
Chapter 835

Chapter 835
Hearing what Du Ziheng said, Yi Tian's complexion didn't change, but the corner of his mouth slightly raised and he laughed.

Now that time has passed and the identities of each other have been switched, even if Du Ziheng can be sure that he participated in the battle against demons back then, it can only be a quick talk for a while.

Besides, even if he refuses to admit or believe him, there is nothing he can do, at most he will criticize him behind others' backs.After all, the person who participated back then was the monk Huitian of Banruo Temple.As for Abbot Wu Yin, there is no need to worry, everyone has a tacit understanding and will not reveal the truth.

But Du Ziheng in front of him is the top formation master in Zhongzhou, and Yi Tian knew in his heart that such a monk would not succumb to dominance.Only by frustrating the aspect of him that he is most proud of has the chance to exploit it for himself.

After thinking for a while, Yi Tian didn't answer the question and directly changed the topic: "I have heard for a long time that Fellow Daoist Du is a master of formations, and no one can surpass you in the land of Zhongzhou. It can be said that you can be called the number one."

Hearing Yi Tian's rare praise, Du Ziheng's face also showed a gleam of joy. The reputation of the first mage in Zhongzhou from Yi Tian's mouth also proved the degree of recognition.

With a rare smile on his face, Du Ziheng arched his hands together and said, "You Daoist Yi is absurdly praised, and I really deserve it."

"Fellow daoist, don't be humble, you are relying on real materials, I am wrong again," Yi Tian replied flatly after speaking: "When I was young, I also did a lot of research on acupuncture, but today I happened to meet you. Fellow Daoists Shangdu can learn from each other."

After hearing this, Du Ziheng's expression changed, it was obvious that he came prepared.

But since Yi Tian is in this position, if he doesn't make a move, it will weaken his prestige.

But in other people's territory, it is also estimated to save face, and I don't know what kind of medicine this new Lihuo Patriarch is selling.

Moreover, the battle of formations is different from cultivation, and it depends entirely on the understanding and application of the formation.

After thinking about it, he asked tentatively: "I don't know how Yi Daoyou plans to learn skills?"

What Yi Tian worries most is that Du Ziheng won't take the bait. As for the fact that he really wants to compete, he has the complete solution of the formation of Li Huozong 3000 years ago, not to mention the formation of this world, even the formation of the upper spirit world. I have learned a lot.

But if he wants to be convinced and deal with it, he can't choose a formation that he doesn't know. Only by defeating Du Ziheng under the premise of fairness and justice can he be convinced.

After thinking about it, he reached out and took out a jade slip from the storage bag and handed it to Du Ziheng, saying: "This re-engraved jade slip records the outline of the formation that I have learned in my life. If Fellow Daoist Du can really win, then follow-up I will also attach the great explanation of the array."

After hearing this, Du Ziheng hesitated a little on his face, then unnaturally took the outline of the Dao Dao Dao with his second hand, and searched carefully after the divine sense invaded.

Seeing this, everyone in the surroundings also showed puzzled looks, and everyone in the Lihuo Sect didn't know why Yi Tian suddenly provoked such a bet.

Half a moment later, Du Ziheng withdrew his divine thoughts, but his face showed a look of eagerness to try. It was obvious that what was mentioned in the outline of the Dao Dao Dao was what he was determined to achieve.

After looking at the crowd in a blink of an eye, Du Ziheng was also very forthright, and directly agreed: "Since Daoist Yi has this proposal, I am willing to try it, and it won't be too long if I want to discuss the formation. But I don't know how to discuss it?"

Yi Tian nodded and replied: "Since Fellow Daoist Du agrees, it's easy to do. Why don't we compete in this Zixiao Temple. As for the method, it's better for you and me to set up a small formation, and then enter each other's space. Destroy the formation at the same time in the formation. Whoever takes the least time wins?"

Du Ziheng thought in his heart that this method sounds fair, not only considering the way to set up the formation, but also the way to break the formation.And with the witnesses of so many people present, I think the new Lihuo ancestor will not break his promise.

To be honest, he has several sets of newly researched arrays to choose from, and they are all re-integrated after careful research from the arrays found in some ancient ruins.

To be honest, this battle of formations is actually a competition between the two people's eyesight and the way to break the formation, and the importance of cultivation is second to none.

