
Chapter 823

Chapter 823
Yi Tian is confident that with his own cultivation, he can hide the truth from almost everyone, even Mo Wentian may not be able to find himself in the first place unless he can show his flaws.But there are endless levels of strange things in this world, and some spiritual pets are gifted and can even detect the whereabouts of high-level monks. For example, the treasure hunting mouse in He Weiming's hand was one of the exceptions.

Therefore, Yi Tian prepared to minimize the possibility of exposure while keeping his expression still, and quietly lurked in from the side door of the main hall of the Iron Sword Gate.After bypassing the many Iron Sword Sect disciples in the back hall, they entered the main hall through the side door.

At this time, it seemed that a grand banquet was being held in the main hall, and the person sitting on it was the Iron Sword Patriarch Mo Wentian.There was a young disciple who bowed his head and waited on him. Yi Tian took a closer look and saw that it was Yi Lingfeng.

Judging from the spiritual pressure fluctuations around him, he hasn't lowered his cultivation in these years, and now his cultivation has reached the late stage of Jindan.Although there is still some time left for the Great Perfection Realm, according to his bone age of less than three hundred years old, the probability of breaking through the pill and becoming a baby is still very high.

Obviously, under Mo Wentian's training, his sharpness has been restrained, and now he is like a sharp sword poised to draw out its sheath, instead of the stunned young man who wanted to show off everything back then.

His gaze swept past him and he saw that the one standing at the top of Mowen Tianxia was none other than Senior Brother Chiyangzi, but at this moment, he seemed to have shown many signs of decline, and his spirit pressure fluctuations were not as stable as before.It seems that the lifespan is exhausted, and I'm afraid that in less than a hundred years, he will be disbanded and rush into reincarnation.

On his side is a young female nun in a yellow shirt, with a bun on her head. She still looks the same as 300 years ago, but now she is wearing a lady's outfit.Needless to say, she looked squarely at her original partner, Liu Piaopiao, but her eyes seemed to fall on Yi Lingfeng intentionally or unintentionally, and there seemed to be some suspicion on her face, but Mo Wentian didn't dare to ask directly because of Mo Wentian's face. That's all.

Two boys, Huo Chilian and Qu Yifeng, were sitting at the table behind Chiyangzi. They could be regarded as newly promoted Nascent Soul cultivators, so on such occasions, they only got the credit for listening.

Nangong Aotian and Dongfang Lingyun from the lineage of Xuanling also came. Sitting beside them was a female cultivator in the early Yuanying period. Yi Tian recognized it at a glance. This person was Nangong Qianyun who had crossed paths with him several times. .

It seems that there are successors from the Nangong family in the Xuanling lineage, but there is no Nascent Soul cultivator in the Dongfang family.

The rear defense of the main hall is the Baigumen, the Nascent Soul monks of the Yin Corpse Sect and the Qihuang Sect.Except for Ke Manzi, the other two have never met each other.It's just that the two factions didn't seem to be fully dispatched, they just sent people to be a witness and go through the motions.

On the opposite side of Mo Wentian sat two middle-aged monks, one of them was smiling and possessed powerful fire-type spiritual energy skills, and the aura of Xuanyang True Fire could be detected from a long distance away.Needless to say, this person is Lu Jinyuan from the Lihuo Sect of Zhongzhou, and by his side is naturally Hu Yiyuan.

The cultivation bases of the two are still in the middle and early stage of Nascent Soul respectively, but Yi Tian finds that their spiritual power is much stronger than before.In this way, the strength can be regarded as being in the upper reaches among monks of the same level, and there is room for further improvement in the future.

I remember that they didn't seem to have such a cultivation level when they left Zhongzhou. Could it be that there was some amazing discovery in the ancestral land of Lihuo Zongqi Pavilion.

Later, I heard Lu Jinyuan raise his glass to Mo Wentian and the others, and the latter and the others hurriedly agreed and praised him again and again.But Yi Tian can find that these people are obviously concerned, and the most unnatural ones are Chi Yangzi and others from the Xuanyang lineage.

The other party's intentions are obvious, and this is just a courtesy on the scene, and the main event has not yet been played.Sure enough, Lu Jinyuan put down his wine glass and said to Mo Wentian, "Senior Brother Mo has been separated from the fire lineage for a long time, and now there are very few resources scattered in the Central Continent. Brother, I feel very sad about this."

Mo Wentian has lived for thousands of years. He has never seen anything before. He knew that he must have something to say, but before he opened his mouth, he interrupted directly: "The Iron Sword Sect is located in Dongao, far away from Central Continent, and they are unable to reproduce the time when the Lihuo Lao Clan What's more, the old man is already at the end of his life, so I'm afraid he won't be able to help Sect Master Lu too much."

After hearing this, Lu Jinyuan shuddered and returned to normal in an instant: "Senior Brother Mo, I know that there are several life-prolonging things in this world. If Senior Brother needs Senior Brother, I will definitely work hard, even if it is a mountain of swords and seas of fire."

