
Chapter 821

Chapter 821
Cui Zhenzhen, the flying female corpse, discovered Yi Tian's infiltration in the sky above Yushi Island for the first time, and later the two directly confronted each other at high altitude.

After Yi Tian glanced at the other party, he was also surprised to find that the corpse energy around her was much stronger than that of 200 years ago. To be honest, although he restrained the other party with the attribute of kung fu, it was not a matter of how much he could overwhelm the other party. Learned.

Later, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, he turned to Cui Zhenzhen and shouted: "Speaking of which, we can only fight directly in the cave in the group of tombs. At that time, your cultivation base was one level higher than mine, and I was forced to rely on Nanming Lihuo." A tie with you."

Cui Zhenzhen asked suspiciously: "Then why did you come this time? Do you want to get back the old place?"

"I have such an idea, but I still have some things to discuss with you, but that will be discussed after you accept my move," after speaking, he stretched out his hand and prepared to sacrifice Nanming Lihuo.

Unexpectedly, Cui Zhenzhen covered his mouth with a smile and said: "You have already reported your name, my Great Suzerain. Knowing that your natal Zhenhuo is my nemesis, you are clearly bullying others, so it is unnecessary."

When she said so, Yi Tian also felt that he was suspected of bullying others. Even if he beat Cui Zhenzhen hard, she might not be convinced in her heart, and there would be no way to talk about the next thing.

After thinking about it, the corner of his mouth twitched: "Okay, I will perform other exercises, as long as you can accept my move, there will be good things to discuss with you in detail."

"Sect Master Yi is really quick to talk, so I have to take over the words like this, let's do it." After speaking, he clapped his hands and the two groups of red evil corpses turned into a bloody corpse the size of a fist. Ji is in the hand to control and fly towards Yi Tian.

I saw that Yi Tian didn't avoid letting his hands pinch out the Buddha's Dharma Seal, and then read out the mantra of Tianlei Eight Tones.After the mantra was exported, it directly turned into golden light waves and spread towards Cui Zhenzhen's direction.

As soon as the Blood Corpse Shocking Thunder flew into the range of Tianlei Eight Tones, it was blocked by invisible sound waves. At first, it was able to force forward a little bit, but later it was completely brought into the rhythm of sound waves.Moreover, the golden sound wave of Tianlei Eight Sounds is like an invisible blade, peeling off the fist-sized blood corpse thunder layer by layer. After each sound wave passes by, the blood corpse thunder will shrink by a layer, and the corpse energy above will dissipate. faster.

Not long after, the blood corpse thunder was dissolved invisibly, and the sound wave of Tianlei Eight Sounds in Yi Tian's eyes had already begun to sweep over Cui Zhenzhen's body.

At the beginning, she was able to hold on, but after ten breaths, the corpse aura around her body began to react, as if it had been directly purified by the sound waves of the eight tones of thunder.

Cui Zhenzhen, the flying female corpse, saw that something was wrong and hurriedly cast a spell, exhaling a cloud of corpse energy from her mouth to protect herself.But Yi Tian had no choice but to recite Tianlei Bayin's exercises three times back and forth, and a steady stream of golden light waves emitted from his mouth and covered Cui Zhenzhen's position.

Half a quarter of an hour later, even Cui Zhenzhen, who was shrouded and protected by the corpse of his life, began to tremble slightly.The Buddha sect's kung fu is the nemesis of these demons, ghosts, corpses, and kung fu, and this effect is not usually obvious.

As the corpse aura on his body was continuously purified, Cui Zhenzhen didn't care about his face and shouted directly: "Sect Master Yi counts you as the winner, quickly accept the supernatural powers, or don't blame the old lady for not talking with you."

After hearing this, Yi Tian laughed in his heart and secretly thought that Cui Zhenzhen had finally suffered a bit of a dark loss this time, so he would have an active advantage in the next thing to talk about.

Immediately, he withdrew the magic seal in his hand and stopped the sound of the eight tones of thunder in his mouth, and the golden light wave that filled the sky suddenly stagnated.Yi Tian slowly recuperated in the air and waited quietly for the opponent's reaction.

After all the golden light waves dissipated, Cui Zhenzhen took back his life's body energy into his mouth, and glanced at Yi Tian, ​​who was smirking in the distance, and an angry expression suddenly appeared on his face, and he said angrily: "Sect Master Yi is so unkind, you are so unreasonable!" Let’s decide if it’s delicious or not.”

The situation in the Wandao sea area depends on her to make adjustments, so Yi Tian didn't want to directly break the skin with her, and immediately put away his smile and said: "I want to make a deal with Cui Zongzhu."

