
Chapter 829 Spirit Blood

Chapter 829 Spirit Blood
Yi Tian frowned slightly, it seemed that Fat Dog would only be able to survive the third thunder tribulation, but only five or five.After thinking about it, he stretched out his hand and patted the largest beast-controlling pouch on his waist, summoning a golden light to fly in front of him.

After the golden light faded, Meng Xin came with a sleepy face, yawned and looked at Yi Tian who was in front of him dissatisfied: "Why did you call me out before you reached the upper spirit world? If there is something you can't do, ask me to come out." The old man makes a move."

Before Yi Tian could speak, the Soul Eater Mouse King who was standing in the distance flew forward with a spirit and paid homage to Meng Xin and shouted in a hurry: "It turns out that you are always here, see Lord Meng Xin for Soul Eater .”

Meng Xin rolled her eyes and shouted, "It's you, little mouse, you don't have the place to talk here and stand aside."

Turning his head to Yi Tian, ​​he said, "Tell me, what's the trouble?"

This is the first time Yi Tian saw the Soul Eater Rat King's soft clothes, and then he gestured to the fat dog who was crossing the robbery in the distance and said, "Can you help me?"

After hearing this, Mengxin looked at Fat Dog, then looked at Jieyun in the sky, and said angrily, "Don't bring this up on me again."

"Who are you looking for if you don't ask about the monster clan's affairs? Do you want me to ask those three people?" After Yi Tian finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and pointed at the void not far behind him three times, and suddenly appeared in the void. There were three ripples, and then three figures appeared.

When the Soul Eater Mouse King saw it, his eyes and pupils froze and he exclaimed in surprise: "When did the three of you arrive? My little brother is being polite."

The person who came was none other than the three Great Demon Kings from Zhentianlan Continent, but at this time they heard the Mouse King's call and only nodded slightly in response.

The leading Wanying King brought Qingtian Demon King and Golden Retriever King and flew straight forward to salute Yi Tian and Meng Xin: "See Sect Master Yi and Lord Meng Xin."

The three demon kings all arrived early in the morning, but just hid aside and let the Soul Eater Mouse King play as he pleases.

Yi Tian also found out that the situation was different when he was fighting with Gu Hui. At that time, he had already made up his mind to let the three demons under him fight against the Soul Eater Mouse King. After all, the two demon kings, Jin Mao and Qing Tian, ​​must be Soul Eater If the Shu King went too far, someone would be able to stop him in time.

Mengxin saw the Four Demon Empresses with a face full of indifference and didn't care about them at all, but turned to Yi Tian and said, "Your cultivation base has grown very fast, you will be able to advance in less than a hundred years. In the later stage, if you look at it like this and your bone age is less than a thousand years, you can be promoted to become a god, so I will return to the upper spirit world just around the corner." There was a satisfied smile on the corner of his mouth.

Unpredictably, Yi Tian said: "See if you can help Fat Dog overcome this catastrophe of transformation, and I will owe you a favor after it is done."

Meng Xin smiled on her small face, then stretched out her small hand and squeezed out three drops of spiritual blood from her fingertips.The three drops of blood gathered in the wind and formed three blood beads the size of soybeans, then shot towards the fat dog.

At this time, the icy halo on Fat Dog's body opened to form a spherical frozen world within a range of three feet, and the Xuanyang True Fire that he got from Yi Tian after his talent was mutated was mixed in it.

This situation is Fat Dog's posture to deal with the last catastrophe, but the three drops of spiritual blood turned into blood beads seemed to hit the paper barrier, and penetrated into it after encountering some resistance, and then Into the body of the fat dog.

As a result, the aura on Fat Dog's body increased by more than three times, and the ice halo mixed with ice and fire instantly expanded to a range of more than six feet.

At this moment, the faces of the Four Great Demon Kings became strangely exciting, their eyelids twitched when they saw Mengxin's actions just now, thinking back then they only refined a drop of Mengxin's spiritual blood to break through to Seven categories.

But this time Fat Dog accepted three drops of Mengxin's spiritual blood, so the height he can reach in the future is bound to be higher than the four demon kings.Now the three demon kings looked at the Soul Eater Mouse King sympathetically, and they were saying, 'You can figure it out next. '

And the most embarrassing Shu King's face twitched at this time. Seeing that Fat Dog accepted the three drops of spiritual blood from Master Mengxin, his strength will definitely improve after a while.And with the three big demon kings and Meng Xin around, it seems that there is no way to fight this way.

The tribulation thunder in the sky condensed and slashed towards the ice barrier where Fat Dog was. At this time, more and more red true flames flashed in the blue ice barrier, completely destroying the ice halo. It has become an Ice Fire True Flame Barrier.

