
Chapter 825

Chapter 825
Yi Tian's sudden appearance directly messed up Gu Hui's calculations, and even Mo Wentian, Chi Yangzi and the others changed their expressions 180 degrees after taking out a jade tablet with a vivid image.

As for Lu Jinyuan and Gu Hui who were originally on the same front, they also seemed to stand on the opposite side out of fear at this time.

I only heard Yi Tian say indifferently: "I have been to the ancestral land of Lihuo, and the pictures here are the afterimages of time and space when Luo Que and Qian Lingzi descended to the realm 3000 years ago, which I took on the Zixiao Temple in the ancestral land. .Of course, in the end, there will be your appearance when Senior Gu was possessed."

Although the voice was not loud, Yi Tian said it after he had practiced his skills. All the monks present, including the Jindan monks on the square of the Iron Sword Sect on Motianya, felt that the voice seemed to be ringing in their ears, and they could hear it clearly Chu.

At this moment, Gu Hui's eyes flashed red and he shouted again sharply: "I didn't do this for the sake of the sect. How can you junior disciples understand my feelings if you haven't experienced the catastrophe that year? One hundred and eight yuan Only three of the infant cultivators survived in an instant, no one can understand the pain."

After hearing this, Yi Tian shook his head and stretched out his hand to take out a bright mirror that was more than one foot in size, and played with it in his hand.The Soul Eater Mouse King in front of him blurted out after seeing it: "It's the Sovereign's Haotian Mirror, why is it in your hands?"

Gu Hui also stared greedily at the Haotian mirror with red eyes and said, "How could the sect master's token fall into your hands?"

Yi Tian looked at the two of them disdainfully and shook his head, then said to Gu Hui: "The proposal just now is still valid, and you claim to be the new Lihuo veteran, and I won't take advantage of you General Hao Tianjing is in your hands and we are going to compete. Let's see if you, the bewitched abandoned disciple of Lihuo, are better, or me, Xuanyang Sect Master, is better."

After speaking, he gently pushed the Haotian mirror in his hand and sent it directly to Gu Hui's hand.This action immediately stunned the surrounding monks, who did not expect things to turn into such a state.

Gu Hui also seemed to be intimidated by these words, but when he saw the Haotian Mirror slowly floating towards him, he realized that this was not a dream.The suzerain's keepsake that he had peeped for a long time finally fell into his hands, and ecstasy suddenly appeared on his face, and he didn't even care about the identity of the abandoned disciple from Lihuo.

The whole person went crazy for a while before suppressing the smile on his face and saying: "Since you have obtained the true inheritance of Junior Brother Yun, then I want to see what is different about you as a disciple of the direct line. Take it."

After saying that, he flipped his hand and put away the Haotian Mirror, and then made a seal with one hand, raised a ball of golden flame, turned into a fist-sized fireball, and hit Yi Tian.

Yi Tian saw that there was no fear on his face, and he stretched out one hand and also sacrificed a mass of red true flames, drawing a fire Tai Chi pattern on his chest with both hands, and shouted "Ning".

Immediately, a spiral fire shield with a diameter of two feet stood in front of him, and there was a "coax" sound as soon as the fireball and the spiral fire shield came into contact, bright sparks were exposed. A strong wind suddenly blew up within one mile around the center.

Suddenly, a red fire flashed in the wind and swallowed the fireball directly. After the wind cleared, Yi Tian looked intact, looked at Gu Hui in front of him with a playful face, and said: "Your strength is only mediocre, two It's a pity that Pin Dingfeng is not the authentic method of the direct lineage, this golden flame should be a kind of spiritual flame between heaven and earth. Feel free to use any tricks, I will take them together."

Stimulated by Yi Tian's words, Gu Hui's face turned pale immediately, and after a sneer, he once again swiped the golden flame towards his body.Immediately, a true flame armor spell covered the whole body, leaving only the eyes exposed.

This is Li Huo Zong's strongest defensive tactic, and at the same time it can take into account the attack. It goes without saying that Gu Hui will definitely adopt a tactic that combines cautious attack and long-range harassment.

This time Yi Tian didn't follow suit, but stretched out his right hand to sacrifice a ball of Xuanyang real fire at his fingertips, and then wrapped the real flame around his fist.

It's just that the flame above the fist spun rapidly, forming a flame vacuum around it, and at the same time, the surrounding space was distorted by the vacuum.

Lu Jinyuan, who was watching from a distance, had a distorted face next to you at this time, and sighed: "Junior Brother Yi's cultivation base is superb, this move alone is far beyond me, and in order to maintain the unification of Lihuo, I was nominated to take over. I am truly ashamed of being the suzerain.”

Mo Wentian didn't say much with a smile on his face, and it was inconvenient for him to get involved in this matter.On the contrary, Chi Yangzi yelled coldly: "He is totally lazy. He doesn't have to stand when he can sit. If someone is in his early years, he will be lazy on the side. Only when he encounters such unavoidable things will he bite the bullet and take action. He I know his personality best, and he is typically a slippery head."

