
Chapter 824 Confirmation

Chapter 824 Confirmation
On the square of Iron Sword Gate, under the watchful eyes of everyone, Gu Hui used the Lihuo Sect's Suppressing Technique, which made all the monks present feel a terrifying wave of spiritual power.

This strength is three points stronger than Chiyangzi's second-grade real fire. With this move alone, it can be said that the name of the Lihuo sect's suzerain is well deserved.

When Lu Jinyuan saw it, he also stepped forward to bow to Gu Hui and said, "The disciples of the patriarch's magical power have seen it, and I am afraid that there will be no more people in the world who can practice Lihuo sect's kung fu better than the patriarch."

After hearing this, Gu Hui showed a rare joy on his face and said to Lu Jinyuan: "As you said, the fire sect should be revived again, this time I will create a new prosperous world."

Seeing this, Mo Wentian rarely showed a trace of fear on his face and said: "You guys still have Qianlingzong and Tiandaozong in Zhongzhou, how difficult it is to revive the sect, and we prefer to settle down with Dongao and don't want to fight with them anymore. The monks of Zhongzhou are the enemy. Times have changed, and this is not something that can be solved by a single family."

Chi Yangzi also stepped forward and said, "My Xuanyang sect has never had any grievances with the monks of Zhongzhou. If we recklessly go to revive the Lihuo sect, we will inevitably become the target of public criticism. We stick to the loyalty and integrity of the ancestor of Xuanyang." Last order, I will never do unnecessary consumption."

Standing behind Chiyangzi, Xuanyang Sect Master Qu Yifeng also stood up and pointed to a few people: "We are all monks of Xuanyang Sect now, and we have nothing to do with Zhongzhou Lihuo Sect. Wrong calculation."

The expression on Gu Hui's face suddenly became a little impatient after being mixed up in this way, and then a trace of haze flashed in his eyes, he stared at Chi Yangzi and Qu Yifeng for a few times, and then snorted coldly: "I didn't expect you He even forgot the sect after counting the scriptures, and he didn't know how to drink water and think of the source to serve the sect after receiving the benefits of the sect."

But Chiyangzi stopped Qu Yifeng in front of him to signal him not to push himself forward, and then he opened his mouth to argue: "Senior Gu, we and others in Xuanyang's lineage certainly don't know good and bad, but the ancestor was ordered to only recognize tokens and exercises. .Do you have any tokens from the unknown sect?”

After speaking, he turned his eyes and winked at Dongfang Lingyun, Mo Wentian and others, and the latter understood and hurriedly opened their mouths to use these words as excuses, and the atmosphere on the scene became embarrassing for a while.

It was the Soul Eater Mouse King who spoke again and said to Gu Hui: "Then you should also show the sect's token to the disciples of the sect, so as not to be hard to convince."

Gu Hui's complexion changed several times, and the anger in his eyes directly swallowed all the dissenters present.It's just that reason tells him that he can't do this, and there are still many things that need to be relied on in the future.

Then he forcibly suppressed his anger and said, "The sect's token was shattered by the mighty Luo Que of the upper realm 3000 years ago, so if you don't have that token, you won't recognize your ancestors and return to your clan?"

These words are a bit like a prelude to getting angry, but Mo Wentian smiled as if he wanted to know such an answer, shook his head and said: "The patriarch Heng Jian of the Qimai served as the patriarch of Lihuo back then. The last order escorted the broken Haotian Mirror and gave it to Yun Zhongzheng, the ancestor of Xuanyang. At this time, all of our four generations of disciples knew about it. Moreover, the ancestor used it when he fought against Qin Mingyue, the son of King Ming of Southern Xinjiang thousands of years ago. Don't make a lie."

Nangong Aotian and Dongfang Lingyun also agreed with each other over and over again, and at the same time, they also made it clear that they will be hands-free if they don't see the token.

As for Chi Yangzi, it was a matter of course, and at the same time, he explained the reason behind him to all the disciples in private.

Lu Jinyuan didn't expect that the grand joint clan event that had been going well had turned into a stalemate, but seeing the increasingly serious look on Gu Hui's face, he knew that it was difficult to handle.

Sure enough, Gu Hui opened his mouth and said with a sneer: "You all say that the times have changed, but now you are still clinging to Yun Zhongzheng's legacy and sticking to the rules. I don't know who is not following the trend of the times. Now that the situation in Zhongzhou is changing, each The Great Sect is fighting to the death for the treasure left by the Li Huo Sect. If someone from the Central State University comes one day, I believe you can’t stay out of it. Rather than respond passively, it’s better to take the initiative.”

These remarks are on point, although Dong Aoliu Pan doesn't care about the situation in Zhongzhou.But in private, they will still inquire about this information and feed it back to the sect in detail, and the forces of the three major sects of Zhongzhou are also constantly infiltrating into the four fields. Maybe there will be three high-ranking monks from the three sects coming to find fault that day.