The anger on Cui Zhenzhen's face was still there, and he teased directly: "Your Taoist companions are all the Lords of Heaven's Will, and they control [-]% of the borders of the ten thousand islands and waters. Do you still need my help?"

Yi Tian knew that she was not angry, so he straightened his face and replied: "Humble Jing is not good at cultivation, and in terms of intelligence, he is not the best choice. It is difficult to deal with that old fox He Tianxiong in the sea area of ​​Wandao."

"I understand your thoughts, you want me to take action to contain the Blood Fiend Cave, but is there any practical benefit in doing so?" Cui Zhenzhen asked directly interrupting Yi Tian.

"It's a great benefit," Yi Tian blinked and stretched out his hand to take out a jade slip and threw it to Cui Zhenzhen. There is also a special place in the upper spirit world for corpse cultivators to ascend, don't you think about your future."

After Cui Zhenzhen opened the jade slip, he stared blankly at the words on the jade slip for a long time, unable to extricate himself.After a while, he turned around and said, "So you can build the Ascension Platform and you will be able to connect with the Underworld."

"It depends on how you look at this matter," Yi Tian explained unhurriedly: "Cui Daoyou should know that it is extremely risky to ascend to the upper realm through the gap of the space crack, whether you can safely pass through the space crack It’s an unknown number. Moreover, the Ascension Platform already existed in this world, but it was destroyed when the powerful Luo Que and Qian Lingzi descended from the upper world 3000 years ago.”

"How can I believe that you will be able to repair the Ascension Platform?" Cui Zhenzhen was obviously moved, but he didn't want to be overwhelmed, so he found a reason to ask back: "And you can guarantee that you will be able to open the passage to the Netherworld Let me fly up?."

"I found the wheel of the interface. As long as the ascension platform is rebuilt and the wheel of the interface is installed, it can be accurately connected to the upper nine worlds. At that time, as long as the energy is gathered to open the channel, I promise to let you be the first to ascend." Yi Tian Said decisively.

Yi Tian believes that this condition is not so tempting for the current Cui Zhenzhen. With her current cultivation level, if she continues to practice for a thousand years, she will definitely be able to surpass the Nascent Soul and become the God of Transformation.

At that time, this world will be a great constraint for her. The biggest advantage of corpse repair is longevity, but it is not inexhaustible.Compared with human monks, the soul of a corpse repairer is more solid and can last for thousands of years.

But for Cui Zhenzhen, it is extremely troublesome to break through the realm and ascend after cultivating to the stage of transformation.The catastrophe that the magic way and corpse way skills have to face is much stronger than spiritual cultivation. If she forcibly breaks through the boundary and ascends, the probability of falling in the middle is much higher than herself, so she will definitely not let go. It was only through the opportunity of ascension that he made this undeniable condition.

Sure enough, Cui Zhenzhen, the female corpse of the flying sky, showed a gleam of joy on her face after weighing the gains and losses, but she couldn't make up her mind for a while looking at Yi Tian's appearance.For her, the most anticipated thing in this world is to be able to ascend, and it is definitely the best opportunity for Yi Tian to ask her.

After thinking for a while, Cui Zhenzhen asked, "I can promise you this, but how do you want me to help that girl?"

"It's simple," Yi Tian saw that she let go of his mouth, and there was some care in his heart, and then he replied: "As long as you help me stop He Tianxiong so that he will not bleed in his lifetime, it will be fine."

"Yi Daoyou seems to be a little too strong?" Cui Zhenzhen said with contempt.

Yi Tian shook his head and said: "How can it be difficult for a strong man? This time I believe that He Tianxiong will retreat and practice hard after returning to the Blood Fiend Cave. As for whether he can improve his cultivation to the late Yuanying stage, I am not worried at all."

After hearing this, Cui Zhenzhen's face changed and said: "Could it be that you have already done it secretly?"

"I defeated his Dao Heart, and he was shocked by my aura in the battle of Tianyi City, and there was a flaw in his Dao Heart. How can a person full of doubts and scruples be able to overcome obstacles in his cultivation?" Yi said. Tian talked eloquently.

Cui Zhenzhen showed a clear look on his face and said: "It turns out that fellow Taoist has left an indelible shadow on He Tianxiong's Taoist heart early in the morning, I'm afraid he can't break through that day's barrier no matter how hard he retreats and cultivates. "

Then Yi Tian reached out and took out a communication jade talisman, manipulated it and handed it over: "You accept the jade talisman, I still have some things to deal with after I return to Zhongzhou. After the mundane affairs are over, I will contact the various sects to collect treasure materials and select a site Build a flying platform. According to preliminary estimates, the project will last for about a hundred years."

Cui Zhenzhen put away the jade talisman in front of him and said: "In this case, I only need to watch He Tianxiong for 300 years, and that's about all his lifespan is left."

