
Chapter 836 Visit

Chapter 836 Visit
After visiting the Lihuo Sect, Du Ziheng, the patriarch of Tiandao Sect, publicly declared that the two families will always be in love with Qin and Jin Dynasties and help each other.After this news came out, Zhongzhou Lihuozong's position was as stable as Mount Tai, and it instantly jumped from a newly revived sect to become a first-class sect force in the Zhongzhou territory.

Since the area under the jurisdiction must be demarcated after the establishment of the sect, the Lihuo sect was very powerful back then, so the sect was divided into three.Now Yi Tian unsealed these three forbidden places, and appointed Huo Chilian as the head of Qi Pavilion respectively.

However, the original first Wu Xing in the land of alchemy failed to break through the alchemy and become a baby because of limited aptitude, and had already disbanded and escaped into reincarnation a hundred years ago.This time, after I came back, I didn't know the cause and effect of this matter until I heard Qu Yifeng mention it.

And his Taoist companion, Ning Ning, had reached the golden elixir great consummation, but unfortunately, he hadn't read the Nascent Soul's Heavenly Tribulation, and ended up dying in the end.

Recalling that among the partners I met when I was a beginner, only Qu Yifeng has survived to this day, and the others have escaped into the cycle of reincarnation.

On the contrary, the Golden Saber and Broad Sword of the Iron Sword Sect both succeeded in conceiving babies, and now they are the late Nascent Soul rookies of Xuxuan Jianxin and Mo Wentianwai sect.

After Zhongzhou Lihuozong revived this time, Yi Tian specially seconded the two of them to help sit in the hinterland of the sect and become the guardian of the sect's precept hall.

Mo Wentian was also in favor of this matter. Originally, the two Hengjian and Badao were the law enforcement elders of the Zongmen under the Lihuo elder Ji Xuanyuan, and now they just got their wish.

Although Wu Min and Enemy Jiu are not well-known outside, fortunately, they are strong enough to shock Xiaoxiao.In addition, the husband and wife can have an overwhelming advantage against the same number of monks in the early stage of Nascent Soul, even if they are in the mid-stage of Nascent Soul.

In the end, after much consideration, he decided to transfer Hu Yiyuan to sit in the important area of ​​Dan Pavilion. Although he was not born as a alchemist, his practice for hundreds of years was there.Besides, he only needs to sit in the township, as for cultivating alchemists of the sect, the younger generation Jindan disciples will contribute.

In addition, the mortal kingdoms within a thousand miles of the Zongmen's territory were all classified under the Lihuo Sect's rule, and the Zongmen also sent many foundation-building monks to visit these mortal palaces in turn to act as guards.At the same time, they are also shouldering the responsibility of selecting outstanding children with spiritual root qualifications for the sect to continuously enrich the sect's heritage.

After all, monks in the cultivation world still need a steady stream of mortals to supplement them, and if the Lihuo Sect wants to maintain this momentum, it must be mortal-oriented, recruiting soul boys as much as possible to enrich the sect's disciples in the qi training period.

As long as it works properly, it is believed that this system will allow the Li Huo Sect to truly take root in the Zhongzhou Continent in a hundred years.

After arranging all the affairs of the sect, Yi Tian explained to Qu Yifeng and embarked on the journey again alone.This time Ying Wan Ying Wang Zhiyao went to the top of his eagle's nest to retrieve the structure of the small ascending platform.

I remember that I went there once 200 years ago, but I haven't studied those formations in detail.The document records and array patterns found in the Sutra Library of Lihuo Zong can only understand the structure of the Feisheng Platform literally.

But now in the land of Zhongzhou, there is only such a physical formation in the depths of the Eagle's Nest trapped by the King of Eagles.So for many years, when the four great demon kings gathered in Dong Ao, I had already told the King of Eagles privately about this matter, and once I had time, I would visit Eagle's Nest again.

It is also far away from the territory of Fire Sect to Wanying King in Central Continent. In order not to attract attention, Yi Tian just concealed his whereabouts and flew rapidly in the sky.

Along the way, he saw many Jindan cultivators flying in the air or casual cultivators fighting and killing each other in the barren mountains and mountains. Yi Tian just passed them by without blinking his eyelids.

Now that I am in a position where I no longer need to care about these things, the cultivation world has its own laws, and the so-called weeding out the weak and leaving the strong to live there cannot be reversed by myself.

After leaving the boundary of Zhongzhou, he entered the Eastern Hundred Thousand Mountains. During this journey, Yi Tian saw another scene.Under the rule of the King of Eagles, the realm of the monster clan is not very peaceful, and the division of levels within the monster clan is very strict, unless those monsters with incomparably powerful bloodlines can challenge by leapfrogging.

Along the way, we also saw many scenes of the same kind of monsters fighting each other, often because of some strange flowers and plants, they would fight each other if they disagreed.

Fortunately, these monsters are limited to those below level six. As for high-level monsters, they all have their own territories, and generally they will not invade others at will.

And with Yi Tian's cultivation level, as long as he can't reveal his whereabouts, even the Four Great Demon Kings may not be able to easily find his whereabouts, let alone the following little demons.

Flying at the high altitude of the [-] mountains... Suddenly, in the divine sense, I found that there seemed to be monster clans fighting three hundred miles away.After investigating, it was found that the movement was not small, it should be a monster in the transformation period.

Yi Tian was puzzled in his heart, and secretly said: "In the [-] mountains, all transformed monsters will be attached to the four demon kings, and everyone should know each other. And the four demon kings will also forcibly restrain the disciples to avoid fighting. But in the distance, it seems that the fighting is in full swing, and there is no ban on avoiding the demon king.

