
Chapter 830 Arrangement

Chapter 830 Arrangement
The speed of news transmission on Tianlan Continent is very fast. In Dongao, like Yi Tian, ​​the late Nascent Soul cultivator showed great power at Iron Sword Gate and defeated Gu Hui, a mysterious monk from Zhongzhou who came from afar. It was fueled by the world. When the words came out, the Dongao cultivation world was shaken for a while.

Originally, the combination of the three factions on that side already dominated [-]% of Dongao's territory, but now there is a second late Nascent Soul cultivator that suppresses the three northern factions for a while, and cannot give birth to a different heart.

You must know that all resistance is futile in the face of absolute strength. Fortunately, this newly promoted monk in the late stage of Yuanying has private relations with the three northern factions.

Baigumen was the first to express his opinion. The Yuanying cultivator of the Zongmen came to the door directly to connect with Liu Piaopiao directly, wanting to use the greatest advantage to show his favor directly.

Moreover, it is said that the power of the Liu family in Baigumen has been supported again. After Liu Piaopiao returned to the Liu clan once, the new resident of the Liu family directly entered the decision-making level of Baigumen, becoming the only elder of the sect in the later stage of foundation establishment.

As for Liu Yue, she had already exhausted her life energy and escaped into reincarnation. Liu Piaopiao was really sad for a long time because of this, she only hated that she was unable to return to the sect and did not see her grandfather for the last time.

However, in order to calm the resentment in Liu Piaopiao's heart, the Baigumen did not reduce the cost, and finally promised that the disciples of the younger generations of the Liu family could choose the sect they want to join at will.

If they stayed at the Baigumen, all the benefits would be doubled, and those Jindan elders would be the disciples who wanted to accept the Liu family suzerain, so as to get a little relationship with Liu Piaopiao, the monk of Nascent Soul.

Yi Tian's attitude towards this is non-negotiable, he neither opposes nor encourages, anyway, let the disciples of the younger generation discuss these matters.

The monk from the Qihuang Gate is his old acquaintance Zhu Chen, and he has now advanced to the cultivation base of the early Yuanying stage. It seems that Yi Tian also received his favor back then, so he still takes good care of him.

In addition to going out to greet him in person, he was also invited to chat with him in his cave for a long time. Although he knew that Zhu Chen of the Qihuang sect was also playing the emotional card, Yi Tian himself was originally a person who valued emotions, so he didn't talk too much about it. Knowing it well, but the mouth is full of talking about the things of the past.

When she learned that her younger sister Zhu Xin failed to refine the Dzogchen realm in the late stage of Jindan, and then her life energy was exhausted and she escaped into reincarnation, she also sighed.The road to longevity is so difficult, and often those who are mentally weak will perish halfway. Yi Tian suddenly found that his mood has changed, and he has a new view on his own path.

After sending Zhu Chen away, Ke Manzi from the Corpse Sect was the last to arrive, and Yi Tian had a friendly view of him.It's no wonder that he had seen his attitude in dealing with people when he was in Qihuangmen, and he seemed to have very little life left.

Now Ke Manzi is alone, and his son Ke Zhihao can't survive the Nascent Soul Tribulation, and finally dies in the street.I'm afraid that after Ke Manzi's death, the Yin Corpse Sect will be reduced to a second-rate sect if there are no more powerful Nascent Soul cultivators.

Besides, the Yin Corpse Sect was driven to the barren land in the north of Dongao many years ago, and their threat to the Xuanyang Sect was greatly reduced, so that Yi Tian felt that the Yin Corpse Sect would inevitably compromise, and even seek Asylum of the Xuanyang faction.

It will be up to Qu Yifeng and others to deal with it. They also suffered a lot from the Yin Corpse faction back then, and they will also secretly make trouble for them.

After dealing with the monks of the three sects, the important matter of the Dongao Sect will still be entrusted to the disciples of the sect.Yi Tian stayed in the cave of Chuying Peak for several days facing his first wife Liu Piaopiao day and night. During this period of time when the two reunited after a long absence, naturally there were endless topics to talk about.

Yi Tian talked about his situation in detail over the years, and also described in detail the fight with Luo Que and Qian Lingzi at the end of the sea of ​​eyes that day. Only the matter about Feixianyin Hid it up.

This matter has too much to do with Yi Tian's heart, and he doesn't want Liu Piaopiao to get involved too early, so he avoids the seriousness and mentions it lightly.As for the matter of helping Patriarch Wuye out of trouble, he explained in detail.Liu Piaopiao who listened was surprised several times and couldn't hold back the tears in his eyes, sobbing silently.

Seeing that Yi Tian came back safe and sound, Liu Piaopiao's face finally turned a little rosy. When it came to Gu Hui's trouble at Iron Sword Gate, Liu Piaopiao said with feigned anger: "You When you came back, you were rushing about the sect's affairs, so Gu Hui's appearance was originally in your calculations, why didn't you show up early in the morning and made me worry for a while."

Yi Tian smiled and replied: "I'm also to blame at this time. I was originally angry with Lu Jinyuan and others, but I didn't expect that the plan could not keep up with the changes. What's more, the four major demon kings have mixed in. This matter can't be tolerated at all. careless."

