
Chapter 826

Chapter 826
The whole scene above the Iron Sword Sect suddenly changed. Everyone held Mo Wentian's sword talisman in their hands and formed a large formation to trap Gu Hui in it.

Unexpectedly, after he took out the Haotian mirror, he sacrificed a golden flame towards Yi Tianzhao.This was the first time after he got the Haotian Mirror, he raised the divine light inside and irradiated it. After Zhongren took a closer look, Yi Tian's figure had long since disappeared.

And in the void not far behind Gu Hui, a red fire wheel suddenly appeared, and it rushed towards Gu Hui with the sound of wind.It turned out that Yi Tian had been prepared for a long time, and when he saw Gu Hui took out the Haotian mirror, he thought of a countermeasure, and his figure disappeared without a trace after a teleportation.

After Haotian Jing's mirror light missed a hit, it was an excellent opportunity to counterattack. Before Gu Hui could make the second move, Yi Tian directly made a move, and greeted him with his special move, Hot Wheels.

With a twitch of his eyelids, Gu Hui knew that the visitor was not kind. He withdrew the Haotian Mirror with one hand, and then took out a dark jade ring, held out a blood arrow in his mouth, activated it, and then flashed a hot flame.

At the same time, this side of the world seemed to be brightly illuminated by the fire from the jade ring, and after a breath, he took the firelight and turned into a vermilion bird to meet the incoming Fenghuolun head-on.

Yi Tian's face changed and he secretly said: "It's the most precious treasure of the sect, the Suzaku ring, no wonder he has nothing to fear."

But when he saw his driving method, he shook his head secretly. It seems that Gu Hui still didn't understand the secret method of the sect thoroughly, and the power of forcing the secret treasure might be limited.

Sure enough, as soon as the incarnation of Suzaku and Hot Wheels met, there was a thunderous crackling sound in the air, but the two magic spells were in a stalemate in the air, and the remaining power of the spells was exhausted after ten breaths.

Gu Hui could adjust his breath again when he was free. Now he poured the fist-sized fireball into the Haotian mirror, and then pointed it at Yi Tianzhao.

After a golden light shot out, it directly shone on Yi Tian's body and instantly fixed him. Mo Wentian and others surrounded him saw that something was wrong and were about to help when they suddenly saw Gu Hui take out the Suzaku ring again. After the blood sprayed out from the mouth, it turned into a golden flame and applied directly to the spiritual weapon.

Suddenly, a sky-high fire flashed, and then turned into a three-foot-sized Suzaku phantom and flew straight towards Yi Tian.

Seeing that Yi Tian couldn't move at all under the divine light of the Haotian Mirror, the Suzaku Hokage was about to hit him directly, but Gu Hui felt something wrong with a twitch in the corner of his eyes.

After the Suzaku flew to a distance of ten feet, Yi Tian suddenly blinked his eyelids and showed a smile on his face, and then moved his hands again to seal and cast spells on his chest.

With a "bang", the golden Suzaku Hokage accurately hit Yi Tian's body, but at this moment, Gu Hui's face did not look happy at all.Obviously Yi Tian could still cast spells under the divine light of the Haotian Mirror, which made him suspicious of this sect's treasure, but the Haotian Mirror didn't look like a fake either.

When he was wondering, suddenly a white light flashed in the phantom of the Suzaku, and then it seemed to be devouring the surrounding golden flames at high speed.

It didn't take a moment to decipher the spell coefficient of the Suzaku Ring, revealing Yi Tian wearing Nanming Lihuo True Flame Armor.After a while, the real fire in the true flame armor on his body shrank rapidly until the tip of his right index finger turned into a wisp of white flame.

Yi Tian turned his head and cast a disdainful glance at Gu Hui, saying, "You haven't even mastered the secret method of your sect, so you're forcibly manipulating the Suzaku ring, I'm afraid you'll lose a lot of your true energy."

"It turns out that you have been prepared for a long time, but what about the Haotian mirror, can your refining skills reach the point where the real one can be confused with the real one?" Gu Hui asked angrily.

Yi Tian didn't answer. After offering the Taiyuan Sword this time, he flicked the strand of Nanming Lihuo on his fingertips towards it, and then controlled it to fly towards Gu Hui's position.

Now Gu Hui didn't dare to be careless, and hastily put away the Suzaku ring, drew a Tai Chi pattern on his chest with one hand, and sacrificed the same spiral fire shield.

With a crisp sound of "click", the spiral center of the fire shield also bit the Taiyuan sword tightly, but the trace of white flame was constantly eroding the real flame on the fire shield.

Gu Hui was shocked when he saw it. The devouring speed was not so fast. In an instant, he felt that the spiral fire shield was about to collapse, and then hurriedly increased the output of spiritual power to maintain an evenly matched state of balance.

At the same time, the corners of Gu Hui's eyes suddenly caught Yi Tian who was in the distance and disappeared from his original position in a flash. After a breath, there was a burning sensation behind him.Without thinking much, Gu Hui turned around and prepared to cast the spell again, only to see a big hand wrapped in white flames leaping out of the void, grabbing the Haotian Mirror in his hand and snatching it from his hand.