Yi Tian was overjoyed to see that he agreed so readily, and then his figure flashed to the left side of Zixiao Hall and reached out to take out a palm-sized gossip array.He stretched out his hand and gently punched in a formula to activate it, and directly laid a simple trap with a radius of three feet on the ground.

Then he turned to Du Ziheng and said, "I have already completed the formation, and Fellow Daoist Du can set up the formation on the other side of the big point."

Du Ziheng's eyes lit up when he saw it, this method of arranging the formation can be regarded as simple, just take out the prepared formation disk and activate it.

Fortunately, he also had the material in his hands, so he quickly stood up and bowed to all the monks around him.The meaning couldn't be more obvious, please ask them to testify, lest Yi Tian take the opportunity to play tricks later.

Among these monks, only Haoji is not from the Lihuo Sect. At this moment, she is also duty-bound to say: "Since the two fellow Taoists have agreed to have a competition, let me be the notary."

Du Ziheng said with a smile on his face, "Thank you, fellow Daoist Haoji, for your testimony."

After speaking, he walked slowly to the other side of the main hall and chose a similar open space, then reached out and took out an emerald green jade pendant, and after holding the link seal in his hand, he played a few spells towards it to activate it.

After three breaths, a burst of grandeur came out from it, and then the jade pendant turned into a blue light and fell directly on the ground of the main hall, forming a miniature array with a radius of three feet.

Both of them have their own strengths and weaknesses in their early formation methods, and it is impossible to see who is better than the other for a while.Then Du Ziheng handed it over with a jade talisman in his hand, but said in his mouth: "With this jade talisman, we can directly break through the trapped formation."

Yi Tian knew what it meant with a glance of his eyes. Du Ziheng is also an old man, so he made a plan in advance to save himself a fallback.In case of being trapped by the formation, you can use this to escape, so as not to lose face.

After hearing this, Yi Tian just smiled and reached out to take the jade talisman, and then placed a bronze medal on the same place to hand it to Du Ziheng.Its intention is also self-evident, everyone saves face for each other.

As for using the formation talisman to get out, it is considered an active surrender. The discussions between formation mages are usually literary battles, and everything will be left on the line.

Shaoqing Yitian walked over to Du Ziheng's formation and looked inside, only to see that the formation pattern was attached to the floor like dark gold.Although it seems to be extremely simple, I am afraid that once I go in and touch the formation prohibition, I will be trapped instantly.

Although this trap is a relatively simple type of formation, it is also the most widely used, and it is a compulsory course for beginners.But it is this kind of formation that can better reflect the depth of a formation master's skill.

You must know that the simpler the formation, the easier it is to crack, but if you can use this simplest formation to perfection, then it's another matter. I'm afraid that there is something wrong with the formation in front of me. If you don't enter the formation, you can't experience it. Powerful.

Taking a rough look at the formation pattern on the ground, it looks like an ordinary maze, but Yi Tian knows in his heart that it will never be as easy as he imagined, and although Du Ziheng's character is not very good, his strength is still in the that is.

After thinking for a while, he turned around and said, "My side is ready, Fellow Daoist Du, you can open the trap and let me in."

Du Ziheng also observed the formation that he was about to face beforehand. At this time, his face had long since lost contempt, replaced by an incomparably solemn expression.

After hearing Yi Tian's notification, he lightly played a magic formula against his formation disk with his hand, and a white light film flashed from the formation on Shaoqing's right, and suddenly split from one part of the light film A hole eight feet high and two feet wide was made.

Yi Tian also stretched out his hand and pointed to the array on the left, and a broad avenue appeared for Du Ziheng to enter the bed array.

Shaoqing's two boxes looked at each other and said in unanimous agreement: "Please," and then took a leisurely stride and walked directly into each other's trap.

When Yi Tian stepped into it, the scene of Zixiao Palace suddenly disappeared in an instant, replaced by a white snowfield.

And I was in the snow field, and I couldn't recognize the direction. After walking a few steps, I felt the slightest coolness coming from my feet.

At this moment, I couldn't help being taken aback, and said to myself: "I didn't expect that Du Ziheng's formation technique is really not shallow. Apart from the visual interference, he also imitated this feeling."

Looking up at the sky, it seems that there is heavy snow falling, and the snow under the feet is not shallow. After walking a few steps, it is almost below the knees.

In addition to the snow, there was also a whistling north wind blowing in the sky, and the gusts of wind hung on the face could also feel a biting chill.Needless to say, Du Ziheng should have studied Lihuozong's exercises, so he was very targeted when choosing the array.