Liu Piaopiao is also a reasonable person, knowing that this involves a lot, and her husband can't help himself, so he can only do things according to his priorities and try his best to minimize the loss of the sect.

The current Yi Tian is no longer as simple as the Nascent Soul cultivator of the Zongmen a hundred years ago. He is burdened with the heavy responsibility of Lihuozong's revival and the mission of readjusting the order of the Tianlan Continent's cultivation world, so many things can't be emotional.

The two sat in the cave and chatted for a long time, but they didn't know that a white light from the outside world flew from the sky, plunged into the Xuanyang sect's mountain guard formation, and then flew towards the direction of the young eagle peak.

Half a moment later, the white light flew to the entrance of the Water Curtain Cave, flashed and then sank into the cave.Sitting inside, Yi Tianzheng was chatting with Liu Piaopiao, when he suddenly saw the white light flashing in, he stretched out his hand and held it in the palm of his hand, and after a while his divine sense swept across his face, revealing a look of loneliness.

Seeing it, Liu Piaopiao knew that something must have happened, hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "Why is your husband like this?"

"Gu Hui died, he was chased by senior brother Mo, and finally senior brother Chiyangzi personally killed him," Yi Tian said flatly.

"That's a good thing. Now that Li Huozong's confidant has been relieved, why is your husband so frowning?" Liu Piaopiao asked in bewilderment.

Yi Tian smiled bitterly and shook his head: "You don't know the details, this Gu Hui is not a treacherous person. Just as the mirror image recorded in that scene shows, Gu Hui was also a demon in the environment at that time. There is nothing I can do about it, and I would not be as decisive as him."

"The past is over, my husband's condolences," Liu Piaopiao replied.

Yi Tian waved his hand to indicate that he was fine, and then handed the jade talisman to Liu Piaopiao and said, "When Gu Hui was dying, he even handed Chi Yangzi a letter at the moment when his heart returned, and told him to be sure Leave it to me, and wait for them to come back and see what the news is."

"Then what is your husband's plan?" Liu Piaopiao asked.

"Now that the four demon kings have surrendered, we are only one step away from the revival of the fire. After I uproot the remnants of Qianlingzi, I can reopen the mountain gate and create a platform to open up the passage to the upper spirit world," Yi Tian replied.

After hearing this, Liu Piaopiao looked thoughtful on her face, and then she sat on the side without saying a word, showing a little loneliness.

Yi Tian could guess what she was thinking after seeing it, it was nothing more than that her cultivation had failed to keep up with him, how desolate it was to leave her alone in this world after her ascension.

The monks in his White Bone Gate are at best in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. For thousands of years, no late stage monks have appeared, let alone the monks of Huashen.

Fortunately, I also have a lot of kung fu on hand that I can practice concurrently, so I took out the kung fu from Yunxiao Pavilion and handed it to Liu Piaopiao, saying: "You can change the kung fu and major in Yunxiao Ao Jue, so you can be expected to transform into a god."

The main reason for giving her this spiritual formula is to consider that the attributes of the exercises are the water system and the Yin system of the Baigumen, so that they complement each other and it is not difficult to practice at all.

The most important thing is that Yunxiao Pavilion's exercises range from low to high to the stage of transformation. For Liu Piaopiao, he can change the exercises anytime and anywhere, and there is no need to consider the conflict of attributes of the exercises.Liu Piaopiao finally showed a smile on his face after the jade slips and said: "Don't worry, my husband, I will go to seclusion now, and strive to improve my cultivation as soon as possible, and I can spend more time with me in the future."

A month or so later, in the main hall of the Xuanyang Sect, Yi Tian personally presided over the Suzerain Succession Ceremony, and this time the Xuanyang Sect was renamed the Lihuo Sect at the ceremony.

And Lu Jinyuan of Zhongzhou's Lihuo branch recognized the status of Xuanyang's main line, and suggested that he and Hu Yiyuan directly return to the main line as the elders of the Lihuo Sect at the grand ceremony.

As for the orthodoxy of Zhongzhou's branches, it was included together, and Zhongzhou's Lihuo Sect was renamed Lihuo Bieyuan from now on.Anyway, after this incident, the Lihuo Ancestral Land must be re-opened to revive the mountain gate, so the Lihuo Bieyuan will still be guarded by Lu Jinyuan.

Yi Tian is also very clear in his heart that Lu Jinyuan can no longer stand the torment after the Gu Hui incident, and his path has been completely destroyed by the Wandu Soul Eater Pill. With his current cultivation base, at most It can suppress toxicity for a hundred years.

The last time when Gu Hui was besieged and suppressed, Mo Wentian had done his best to ask about the method of dispelling the Ten Thousand Poison Soul Devouring Pill. Unfortunately, even Gu Hui hadn't tried to prepare the antidote, and he had planned to sacrifice his life early in the morning before taking the pill. people.

Hu Yiyuan was able to escape from death because of his helplessness and discouragement towards Daotu, so he handed over the elixir to his senior brother, but it is a pity that the fate is not as good as people's calculations, one of them was poisoned and the other had little life left, so he was discouraged Under the cold, there is a glimmer of hope for the revival of the sect.

