
Chapter 834

Chapter 834
The most shocking thing that happened on Tianlan Continent in the past hundred years was the revival of Zhongzhou Lihuo Sect.At first, there was no sign of this incident at all, but Lu Jinyuan of Zhongzhou Lihuo Sect took the lead to bring a group of monks to the forbidden place of Lihuo Sect's ancestral land.

After that, Yi Tian personally opened the original restriction with the Haotian Mirror, the sect token.When did those monks from other sects who were staring at each other see such a grand scene, there were more than a dozen Nascent Soul monks alone, and the presence of the four major demon kings completely stunned the scene.

In addition, boundary markers were buried thousands of miles away from Huozu's place, and the inner and middle areas were directly enclosed as the scope of the sect. Any outside monks were not allowed to enter without permission.

After the opening of the largest treasure site in Zhongzhou, it naturally attracted the attention of all parties.But those first-class sects in the cultivation world were surprisingly unanimous in keeping silent.

Afterwards, Qian Wei, the current patriarch of the Qianling Sect, led his disciples to visit the ancestral home of the Lihuo Sect. In this way, he was the first to recognize the status of the Lihuo Sect.

Then Abbot Wuyin from Banruo Temple, two of the largest Buddhist schools in Zhongzhou, and Master Miaoyin from Cihang Jingzhai came to the ancestral land of Lihuo Sect.

He also publicly acknowledged his sect status, and formed an offensive and defensive alliance with Sect Master Lihuo in front of many disciples.

This news was deliberately spread by people with a heart, and it spread throughout the land of Zhongzhou within a month.Afterwards, Hehuan Laomo, the suzerain of the first-class sect in the north, unexpectedly led a team to seek an audience.

In this way, Tiandaozong, the only one remaining among the five giants, is naturally not far behind. It is rumored that Du Ziheng, the current suzerain, the number one expert in Zhongzhou formation, personally prepared generous gifts and wanted to go to Lihuozong to meet the Lihuo suzerain.As for Yu Xiang, a monk in the late Yuanying period, he immediately announced to retreat and practice as soon as he returned to the sect, and entrusted everything to his junior brother.

The Zixiao Palace in the Lihuo Ancestral Land was destroyed 3000 years ago, and this time Yi Tian revived the sect, it is necessary to rebuild the Ancestral Hall.Fortunately, these projects were also expected, and the new Zixiao Palace was restored to its original state in less than a month under the personal supervision of Huo Chilian, the head of the new Qi Pavilion.

According to Yi Tian's intention, try to preserve the original appearance of the ancestral hall 3000 years ago, but everyone agrees that the restoration of the ancestral hall should be more integrated into the current pattern.

Moreover, Zixiao Palace is the symbol of Lihuo Sect, so it must be perfect. Even the four demon kings will not let go of this matter.Yi Tian had no choice but to let them go. Anyway, he didn't need to do these things himself, as long as he had a place to live.

With the support of the Four Great Demon Kings and the joint efforts of everyone, the project progressed very smoothly.At the same time, Yi Tian received a message from Shi Qianwei. Although Du Ziheng of Daozong had not reached the late stage of cultivation that day, he was full of knowledge and research on the formation method. He should be a big help if he wants to build the Ascension Platform .

It's just that this person has always been unruly and unruly, and it will take some effort to get him to help with sincerity.

Sitting in the quiet room of the suzerain in the back hall of Zixiao Hall, Yi Tian looked at the jade slip in his hand and showed a thoughtful expression on his face.Now the Lihuo Sect is in the midst of a waste of time and needs help from all sides.

The other sects in Zhongzhou have received their jade slips in advance, and they have already responded that they will fully assist in the construction of the Feisheng platform.

But Yi Tian knew in his heart that these people were at most working as assistants or collecting materials.The only person who can really share his worries is Huo Chilian of Qige.

Yi Tian gathered those sect disciples who were proficient in formations together early in the morning, and after testing their strength, he assigned tasks according to their strength.

It's just that the construction of this flying platform cannot be completed overnight.According to the current manpower allocation, it will not work in 200 years.If this is the case, Yi Tian has to devote all his energy to this, and he can't take care of his own cultivation during this period of time.

Considering that Du Ziheng of Daozong is definitely the best candidate for a supervisor, but he had a bad relationship with Yu Xiang before, so I don't know how Du Ziheng will deal with himself.

Just as he was thinking about it, a jade talisman of communication flew from outside and floated on the outer edge of the forbidden room.Seeing this, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and pointed at it, and suddenly a five-inch hole was opened in the restraint, and the jade amulet of communication came in through it with a "swish".

After taking the jade talisman and putting it in his hand, he scanned it with his divine sense, but there was a gleam of joy on his face.It was mentioned that Du Ziheng of Tiandaozong's flying boat had entered the Lihuozong territory, and now the sect elder Chiyang's descendants were rushing all the way towards Zixiao Palace, and it was estimated that it would arrive in an hour at most.