These words directly contradicted what Mo Wentian wanted to say next, and then his face remained unchanged, he picked up the wine glass in front of him and started to drink for himself.

On the contrary, Yi Lingfeng stood aside and said suddenly: "Master Lu, my master is old and made an exception to go out this time to meet your appointment and summon the heroes of Dongao to come to Iron Sword Gate to meet guests."

Immediately afterwards, Mo Wentian said: "Junior Brother Lu, you also know that I only recognize the suzerain's token. If you have an old man in your hand, you can make an exception and help you once."

The Nascent Soul cultivators of the Xuanyang and Xuanling veins below who said these words also agreed with each other.Especially the Liangyi spectroscope, which Chiyangzi said three times in his mouth, kept saying the importance of this thing, anyway, it looks like there is no need to talk about it without this token.

Yi Tian stood in the corner and looked at it for a while, Mo Wentian and Chi Yangzi had both seen the Haotian mirror in their hands, saying so today is just adding pressure to Lu Jinyuan, anyway, it’s useless if he can’t get everything out .

But at this time, Lu Jinyuan didn't show any embarrassment on his face, and then he just smiled lightly, as if he had expected this question early in the morning.His junior brother Hu Yiyuan bowed his head and silently transmitted a few words, after which Lu Jinyuan directly took out a communication jade talisman, activated it, turned into a flame and flew straight out from the entrance of the main hall.

It was obvious that he looked like he was in contact with someone, but after the message jade talisman was sent out, Mo Wentian's face changed and he asked: "Is there any helper yet, Junior Brother? This is from Li Huo Sect." If outsiders are invited for housework, it will be difficult for face."

Lu Jinyuan smiled and replied: "Senior brother Tie Jian said that this is a family matter of the sect, then the person who came must be a member of the sect. And this time I am only an elder of the branch of Zhongzhou. There are others."

After hearing this, Mo Wentian and the others changed their faces drastically, as if they were about to massacre Lu Jinyuan again. When did he become so understanding of righteousness, and the suzerain candidate he was talking about was someone who was superior.

Half a moment later, a flame flew from the air, and after a flash of red light, the flame flew straight into the main iron sword hall and landed on Lu Jinyuan's hand.After scanning the message on the Jade Talisman with his divine sense, Lu Jinyuan said with a relaxed face: "The new suzerain has found the four demon kings, and he will bring them with him at that time. Brother Tie Jian, please wait patiently." .”

After hearing this, Mo Wentian and Chi Yangzi's faces suddenly became very exciting, what kind of ability is it to be able to invite the Four Great Demon Kings back, this person must have a deep relationship with the Lihuo Sect.The two looked at each other and saw the confusion in each other's eyes. This is not like Yi Tian's style, and these demon kings have lived in seclusion in the [-] mountains all the year round and rarely come out. This is really intriguing.

Others don't know, but Mo Wentian, Chi Yangzi and others know the importance of this. If the person from Zhongzhou Lihuo Sect can really get the approval of the four demon kings, then his position as suzerain must be as secure as Mount Tai .

At the moment, there were doubts and worries on their faces, but it seemed that Lu Jinyuan in front of him didn't seem to be telling a lie, and it was inconvenient for everyone to ask questions for a while and only waited for the person to come after the incident.

Yi Tian was taken aback for a moment, thinking that he had guessed something, but he didn't expect that he would make some people cheaper by setting up a game.If it wasn't for the fact that he was inconvenient to take action directly in order to track down the whereabouts of Luo Que and Qian Lingzi, he would have let that person go.

Now that I think about it, I should have killed the grass and rooted it out, so as not to cause trouble and leave a huge hidden danger.Fortunately, these people in front of him can be regarded as diehard loyalists of their ancestor Yun Zhongzheng, so there is no need to worry about them changing sides.

Just thinking about the next thing to face, Yi Tian couldn't help but sighed softly. Unexpectedly, the figure of Mo Wentian who had just closed his mouth and sat on the main seat suddenly paused slightly, then turned his head and pretended to be in harmony with him. Chi Yangzi swept his eyes across the hall as he talked.

When his eyes passed over an inconspicuous place in the corner, a gleam of light suddenly flashed in his eyes, and then he continued to chat with Chi Yangzi without any trace, and from time to time asked Yi Lingfeng to come forward with a wine bottle to give Chi Yangzi Yang Zi and others pour wine.

In less than half an hour, two rays of light flew from the sky and landed directly on the sky above the Motian Cliff, and then a deep cry came out from the sky: "Yun Zhongzheng's disciples, disciples and grandchildren, my suzerain is coming, so hurry up and open the big formation to welcome you!" .”

Needless to say that the rightful master has arrived, Lu Jinyuan showed a smile on his face after hearing this, and said: "Here it is, Brother Mo, please hurry out of the hall to welcome the new Lihuo Patriarch." Followed Hu Yiyuan and walked towards the outside of the hall.

