
Chapter 820 Li Wei

Chapter 820 Li Wei
The auction in Tianyi City ended hastily after being interrupted by the two brothers He Tianxiong from the Blood Fiend Cave.In the end, this farce ended with the loss of one of the top fighters in Tianyi City and Xuesha Grotto.

But what shocked the entire Wandao sea area was the sudden news that Ziyuan, the young lord of Tianyi City, had ascended the throne on the second day of the auction.At the same time, another explosive piece of news came out that the Lord Ziyuan actually married an unknown monk.

And the dowry is the whole city of God's Will, and many monks started to inquire about the news without knowing it.As for the sect that originally participated in the auction, their attitude turned 180 degrees. After receiving the news, they directly sent people to Tianyi City with generous gifts to congratulate the Lord Ziyuan.

At the same time, as the other two major forces in the Wandao sea area, they each received a message from Tianyi City, asking them to directly submit to become a vassal force of Tianyi City.And re-divided the original sphere of influence, forming a situation of Tianyi City [-], Blood Fiend Cave [-], and Loose Cultivation Alliance [-].

After the news came out, there was an uproar immediately. On the site of the Blood Fiend Cave, Cui Zhenzhen, the flying female corpse, was hiding in it. As a result, the entire Blood Fiend Cave was forcibly compressed in its sphere of influence, and it was even more difficult than when Zi Wushang was in the past.

Unexpectedly, He Tianxiong from the Blood Fiend Cave retreated to practice after returning to the sect and no longer cares about common matters, but before retreating, he also ordered his son to have full authority to deal with the matters that he was about to face.

As one of the parties involved, it was his vision and resourcefulness that allowed him to return to the sect alive, and he could almost guess the ending of his senior brother Jiang Tiancheng. In the first place, there are gains and losses.

As for the Loose Cultivation Alliance, the news is the most closed. When they received the order from Tianyi City, they could hardly believe the terms listed above.Not only has the jurisdiction of the Loose Cultivation Alliance decreased, but even every ten years, it has to attack Tianyi City to attack valuable property.

And the power of Tianyi City has the right to arbitrarily select qualified talents within the sphere of influence of the casual repair alliance.

All kinds of harsh requirements are simply trying to squeeze the Loose Cultivation Alliance to pieces.As the leader of the alliance, Lu Baichuan was discussing this matter with many elders under him with the letter sent by Tianyi City in his hand.

The spies they sent out have not sent back the news from Tianyi City. For the time being, they only know that He Tianxiong and his brothers went to the auction on the day of the auction, but the result is unknown.

Because since that day, martial law has been adopted within thousands of miles of Tianyi City, and only entry is allowed but no exit is allowed. Many spies failed to send out valuable information even if they obtained valuable information.

Therefore, Lu Baichuan could only guess the variables there based on his experience, and there was no feedback from his ally Fang Xuesha Grotto, let alone He Tianxiong's plan and upcoming actions.

While the meeting of the Loose Cultivation Alliance was being held, suddenly some members rushed into the conference hall and reported that a warship from Tianyi City was found galloping towards Nishang Island, the hinterland of the alliance, near the Demon Sea.

The banner on the ship was the banner of Ziyuan, the new city lord of Tianyi City. All the elders of the Loose Cultivation Alliance present showed a look of fighting spirit on their faces. This time, someone rode on their heads. We must fight back.

Moreover, there have been new Nascent Soul cultivators joining the Loose Cultivation Alliance over the past few hundred years. Now there are three of them, including the leader Lu Baichuan.

Soon the Nascent Soul cultivators of the Loose Cultivation Alliance and a group of elders lifted off one after another and opened a defensive formation above Nishang Island to wait for this unexpected visitor.

Unexpectedly, the warship of Yi City stopped a hundred miles away from Nishang Island. Later, many monks flew out from the cabin and lined up on both sides. The man flew directly towards Nishang Island.

Seeing this, Lu Baichuan hurriedly took the two Nascent Soul cultivators on the left and right to fly forward to a mile in front of them, then stabilized his figure, and then shouted sharply: "Why did the Lord of Heaven violate my border? You must know that you and I have been here for 200 years. There is no big intersection, what is the intention of the two of you coming here?"

Mu Yunyan just smiled and didn't answer, but Ziyuan is now dressed as a woman and is wearing a newlywed red dress.Obviously, after the big wedding, they hurriedly set off overnight to surprise the Loose Cultivation Alliance.

But such a way of entrusting the big and daring to attack the crowd with less made Lu Baichuan feel a little bad.The so-called abnormality must have a demon, as these old monsters who have lived for hundreds of years, they became suspicious and secretly took precautions.