Yi Tian casually put away the communication jade talisman, stretched out his spiritual thoughts and directly found the disciples on duty in the front hall of the sect, and informed them that they were ready to welcome the distinguished guests.At the same time, they also informed Qu Yifeng, the young patriarch who practiced in the back mountain, Huo Chilian, the head of the Qi Pavilion, and Xiao Linhang.

These few people are his direct descendants and confidantes, and there will be many things that will depend on them in the future, so call them together so that they can get acquainted with the leaders of Zhongzhou.

An hour later, the divine sense that stretched out felt that three strong auras flew out from the back mountain and went straight into the main hall of Zixiao Hall.At the same time, a flying boat of Tiandaozong appeared in the blue sky and turned into a meteor from the sky and galloped towards the main hall.

Not long after, the airship slowly slowed down and flew directly over the Lihuo Zong Mountain Gate before stopping.Three auras fell from it at once, besides Chi Yangzi who led the way and Du Ziheng who came from afar, Yi Tian unexpectedly discovered that Hao Ji from the Hehuan Sect was also included.

To be honest, Yi Tian felt that this woman was really not easy to mess with, and he could see through his own thoughts and plans several times.The last time the Hehuan Laomo led a team to show his goodwill, he also gave enough face to go out to greet him in person, and promised to work together with the Hehuan sect for a better prosperity.

It's just that I don't know what Hao Ji's intention is to come here on Du Ziheng's flying boat, and I can't think of the result for a while, Yi Tian then shook his head helplessly and had to bite the bullet and go to see them.

After three breaths, the whole figure became more and more blurred until it disappeared into the quiet room.

At the same time, in the main hall of Zixiao Hall, Qu Yifeng and others, the young patriarch, had already been waiting there with great anticipation.And Du Ziheng's three people's footsteps were no less than a hundred miles from the mountain gate to the main hall, but for the monk Yuanying, it was just a rubbing effort.

In the Lihuo Sect, only those authorized by the suzerain can fly in the sky, and even a monk like Chi Yangzi set an example and insisted on walking.

Shaoqing's disciples on duty outside the gate of Zixia Hall sang loudly: "Welcome Senior Du of Tiandao Sect, Senior Haoji of Hehuan Sect."

As soon as the voice fell outside the main hall, three figures appeared, with Du Ziheng at the head walking in the center, Chiyangzi and Haoji lined up on the left and right.

Although the spiritual pressure fluctuations of the three Nascent Soul mid-stage monks had been restrained deliberately, those disciples who were in close contact could still feel a slight sense of oppression.

Seeing this, Chi Yangzi waved his hand and said, "You all go down."

Those junior Jindan disciples hurriedly retreated as if they were relieved, and then Chi Yangzi personally led Du Ziheng Haoji into the main hall.

After entering the door, Chi Yangzi introduced the three Lihuo Zongyuanying monks present one by one.Du Ziheng saluted with them respectively, while Hao Ji glanced at the three of them with a smile on her face, and finally her eyes stayed on Xiao Linhang and said: "I didn't expect the high disciples of Tianyunmen to join Lihuozong. It seems that this Isn't the background of the first sect in Tianlan Continent 3000 years ago really profound?"

After hearing this, Xiao Linhang replied with a solemn face: "In the Tianyun Pavilion, it was originally a branch of the Fire Sect, but now it's just a recognition of the ancestors and returning to the clan, fellow Taoists, don't talk too far away."

Seeing Xiao Linhang's explanation like this, Hao Ji didn't take it seriously at all. In her opinion, what happened to Tianyunmen had nothing to do with her.On the contrary, the astonishment on Du Ziheng's face was fleeting, and then he looked at Qu Yifeng who was wearing the suzerain's costume and asked, "Is this fellow Taoist the current Lihuo suzerain?"

Although Qu Yifeng's cultivation has reached the early stage of Yuanying, he is neither humble nor overbearing in the face of mid-stage monks who are a bit taller than himself. He raised his hand and saluted: "This sect, Qu Yifeng, has been honored by his senior brother to take over the position of the young master of the Lihuo sect."

"Your senior brother is that kid Yi Tian, ​​right? It's been a long time since he came out. Could it be that after Fuxing Zongmen, he also started to learn to put on airs?" Hao Ji who was on the side said.

Qu Yifeng froze for a moment, then smiled and stood aside without saying a word, but Huo Chilian, the head of the Qi Pavilion, replied indifferently: "Since your door entered the main hall, my senior brother has been sitting on the right seat, but It’s just that you haven’t noticed it yet.” After speaking, he turned around and bowed to Jishou, who was sitting in the middle of the empty seat.

After hearing this, Du Ziheng hurriedly turned his head and looked at the center, but after taking three breaths, he didn't notice anything unusual, but Hao Ji's eyes flashed a golden light and she pouted, "Is it possible to play like this with a high cultivation level? They're all pretending to be fools."

