
Chapter 822 The Great Change

Chapter 822 The Great Change
Dongao Continent was originally peaceful under the joint governance of the six factions, at least in Yi Tian's imagination.But when he flew out of the cave of the teleportation array, he found that there was not a single monk staying behind within a hundred miles.

This place was obviously listed as a forbidden area by myself back then, and Jindan disciples were also sent to guard it.Now it has turned into a desolate scene with no one inhabited, and I can't help being stunned, but I don't know what happened to become so dilapidated.

After opening the blocking formation in the forbidden area, Yi Tian slowly flew into the air and flew towards the location of the Red Flame Hill.

Since it is rare to return to Dong Ao's house, I still have to go back, and I don't know how far my Taoist companion Liu Piaopiao has now improved.

I haven't returned to the sect for so many years, I'm afraid that the world will change, I don't know how many friends I know well will survive.I estimated in my heart that the person who can survive until now is either the best person who has broken the alchemy and become a baby, and the next best thing is at least a late-stage Jindan monk, and he is the kind of person who has very little life left.

When I feel lonely, I can only sigh lightly. Only those who are brave and diligent can go further on the road of longevity.

Flying all the way, I was surprised to find that there were no middle-level monks who seemed to be sitting in the small and medium-sized cultivation workshops, and only a few monks in the Qi training period were there to show their appearance.

There must be something weird about such a strange situation, he took out the messenger jade tablet and contacted senior brother Chiyangzi, but found that there was no reply, and now Yi Tian gradually had some ominous premonition in his heart.

After taking out the Zongmen jade card again and trying to contact Liu Piaopiao, he didn't get any reply.There was a hint of haze on Yi Tian's face, and then he flew at full speed in the direction of the Chiyan Hills.

In broad daylight, a blue light galloped across the sky, ordinary monks couldn't detect it at all, and even the golden core monks couldn't find that someone just flew over their heads when they looked up at the sky.

It took less than an hour for Yi Tian to fly over the distance of thousands of miles. When he arrived at the gate of the Xuanyang sect in Chiyan Hills, he found that everything was the same as before, and the disciples guarding the mountain at the gate did not look unusual. .

After hiding his figure, Yi Tian turned into a breeze and rushed directly into the mountain gate, and was surprised to find that he didn't find a single Jindan disciple along the way.

Even passing by behind the Qi Temple, he didn't notice Huo Chilian's aura, so it's fine to talk about others, but he is a monk in the early stage of Yuanying, so it is impossible for him to leave the sect for no reason.

After leaving the Hall of Qi, I passed the Hall of Alchemy and the Hall of Chuangong again, and found that the first seat of the golden elixir in these two places was not there.

After entering the hinterland of the Zongmen, Yi Tian first returned to his Shuilian Cave on Chuying Peak, and outside the cave, he found that the prohibition on the cave door was intact and had no trace of being damaged.After entering the cave, with a sweep of his spiritual sense, he found that everything inside was safe and well-organized, obviously Liu Piaopiao took care of it carefully, but she was not in the cave.

After leaving the Young Eagle Peak, Yi Tian went straight to the Lava Valley, the forbidden area of ​​the Xuanyang Sect, where Chiyangzi's hermitage hut was still intact, but there was no trace of him inside.

After searching inside and outside the entire sect, it was found that none of the monks above the Jindan stage were in the sect.

In his heart, he secretly thought that something was wrong. This situation must have caused something serious, but he just came back and couldn't understand the cause and effect of the matter.

After thinking about it, he hurriedly turned around and flew towards the main hall of Xuanyang. If all the high-level monks were dispatched, they would definitely leave the Foundation Establishment disciples behind. Only by finding those in charge can we understand the truth of the matter.

It is at least tens of miles from the forbidden area of ​​the back mountain to the main hall, but for Yi Tian, ​​it is only a short time.Shaoqing flew to the sky above the main hall and probed down with his spiritual sense, and found that there were ten Foundation Establishment disciples staying behind in the main hall.The disciple of the late stage foundation establishment sitting in front of the main hall has fire spiritual power all over his body, obviously he has received the true instruction.

Then the figure flashed in the air and turned into a ray of blue light, which directly landed on the main seat in the middle of the main hall and appeared.

Yi Tian's sudden appearance immediately aroused the vigilance of many disciples, they hurriedly took out the spirit weapon in their hands and sacrificed it in their hands, then rushed forward to surround them.Some of them directly yelled: "Cultivator He Fang dares to trespass on the Xuanyang Ancestral Hall, please report your name quickly."

The leader of the late foundation-building cultivator stepped forward and sized up Yi Tian's face, then shook all over, put away the spiritual weapon in his hand and saluted with both hands: "I don't know if senior is the old Yi Tian of our sect. Zu?"