Seeing this, Chi Yangzi showed a trace of displeasure on his face, bowed his head and shouted, "Go and see what they are doing."

Mo Wentian just turned his head and glanced at the corner again, and said without changing his expression: "It's okay to go to see who is it, and he actually called the name of Patriarch Xuanyang directly."

The surrounding Chiyangzi, Nangong Aotian and Dongfang Lingyun also had unkind faces, and the position of Xuanyang Patriarch Yun Zhongzheng in their hearts is absolutely irreplaceable.The self-appointed new Lihuo patriarch of the Lihuo Sect dared to call the patriarch by his first name, which immediately made the older generation of Nascent Soul cultivators feel jealous.

And the Nascent Soul cultivators from the three sects who came to witness the ceremony had a playful look on their faces. After exchanging breaths, they followed the crowd out of the main hall to the square to have a look.Anyway, this has nothing to do with them directly, if there is civil strife in Lihuozong, I'm afraid they won't be happy in time.

The Golden Core monks who had been lingering in the square all stepped aside at this time, and looked up at the sky, and some monks showed excitement on their faces, and all the top monks in Dongao gathered here.It is a great opportunity to be able to meet so many monks with multiple souls, and it must be of great help to them if they can see the fight between monks with multiple souls.

Later, when Mo Wentian walked out of the main hall with a group of Nascent Soul comrades, he saw two people slowly descending from midair.Among them, the monk wearing a red Taoist robe is particularly conspicuous.The Taoist robe worn by this person is the same as that of Lihuo Patriarch back then. Looking closely, he is also a late Yuanying cultivator, and his fire-type spiritual power can be trained to the point where a natural red light appears faintly around his body. faint.

When Mo Wentian saw it, his face was shocked and he said in his mouth: "In the late stage of Yuanying, the real yuan is released, and the Xuanyang real fire protects the body. This is the same as the cultivation level of the ancestor Yun Zhongzheng. The identity of this person is indeed open to discussion. .”

Turning his head to look at the person next to him, he was wearing a black aura shield, and he couldn't see his true face, he should have used spiritual power to hide his true face.

But at this moment, the expression on Mo Wentian's face did not feel a little relaxed. Instead, he stared at the man for a few times and blurted out: "Such a strong demon spirit power, which is comparable to the Ten Thousand Eagle King in the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains. I don't know. Which demon king is here?"

After hearing this, the man let out a few snarky laughs and said, "It is said that the Iron Sword Sect has the true inheritance of Yun Zhongzheng, but I think it should be the apprentice of Hengjian Badao."

After explaining Mo Wentian's mastery in one sentence, the man turned his gaze to Chiyangzi again and said, "Why are Yun Zhongzheng's apprentices and grandsons so weak now? It looks like you have barely reached the second rank. Your strength is low." In the mid-Yuanying period, it is average, but there is not much life left. As for those little fellows behind you who have only practiced their own kung fu skills to the first rank, they are far inferior to Hu Yiyuan."

Hearing his comments Chi Yangzi, Qu Yifeng, and Huo Chilian all had expressions of fear on their faces. The demon king in front of him could tell the depth of his sect's cultivation at a glance, so he must know the sect's affairs very deep.

Mo Wentian's expression changed, thousands of hands arched his hands and said: "The junior student Mo Wentian, disciple of Hengjian Basword, will see the Soul Eater Mouse King."

After hearing that, the man put away his smile, looked at Mo Wentian and said, "Forget it, I just came here this time to witness."

Seeing that the other party admitted so carelessly, the Zhou Duoying cultivator around him also gasped. This is the most mysterious Soul Eater Mouse King among the four demon kings. Come to Iron Sword Gate in person.

For a while, everyone became very interested in the identity of the new ancestor.Unexpectedly, when a late Yuanying cultivator appeared in Zhongzhou Lihuozong, and judging from the strength he showed, he didn't know whether he was stronger or weaker than Mo Wentian.

The man slowly walked up to the crowd and said, "I, Gu Hui, is the new head of the Lihuo Sect. You are all disciples of Junior Brother Yun's lineage, so you can be regarded as Lihuo's branch. Now the revival of the sect is imminent." In the future, I will have to rely on everyone's concerted efforts to help me."

The name 'Gu Hui' sounds very familiar to the new generation of Nascent Soul cultivators, but it is like a thunderclap among the older generation.This is the first disciple of the second generation who is as famous as his Xuanyang ancestor Yun Zhongzheng, but it was all 3000 years ago, and the person in front of him who calls himself Gu Hui does not know whether it is true or not.

Seeing Chiyangzi and the others' faces showing some doubts, Gu Hui also knew that it would be difficult to live without showing some real kung fu today, so he stretched out his right palm and sacrificed a crimson flame Come.All of a sudden, the heat wave was so hot that it affected the area of ​​ten feet around it.

Before Mo Wentian could speak, the Soul Eater Mouse King said with great interest: "Your skill has reached the peak of the second rank, and I don't think it will be long before you can reach the third rank."

(End of this chapter)

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