After a laugh came out of nowhere, a figure slowly appeared above the main seat, it was Yi Tian's real body who had been waiting here for a long time.Then he stood up slowly and said to Du Ziheng and Hao Ji Jishou, "You two have come from a long way, please take a seat." He pointed to the futon not far in front of him to signal them to sit down.

At this time, Du Ziheng is no longer as domineering as before, and it is not the first time he has seen Yi Tian in front of him, but what is different from before is that everyone has switched places, and today he made a special trip with the kindness of his brother Yu Xiang Come to make friends with Li Huo Sect.

Originally, he thought that the new Lihuo old man was as strong as his senior brother Yu Xiang, but just a face-to-face meeting made Du Ziheng sweat slightly on his forehead.Just relying on this trick of avoiding the void is better than all the current monks in the late Nascent Soul stage.

After sorting out his thoughts, Du Ziheng respectfully exchanged gifts with Yi Tian and said, "Du Ziheng of the Heavenly Dao Sect has eyes that don't recognize Mount Tai, so please don't worry about those trivial things back then."

Yi Tian laughed dumbfounded when he heard this, and he knew that the other party was talking about the fact that he ran away when he was dealing with Feitian Rakshasa in Dan Pavilion. Misunderstand.

Yi Tian didn't want to embarrass him, and then he just held back his smile and replied: "Fellow Daoist Du is serious, and the situation has changed back then, and I can understand your way of responding to things."

After hearing this, Du Ziheng said with joy on his face that this test has passed, but at the next moment, Yi Tian said with a serious face: "The future is over, and we will work together in the future. I hope that Fellow Daoist Du will not lose the chain again." thing."

Du Ziheng's face tightened and he knew that Yi Tian still had some opinions on what happened back then, but fortunately, Tiandaozong's help is urgently needed now, so it's just his elder brother's sloppy eyes on this matter.

After everyone sat down, Yi Tian took out a jade slip and handed it to Du Ziheng, saying: "Please read the information in the jade slip first, fellow Taoist."

Du Ziheng knew the priority of this matter, and had communicated with Yu Xiang before coming to know Li Huozong's next plan.

The construction of the Ascension Platform is related to the entire Tianlan Continent. If it is completed, it can be said to be a descendant of Fuze, and the five major sects have the priority to use it. As long as someone can cultivate to the stage of transformation, Ascension is just around the corner.

There are only a handful of people in the Zhongzhou Continent who can do this, and Yu Xiang of Tiandaozong is one of them. That's why he was told to do his best to facilitate this matter.

After Du Ziheng's divine sense scanned the jade slip once, his face was filled with excitement, and then he lowered his head and thought hard.

When Yi Tian saw it, he knew that he was deducing the pattern of the Ascension Platform, so it was inconvenient to disturb him and just waited for his result silently.

Suddenly, a private voice came from my ear: "When did you, kid, cultivate to the late Yuanying stage, and what happened last time you pretended to be Qianlingyuan in Qianlingzong? If you don't explain clearly, be careful I will put you The matter of Qian Lingyuan came out."

After listening to the sound transmission, Yi Tian didn't change his face, but quietly replied a few words, but Hao Ji didn't seem to care about Yi Tian's explanation at all, so she replied again through the sound transmission: "Since all the branches of the Tianyun Pavilion have returned, Then when will my Hehuan Sect return to the Lihuo Sect?"

This is what Yi Tian is most afraid of. In fact, the Yuan and Yuan families are still deeply involved, but most of the disciples don't know the stakes.

And I already have a Taoist companion, and even my son has cultivated to the late stage of Jindan. To be honest, the special skill of Haoji in front of me is not a fuel-efficient lamp. If I really put her in the door wall, I am afraid that I will have a headache.

But after all, it was the sect Yi Tian, ​​who was inextricably linked with Ji Xuanyuan, an old clan from Lihuo, and he didn't dare to refuse directly, so he lost face to Hao Ji.In the end, he just slowly expressed his own thoughts, anyway, he just kept talking nonsense and didn't answer her words.

After silent transmission, you will suddenly hear Du Ziheng's words in your ears: "Yi Daoyou Guizong's formation pattern on the Ascension Platform is indeed extensive and profound. I think that it cannot be built in a short period of time with the strength of a single sect."

Being interrupted by him just brought Yi Tian back to his senses to avoid the urgent need to face Hao Ji. After thinking for a while, he replied: "Daoyou Du is the first mage in Zhongzhou. I don't know what to say about it. I am all ears."

Du Ziheng smiled awkwardly and said: "The number one mage in Zhongzhou is all a rumor in the comprehension world. Compared with Daoyou Yi, the formation is no longer inferior to me. I have already experienced the battle of exorcising demons back then. "

(End of this chapter)

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