
Chapter 827

Chapter 827 Ten Moves
As the most low-key and mysterious person among the four demon kings, the Soul Eater Mouse King usually lives in seclusion in Beiyuan.

When Yi Tian was in Southern Border, he had heard rumors about him, but it was a pity that he never met each other, but the other three demon kings were lucky to meet.In particular, Wan Ying Wang himself was invited to visit the ruins of the Feishengtai where he once trapped beasts. Although it was only the second choice, he knew in his heart that the old Lihuo must have a purpose for setting up the Feishengtai there.

Although I couldn't figure it out for a while, it didn't mean it was unimportant. On the contrary, the presence of the King of Eagles, the head of the Four Demon Kings, just proved that it was definitely a very important place.

Although Qingtian Demon King has not met himself in person, he has already communicated with Qin Yu's video message, and he has pledged his only daughter to him, which explains everything.

As for the King of Golden Retrievers, he had already made it clear when he met more than a hundred years ago, and what's more, he directly recognized Chi Yanju as his godson. This kind of temperament is definitely beyond my imagination.

But it's no wonder that as long as you think about the appearance of the four demon kings in the phantom of Lihuo Ancestral Hall, you can understand the situation between them.

At this time, the Soul Eater Mouse King's expression didn't change when he was asked by Yi Tian, ​​he just stared at it for a while before he said: "Do you know the relationship between Gu Hui and me?"

Yi Tian nodded, but turned to say cautiously: "Gu Hui has long been possessed by a demon, I just didn't take his life directly for the sake of Patriarch Li Huo. If there is no help from the Shu King, the main medicines will definitely not be able to get together, right?"

The opposing general, the Soul Eater Mouse King, was at a loss for words. That's right, when Gu Hui went to Beiyuan to find him, he asked him to help gather a variety of treasures, including the raw materials for the Wandu Soul Eater Pill.

The Soul Eater Mouse King just frowned slightly, then his face returned to normal and said: "Yes, I helped him, but I didn't expect him to use this pill on his fellow disciples. Today, Sect Master Yi clarified whether this matter was intended Blame it on me."

"This sect naturally doesn't want to put the unprovoked responsibility on the Shu King, but if I hadn't rushed back in time recently, I'm afraid the Shu King will become Gu Hui's helper again. And my Xuanyang direct lineage will definitely be subdued by him. Under his command, the Shu King did not consider this matter," Yi Tian replied directly without any hesitation, and there was a sense of blame in his tone.

After hearing this, the Soul Eater Rat King's expression turned ugly, and then he snorted coldly and said, "I respect you as the new suzerain, so I treat you with courtesy. You must know that you are Yun Zhongzheng's disciple according to your seniority, and I and I No matter how you meet him, you should call him Patriarch."

"What the Shu King said is correct, it should be the case in terms of seniority, but I am now the suzerain. In the Lihuo Sect, the suzerain is the first, even if the elders of the sect see this sect, they have to pay homage to the sect," Yi said. Tian Zhengfeng didn't give in at all, anyway, he already had a calculation in his heart, and the next step was just to show off his tricks.

After hearing this, the Soul Eater Mouse King's spiritual power fluctuated in all directions, and a powerful spiritual pressure hit him instantly. Fortunately, his own is not weak. The two of them were in a stalemate for a while, and they couldn't stabilize the other side.

Then he smiled at the corner of his mouth and said, "I have heard that the Shu King is very powerful, and he is the personal spiritual pet of the Lihuo old clan. It just so happens that I also have a few spiritual pets here and I want to ask the Shu King for advice."

After finishing speaking, he patted the beast-controlling bag and three auras flew out of it and appeared in front of him. After the aura faded, the figures of Fat Dog, Miss Qingyu and Chiyanju appeared.

After seeing this, the Soul Eater Mouse King sized up his face with disdain, and then sneered, "Sect Master Yi, your spiritual pets are a bit weak, and the red-haired boy seems to have transformed, but obviously his strength is not enough. .The little hen is only at the fifth level of cultivation, although the blood is noble, but it is not yet mature enough to display its due strength."

Unexpectedly, the Shu King's eyes are so vicious and one can tell the depth at a glance, Yi Tian just curled his lips and pointed at the fat dog and said, "Then Shu King, how about his strength?"

After hearing this, the Soul Eater Rat King stared at the fat dog, disapproving on his real face, but gradually his brows frowned with confusion on his face, and he said in his mouth: "It's strange, why do I feel Xuanyang on this dog? He is really hot, and his strength is not weak, obviously it has accumulated for more than 300 years. But according to his current appearance, he should have been cut off long ago, how can he still maintain the original animal shape?"

