
Chapter 832

Chapter 832
The turmoil of Qianlingzong did not cause any waves in Zhongzhou. Those small and medium-sized sects just sneered at it, and the tribute would still be the same if the suzerain changed.

As for the major sects, they attached great importance to this matter and sent Nascent Soul monks to congratulate them.On the day of Shi Qianwei's Succession Ceremony, all the top and bottom of the Qianling Sect were nervously arranging, and the extravagance outside was just for the junior Jindan disciples to see.As for those small and medium-sized sect masters who came to watch the ceremony, they also stayed on the square outside the main hall and were not allowed to enter. Only monks above the Nascent Soul Stage were eligible to enter the inner hall.

After Shaoqing and other Nascent Soul monks from various sects and sects arrived, one side door of the main hall was opened, and three figures came out from it. They were the leader Qian Lingyuan followed by Shi Ningjun and today's protagonist Shi Qianwei.

But at this time the real Qian Lingyuan has long since fallen, and what is in front of him is just Yi Tian's disguised appearance.

After the [-]th bell rang, everyone saw Qian Lingyuan leading his disciples straight to the main seat, and then waved his hand to signal all walks of life to sit down.

After three breaths, Shi Ningjun sang in unison: "The succession ceremony has begun, please give instructions to the ancestors."

Qian Lingyuan, who was sitting in the middle, stood up slowly, stretched out his right hand to support Shi Qianwei, and handed the Suzerain token of Qianlingzong directly to her with his left hand, and gave a few pretentious instructions.

Shi Qianwei bowed to Qian Lingyuan three times after receiving the suzerain's order, then turned around with the token in her hand and glanced at all the people in the hall, and found that they were all watching intently and did not find any flaws.

After seeing this, Shi Ningjun continued to sing: "Please ask the new suzerain to give a face-to-face instruction in front of the disciples of the younger generation."

Shi Qianwei said with a smile on her face: "This sect is going now, fellow Taoists, wait a moment." After speaking, she slowly got up and walked out of the main hall to the square to meet the disciples of the younger generation.This link is essential, so that the disciples and vassal monks of the sect can recognize the new suzerain.

The visiting Nascent Soul cultivators also got up and congratulated Shi Qianwei, and made contact with each other by the way.

The three of them agreed before that Yi Tian only needs to pretend to be Qian Lingyuan, and try to talk as little as possible, and Shi Ningjun will come forward to solve everything.

Sitting on the main seat, Yi Tian glanced at the guests present, who were basically acquaintances.Monk Huiyuan from Banruo Temple, Yunmengyao from Cihang Jingzhai, Haoji from Hehuanzong, and others are all old acquaintances.

As for the Zhengxing League that was disbanded by Lu Jinyuan many years ago, and most of the Nascent Soul cultivators of the Tianli Sect died at his own hands, these two families were missing in this enthronement ceremony.

But what made Yi Tian most worried was the Taoist monks that day, and neither Yu Xiang nor Du Ziheng showed up this time.Although the invitation had been sent out more than half a month ago, logically, even if they didn't come in person after receiving it, they should send their direct disciples to watch the ceremony to show their solemnity.

But now that the monks of the Dao Sect have not even seen a shadow, the more this makes Yi Tian more suspicious, and he secretly said from time to time: "Is there any festival between these two first-class sects?

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly found out in the sky that there was a wave of spiritual power flying towards his position.The divine sense swept over his escape speed and found that it was extremely fast. It should be Yu Xiang in the late Yuanying period.

Immediately, the corner of his mouth moved quickly to inform Shi Ning Jun who was on the side.The latter was stunned when he heard this, and then he opened his mouth and said to everyone in the hall: "Everyone, please be quiet for a moment, the Taoist friends of Tiandaozong have arrived, and I still need to greet you in person." After speaking, he got up and disappeared in the original place bit.

After he left, Yi Tian still maintained the look of an old god, and glanced over the crowd present, and found that Hao Ji of Hehuanzong frowned from time to time, and looked at himself from time to time.

Yi Tian knew that he had had some contact with Hao Ji before, and he was afraid that today's dressing up would probably arouse the other party's suspicion.Seeing her appearance, she seemed to have begun to doubt, but she couldn't be sure for a while.

Fortunately, Qianlingyuan's former prestige is still there, none of the Nascent Soul cultivators present really dared to act presumptuously in Qianlingzong, at most they just had some doubts in their hearts.

Shaoqing heard a loud voice from the sky saying: "Today, the whole world celebrates the ascension of the new patriarch, teacher and fellow Taoist of Qianlingzong, but I, Yu Xiang, came late."

Guessing that Shi Ning's army could not stop the opponent, Yi Tian cursed secretly in his heart: "This old boy came at a really bad time," but he didn't dare to show any timidity on his face.Standing up, he said in a deep voice, "All fellow Taoists, please be safe and wait for me to meet Yu Xiang."