Regarding this, Mo Wentian is definitely the biggest one. Although it is not a big secret that he, Iron Sword Sect, took in Xiao Linhang and others from Zhongzhou Tianyun Sect.

But there is no impenetrable wall in the world, so this matter will inevitably reach Qianlingzong.At that time, it will definitely be a big trouble for the other party to find a way to come to the door to ask for someone.

Moreover, the high-level monks of the Six Sects of Dongao already knew about this more or less, and everyone turned their attention to Mo Wentian, meaning whether you will come or not to make a final decision on whether to stay or not.

There was no fear on Mo Wentian's face, but he just smiled lightly and said, "I have heard that Senior Gu is Li Huo Zhengzong or the senior brother of the ancestor Yun Zhongzheng. When I saw him today, he was indeed a dragon and phoenix. I have a merciless request. Senior Gu can agree to the next thing to talk about."

An anxious look appeared on Chi Yangzi's face, and he was stopped by Mo Wentian's stern eyes just as he was about to speak out.Knowing that he is cautious, Chi Yangzi will never aim at nothing, so he can only be patient for the time being and see how the other party responds.

When Gu Hui heard that there was a turning point, his complexion became a little better and he immediately replied: "What is your request, please tell me."

"Seniors are powerful, and juniors have admired them for a long time. If we don't take this opportunity to learn from each other, we can let many juniors see the unrivaled power of Li Huo Sect," Mo Wentian suddenly mentioned.

This was something that people never expected, Lu Jinyuan looked at Mo Wentian in front of him again.Although it is true that his cultivation base is profound, he is facing the patriarch of our school 3000 years ago. Although he is not a direct descendant, he is not far behind the direct descendant Yun Zhongzheng.

Mo Wentian said that there must be a follow-up, but he didn't know how he would make a move. At this time, Lu Jinyuan secretly felt a little uneasy feeling in his heart. Since Mo Wentian in front of him dared to draw down the road so easily, he didn't know what to do. What is the intention.

Gu Hui also looked at Mo Wentian with a look of surprise on his face, then snorted coldly and said, "Well, since you want to try it, don't worry, I won't embarrass you too much for the sake of the same origin. "

"There are so many people here, it's better to compete in the sky. You Yuanying Daoists can watch from afar, and Jindan disciples can watch from within the big formation," Mo Wentian suggested.

"It's up to you", after saying that, Gu Hui's figure jumped into the air, and the Mouse King of Soul Eater, together with Lu Jinyuan and Hu Yiyuan, also flew aside.

The Nascent Soul cultivators of the Dong Ao Six Sect also flew into the air in groups of three or four and dodged into the distance.As for Chi Yangzi, with an extremely anxious look on his face, he hurriedly walked up to Mo Wentian and said, "Senior Brother, this time, you're too big, do you have the confidence to defeat Gu Hui?"

Mo Wentian just glanced at the corner of his mouth and smiled, and privately whispered: "Don't worry, I have a sense of proportion."

Then he turned his head and ordered Yi Lingfeng to preside over the mountain protection formation, and then flew up to the sky with the disciples of Xuanyang's lineage behind him to confront Gu Hui and others not far away.

After a golden light flashed below, the Zongmen protective formation on the Motian Cliff was opened again, and many golden core monks in the square also raised their heads and locked their eyes on the figures of Gu Hui and Mo Wentian in the air. The war is not something that can be seen casually.

In the sky, Gu Hui slowly flew forward, pointed at Mo Wentian and said, "Although the swordsmanship and swordsmanship of the Hengjian Badao duo are not the orthodox skills of the Lihuo Sect, they are also extremely sharp. They are about the same in cultivation. Under such circumstances, you are definitely a rare opponent. In the world today, only the Excalibur Sect of Xihuang and the Qianling Sect of Zhongzhou can compare with you."

Mo Wentian also showed complacency when he heard such words of praise, but he didn't dare to concede in front of Gu Hui, and bowed his hands together and said: "The younger generation is taught by the two seniors of Hengjian and Badao, but in the end, it is still Lihuo. Meridian division. In comparison, the kung fu practiced by Senior Gu is the most powerful in this world, and it is much higher than the others."

The two of them were courteous, but Gu Hui was concerned about face and did not rush to urge to do it. Instead, he commented on the monks of the Xuanyang sect one by one.Although his voice was not loud, everyone present could hear him clearly. It is true that with the cultivation base of Chi Yangzi and others plus Huo Chilian, Qu Yifeng may not be Gu Hui's opponent together.

After hearing Gu Hui's words, the three of them immediately showed a little jealousy on their faces. It is rare in the world for someone to be able to tell the truth from the truth with just a glance.