Everyone behind them held their smiles and did not dare to say much, only Liu Piaopiao shouted coquettishly with a nervous face: "My husband is standing up for the sect, so stop talking."

Just as the situation on the scene suddenly changed, Gu Hui turned into a fire armor and suddenly moved.After the teleportation, it suddenly appeared on Yi Tian's right side and swung two sandbag-sized fists at the same time, mixed with flames, turning into a fire dragon rolling towards Yi Tian's front.

I saw that Yi Tian didn't dodge or dodge, but just turned to one side and swung the flame vacuum absolute domain sacrificed in his hand to face the blade.After the two spells collided again in the air, there was a "Zi La" sound, and the red absolute flame directly assimilated and swallowed the golden flame in Gu Hui's hand.

The engulfing golden flames fed back to him, and Gu Hui's magic skills became weaker and weaker by three points.

After the two fought each other with one move, the air waves aroused in the air spread far away, and even the protective shield on the skyscraper cliff below was also affected and made a buzzing sound.

Fortunately, Yi Lingfeng and several senior brothers tried their best to maintain the formation and stabilized the formation.

After the two fought again, Gu Hui found that his spells seemed to be strictly restrained, and it didn't affect Yi Tian at all.

The figure dodged to the side, took out the black spirit sword, held it in his hand, and said "Change" in his mouth. The fire armor on his body seemed to be summoned and attached directly to the spirit sword, forming a fire sword.

Seeing this, Yi Tian rarely showed a stern look on his face, and then he stretched out his hand to sacrifice the Taiyuan Sword, and also sacrificed the True Flame in his hand to the Fire Spirit Sword.Later, he yelled sharply: "Gu Hui, aren't you afraid of being backlashed when refining the Thousand Soul Sword? How many souls of Nascent Soul cultivators did you use to refine this magic weapon? How can you be the master of a sect by doing so?"

After being reminded by Yi Tian, ​​everyone also locked their eyes on the spiritual sword in Gu Hui's hand, Mo Wentian said angrily later: "It really is such a vicious spiritual weapon, I am afraid that if we belong to him, we will be killed sooner or later." Sacrifice to the souls of the dead under this sword."

Turning to look at Lu Jinyuan and Hu Yiyuan, he exclaimed: "No, have you two ever taken the elixir that Gu Hui brought out?"

After hearing this, Lu Jinyuan showed a gloomy look on his face and said, "Senior brother Mo, how do you know?"

Mo Wentian replied heartbroken: "It's the Ten Thousand Poison Soul Devouring Pill. If the Nascent Soul cultivator takes it, he will be restrained by this Thousand Soul Sword. Over time, he will obey the owner of the sword, and finally he will willingly sacrifice it. Sacrificial to the soul. Such a sinister pill is used for his own people, Gu Hui is really obsessed and unable to extricate himself, this person will never have peace if he does not leave the Fire Sect."

After hearing this, Lu Jinyuan sighed, and his eyes lost the brilliance of the past.On the contrary, Hu Yiyuan who was on the side hurriedly asked: "Senior Brother Mo, do you know if there is an antidote for this Ten Thousand Poisons Soul Devouring Pill? My senior brother is dying, so please give me some advice."

Mo Wentian glanced at the Soul Eater Mouse Queen who was in the distance and shook his head, "I've only heard about this pill for the first time. As for Gu Hui's refining process, the assistance of the Soul Eater Mouse King is inevitable. There is a main medicine in it. Soul Eater Miscense is only in the hands of the Mouse King."

In this way, Lu Jinyuan finally understood that Gu Hui in front of him might have caught up with the Soul Eater Mouse King early in the morning, and they were all pawns that were counted, but they were still worth using now, when the day really came When all the bows are hidden, I'm afraid that Lu Jinyuan will definitely have a share among the thousands of innocent souls in the Thousand Soul Sword.

Chi Yangzi who was on the side suddenly asked, "Could it be that both of you have taken that elixir?"

Lu Jinyuan just nodded heartbroken, and Hu Yiyuan turned around and said, "When Gu Hui came to us back then, he just lured us and made a big promise, and at the same time he gave the Ten Thousand Poison Soul Devouring Pill. I saw myself There is no hope of promotion, so I gave the elixir to the senior brother, but I didn't expect it to harm the senior brother."

Lu Jinyuan waved his hand and replied: "I regret that I shouldn't have listened to my junior brother. In the early years, Junior Brother Yi had an appointment with Junior Brother Hu to give up the position of Suzerain Lihuo first. It was because I was too eager for success that I fell into Gu Hui's way. Now I only hope that Junior Brother Yi can subdue Gu Hui and force him to hand over the antidote."

At this time, Lu Jinyuan's desire to survive spontaneously rose in his heart, hoping that Yi Tianzhen could defeat and capture Gu Hui alive.