Later, at a distance of thirty feet away, Yi Tian's figure appeared and looked at Haotian Mirror with one hand, and then sneered, "It turns out that you haven't even refined Nanming Lihuo, which was passed down from the sect. I'm afraid you won't be able to use the Sky Mirror in your hands."

"Nonsense, this sect is Yun Zhongzheng's senior brother, how could the No. 1 Lihuo elders not get the true biography after sitting down," Gu Hui said angrily.

Yi Tian didn't want to have more verbal disputes with him, but curled his lips and replied: "Let me show you the real usage of the Haotian Mirror." After finishing speaking, he tapped the Taiyuan Sword with his index finger to take it back, and at the same time put the Lian Nanming Lihuo sank into the Haotian Mirror with a light flick.

In an instant, a white light came out of the mirror and directly shone on Gu Hui's body, revealing the appearance of the Nascent Soul in the palace with the Niwan in the middle of his forehead.

At this time, Gu Hui felt that he could no longer mobilize any spiritual power in his body, and even the spirit body of the Nascent Soul in the Niwan Palace had lost its autonomy, and turned into a state of being slaughtered, and cold sweat broke out on his head.

When Yi Tian saw it, he just sighed and shook his head, "Do you know the difference between you and Xuanyang Patriarch now? From the beginning to the end, you have never entered the Dharma Eye of the Lihuo Clan, and the Lihuo Sect's direct lineage is only Yun Zhongzheng's." Disciples and grandchildren. Patriarch Yu of Qi Pavilion and Patriarch Wan of Dan Pavilion have already noticed this, only you are still obsessed with it."

After hearing this, Gu Hui's face paled for a while, and then he shouted with unwillingness on his face: "Then why don't you do it now that you have restrained me, I know that you and Yun Zhong are fellow travelers, and you always talk about the morality of the sect. In the first place. You are afraid that you will bear the infamy of killing the seniors of the sect, so you dare not do it."

When he said this, Yi Tian was immediately indifferent and speechless. To be honest, Gu Hui was right. If he wanted to kill him, he could do it when he met him in Zhongzhou.If it wasn't for caring about the favor of Lihuo's old clan and the admonition of his own ancestor, he would have ended up early in the morning.

As soon as the mirror light in the Haotian mirror in his hand was withdrawn, he turned his hand and sacrificed the Taiyuan sword, turning into a solid phantom of the spirit sword and slashing towards Gu Hui.

Hearing "Oops", the sword light directly broke his protective cover, leaving a deep scar on his body, and there was still a cyan light on the scar, no matter how Gu Hui used spells, he couldn't get rid of it.

After putting away the Haotian Mirror, Yi Tiancai said lightly: "You are right, I can't kill you, killing is not in line with my beliefs, and the civil strife in Li Huozong has lasted for thousands of years, it should be over. Stay The treasures of the sect, the Suzaku Ring and the Thousand Soul Sword, today I will directly pick you out of the sect as the new suzerain of the Lihuo Sect. You have been hit by my Yao Jianshu and you can’t perform [-]% of your skills. Let’s go, I don’t want to see you again , from now on, there will be no such person as Gu Hui in the Lihuo Sect."

Doubts also appeared on the faces of the people trapped around, and Chi Yangzi said angrily: "Stinky boy, you are going to let the tiger go back to the mountain, who else can control him with such a cultivation level except you .”

Mo Wentian on the side stretched out his hand to stop Chiyangzi with a solemn expression on his face, then he and Yi Tian looked at each other, nodded slightly and turned to the crowd, "Didn't Junior Brother Chiyang hear clearly?" If so, this is the first time Junior Brother Yi has spoken as Sect Master Li Huo, and I know his difficulty."

Then he turned around and secretly transmitted sound to the Nascent Soul cultivators around him, and then saw a gap in the sword talisman array.

Seeing that Yi Tian was clearly going to let him go, Gu Hui showed a decisive look on his face, then took out the Suzaku ring and threw it towards Yi Tian, ​​and then sent the Thousand Soul Sword over.After doing this, he used his kung fu to forcefully suppress the injuries on his body, and then flew straight across the gap in the big formation.

The master didn't dare to act rashly along the way, only Mo Wentian said unhurriedly: "The suzerain is generous and won't kill you, but I will do whatever is difficult for him. You have half an hour, and I will personally Lead a team to chase you, I hope you can do it yourself."

Mo Wentian talked all about this, Yi Tian had no choice but to turn his head away and keep silent.But he also knew in his heart that Gu Hui was definitely a potential danger to Mo Wentian and others, and he couldn't let their safety go.

And half an hour is the maximum tolerance limit of Mo Wentian and the others, and Yi Tian acquiesced to this.

Gu Hui snorted coldly, looked around at the general descendants of Xuanyang, and said in his mouth: "You have the same virtue as your ancestor Yun Zhongzheng, if you want the old man's life, just come here."

After speaking, without looking back, his body turned into a golden light and flew towards the outside of the mountain gate, and soon disappeared into the sky.After he flew away, Mo Wentian turned around and started dispatching troops, ordering Nangong Aotian and Dongfang Lingyun to lead Huo Chilian and Qu Yifeng to set off after half an hour to find Gu Hui's whereabouts.

