
Chapter 833 Involved

Chapter 833 Involved (Modified)

The grand succession ceremony of the Qianling Sect is still going on in an orderly manner. Although it was interrupted by Yu Xiang from Tian Dazong, Qian Lingyuan showed his might in front of everyone and showed his incomparably powerful strength to suppress Yu Xiang. live.

Although the two of them just fought each other for a move, the deep fear in the eyes of those Nascent Soul cultivators all proved that the two were not in vain.

When everyone showed awe and admiration, only Hao Ji of Hehuanzong smiled, but when she looked at Qian Lingyuan, her eyes showed a little ambiguous admiration.

After arriving at the main hall, Qian Lingyuan didn't say much, let Shi Ningjun receive everyone, and then left early.

It's just that when I walked past Hao Ji, a private voice came from my ear, "Friend Daoist's Buddhist practice is not bad, which is comparable to that of an old friend of mine."

At this moment, Yi Tian trembled in his heart when he heard this, and said inwardly: "I still found out, this woman is really hard to deal with, just to be safe, let's use the same to cope with all changes."

Later, he just let out a cold snort and walked towards the apse without saying a word.After waking up for a few steps, Haoji's voice came from next to her ear: "Fellow Taoist, are you going to chase Yu Xiang?"

Yi Tian was really convinced in his heart, what he thought was rightly guessed by Hao Ji.Yu Xiang's fight in the sky just now is probably because he has already recognized that he is the fake Qian Lingyuan.And he left in such a hurry because he was afraid of facing such a terrible opponent.

At this time, I really wanted to catch up with him and compete with him again. After finally finding such an opportunity, if I could restrain him, Daozong wouldn't worry about it that day.

But at this time, Hao Ji still appeared to interrupt. Fortunately, the few people from just now were still alive, so she didn't dare to go too far.

Yi Tian snorted again and left the main hall quickly.

As soon as he went out, Yi Tian's figure flashed into the sky, and then let go of his divine sense to look for Yu Xiang's trace.

Being delayed for a while in the hall below, I'm afraid Yu Xiang should have gone far away at this time.

After three breaths, he frowned and showed a look of relief on his face. Fortunately, his spiritual sense has also strengthened after his cultivation base has been promoted.I found Yu Xiang who was flying at the edge of the divine sense nearly nine hundred miles away.

Although the distance between the two is a bit far, as long as you use your divine sense to lock on him and rely on your own escapism, it will be a matter of time before you catch up to him.

Immediately, the spiritual power in his body surged, and Yi Tian's figure flashed a few times in the air, and then flew hundreds of miles away, surrounded by a ray of blue light.

After using all his evasion techniques to catch up, when the distance between the two was within five or six hundred miles, suddenly Yu Xiang, who was in front of him, seemed to have spotted the pursuers, and then sharply increased his escaping speed by three points.

Yi Tian realized that his whereabouts had been revealed, fortunately, he no longer concealed himself, and directly stretched out his hand to form a seal on his chest, and suddenly a howling wind came to envelop Yi Tian.After using the wind escape, the speed of the whole person has also doubled, which is much faster than Yu Xiang's speed. If it continues like this, it will not take a long time to catch up.

Just when Yi Tian thought there was no suspense, Yu Xiang who was in front suddenly changed direction.Originally, he was going back in the direction of Tiandaozong, but now it seems that he will be stopped halfway before returning to the sect.

In this case, it might be a good idea to change to another place.Yi Tian frowned slightly after realizing his movement, because now the direction Yu Xiang was escaping from was exactly where Banruo Temple was.

He thought that he was so familiar with Abbot Wuyin that he went to find a rescuer, but Yu Xiang didn't expect that his relationship with Banruo Temple was closer than he imagined.

It's a pity that we can't fight because the abbot is here, but just a little pressure can keep Yu Xiang busy for a while.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian turned around and chased in the direction of Banruo Temple without saying a word.

In this way, the two chased and fled in the air, but the distance between them was shortening rapidly. I am afraid that Yu Xiang will be overtaken by him before he reaches Ganruo Temple.

It can be thought that these monks in the late stage of Nascent Soul do not have some special skills, and they will not use them unless it is absolutely necessary.

With a thought, Yi Tian suddenly realized that the expected escape speed has accelerated a lot, although it is still slower than himself, but the distance between the two has not shortened as quickly as before.

At the beginning, it was estimated that if he continued like this, he would escape into the range of Banruo Temple.Yi Tian didn't want to rush into the Banruo Temple and fight Yu Xiang directly. If Abbot Wu Yin found out about him, he would be to blame.

He didn't deliberately speed up after thinking about it, but just chased after him, and kept putting pressure on Yu Xiang.