Later, Gu Hui weighed it up and said to Mo Wentian, "Well, as long as you can take three tricks from me, I can count this incident as never happened. After that, I won't set foot in Dongao again when I return to Zhongzhou to cause trouble." You guys, if you can't catch it, how about you hurry up and tell the world to recognize your ancestors and return to your ancestors?"

This time Mo Wentian agreed without thinking about it: "It's a deal."

Chi Yangzi and the others behind him were shocked when they heard this. Leaving aside Gu Hui's strength for the time being, how could a monk at the same level as Patriarch Xuanyang be easy to get along with?He must have something to draw down, and the other party must know the technique of Hengjian Basao very well, and there is at least a [-]% to [-]% chance of winning against Mo Wentian.

Then Chi Yangzi hurriedly flew forward and asked, "Senior Brother Mo, are you sure that this gamble is related to the fate of the entire East Ao and even the Central Continent."

I saw Mo Wentian smiled and replied via voice transmission: "Junior Chiyang, don't panic, how could I agree to this matter if I'm not fully sure, not to mention that it's not me who will challenge you, don't you have no confidence in him?" Bar."

After finishing speaking, he slowly waved his hand to signal the people behind to move back a little further to make room, his eyes flashed and he said to Gu Hui: "Senior Gu's agreement with three moves will be avoided, as long as you can gain the upper hand in this battle My Dongao Xuanyang Sect will definitely follow suit."

So Gu Hui was stunned when he heard this, and then he smiled ruddy and said, "Okay, since you are willing to change the rules and are so confident that you can dominate me, then it is a deal, and I believe you will lose in front of so many people." You won't go back on your word. Stop talking nonsense and let me see how much success you have learned from the Hengjian Badao."

Let's talk, Gu Hui stretched out his palm and raised a ball of golden flame in his hand, ready to go.But looking at Mo Wentian in the blink of an eye, it seemed that he had no intention of making any preparations at all, not only was he suspicious, he asked, "Are you going to admit defeat directly?"

Unexpectedly, Mo Wentian just stroking his beard and said confidently: "The junior proposed the idea of ​​fighting, but the person who wants to fight senior Gu is my younger brother."

Gu Hui's face changed and he shouted coldly: "Are you saying that Chi Yangzi will act on your behalf?" After sweeping their gazes, the faces of all the people showed a trace of disdain.

"Of course it's not Chiyangzi junior brother, it's another junior fellow next to me," Mo Wentian said, then slowly stepped aside to block Chiyangzi and the others.

Suddenly, not far from Gu Hui's front, a spatial spiritual pressure ripple spread out, and then a ripple appeared in the void for no reason, and then the spiritual pressure ripple slowly spread around and gathered into a humanoid shape.

A familiar face suddenly appeared in front of everyone, and at this moment, Yi Tian, ​​dressed as a ranger in blue shirt, appeared out of thin air.Seeing this, Chi Yangzi and the others showed ecstasy on their faces, and they couldn't stop admiring after the spiritual pressure swept over Yi Tian's body.

At this time, Lu Jinyuan and Hu Yiyuan looked at Yi Tian's appearance in disbelief, and the embarrassment on their faces was beyond words.

As for the Soul Eater Mouse King, he stared carefully at the person who suddenly appeared in front of him, and then his face became more and more ugly. Although he couldn't see through Yi Tian's cultivation, he had a natural instinct to feel that the person in front of him was an extremely dangerous element .

As for Gu Hui's face at this time, his face has also become strangely beautiful, this is the second time he has met Yi Tian.The last time we met was in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, and now it has been advanced to the late stage in less than a hundred years. If there is no great opportunity, it will definitely be impossible.

I saw Yi Tian waved his finger to Gu Hui and said: "We met Senior Gu again, it seems that after you seized the house, you finally merged completely, and your cultivation base has also improved."

"To each other, I didn't expect to meet you at the end of the detour," Gu Hui said with a serious face.

Yi Tian didn't care about it, and handed over a jade tablet to Mo Wentian, and then told him: "If you read all the images in it, you will know the cause and effect of today's events."

Then he turned his head and shouted at Lu Jinyuan and the two: "You guys go and have a look too, so you don't have to say anything about me."

Lu Jinyuan was very curious about the information on the jade card, and since he had Yi Tian's permission, he naturally refused to miss it and flew forward to check the picture on the jade card with Mo Wentian and others.

After a short while, Mo Wentian and the others sighed, and then there was a slight change in the way they looked up at Gu Hui.What's more, Lu Jinyuan and Hu Yiyuan didn't fly back to their original places with panicked faces, but stood with Mo Wentian, Chi Yangzi and others, but their eyes showed endless panic.

Seeing this sudden change, Gu Hui was also full of doubts and shouted sharply: "What is the picture in the jade plaque?"

(End of this chapter)

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