And he, Chi Yangzi, Lu Jinyuan, and Hu Yiyuan are responsible for the follow-up, and they must cut the weeds and root them out.

Yi Tian didn't say much and flew straight forward to say hello to everyone, and then handed the Suzaku Ring to Chi Yangzi, and the Thousand Soul Sword to Lu Jinyuan, who believed that the two of them would be able to use them properly.

After Gu Hui left, just half an hour later, Nangong Aotian and Dongfang Lingyun set off directly, and Huo Chilian and Qu Yifeng who were standing by the side hurriedly followed the old and young pair as agreed before. Go to catch up with Gu Hui.

Yi Tian saw it in his eyes and just sighed slightly, but Mo Wentian, who was beside him, had a stern expression on his face and said: "Junior Brother Yi, you are the suzerain and don't want to bear this infamy, you are just like the old ancestor Xuanyang back then With a kind heart, the Lihuo elders did not misunderstand the person, Gu Hui is eager for quick success, if he is allowed to be in power, the world will be hard to find peace."

Chi Yangzi also echoed and said: "You kid, leave your tail behind when you do things. Fortunately, I am old and I don't have any scruples. I will finish this last difficult matter. Someday in the future, I will die later." Seeing Patriarch Xuanyang finally has an explanation."

Yi Tian had no choice but to laugh along with them after listening to each of them give a lesson.Then he turned his gaze to the Soul Eater Mouse King who was in the air, but silently transmitted a few words to the two of them.

Mo Wentian frowned after hearing this, but shook his head after looking it over, "It's up to you to solve this matter, after all, you are the seniors of the sect and you must not offend too deeply."

At the same time, Chi Yangzi also echoed: "Should we talk to the other demon kings? Although your strength is not weaker than his, but after the fight, you will consume a lot of spiritual power. It is not a solution to continue this internal consumption."

Yi Tian also knew his own situation in his heart. Although he fought against Gu Hui just now to overwhelm him, it was because he was still worried about the Soul Eater Mouse King that he never dared to do his best.Now at most he only has [-]% of his strength in his heyday. If he really turned against him, even if he wanted to restrain him, he would have to pay a lot of price.

Fortunately, I have shown the true strength of the Lihuo Sect's direct lineage, and I believe that I can see it from the perspective of the Soul Eater Mouse King.Moreover, he must have some ideas for staying in the air for a long time.

So Yi Tian calculated his heart and said to Mo Wentian and Chi Yangzi: "Don't worry, two senior brothers, I have my own way, not to mention that I don't need to do it myself."

Seeing that Yi Tian was so confident, Mo Wentian sighed and said, "Okay, you can figure it out, Junior Brother Chiyang and I will bring Junior Brother Lu and Junior Brother Hu to chase after him, and don't let the shame of Li Huozong's family out to the outside world." good."

At the same time, he glanced at the Nascent Soul cultivators of the other three sects with a rare sneer and said, "Let them continue to be a witness here, I'm afraid they will come forward and say a few words of justice later on."

After speaking, he communicated a few words with Ke Manzi and others in private, and then informed Xuan Jianxin, who was in charge of the formation below, to let him guard the sect with peace of mind.After everything was arranged, he turned around and flew towards the direction where Gu Hui had left before. Chi Yangzi, Lu Jinyuan and Hu Yiyuan followed closely behind.

Liu Piaopiao, who had been waiting in the air for a long time after the four of them had gone far away, had a chance to fly up to look at Yi Tianhou, and finally managed to choke out a sentence: "You have to be careful when facing the Mouse King."

Yi Tian nodded knowingly and responded: "Don't worry, I know what I know. I have made you worry and fear these years. I will make up for it after the incident."

Liu Piaopiao's eyes flashed brightly and said: "Okay, let's settle the matter in front of us first. It's because your sect's trivial matters are not well handled, and it's difficult to sleep and eat."

Afterwards, Angel Yi gave a reassuring wink and flew straight forward to stand not far in front of the Soul Eater Mouse King before standing still, and then bowed his hands and greeted him as a junior: "Senior Soul Eater, please come and be safe."

The Soul Eater Mouse King squinted his small eyes and looked at Yi Tianhou before replying: "You have obtained the true biography of the ancestor, and you have taken control of the sect's token in a legitimate way. I dare not accept your gift."

Having said that, the Soul Eater Mouse King didn't mean to avoid suspicion at all, and Yi Tian knew that he was unhappy when he saw it.Gu Hui was responsible for taking care of him in the Lihuo Sect back then, so this time he was specially invited to be a witness, but his appearance made him lose face and made him unable to step down for a while.

After thinking about it, I am also angry. Although the four demon kings have unusual identities in the sect and are the spiritual pets of the ancestor Lihuo, when the Golden Retriever King came to him back then, he was still very respectful. Qingtian Demon King and Wan Ying The king is also called the suzerain.

Unexpectedly, the Soul Eater Mouse King was so arrogant, so he had to bite the bullet and ask, "I don't know how the Mouse King thinks about this matter."

(End of this chapter)

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