Unexpectedly, Fat Dog yelled at the Soul Eater Mouse King a few times when he heard these words: "I'm a fox, not a dog. What kind of eyesight do you have?"

Immediately, the Soul Eater Mouse King pulled his face down and became very embarrassed, and turned to Yi Tian and said: "Could it be that the suzerain's spiritual pet can be so big or small, and there is no courtesy when seeing seniors."

On the contrary, Yi Tian curled his lips and said: "Calm down the rat king, this sect just wants these uninformed guys to come out and see the demeanor of the Shu king. At the same time, I don't hesitate to ask the Shu king to teach me a few things. I usually know these guys I don’t have time to take care of them, but you are always here and can teach them for me.”

The Soul Eater Mouse King sneered before saying: "Since the suzerain has drawn the line, I will disappoint you if I don't take it. So as long as the three of them work together to survive my ten moves, the old man can apologize to the suzerain in person. It’s not that from now on, only the suzerain will follow.”

"A good Shu King and a quick talk are exactly what I want. If they can't catch the Shu King's ten tricks, then this sect will not bother with the Shu King's affairs in the future, and the Lihuo Sect will always treat the Shu King as a guest of honor. Seeing this sect How about not needing to be courteous?" Yi Tian replied.

"Don't talk about gossip, let's see the real story," said the Soul Eater Mouse King quietly floated out to a hundred feet away, lifted the black robe on his body, and directly exposed the demon body.

I saw that his whole body was covered with snow-white soft fur, and his hands were covered with golden gloves. He clenched his fists and immediately compressed the surrounding air in his hands.Then he smiled at a few people and signaled that it was time to start.

Yi Tian finally reached out to the three beasts through sound transmission in private, and then turned around and flew aside to watch.

Although he already had a full understanding of the Four Demon Kings before, the spiritual pressure fluctuation of the Soul Eater Rat King's move gave Yi Tian a direct understanding of his strength.

Among the four demon kings in terms of cultivation, Wanying King is the most worthy one, and the other three are not far behind.In terms of strength, I am now about the same as the King of Eagles, and that is still without using the Haotian Mirror or Zixiaozhan.

However, I also have a clear understanding of the strength of the three monsters under my command. It shouldn't be difficult for the three of them to work together to resist the Soul Eater Mouse King's ten moves.

Turning into a human form, the Red Flame Horse looked excited. Then he stretched out his hands and closed them in front of his chest. He spit out a stream of flames and gathered them in his hands. Then he gathered the flames with his hands. His gestures were a bit like imitating Yi Tian's. tricks.

After seeing it, the Mouse King of Counting Souls just snorted coldly and said: "There is something to learn from, but it's a pity that there is no spirit in it."

And Miss Qingyu, after waving her wings, flashed several hurricanes and rushed towards the Shuhun Mouse King.She is the weakest of the three monsters, and at this time she is at most playing the autumn wind by the side.

The strong wind that was blowing was not weak at all, at least Yi Tian felt that it was comparable to the magic power of the little baby monk.After looking at her in a blink of an eye, she realized that it seemed that Qin Yu's innate magical powers could have such power.

The Shuhun Mouse King was obviously stunned when he saw Gang Feng, and then he focused on the fat dog. There is no doubt that the fox is the strongest among the three monsters.

Suddenly the black figure of the Shu King moved, and then turned into a black lightning bolt and rushed towards the Red Flame Horse.It is reasonable to say that the persimmon should be picked softly, but the Soul Eater Mouse King is obviously aware of something, so he has some scruples in his moves.

The strong wind whizzed past, blowing to the top of the surrounding mountains, blowing up the gravel and cracking them into powder and ink, but the mouse king of the soul could move freely in the strong wind with his white hair defense, it seemed that he did not There are no restrictions in general.

After three breaths, the Mouse King flashed in front of the Chi Yanju with both hands. With a "bang", the two demons and four fists attacked each other, and the Chi Yanju was instantly pushed back by more than ten feet.

And his face turned red, although there was no sign of failure to defend his hands, but they kept trembling.

Seeing it from the side, Qin Yu shouted with shock on his face, "Husband, please help Second Uncle, he won't be able to survive two tricks if this goes on."

Fat Dog's face was solemn at this time, and after staring at the Soul Eater Mouse King, his whole body moved.It turned into a flash of blue and red lightning and shuttled through the air, and within three breaths, it appeared beside the Soul Eater Mouse King as if teleporting, and then the two front paws slashed alternately, and the fingertips were blue and red respectively. The power of Xuanyang True Fire.

With a sound of "Zi La", Fat Dog's move seemed to tear the air apart, and two small gaps in the void appeared around the space where Xuanyang's real fire passed.

After seeing it, the Mouse King of Counting Souls said in his mouth: "Okay", and then his two hands suddenly turned into mouse claws with a flash of white light, and then struck towards the opponent.