A few people were talking about the sudden change of the situation on the distant scene, two flames flashed, and the fire swords in the hands of Yi Tian and Gu Hui simultaneously turned into an afterimage and flew across the air.

It's just that Gu Hui's moves are obviously well-behaved, as if he wants to attack with the power of true flames.On the other hand, Yi Tian twitched the corner of his mouth, and pointed at Taiyuan Sword with his hands again: "The sword turns into silk."

In an instant, the body of the Taiyuan Sword began to disintegrate into thousands of red threads of light, covering the Thousand Souls Sword.Immediately there was a clear sound of "ping ping pong pong" attacking in the air, and the thousand soul sword plunged into the sword net and was stopped in an instant.

Moreover, when the tiny sword wire crosses the outer flame of the Thousand Soul Sword, it can always weaken it by a tiny bit.

As the saying goes, ants kill elephants, under the attack of the sword's energy, the Thousand Soul Sword is like a lone boat floating in a violent storm. .

Gu Hui, who was manipulating the Thousand Soul Sword in the rear, shouted with a dark face, "Yi Tian, ​​you actually practiced Qian Lingzi's ultimate skill, Yao Swordsmanship, and you are a master of internal and external enemies."

Yi Tian didn't deny it when he heard the words, but just replied lightly: "The times have changed, you always hold the views of sects, but you don't know that now is the era when the world is united, why should everyone learn from each other's strengths. No wonder Patriarch Li Huo I will pass on the position of suzerain to Patriarch Xuanyang, I am afraid that I will see through early in the morning that you are not this kind of material."

Looking at the golden flames around the Thousand Soul Sword on the field, it seemed that there was not much left of it due to the brilliance of his own sword thread, Yi Tian then said in his mouth after the printed hair on his hand changed again: "Harmony".

The sword nets formed by thousands of sword threads were all gathered together in an instant to form the original body, but the aura on the Taiyuan sword at this time was far more condensed than before.

The traces of sword energy emanating from the fire sword spread towards the surroundings indiscriminately. Mo Wentian, who was standing on the sidelines, suddenly had his eyelids twitch and said in a deep voice: "Junior Brother Yi is really powerful, and the sword energy is so powerful. There is no hostility, but a soft power. But this power seems to have been seen somewhere, and it should be a fusion of famous and authentic exercises."

Immediately he slapped his head and said: "It's the power of Buddha Sect. It turns out that stopping killing by not killing can have such an effect. It seems that Gu Hui is in trouble."

As soon as the words were finished, everyone saw that Yi Tian's Taiyuan sword had gathered enough momentum, and then he manipulated it to attack head-on and hit the Qianhun sword fiercely. There was a clear and loud "bang", and the two spirit swords scorched together after being shaken head-on in the air.

The scattered spiritual pressure fluctuations in the air caused the fluctuations visible to the naked eye to spread towards the surroundings. Seeing this, Mo Wentian and the others hurriedly pulled away.The light wave swept over the nearby mountain and immediately burst the cliff.

Fortunately, the main hall of Motianya Cliff below was still protected by a protective cover, but it trembled violently under the attack of light waves.The disciples who were controlling the formation in the middle were blushing at this moment, grasping the formation plate tightly with both hands, inputting spiritual power into it desperately to maintain the formation.

But some of the Jindan disciples with weaker cultivation bases had already started to burst blood from the corners of their mouths, and they were about to be swallowed back by the formation. Only Yi Lingfeng was still struggling to hold on.

Suddenly a figure appeared behind him, and gently pressed his palm against his back to inject a stream of pure spiritual power into it, which stabilized the formation.

It was Xuan Jianxin who saw that the disciples were exhausted, so he helped in time. On the other hand, he also knew the inside story. The relationship between the person in front of him and the person above him was unusual. If something happened, he might not be able to explain it afterwards. .

After Mo Wentian's thoughts were swept away, a little comforting expression appeared on his face, and then he shouted loudly: "Follow me and surround him. Today, no matter what, we can't let him go."

Then he reached out and handed several sword talismans to the hands of the Nascent Soul cultivators behind him, and then said: "We spread around and sacrificed sword talismans to besiege the traitors."

At this time, Mo Wentian no longer cared about his fellowship, and picked up the sword talisman in one hand and poured spiritual power into it to activate it.Everyone around hurriedly followed suit, and after they separated, they found each other's positions within a hundred li radius to activate the sword amulets.

Immediately, more than a dozen sword lights flashed in the air and formed a large sword net formation, covering several people inside.

After repeated defeats, Gu Hui was stabbed again, his face naturally turned from embarrassment into anger.In the blink of an eye, seeing Mo Wentian and others intervene, Lu Jinyuan turned against him again, and said angrily: "You all turned against each other, let me show you the power of the Haotian Mirror, the treasure of the Lihuo Sect."

After finishing speaking, he reached out and took out the Haotian mirror in his hand, then raised it up with the natal fire and shot a golden light towards Yi Tian in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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