Later, Zi Yuan slowly opened her mouth and said: "The Loose Cultivator Alliance disrespects orders, and I am here today to punish you for the crime of disrespect. In the future, there will be no more Loose Cultivator Alliance in the Wandao Sea Area. They are all merged into Tianyi City."

These words came out from Zi Yuan's mouth, and they were reverberated within a hundred miles of the entire Nishang Island. All the monks on the island could hear these words clearly, as if they were broadcast directly to their ears. .

Ziyuan's soft migrating voice was like a thunderclap in the ears of the monks of the Loose Cultivation Alliance, and immediately aroused their emotions.

After hearing this, Lu Baichuan's face sank like water and he shouted in a cold voice: "City Master Zi, please don't tell a joke. I can take what happened today as a joke. As long as you retreat, I can forget the past."

Ziyuan frowned, showing a hint of displeasure on her face, and said to herself: "My husband is still right. If you don't deal with you old stubborn people, you really ignore my power and influence."

After speaking, he stretched out his hand and directly held out a fan with five-color feathers. Under the urging of spiritual power, the five real flames on it quickly rose up and turned into five young flames floating on the fan.

Lu Baichuan is an old monster who has lived for more than 500 years, and he still has eyesight.Looking at the true flames coming out of the feather fan in Ziyuan's hand, he knew that this thing was absolutely extraordinary, and then hurriedly sent a sound transmission to the Nascent Soul monks on both sides, and the three of them hurriedly sacrificed their spiritual energy to prepare to rush up.

I saw Ziyuan holding a feather fan and passing one by one mercilessly towards the three of them. Immediately, the five real flames gathered together and turned into a white flame, sweeping indiscriminately in front of them.

The color between the sky and the earth suddenly changed. Although the few people were fighting at high altitude, the sea below seemed to have felt the scorching fireworks. After a while, the sea water on the other side began to boil under the influence of it.

The surface of the sea water affected by the flames of the real fire instantly turned into a large amount of steam, covering this area in white mist.

After three breaths, a gust of wind blew through the white mist, revealing the situation inside. Three Nascent Soul cultivators from the Casual Cultivation Alliance were killed twice and injured one by Zi Yuan's move.The dead person was burnt to charcoal by the five-color divine flames before the Nascent Soul could even escape. The corpse fell vertically from the air to the sea surface, making two "plops", and disappeared after splashing about Zhang Xu's waves.

But Lu Baichuan, who wanted to escape, still had a cluster of flames on his back that had not been extinguished, so he reluctantly withdrew forcibly and wanted to return to the formation of the Loose Cultivator Alliance first.

Seeing this, Ziyuan held up the feather fan in her hand again, then nodded towards Lu Baichuan who was flying away, and said in her mouth: "Burning."

Immediately, the five-color divine flames on Lu Baichuan's body burned violently, turning him into a burning man. After less than ten breaths, Lu Baichuan's body could not maintain the air, and he fell vertically with a head.

In this way, Ziyuan, the new city lord of Tianyi City, showed his supernatural power and wiped out the Nascent Soul monks of the Casual Cultivation Alliance with one enemy and three.After that, all the monks in Tianyi City, who were watching the battle, surrounded Nishang Island of the Loose Cultivation Alliance without deliberately ordering.

Under the mighty display of the city lord, the people under his command also began to act desperately like chicken blood.After the Loose Cultivator Alliance lost its backbone, a group of Golden Core cultivators under it suddenly lost their size. In addition, the monks on the side of Tianyi City couldn't bear it long ago, and rushed to disperse the formation of the Loose Cultivator Alliance.

Next, under the leadership of many Jindan disciples of Tianyi City, the army of Tianyi City directly broke through many defensive circles of the Loose Cultivation Alliance like a sharp knife.

The ensuing battle was completely one-sided, and those sect cultivators who had been vicious against Tianyi City on weekdays also put in all their strength, and all the disciples under them were as fierce as dragons and tigers.

The biggest advantage of fighting this kind of downwind battle is that no matter how strong you are, you will always get a piece of the pie in the end, and you can also show off in front of the new city lord. You may rise to the sky once you get the favor of the disciples of Tianyi City.

Now Tianyi City is unstoppable in the sea area of ​​Wandao, so all the affiliated sects are eager to have some relationship with Tianyi City.With such a powerful Nascent Soul elder clan as the backstage, even the Blood Fiend Cave retreated and shrank within a thousand miles of his sect's influence.From now on, as long as you can plant the banner of Tianyi City, you can walk sideways in the sea area of ​​Wandao.