It's just that a thick white fog in the enchantment hides the fat dog's figure, even if he uses his spiritual thoughts to go there, he can't intrude in to see what's going on.

After the white tribulation thunder fell, there was a "boom" thunderstorm sound as the electric arc hit the ice and fire barrier, and then retreated to the sky.

The electric force wrapped the Ice Fire True Flame Shield, compressed it to a size of one foot, and then directly broke through a hole directly above and filed in.

The four people who looked at it like this also had lingering fears and sweated for the fat dog. Only Yi Tian had a gleam of green light in his eyes, and said calmly on his face: "It seems that your spiritual blood has worked, I really don't know you What kind of monster is it, how could Ji Xuanyuan be willing to bring you down to the lower realm?"

Meng Xin's face darkened as if it touched his adult past, and he sighed, "You will know this after you ascend to the spirit world, maybe I took advantage of you."

Yi Tian was stunned when he heard this, and suddenly a sense of uneasiness flooded into his mind, he looked at Meng Xin who had a face of harmless human beings and animals, and had thousands of questions in his heart but he didn't know where to start.

It was really brewing, and suddenly Mengxin said: "It's almost done, it's time to refine the crossbone, I don't know what the fat dog will look like after it transforms."

While listening, Yi Tian found that the halo of ice not far in front of him had been partially dissipated, and the dense fog in it became thinner when the wind blew, and soon he could see a faint silhouette of a human.

The calamity cloud in the sky had also completed its mission at this time and began to shrink rapidly, and soon closed the gap in the void and thunder calamity, and after the dark clouds cleared, it showed a bright sun shining again.

Under the direct sunlight, the white mist rises rapidly, revealing a seven-foot-tall human figure, with four claws that have evolved into hands and feet, a piece of snow-white skin, and a full head of blue hair just in the middle of the forehead There is a tuft of fiery red hair that is particularly conspicuous.

When everyone saw the fat dog after the transformation, their faces showed a look of amazement.Liu Piaopiao, who was on the side, took a careful look at Yitian's clothes and said in a low voice: "It was carved out of the same mold as you, if it weren't for the evil spirit on your body, it would be really hard to tell the two of you apart. "

Yi Tian replied with a helpless face: "I was only in my twenties when Fat Dog signed a contract with me to become a spiritual pet, and he has been by my side for 500 years, so he imitated my every move perfectly. Even their temperaments are very similar."

To be honest, I really never thought that the fat dog would change according to my own appearance after being transformed into a shape. At a rough glance, it really looks so much like myself.

Except for the evil spirit on his body and his blue-red hair, everything else is basically the same, and those who are not familiar with him can easily mistake him.

Immediately, he reached out his hand to touch the storage ring and took out a set of spiritual armor, threw it to the fat dog and said, "Since you have already transformed, you still have to learn from human beings, and you can't be naked. I have already finished refining this spiritual armor." Now you will be able to use it after your transformation is completed."

As soon as the fat dog reached out to catch the spirit armor, he spit out a trace of spiritual blood onto it, then quickly sacrificed the blood of the spirit armor, and directly manipulated it to turn it into a golden light and fall on his body.

After the halo faded, he turned around and shouted at the Soul Eater Mouse King: "There is one last move. I'm standing here now, so I don't have to dodge and force it. If it's the Mouse King, please draw it down."

After hearing this, the Soul Eater Mouse King stared at the fat dog for a while, then his eyelids trembled a few times, but he said politely: "Congratulations, fellow daoist, for refining the horizontal bone and achieving the seventh level. In the future, there will be more people on Tianlan continent I have gained a demon king, which can be regarded as a blessing for me from the Fire Sect. The old man has no doubts about the wise leadership of the Sect Master. In the future, I will ask the Sect Master to show me everything in the Sect. I will definitely not be sloppy."

After hearing this, Yi Tian nodded in satisfaction. The Soul Eater Mouse King in front of him is also very interesting. He can evolve into a seventh-level demon king after merging a drop of Mengxin's spiritual blood.And now Fat Dog got three drops of spiritual blood all at once, although it has not yet fully fused into his own spiritual power, but this is only a matter of time.

Given time, after he fuses with the spiritual blood, his strength will definitely have a leap. Don't look at Fat Dog who has just passed the Transformation Tribulation, but his strength has already risen to the seventh-level category.

In the future, his Fat Dog's strength will definitely surpass the four demon kings present, so now the Soul Eater Mouse King immediately admits to being cowardly.Taking advantage of the fact that the other three demon kings are all around, it is easy to find a way to go down, and by the way, expressing loyalty to the new suzerain is really a multi-purpose thing.

Later, I saw the Soul Eater Mouse King smiling at Fat Dog with an embarrassed expression on his face: "Fellow Daoist will surely become famous in the near future. I will not take this last move and just admit defeat. I also ask Fellow Daoist to look at me in the future." Treat the disciples and grandchildren of Xiabeiyuan kindly on the thin side."

