Ziyuan would at least feel disgusted with him, or would stop talking to him, no matter what kind of reaction he could handle.

But the current situation really made it difficult for him to ride a tiger. To be honest, he had a good impression of her during the short time he spent with her, but he was concerned that he had indeed caused Zi Wushang's downfall. a taste.

After thinking for a while, he replied: "You are still the little girl back then, and I am still the prodigal son of the cultivator back then. If you hadn't returned to Tianyi City back then, I would definitely have brought you back to Zhongzhou."

"It's not too late now, but as the Lord of Heaven's Will, I can't go back with you directly. I want a name and I'll go to Zhongzhou to find you later," Zi Yuan blurted out.

(End of this chapter)

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