After saying that, the figure became distorted immediately, and disappeared on the spot after three breaths.All the monks sitting here are also people who know the goods. Just now, Qian Lingyuanlu's hand seemed simple, but in fact it implied a trace of true meaning of time and space, which made people respectful when they saw it.

Not long after, Qian Lingyuan's figure appeared directly in the air, and Yu Xiang from Tiandaozong was in front of him not far away. When Shi Ningjun saw it, a gloomy look flashed across his face, and then he flew away in a hurry When he came back, he said in a voice transmission: "Things have changed, beware of bad people."

Yi Tian has long seen that Yu Xiang in front of him looks domineering, but now he can't show weakness and can't be stage fright.After thinking about it, I had no choice but to bite the bullet and fly up, then lowered my throat and imitated Qian Lingyuan's tone and said: "You Daoist Yu came late, but it happened to be in time for the Ceremony of passing on the position of the humble faction, so please go to the next section."

Hearing this, Yu Xiang just frowned and replied: "I have something to do when I come here next time. Daoist Qianling suddenly wants to go to the death test. Is the agreement still lost?"

Yi Tian was stunned for a moment, the thing he was most afraid of happened. Everything in the previous scene was easy to handle, but when he met Yu Xiang, an old guy, he had to cheer up 12 points.The ghost knows that Qian Lingyuan had an agreement with him, and after thinking about it, it is better to make a little concession and send him away as soon as possible.

Then he opened his mouth and said, "Of course I won't forget, it's just that Fellow Daoist Yu came here in a hurry today to ask me to cash it out immediately?"

Although I don't know what the agreement is, but Yi Tian is also a man who has lived for a long time, and he has been trying his best to get out what the other party said first before speaking.

Sure enough, Yu Xiang frowned slightly, showing a trace of helplessness.Looking up at the two people in front of him, he gritted his teeth and said, "Fellow Daoist Qianling, have you forgotten the secret art of the Danshu iron scroll that you and I found together in the secret realm of the Lihuo Zongqi Pavilion? But I also want to take this opportunity to ask for advice, so as not to disturb fellow Taoists to practice in seclusion in the future."

Although the words sound nice, Yi Tian knows in his heart that maybe this matter is not that simple, since it is something he found in the secret realm of Lihuozong, he cannot give up at will.

Quietly parting out a strand of consciousness to reach into Qian Lingyuan's storage ring and quickly go through the precious materials and jade slips stored in it.

But after looking at it, he didn't find any suspicious existence, or it might be the jade slips in the exercises.

Suddenly, a thought flashed in my mind, that when they explored the Lihuo Secret Realm together, it is reasonable to say that any secret scrolls they found were at most engraved.

But Yu Xiang's appearance doesn't seem to be fake. Could it be that there is a problem with this secret technique itself, or that there is no way to engrave a copy of something handed down from the upper world.Immediately there was a flash of light in his eyes, from this point of view, only those exercises in the upper spirit world could not be engraved on the jade slips of this world.

Following these reasons, it is possible to search the contents of the storage ring carefully.After three breaths, a hint of understanding appeared on his face inadvertently, and he found a copper token in the storage ring.

On the front of the token is engraved the three characters of patrol envoy in the spiritual world, and on the back is densely packed small characters, engraved on it is a method of nurturing spiritual consciousness.

It seems that this is what Yu Xiang said, and Du Ziheng in Tiandaozong must be able to translate this spiritual formula.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian smiled on his face, stretched out his hand to wipe the storage ring, took it out, held it in his hand and shook it.

Yu Xiang, who was in front of him, blurted out, "Fellow Qianling really kept his promise, so I don't need to worry too much."

Seeing that the things are not bad, Yi Tian also wanted to send them away quickly, but then he thought that Qian Lingyuan is not a fool, since this thing is so important, it must not be so cheap Yu Xiang, it’s really good not to let him bleed sorry for myself.

After holding the token in his hand, Yi Tianyou said: "The thing is here, but Yu Daoyou doesn't want to accept it so easily, right? We still had an appointment back then."

After hearing this, Yu Xiang's face darkened, and then he silently nodded his head and replied: "It is true that the agreement between Fellow Daoist Qianling and me back then is naturally valid. Well, since we are talking about this, let's stick to the old rules If I can win half a chip this time, I hope fellow daoists will keep their promises and hand over the token to me."

Yi Tian didn't show any emotion on his face, but he complained secretly in his heart. You must know that he had to bite the bullet in pretending to be Qian Lingyuan.In terms of cultivation, body shape and spiritual pressure fluctuations can be imitated vividly.