Touching his chin, Yi Tian replied angrily: "Old Ancestor, I am the youngest? What is your name and who is your disciple? How can you recognize my appearance?"

After hearing this, the cultivator in the late stage of foundation establishment was overjoyed and hurriedly waved his hand to signal the brothers around him to put away the spiritual weapons in their hands, then walked up to kneel three times and kowtowed nine times and bowed, saying: "Disciple Hua Feiyang is personally handed down by Sect Master Qu." disciple."

"Oh, your surname is Hua, who is that bastard who is Hua Shi Cheng?" Yi Tian asked casually.

I saw Hua Feiyang's face was embarrassed, and then he had to laugh and said: "Master Hua is the great-grandfather of the sixth generation of disciples. Back then, the family ancestor was fortunate to be able to enter the lintel with the patriarch. Afterwards, Jie Dan left the sect with no hope to open up a family of cultivation. .Fortunately, my ancestor once drew all the four friends of Bingpo back then, so that the disciples can see the face of the sky first and know the appearance of the patriarch."

"The four friends of Ice Soul, Hua Shicheng has a heart," Yi Tian immediately recalled the scene when the four of them met in the Ice Soul Cave when they first started. Now that 500 years have passed, he is probably the only one left among the four up.

Hua Shicheng and Tang Lin originally had limited aptitude, and it was not easy to be able to reach the foundation building stage in this life. It is the limit to live for about 150 years at most.

As for Wu Xing, although his aptitude is much higher than other people's, but he doesn't like the adventurous lifestyle and lives in the sect all his life. When he returned to the sect last time, he found that his lifespan was slowly passing away.Even if you become the first seat in the alchemy hall, as long as you fail to break the alchemy and become a baby for a day, you will be considered as having no chance of longevity.

What's more, he is always self-confident. I'm afraid that he won't be able to see him again after he comes back this time.If you think about it carefully, brothers, only monks who have achieved Nascent Soul can live to this day.From this point of view, I basically couldn't see a few more, so when I came back, these less advanced disciples would feel that they were born face-to-face.

In the future, it is still necessary to leave a picture in the sect, otherwise no one in the Xuanyang sect will recognize him after hundreds of years.

After thinking about it, he let out a sigh, and turned to look at Master Huacheng in front of him: "Get up, you are ordered to stay in the sect, and you are naturally acting as the suzerain, so there is no need to be polite."

After hearing this, Hua Feiyang was overjoyed, but he didn't get up, but called the brothers around him to kneel down and pay homage to the ancestor.Although Yi Tian was disdainful of these red tapes, he just let them go after thinking about where his identity was.

Hua Feiyang stepped forward after all the disciples finished their luggage and retreated to the side, "I would like to report to Patriarch, after half a month ago, Sect Master Qu received an urgent report from Master Mo of the Iron Sword Sect and brought all the Jindan disciples with him. And went to support Elder Liu and Elder Huo together."

"What about Patriarch Chiyang?" Yi Tian asked in confusion.

Hua Feiyang hurriedly replied: "This matter was still caused by Patriarch Chiyang. I don't know the specific situation. I only heard from the suzerain that Patriarch Chiyang had gone to Motianya years ago in response to Senior Mo's appointment. This time the summons was made by Senior Mo and Senior Mo." Chiyang Patriarch Unicom signed it, so the suzerain dare not neglect."

"Naqu Yifeng brought all the monks above the Jindan stage inside the sect, wouldn't it be a bad thing if some other Jindan monks took advantage of it?" Yi Tian asked sharply.

Hua Feiyang hurriedly knelt down and said: "Patriarch, don't worry, this time the monks of the five major sects of Dongao will definitely bring all their disciples there after receiving the summons."

"What made it so big? Could it be that Mo Wen Tianshou Yuan ran out and wanted to have a farewell party with these old friends, but he wouldn't bring all the Jindan disciples with him." Yi Tian frowned and asked .

On the scene, these disciples were all frightened and unable to answer. After a while, Hua Feiyang said: "It is not an exaggeration to say that this is a rare grand event in Dongao, but this time it seems that the people from Zhongzhou seem to leave for some reason. For the orthodoxy of Huo, Senior Mo Wentian must come out and gather the branches to return to the original source."

After hearing this, Yi Tian showed a hint of doubt on his face. If he had already made a clever layout when he left Zhongzhou, and he had already made things clear with Hu Yiyuan, he would not fight for Lihuo's orthodoxy anymore, as long as everyone It is enough to build together with a tacit understanding.

I just don’t know why they were able to come to Dong Aolai to clarify this matter this time, and even invited so many monks from the five sects to attend the ceremony to testify, I’m afraid there must be something strange about it.

Thinking about myself as the master, I had to go. Fortunately, they left half a month ago. With so many people going there together, I guess it will take some time. As long as I speed up, I might be able to catch up with Wei Ya.