Using the water-attribute trapping array to deal with him already has an innate advantage in the skill attribute, so the speed at which he breaks the array will definitely be affected by this and be slowed down.

After a disdainful smile appeared on Yi Tian's body, a red Xuanyang real fire was sacrificed to form a real flame armor spell to drive away the cold air coefficient around him.

At the same time, the snow under the feet melted away under the scorching flames, revealing solid soil.The first idea to break the formation is to find the formation eye, but in such an environment, there is no exact positioning at all, let alone the position of the formation eye.

Yi Tian's face darkened, and he stretched out his hands to seal the pupil technique, a cyan aura flashed in his eyes, and he began to look around to search for any suspicious places.

Half a moment later, there was nothing to be found, but there was a vast expanse of white snow all around, the snow nearly reached the knees under the feet, and the frozen soil below.

His eyes flicked over the words that seemed to have patterns on the frozen soil, and Yi Tian lowered his head to take a closer look, and a thought flashed through his mind.

Du Ziheng was probably playing a little trick with the snow to cover up the patterns on the frozen soil, but the more he said this, the more meaningless his trap was.

With the Taiyuan sword in his hand, he swiped towards the snow under his feet, and immediately cleared away the snow in a radius of about ten feet.Then he looked at the pattern pattern on the frozen soil, and suddenly a strange smile appeared on his face.

Unexpectedly, Du Ziheng really worked hard on this formation, and the pattern of this formation is obviously the spirit world text.If I hadn't mastered this spiritual world text after getting in touch with Li Huozong's Xinmi in many ways, I'm afraid it would be really difficult to break through.

But now that the source of the problem has been found, the next step is to choose how to break the formation.

If he wanted to subdue Du Ziheng, he might have to use some vigorous means. After making up his mind, Yi Tian directly sacrificed the Taiyuan Sword in his hand and followed the pattern of the spiritual world to find the location of the eye.

After ten breaths, Yi Tian stood on the formation eye and slowly raised the formation breaking awl in his hand, then erased all the spirit patterns on it, and then took out the inscription carving knife to quickly carve on it.

To deal with this spiritual formation, it may not be effective to use the formation spirit weapons on Tianlan Continent, but fortunately, this formation can be regarded as a partial branch of the Dao.It is more than enough to use it to deal with this difficult situation.

After a while, Yi Tian had a shining formation-breaking awl in his hand, and then a stream of spiritual power was slowly poured into it, making it buzz loudly.After three breaths, he stretched out his right hand and manipulated the formation-breaking awl to aim at the spirit pattern at the eye of the formation and stab straight at it. With a sound of "click", the one-foot-sized formation-breaking awl was as easy as cutting tofu. Break into the frozen ground under your feet.

After the pruning awl was completely submerged, the world began to shake violently, as if the original array was directly interrupted by the external spiritual power and could no longer maintain this small piece of icy and snowy scene.

The surrounding snow fields fell in chunks like shattered glazed walls, and after that, time and space distortions occurred one after another.After the whole process was over, Yi Tian saw a flash of white light in front of him and returned to the Zixiao Palace, but at this time there was an array-breaking cone and an emerald green jade pendant under his feet, and the jade pendant obviously had a broken array on it. Cone traces.

At this time, everyone in the Lihuo Sect in the main hall had smiles of information on their faces, and Yi Tian knew the result of this discussion with a glance.Turning his head to look at the other side of Zixiao Hall, he saw some noises from time to time within a radius of three feet, and he listened carefully to Du Ziheng's curses.

It is true that the trapped formation he has set up contains illusions. After Du Ziheng enters, besides facing the maze, he has to separate his mind to resist the interference of illusions.

This sparring was not a temporary idea. For this reason, I specially refined a formation to deal with Du Ziheng. It must take some time for him to get out of it.

But since I have already won, there is no need to do too much to directly offend people, and it will be difficult to speak about the following things.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian didn't say much, and directly pinched the formula with his right hand in the cuff, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and the speed of the array was instantly slowed down by three points.

In this way, I can be regarded as secretly helping Du Ziheng to prevent him from making a move.

Shaoqing flashed a golden light, flew out of the array and landed on the side of Du Ziheng, who was exhausted. Fortunately, his spirit was not bad, and Yi Tianhou, who saw a smile on his face, was not as arrogant as before.Immediately, he said with shame on his face: "Yi Daoyou is still better at it, so I am convinced."

(End of this chapter)

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