Only this move is a big trouble. If you want to fight with Yu Xiang for a while, it will make him suspicious. Now it is a dilemma. I really shouldn't say anything about Lao Zi's agreement. It is correct to send things away early in the morning. thing.

Shi Ning Jun who was on the side knew that if this matter continues to develop today, it will inevitably be ruined, but fortunately, he hurried forward and said: "Master will go to retreat after today's ceremony, so the disciples should do it for you?"

Yu Xiang frowned and asked, "Could it be that the words of fellow Daoist Master Qianling mean? We must know that the gap between our cultivation bases is too large, and this is a game that must be lost. Is it really a gamble?"

Yi Tian's face tightened, revealing a solemn look, Yu Xiang was right, Shi Ningjun and his cultivation level were one level behind.Even if you go up to the competition on your own behalf, you will definitely lose.

And looking at Qian Lingyuan's personality like this is tantamount to showing weakness. Losing the token is a trivial matter, but it will inevitably be criticized by others, or secretly suspicious, which is very bad.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian imitated Qian Lingyuan's crazy look, raised his head and laughed a few times: "Since Yu Daoyou came all the way for this matter, then I will accompany you to the end. Ning Jun, you stand back and wait." Let me see how advanced Daoist Yu's cultivation has become."

Even now, Yi Tian has to bite the bullet, but fortunately, he has learned the whole set of Yaojian without modification.Moreover, the three masters of Yaojian are also quite popular, so it is not a problem to take them out to fool them.

Immediately, he signaled Shi Ningjun to step aside, stretched out his right hand and took out Qian Lingyuan's saber to sacrifice in his hand.At this time, many monks in the main hall below also noticed the situation in the sky, and then they went out of the hall and flew into the air to watch from a distance.

Under the witness of so many people, Yi Tian couldn't deliberately let the water go, and this time Yu Xiang's half-way kill really made him tired of coping, so it was a three-point heavy when he was so angry.

A buzzing sound came from the spirit sword in his hand, and after a while, it emitted a ray of light that was more dazzling than Lie Yang.This move is the last move of the genuine Qianling Yaojian three skills that I found in the relics of Qianlingzi. The dazzling light is exactly the sword energy condensed on the spirit sword.

The face of Yu Xiang on the opposite side is also very ugly at this time. This move is more than twice as powerful as when they fought back then, but now it is difficult to get off the ground when it comes to this. If I had known Qian Lingyuan's true strength so powerful Come to ask for it.

In desperation, he reached out and took out a pair of concentric rings and offered them in his hands. The concentric rings were obviously a pair of spiritual weapons, and the two intertwined with each other and transformed into a golden ball of light.

At the same time, waves of aura emerged from his side, and a spatial distortion suddenly appeared around the golden ball of light, indicating that the trick was ready to go.

Yi Tian stared at the other party's spells and sighed secretly: "Yu Xiang is worthy of being the Supreme Elder of Tiandaozong, and being able to control spells to such a situation is enough to prove that his strength is almost the same as that of Qian Lingyuan .”

It's a pity that the person he was facing at this time was no longer Qian Lingyuan, and he didn't intend to hand over that token.

After thinking about it, he shouted in a deep voice: "Fellow Daoist Yu, let's decide the outcome with one move. As long as you have the slightest advantage, I will never break my promise."

After ten breaths, I saw two auras flashing in the sky and attacking together accurately, and the air waves generated by the collision of the spells spread in all directions.

A group of monks who were watching the battle in the distance all backed away a distance of ten miles with fear on their faces.

When the wave of fluctuating spiritual pressure swept across the Qianlingzong main hall, it was directly blocked by a white light film. It was Shi Qianwei who saw that the mountain guarding array was activated decisively.

And those two magic spells were at loggerheads in the air, and they shone a beam of light that was more dazzling than Lie Yang's, so that the monks around couldn't look directly at it.

After twenty breaths, Yu Xiang's concentric ring flew back first, and Yi Tian's spirit sword was taken back immediately.

After a while, I heard Yu Xiang's voice coming from the air again, saying: "Friend Yu is a powerful fellow, I'm not as good as you, so let's leave this matter alone and let's not get over it for now. We will meet someday."

Yi Tian didn't stop him and let him go directly, but Shi Ning Junfei came forward and said privately: "Finally left, this can come to an end."

Who knows that Yi Tian replied with a sinking face: "Is it really possible to come to an end? I don't think so, I'm afraid this is just the beginning?"

"Why did you say that?" Shi Ningjun asked in surprise.

"Yu Xiang is not a fool. He can be sure that it is not Qian Lingyuan who is fighting at this time. I am afraid that those interested people below can see some clues, but they are afraid to speak out because of my power." After finishing speaking, he stretched out his finger Hao Ji.

(End of this chapter)

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