Two spiritual pressure fluctuations appeared at the same place, and the tumbling air wave immediately shook Shu Wang and Fat Dog dozens of feet away.

The power of such an attack has reached the level of a mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivator, which shocked the Nascent Soul cultivators of the three sects of Dongao who were watching from a distance, and then looked at the fat dog in front of them with incredible eyes, and then Sweeping his eyes, Yi Tian secretly rejoiced that he didn't offend him, or else these three-headed spiritual pets alone would be enough for them to bear.

The fat dog stopped Chi Yanju in one blow, but said in his mouth: "Boy, his strength is at most inferior to Yi Tian's, there are still eight tricks you can hold?"

Chi Yanju raised his head and neighed, "What are you afraid of? I still have a useless move." After speaking, he raised his hands and turned them into a set of armor covering his body, only a pair of eyes were exposed on his whole face. .

The Mouse King of Counting Souls smiled disdainfully and said: "Is this your full strength? If the little pony hadn't been protected by this fat dog, you would have been defeated just now with one blow. There are still eight moves, and I will divide them into one. I can beat you, don't think too highly of yourself."

After speaking, the Shu King's figure suddenly trembled violently, and at the same time, it seemed to overlap in the air, and after three breaths, an identical phantom appeared.

Not to mention that Yi Tian on the side also frowned, the two Shu Kings in front of him seemed to be carved out of the same mold, and the aura and pressure fluctuations on their bodies were indistinguishable from each other.

And the Three Demons were also frightened at this time, it was very passive that they couldn't tell the real body of the Shu King under such circumstances, but after thinking about it a little, they knew that the opponent must be trying to defeat each other.

At this time, it is obvious that the target of the attack will be very big when you are in a group, only to hear the fat dog say: "You two are facing each other head-on, I will go and dig out my heart."

Obviously Fat Dog's strategy is not the best, but it is the best choice in the current state. There is only one mouse king, so there must be one of them that is a mirror image created by illusion.

Chi Yanju and Qing Yu both sacrificed their spells to attack the Soul Eater Mouse King after reminiscing. The red fireball mixed with the wind in the air instantly increased the original power by [-]%.

Suddenly the figure of the fat dog moved again, and a halo of ice that teleported to the other side of the Shu King flashed out and formed a three-foot-wide ice barrier around him.

Under the effect of the ice halo, the air inside condensed into tens of thousands of ice crystal beads, and then the fat dog howled and controlled the frost to turn into a hurricane and blow it towards the Soul Eater Mouse King.

The power of the ice is so strong that even the monks around under the sun at noon can feel the slightest bit of freezing.The hurricane struck head-on, but the Soul Eater Mouse King's face did not change at all. One of them turned around and hit the hurricane with both palms, and even caught the hurricane directly.

Fat Dog's eyes lit up and he shouted, "This is true."

But before I finished speaking, I saw another mouse king also moved, and a few dodges rushed to the front of the red flame horse under the attack of the strong wind and flames, and then punched again firmly. It hit Chi Yanju's chest and sent him flying a distance of more than ten feet.

Then his eyes glanced at Qin Yu, and he stretched out his hand to offer a prohibition to tie her up tightly, grabbed the descendants and gave Yi Tiandao: "She is out first."

Unexpectedly, both of them were real bodies, and because of this, Chi Yanju was not as embarrassed as before after being hit.Obviously, the Soul Mouse King used the avatar technique, so the power of the attack was also halved.

As soon as the words were finished, a terrifying wave of spiritual pressure suddenly rose not far away, and the Soul Eater Mouse King turned his eyes to see that it was Chi Yanju's body that aroused a wave of spiritual pressure similar to him at some point.

Then he squinted his eyes and said in a dumb voice: "How can you have such strength, this is obviously not your own strength."

After Yi Tian took Qin Yu with one hand, he untied the restraint on her body, settled her by his side, and then explained to the Soul Eater Mouse King: "Chi Yanju has a adoptive father, this is the amulet given by his adoptive father. It's not a foul."

After hearing this, the Soul Eater Mouse King's expression changed several times before he gritted his teeth and said, "I thought you and Yun Zhongzheng were generally elegant gentlemen, but I didn't expect it to be full of bad water."

"The Rat King is too famous. Before my sect cultivated immortality, we were born in the world. It is easy to change the country, but you can't change your nature. You should be more patient, or I won't be able to stop that person from coming to find fault with you after knowing that you bullied his adopted son. ,” Yi Tian said anyway, looking like a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water to eat him.

After hearing this, the Soul Eater Mouse King was at a loss for words, and managed to hold back a sentence from his mouth: "Okay, I count you as ruthless."

(End of this chapter)

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