Two hours later, Yi Tianfei cast the lower pupil technique in the air, and he was able to see Yu Xiang's figure hundreds of miles away.But at the same time, he also saw a golden Buddha's light soaring into the sky from the valley in the distance.

Needless to say, Banruo Temple is very close at hand, just as he was muttering, Yu Xiang suddenly sped up his escape speed again as if he had been injected with chicken blood, and later plunged into the sect of Banruo Temple.

It may be that Yu Xiang underestimated Yi Tian's determination. Not long after, a cyan light flew to the edge of the Banruo Temple's guardian array, and plunged into it without thinking.

In the valley where Banruo Temple is located, two soaring golden lights shot out, and after a while, two figures flew out to directly block Yi Tian's whereabouts.

Together with Yu Xiang before, the three powerful monks directly surrounded the cyan light from the left, middle and right.

When the cyan aura receded slowly to reveal Yi Tian's figure, at the same time two monks dressed in cassocks appeared in the two golden lights, and they all said in unison after a while: "Master Yi has not seen his cultivation base so advanced for many years." It's really gratifying."

Listening to the voice is the Abbot Wuyin and Master Wuchen of Banruo Temple.Yi Tian didn't dare to be negligent and hastily bowed his head to return the salute: "It's really a sin for the boy to take the liberty to disturb the two masters' Qingxiu."

Now Yu Xiang, who was on the side, became extremely embarrassed, and kept passing his spiritual thoughts over Yi Tian's body as if he was looking for something, but he hummed coldly, and from time to time, he was the same as Wucao Wuchen. A private voice transmission.

Even after listening to Yu Xiang's explanation, Abbot Wuyin didn't show any joy or anger on his face, he just stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation and said: "I would like to ask you two to discuss in detail in the main hall of the lower temple. Let me do my best as a landlord."

Yi Tian looked indifferent, and after sweeping his eyes, he responded directly: "Then I will disturb you, master, please."

"Sect Master Yi's quick words are indeed a man of temperament," Abbot Wu Yin showed a smile on his face, then turned to Yu Xiang and said, "Then Sect Master Yu, please come along."

"Here," Yu Xiang was stunned after hearing this, and originally wanted to take advantage of the situation to deal with the pursuers, but now he managed to get himself involved.Fortunately, Banruo Temple's reputation is prominent, and they will not make a decisive move compared to the other party in their presence.

Gritting his teeth, Yu Xiangshi nodded and replied, "That's up to me, thank you two masters."

Shaoqing and the others slowly lowered their heads from the clouds and went straight into the main hall of Banruo Temple. After the four of them were divided into guests and hosts and sat down, Abbot Wuyin directly opened a soundproof barrier and sealed the entire hall.

Later, he turned around and asked, "The two of you just broke into the hinterland of my Banruo Temple's sect, so you can give me an explanation."

Before Yu Xiang could open his mouth, Yi Tian said first: "I just followed Daoist Yu by mistake. The reason is him. Master Abbot, you can ask him if you have anything."

After hearing this, Yu Xiang had a look of anger on his face, and after three breaths, he calmed down and said slowly: "Fellow Daoist Yi, I am indeed inferior in skill, but you don't have to kill all of you."

Master Wuchen who was on the side rarely said: "I have been with Daoyou Yi for a long time and know that he has a temperament and personality that he would never do such a thing that would add insult to injury. Daoyou Yu is probably serious."

Seeing that Abbot Wu Yin was obviously partial to the other party, Yu Xiang said angrily: "You Daoist Yi, what are your intentions in pretending to be Qian Lingyuan? If I guessed correctly, the real Qian Lingyuan should already be you." hand?"

Yi Tian laughed a few times for no reason, and then replied bluntly: "Yes, Qian Lingyuan was indeed killed by me. And I planned the succession ceremony in Qianlingzong to keep Qianlingyuan alive. Zong's existing structure."

After hearing this, Abbot Wu and the others suddenly showed shock on their faces, and looked at Yi Tian in disbelief.It took a while for Master Wuchen to ask: "Since the matter has come to this, I would like to hear the explanation from Fellow Daoist Yi. I believe that you will never aimlessly kill Qian Lingyuan, but leave behind his orthodoxy."

It was still Master Wuchen who knew him very well, and the two parties who cooperated in the early years had already reached a certain tacit understanding.So when Yi Tian admitted, Master Wuchen pointed to the root cause and asked questions.

After sorting out the clues, Yi Tian directly took out the three tokens of Lihuozong and showed them to the three of them one by one, and then revealed his true identity.

The two masters of Wuyin Wuchen were calm, and Yi Tian knew in his heart that they must have received the jade slips sent by Dongaoli Fire Sect before, and met Mo Wentian.