The power of the Sanxiu Alliance was broken by the swarming monks of Tianyi City after a little resistance. Even the defensive formation on Nishang Island was pierced through the protective shield after receiving a volley of artillery from the battleship. .

Soon the monks in Tianyi City surrounded the treasury of the Loose Cultivation Alliance and the Hall of Chuangong, and the rest was to carefully screen out those diehards.As for the low-level disciples, as long as they have some qualifications, they will be collectively collected for future use.

At this time, Ziyuan returned to the main cabin above the warship, sat cross-legged in the middle, and began to slowly exercise and practice the five Vulcan fans.According to his Yuanying's initial cultivation base, it is completely impossible to move the magic fan smoothly, but there is a trace of white real flames on his Yuanying's body, as if it was planted in his body.

Ziyuan relies entirely on this ray of flames to move the five Vulcan fans, but there are only two fans.Moreover, after using it, the spiritual power in the whole body seems to be emptied, and it is necessary to quickly recover through meditation and exercise.

But the advantage is that after such an actual combat treasure fan, the spiritual power in the body will be exhausted, and the cultivation base will increase by one point after the next practice.Ziyuan's current stage goal is to be able to control this spiritual weapon completely autonomously, and there will still be many disputes waiting for her in the Wandao sea area in the future.

At this time, Yi Tian was not by Ziyuan's side, and Ziyuan showed his heart during the battle in Tianyi City, which really made Yi Tian feel embarrassed.In the end, he had no choice but to accept her, and even took out all the spirit weapons he had raised in his dantian and gave them to her as body protection spirit weapons.

After doing all this, Yi Tian didn't want to stay any longer, but left the jade token for communication and quietly left Tianyi City alone.

Before returning to Tianlan Continent, Yi Tian felt that it was necessary to meet the flying female corpse Cui Zhenzhen again.Although her sphere of influence has not been intentionally expanded, her long-term cultivation is still there.

Back then, I wasn't afraid of her very much, but now that I have reached the late stage of Nascent Soul, I can even stabilize her.So Yi Tian made up his mind and flew towards the defense line of Yushi Island alone.

They didn't encounter any obstacles along the way. After entering the range of Yushi Island, they found that the sinister corpses around the island seemed to have changed, and the environment along the way was not completely lifeless.

When he flew to the sky above Yushi Island, he was about to use the spirit art to hide his body and sneak in quietly, when suddenly a voice came out of his ear and shouted: "Since this fellow Taoist is here, why should you be sneaky?"

Seeing that his whereabouts were exposed on the spot, Yi Tian didn't feel annoyed, he just said to the Yin Corpse Island below after practicing, "The lord of the Lihuo Sect, Yi Tian, ​​came to pay homage to the mountain. Cui Zhenzhen, we haven't seen each other for a long time."

A little later, a black-red ray of light quietly flew out from the defensive formation below, skimmed through the air and stopped not far in front of him.

When the light dissipated, the figure of Cui Zhenzhen, the flying female corpse, was revealed. At this time, her strength had made great progress compared with that of the past, but in Yi Tian's eyes, her cultivation base improved a little faster in comparison.

Moreover, Nanming Lihuo is his natural nemesis, and he is already invincible based on this alone, not to mention the various esoteric powers he has cultivated over the years can easily overwhelm the opponent.

After Cui Zhenzhen stabilized his figure, he stood still in the air and looked surprised and said, "You bastard, how can you improve your cultivation so fast? You're almost like my old lady."

Yi Tian curled his lips and replied disdainfully: "Look at it more clearly, it should be stronger than you."

After Cui Zhenzhen took a closer look, a little irritability appeared on his face, and then he put his left hand on his waist and stretched out his right hand to point at Yi Tiandao: "You boy, I helped you to send Zi Wushang out, so he must have lost It's in your hands."

"To each other, we were mutually beneficial back then. I want to find Yunxiao Rebel and you want to take over the besieged. It's all about cooperation between the two. I don't take advantage of you," Yi Tian replied without giving in.

"Then you made a special trip to visit my mother today, let alone to say thank you," Cui Zhenzhen also pouted, "I heard that both Jiang Tiancheng and Huang Wanting died at your hands."

"You are well-informed," Yi Tian was not surprised at all. A monk like her seems to be entrenched in the sect and cultivated secretly. In fact, her eyeliner should be spread all over the sea area of ​​Wandao. If you say that this intelligence network is no better than God's will How much is the city difference.

(End of this chapter)

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