Now they can be regarded as elders who will no longer interfere with the affairs of the sect, and put all their energy on cultivating the disciples of the sect's younger generation.

On the grand ceremony, Yi Tian directly promoted Qu Yifeng as the young suzerain of Lihuo Sect, and bestowed on the re-refined Zixiao Zhan.After years of nurturing, the sacrificial weapon in my own hand has grown into a seventh-level spiritual weapon.

And the broken Zixiaozhan of Lihuo Patriarch and the original one were re-refined and fused together. In order to be different from Yi Tian in his own hand, he specially changed his name to Chixiaozhan and passed it on. Qu Yifeng.

I will ascend sooner or later, so I will choose my successor right now, but among the sect's descendants, only Qu Yifeng can still get into his eyes.Although I don't know how far he can go on the road, but now with my own help, it can be regarded as temporarily worry-free.

Moreover, when Chi Yangzi encircled and suppressed Gu Hui this time, he also tried his best to ignore the problem of the exhaustion of life energy. Yi Tian also felt that it was necessary to explain it, so he made this proposal.

After dealing with the internal affairs of the sect, Yi Tian discussed with the Four Demon Kings, Mo Wentian, Chi Yangzi and others, and also briefly explained the matter of Luo Que and Qian Lingzi. Said a bit.

After hearing this, everyone was very excited. In this way, the whole Zhongzhou would surely fall into the hands of Li Huozong, but Yi Tian resisted all opinions and did not approve of the method of using power to suppress people.

You must know that the tyrant who conquers others with his strength has no problem when he and the four great demon kings are in this world. Once he ascends, no one of the younger disciples can control the situation, which is a sign of destroying the sect.

What's more, all the major sects in Tianlan Continent have some friendship with him, why not use these relationships to establish an offensive and defensive alliance, and the two sides will benefit from cooperation?

To achieve an offensive and defensive alliance, one must come up with some real materials. The treasures collected by the Li Fire Sect over the years of dominating the world are innumerable.

Yi Tian, ​​who was taken away from the Qi Pavilion before, is no longer willing to pursue it, but from now on, once he recovers, it will be the property of his own sect, and it is inconvenient for others to come to visit.

In addition to these, Qian Lingyuan in Zhongzhou must be eradicated. This person is a clone of Qian Lingzi. Even if the main soul died in his hands, this soul can still pose a threat to him, so Yi Tian suggested sneaking back to Zhongzhou without further ado, and sneaking into Qianlingzong to secretly produce it.

Speaking of this, Chi Yangzi was full of worry and thought about it for a while before he opened his mouth and said: "Sect Master, there are three Nascent Soul cultivators sitting in the Qianling Sect, if you want to use your own power I feel that getting rid of Qian Lingyuan may not be an easy task."

Yi Tian knew that this matter could not be carried out if he did not explain it clearly to them, so he raised his head and looked around. Fortunately, Liu Piaopiao was still practicing in seclusion in the cave mansion. Except for the four demon kings, all the people present were from Lihuo's own lineage.

Immediately, he sent a voice transmission to Mo Wentian and said: "Yi Lingfeng originally took his mother's surname as teacher, but later he recognized his ancestor and returned to his clan."

After hearing this, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed with inspiration, he knew it was strange, and the Nascent Soul cultivator of Qianlingzong had heard about it a long time ago, now seeing Yi Tian's confident appearance, he couldn't help but sighed and said: " Since the sect master and junior brother have already placed an insider in Qianlingzong, let's go ahead and do it, how do you need us to cooperate?"

"Divide and rule," Yi Tian took out some jade slips and handed them to Mo Wentian, "Brother, please send someone to bring this jade slips and place them in each sect in Zhongzhou, mainly Acacia Sect, Prajna Temple, Cihang Jingzhai, Beiyuan Bing These top-notch sects in the palace."

"Where did you arrive at the sect that day? Could it be that the younger brother has already figured out how to deal with that Yu Xiang?" Chi Yangzi asked back after hearing this.

In fact, I have made a lot of achievements in making friends with the major sects of Zhongzhou for so many years, but I have no intersection with this Tiandaozong, and the only few opportunities to meet Yu Xiang and Du Ziheng have not had much conversation.

But Yi Tian knew that the relationship with Tiandaozong had to be handled well, and this time he went to Zhongzhou, besides Qianlingzong, he had to free up his hands to properly handle this matter.

After thinking for a while, he replied: "I will deal with the matter of the way of heaven myself, please brother to contact the other sects."

After finishing speaking, he took out a jade slip and handed it to Chi Yangzi and said, "Please go to Xihuang to bring back the Kuiyin lineage in person. The junior brother had an agreement with the suzerain of the Kuiyin lineage 400 years ago. They will never be forgotten when the fire resumes."

Chi Yangzi's face changed and he said: "I didn't expect to see Kui Yin return in my lifetime. It's true that God has treated me well, but I don't know where they are in Xihuang now?"

"Girl pie," Yi Tian replied.

(End of this chapter)

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