After hearing this, Yi Tian nodded in satisfaction and said: "It is estimated that I will be a hundred years earlier than you when I advance to God Transformation, but you don't have to worry that I will never renege on my promise to let you ascend for the first time."

"Since Daoist Yi said so, I will believe you once, but you can rest assured that in another thousand years, I will definitely be able to break through the current cultivation base and become a god." Then Cui Zhenzhen's eyes flashed, and he looked at Yi Tianhou and continued: " At that time, before ascending, let's do another trick to see whether you and I are stronger or weaker in the stage of transforming gods."

It seems that Cui Zhenzhen is still brooding about the fight just now, and flying to the upper world with a grudge in his heart is tantamount to leaving a huge hole in his heart.Besides, she is also an arrogant person who absolutely does not want this to happen.Yi Tian replied with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "So let's make an agreement that I will notify you as soon as I finish building the Ascension Platform, and we will discuss another move before you ascend."

After explaining the follow-up matters to Cui Zhenzhen, Yi Tian left Yushi Island directly, and originally wanted to go to Xuesha Cave to see how his old friend He Tianxiong was doing in retreat.

But after thinking about it, he felt that there was no need for it. The battle of Tianyi City had already left him with lingering fears, and it would be a little bit like bullying the small if he bullied the door at this time.

After much deliberation, I still feel that finding the way back to Zhongzhou is the right thing to do.He didn't want to go back to Ziyuan, for fear of being entangled by this little girl and unable to get away.

And I have done a lot of things for her, at least all the threats in the boundary of Wan Dao sea area have been eliminated.

The fastest way back to Zhongzhou from Wandao sea area is through the long-distance teleportation array. I remember that I walked that way back then.The other end of the delivery point is in the hinterland of the original sect of the Dongao Yin Corpse Sect.

Fortunately, many years ago, he joined forces with the five major factions of Dong Ao to force the Yin Corpse Sect to relocate. As for the teleportation point, he blamed himself for not using layers of formations to protect him.

Now as long as you find the small island of the teleportation array back then, you can return smoothly, and then open the sea chart to find the small island of the teleportation array and fly straight towards it.

Ten days later, a cyan light flashed across the sky, and ordinary monks couldn't detect it because it was high above the sky.In the twilight, it was Yi Tian with a relaxed and free-spirited face who kept looking down at the deserted island.

Not long after, Sentimental Dunguang found the destination above the white fog, but unexpectedly, the fog below revealed a blank area in the middle.

Yi Tian swept over with his divine sense and found that there was a monk on this deserted island who broke into the maze.What makes people feel incredible is that this person can retreat completely in his own maze just because of Qi training, and what seems more interesting is that this person actually used the maze as a natural barrier to dig a cave for cultivation up.

Fortunately, this person's cultivation base is not deep, and he has not found the exact location of the magic circle and the teleportation circle that he was obsessed with back then.Otherwise, it would take a lot of effort to repair the teleportation array.

After casting a concealment spell in the air, Yi Tian slowly landed on the road, and stretched out his hand to hit a spell on the position of the array to make it run faster.

The dense fog around gradually intensified, and the monk in the Qi training period was taken aback by the rapidly changing spiritual pressure fluctuations around him, and hurried out of the cave. After observing the changes in the surrounding situation, he hurriedly cleaned up He chose a direction where the fog was thin and the magic weapon was set up and flew away.

After it flew thirty miles away from the deserted island, Yi Tian made a seal with one hand to fully activate the array disk of the mist magic circle, and then a burst of thick fog dispersed to extend the radius covered here to a hundred miles away.

After doing these things, Yi Tian swept his spiritual thoughts to find the cave of the teleportation array, flew forward and entered a magic formula to open the cave door, and the figure disappeared into it in a flash.

After entering the cave, it didn't take a while to find the location of the teleportation array back then. When I walked to the bottom of the cave, I found that the teleportation array was standing there safe and sound.Going forward and inspecting it carefully, Yi Tian raised his brows and showed a happy expression on his face. It seems that everything else is fine except that the teleportation array here is not supplied with energy.

However, Yi Tian carefully tested it first, took out a sufficient amount of spirit stones and placed them in the energy tank, and then tried to activate them to see if they could connect to distant nodes.

Half a moment later, the aura on the teleportation array was operating normally, Yi Tianjian nodded and said: "It seems that the place on the opposite side is well preserved, so it can be used directly."

After filling the energy tank of the array plate with the spirit stones of the ancestral spirits, Yi Tian walked into the array and cast a formula with both hands to activate the teleportation array. A white light suddenly flashed out, wrapping Yi Tian's figure in it, and then turned into a shooting star He plunged into the void tunnel on the array plate.

(End of this chapter)

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