As for Yu Xiang, who had an unbelievable look on his face at this time, but muttered in his mouth: "Then why did you kill Qian Lingyuan?"

"How can the mortal enemy of the sect be ignored, even if it is a clone that has been seized, it cannot be easily let go," Yi Tian said with a smile at the corner of his mouth: "This sect can be regarded as a side of the net and only punishes the chief evil, and I have not destroyed the others. Orthodoxy, but let it continue to remain in the border of Zhongzhou."

After saying that, he briefly explained the disintegration of the Lihuo Sect, Luo Que, the great power in the upper realm, and the lower realm of Qian Lingzi.In the end, he also described the situation where he and He Weiming joined forces to deal with the two, but the key parts were omitted.

But even so, the three people present were stunned. It turns out that He Weiming, the veteran Yuanying monk of Qianlingzong, disappeared like this. In addition, Qianlingyuan gave the head, so the number one rich family in the cultivation world of Zhongzhou is not Is it a titular empty shell?

Abbot Wuyin clasped his palms together and recited the Buddha's name before saying: "Even if it is like this, what Sect Master Yi did is reasonable."

Master Wuchen kept nodding his head in agreement, but kept saying, "When is the time to repay the injustice? Sect Master Yi has settled the matter properly. Compared with Li Huozong's revival in the future, he will not be punished." Too much opposition."

Speaking of this, Yu Xiang's face became extremely ugly. In terms of strength, only his Tiandaozong can be compared with Lihuozong.

But after fighting Yi Tian before, Yu Xiang had a measure in his heart that he was definitely not the opponent of this person in front of him.Moreover, when they fought against Qianlingzong, they didn't show their real skills, so they easily won, and even Qianlingyuan died in the hands of Yu Xiang, and he felt extremely regretful for a while. People have a good relationship.

On the other hand, the revival of the Lihuo Sect is the general trend. Even a power like Banruo Temple is happy to see it, and other sects will definitely look forward to it.At least there will be no objection.

Only now did Yu Xiang realize that Yi Tian in front of him was definitely a formidable character, and he allowed Li Huozong to gain a firm foothold in the Zhongzhou territory without any effort.Moreover, sects such as Qianlingzong and Banruo Temple are bound to jump out to express their views, and the matter of resuming the sect is bound to become unimpeded.

And the only two sects that can talk in Zhongzhou are the Hehuan Sect and his Tiandao Sect.The old devil Hehuan of the Hehuan sect does not care about world affairs, and the power coefficient falls on Haoji.This woman is also moody and doesn't play cards according to common sense. During the previous fight, Yu Xiang found the figure of Haoji among the monks below.

The Hehuan Sect can't be counted on, and now only his own sect has not made a statement, and Yi Tian has different plans to catch up with him.

If Yu Xiang didn't give an explanation today, Yi Tian on the other side would not be so easy to get along with.Yu Xiang who has been slow to express his opinion is also a little kid in his heart, so he will definitely become a thorn in the side of the Lihuo Sect in the future.

Whichever is the lesser of two evils, Yu Xiang obviously made some calculations in his heart before he turned around and asked, "May I ask Sect Master Yi what plans he has after Li Huo Sect is revived?"

This is the point of the question, Yi Tian put away his cynical look and said with a serious face: "How many people know the rumors of God Transformation and the mystery of Ascension?"

There was a glimmer of light in Wuyin's eyes, and after gesturing to each other with his junior, he asked, "I heard that the ancestor Zeng Youyun used to control the Ascension Platform of this world in the Lihuo Sect, and it is necessary to rely on this if you want to go directly to the upper spirit world." Passages are fine. If you rashly use the space gap to forcibly break through the boundary and ascend, the probability of success is less than [-]%."

"Abbot Wuyin is right. I wonder what fellow Daoist Yu thinks?" Yi Tian asked back.

It is true that Yu Xiang was shocked by the words in front of him, and his Tiandaozong also has manuscripts to record all kinds of things in this world.Existence like the Ascension Platform will definitely be recorded.

In a blink of an eye, he saw Yi Tian's look of being superior to humans and animals, but Yu Xiang's heart was bleeding.Needless to say, the person in front of me is mainly focusing on the abacus of the Ascension Platform, who knows that this thing is too tempting.Once it is created, it will definitely cause an uproar in Tianlan Continent, and those reclusive casual cultivators will definitely join Lihuozong one after another, and any monks who have a glimmer of hope of ascension will take this opportunity to better Lihuozong.

After seeing it, Yi Tian said straightforwardly: "I plan to build this Ascension Platform together with various sects, and it can be regarded as contributing to the cultivation world of Tianlan Continent."

(End of this chapter)

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