After a while, Yi Tianyi reached out and took out the Zongmen Jade Card and threw it to Hua Feiyang, saying, "You can activate the Zongmen Mountain Guard Formation with my token, and from now on, you are only allowed to leave and not enter the Zongmen, strictly guarding the Zongmen and not letting any idlers have a chance Fishing in troubled waters. At the same time, it is clearly ordered that all disciples inside the sect be on guard, and the number of disciples patrolling the border will be doubled immediately. If someone comes to provoke you, just stick to it. I will go to Motianya to see what earth-shattering event happened to provoke people from Zhongzhou To get to the bottom of it.”

Hua Feiyang saw that the old ancestor's expression was not good, and he knew that this matter must not be easy. As for them, the Foundation Establishment cultivators can't participate in it for the time being, so they can only stick to it and wait for help.

As a result, Hua Feiyang held the token in his hand and looked carefully, the front was the Lihuo logo of the Xuanyang School, and the name of the ancestor was engraved on the back.Immediately, I discussed the next work assignment with the brothers around me.

Seeing this, Yi Tian reached out and took out a storage bag to put some mid-level spiritual weapons and talismans into Hua Feiyang and said: "Distribute all these things, and from now on every disciple must put up 12 points of energy , everything will be discussed after I return to the sect.”

After giving the order, Yi Tian disappeared from the main seat as soon as his figure became blurred. After three breaths, a blue light appeared in the sky above the Red Flame Hill. Yi Tian looked at the direction of the Lower Motian Cliff, and then raised his light and galloped towards it. and go.

There are thousands of miles away from Chiyan Hills to Motianya Cliff, even if you realize your late stage Nascent Soul cultivation, you can get there in just a few hours.And this time, Yi Tian felt a little bad in his heart, so he didn't plan to force his way in. After thinking about it, he still took advantage of his cultivation base to sneak in to see what's going on.

At least Mo Wentian, as the only late Nascent Soul cultivator of the Xuanyang Sect, with him on the table, I'm afraid that Lu Jinyuan and his ilk won't be able to pull off any big tricks.

Yi Tian didn't stop deliberately when flying all the way to pass the sect's territory where the Xuanling faction branched out, but just swept the hall below and the hinterland of the sect with his spiritual sense, and found that there were only a few Golden Core cultivators staying behind .

As for Nangong Aotian and Dongfang Lingyun, they seemed to have brought their disciples to set off.

After crossing the territory of Xuanling Sect, going west is the territory of Tiejianmen, and the territories of the three sects have always been close to each other.At this point, Yi Tiancai discovered that the closer the Motian Cliff appeared in the midair below, the more monks appeared.

Many of them are Jindan disciples under the banner of the five major sects or high-level casual cultivators in Dongao.And as they approached the hinterland of Iron Sword Gate, those Nascent Soul casual cultivators who were invisible before could also see their traces.

Yi Tian didn't want to directly reveal his identity, so he cast seals in the air to completely hide his figure, so he followed the crowd below and flew straight towards the entrance of Motian Cliff.

Not long after, he followed the crowd through the Iron Sword Sect's mountain gate and walked all the way to the Motian Cliff.Looking at the surrounding area, the Iron Sword Sect seems to have opened up the defensive formation, leaving only the mountain gate to enter and exit.

He felt very dangerous in his heart, if he forcibly entered from mid-air, he would definitely touch the prohibition of the formation, and he would be forced to helplessly alarm many Nascent Soul cultivators, even if he could explain it well, he would lose face.

Following these Jindan monks all the way up the mountain, Yi Tian heard many monks from other sects and casual cultivators complaining that the Iron Sword Sect was overpowering others. The gathering of the six sects on Motianya is bound to cause some commotion.

As for these monks, I'm afraid they don't even have the chance to talk, but if they can see the demeanor of Dongao No. 1, it's worth the trip.What's more, they are still discussing what is the situation of this visitor from Zhongzhou, and Mo Wentian can directly issue Dongao's most influential Iron Sword Order to invite everyone to come and be a witness.

After a while, I followed everyone to the square in front of the Iron Sword Gate Hall, only to find that about a thousand monks had already gathered here.These people in front of them are all Golden Core cultivators, so they can only be regarded as a foil for this conference. As for the Nascent Soul cultivators who are in charge, they should stay in the main hall of the Iron Sword Gate to meet Mo Wentian.

Thinking about it, Yi Tian relied on his advanced cultivation to walk around the side of the square and prepare to enter through the side door of the main hall.Just now I saw the banner of the Xuanyang faction on the square, but most of these monks are Jindan monks but I don't know any of them.

And I saw Xuan Jianxin in front of the main hall of Tiejianmen, but his cultivation base is still in the early stage of Yuanying, but I don't want to cause trouble, so it's better to avoid Yuanying monks as much as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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