Fat Dog was stunned when he heard this, he finally turned into a human and just needed an opponent to try his tricks, but the Mouse King retreated in front of the battle, it was really irritating, but the four big demon kings were there and couldn't be more aggressive up.

After sighing in his mouth, he showed a bit of unwilling face and said: "Then I won, I will try to learn from each other next time."

The Soul Eater Mouse King just nodded, and then turned his gaze to the other three demon kings, only to see a little admiration on their faces.

After seeing it, Yi Tian knew that today was the only way to stop here. Fortunately, the four demon kings gathered together, and at the same time deterred the other three sects of monks from Dongao.

Presumably they will become more law-abiding from now on, and they will not violate the orders of the Xuanyang faction.

After the matter was resolved, Yi Tian sent Mengxin back to the Beastmaster's bag again, and then brought the Four Demon Kings, Fat Dog, and a group of Dongao Nascent Soul monks down to the main hall of the Iron Sword Sect .

Xuan Jianxin, who was guarding here, opened the mountain guard formation early in the morning to let everyone in, and then arranged a group of Jindan disciples to entertain the guests, while he himself hurried into the palace with Yi Lingfeng and others Re-open the banquet.

This time, the suzerain and the four demon kings came at the same time, and Mo Wentian from the Iron Sword Sect was not there, so Xuan Jianxin naturally did not dare to neglect the distinguished guests as the host.

The whole banquet lasted for more than half a day, during which Yi Tian personally presided over the exchange of experiences of monks Xia Yuanying, obviously those monks of Dongao San faction were sitting on pins and needles.They dare not make mistakes in front of the monks of the late Yuanying period, but they feel that the days are like years.

Even though Yi Tian restrained his spiritual pressure fluctuations and pretended to be a foundation cultivator, Ke Manzi and others obviously showed deep fear on their faces, and they tried to flatter Yi Tian as much as possible when talking to Yi Tian.

After the entire exchange meeting was over, these people hurriedly resigned and returned to the sect with their disciples.

Two days later, the disciples of Xuanling and Xuanyang arrived at the sect safely under the escort of Yi Tian.

The four demon kings and Fat Dog were also traveling with him. Yi Tian knew that they must have something to discuss with him, but there was no chance to talk in secret along the way, so he directly informed them through voice transmission.

After returning to the territory of the sect in the Chiyan Hills, Yi Tian directly asked Liu Piaopiao to come forward to settle the affairs of the sect, and let those Jindan disciples take their positions and resume the operation of the sect.

After that, he took the four demon kings to the Zongmen Forbidden Area of ​​Lava Valley, where they would never be disturbed again.

Along the way, under Yi Tian's deliberate arrangement, Fat Dog didn't directly return to the Beast Sac, but participated in the meeting as a participant.

Half a day later, in Xuanyang Forbidden Area, Yi Tian frowned after listening to the advice of the four demon kings, and fell into deep thought. What they suggested was also about rebuilding the Zongmen and Feishengtai.

It's just that Yi Tian knows that today is different from the past, Tianlan Continent is no longer dominated by the Lihuo Sect family.There are two difficulties in front of us. One is to revive the Lihuo Sect, which involves reopening the three secret realms in Zhongzhou.

The second is the issue of the location of the Ascension Platform. There is no doubt that after the reconstruction of the Ascension Platform, that place will definitely become the target of public criticism.Now Yi Tian feels that ascending to the stage is definitely a big trouble, but it is no problem for him to still be in this world.

But once the ascension is over, it is unknown whether these junior disciples can keep this foundation, and they might be innocent and guilty.Once the sect's descendants fail to have outstanding disciples, there will inevitably be a fault, and it will inevitably be another potential crisis in the future.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian glanced at Fat Dog, and suddenly felt that he had a unique advantage at this time, and he was the unique agent.

But it didn't show it directly on the face, but summoned Qingyu and Chiyanju, and then handed Qingyu back to Qingtian Demon King.As for the Chi Yanju, it was forcibly given to the Golden Retriever King, under the pretense that he still had important things to do in the future, so he asked him to take care of it first.

This time Chiyanju suffered a big loss in the hands of the Soul Eater Mouse King. He would stop and think about how to go in the future. The Golden Retriever replied respectfully as usual, and then sent the Chiyanju Take him by his side and reply Yi Tiandao: "Chi Yan is my adopted son, I will take good care of him, the suzerain rest assured."

As for Qingtian Demon King, he turned his eyes to Fat Dog from time to time, like a mother-in-law looking at her son-in-law, Goosebumps all over Fat Dog's body.

(End of this chapter)

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