After the first battle of Dongao, his Chi Yanju followed the Golden Retriever King to the Western Wilderness Mountains, and Miss Qingyu was also sent back to Qingtian Demon King.Now only the fat dog is by his side, so he slapped the beast-controlling pouch to summon the fat dog.

A red and blue aura flew out and stopped not far in front of him. A face similar to his own appeared in the aura, only with white hair and a cluster of red on the forehead. Hair is unusually conspicuous.

Yi Tian opened his mouth and said: "I am going to investigate the ruins of the Feishengtai at the appointment of the King of Eagles. It seems that there are transformed monsters fighting in front of you. Go and see it. Remember to persuade if you can, so as to avoid unnecessary trouble."

Fat Dog replied disdainfully: "That's how you want to be a good old man and a peacemaker. It hasn't changed for more than 500 years. According to the habits of the monster clan, since you have made a move, you must decide the outcome."

Yi Tian heard a chestnut in front of Yan Fei teach Fat Dog a lesson: "Go as soon as you are told, don't think that you can be lawless after getting three drops of Mengxin's true blood. In front of me, you are still the Bingli Fox back then."

Fat Dog endured the pain and yelled: "You can bully people, and you have been bullying people for 600 years."

"Stop talking nonsense, I'm leaving first, you go and see if you don't cause trouble for me, after you're done, Eagle's Nest will come to me," Yi Tian didn't say much and flew directly towards Tianji Mountain, leaving Fat Dog there alone up.

After most of the day, Yi Tianfei looked ahead in the air and found a dangerous peak thousands of miles away, and said secretly in his heart: "We've almost reached Tianji Mountain." The mountains fly away.

Not long after, he flew to the vicinity of Tianji Mountain, looked down from a high altitude, and found that the eagle's nest of the King of Eagles was adorned with lights and festoons, as if welcoming distinguished guests.

Yi Tian wondered in his heart that he didn't inform King Wan Ying about his visit this time, and it was purely a whim.From this point of view, it seems that there are distinguished guests in the eagle's nest, so there is such a scene.

In line with the idea that more things are worse than less things, Yi Tian didn't want to directly expose his whereabouts, so he pinched a magic trick in the air to hide his figure, then slowly lowered his cloud head and swaggered in from the main entrance of the Eagle's Nest.

After arriving at the Eagle's Nest, I really realized that the King of Thousand Eagles was indeed welcoming the distinguished guests this time. Even Zhiying and Yingxiao, who seldom go out on weekdays, appeared in the Eagle's Nest and were busy preparing what.

With my current cultivation base already much higher than them, even if I pass by them now, as long as I don't show my flaws, I won't be noticed by them.

Along the way, I found that these people didn't even know that I was coming, and even Ying Xiao didn't notice the abnormal situation around them at all.But when passing by Ambassador Zhiying, he seemed a little alert, and returned to his original state after three breaths.The reason should be that his cultivation base is much higher than that of others, and his natural induction seems to be able to catch something so that he can behave like this.

Fortunately, even if I restrained my steps and moved away from him slightly, I cut off his weak induction.

After bypassing the front hall of the Eagle's Nest, Yi Tian walked straight to the halfway up Tianji Mountain, the deepest part of the Eagle's Nest, the palace of the King of Thousand Eagles.

As soon as he stepped into the bedroom, he saw the humanoid King of Eagles sitting on the futon in the middle and slowly opened his eyes.

Then he stared at himself, a blue light flashed in his eyes, he hurriedly stood up and greeted him with a smile: "The unknown suzerain is coming, I am not far away to welcome you."

After hearing this, Yi Tian was stunned, and then a figure appeared and bowed with both hands: "The Eagle King is polite, I don't want to reveal my identity, so I came here quietly, please don't blame me for disturbing you."

King Wan Ying hastily asked Yi Tianru to sit down, then he stretched out his hand to open the restriction of the bedroom, and then said slowly: "The suzerain just happened to come, this time there are overseas visitors to my house, and the servants are preparing, if the suzerain intends to You can meet them together."

"Isn't it just someone from overseas?" Yi Tian asked kindly.

Wan Ying Wang straightened his expression and said: "It's the Jiaolong King and Thunder Dragon King of the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea."

"The two of them, I've seen them a few years ago. But this time I came here specially for the ruins of the Ascension Platform, so I don't want to waste time on these people. The Six Realms Wheel is the key to the Ascension Platform , I need some time to comprehend the above spiritual pattern." Yi Tian replied.

Hearing this, King Wan Ying's face became serious, and the matter of ascension to the platform is what he is most concerned about right now, so when Yi Tian mentioned this matter, he would naturally cooperate with all his strength.

Shaoqing stood up and led Yi Tian out from the back door of the bedroom, and the two walked up the mountain path for half an hour and then went straight up to the top of Tianji Mountain.

Once again in the main hall of the Ascension Platform, Yi Tian swept his eyes and locked his divine sense firmly on the six realm wheels.

The whole body of this object is carved from a huge piece of meteorite iron, with a radius of one foot and a thickness of one foot. The patterns on the front depict the appearance of six upper spirit worlds.

Among them, the world of Asura, the world of demons, and the world of humans are drawn separately, while the other six worlds are drawn together in pairs.

The most interesting thing is that the Buddha world and the devil world are actually portrayed together in a yin and yang style, which also confirms the saying of the Buddha and the devil.

When his gaze passed over the back of the wheel of six realms, he found a spiritual world inscription engraved on it.Take a closer look at the style of the inscriptions on it, and compare it with the patterns of the spirit world that you have learned in your mind. After a quick pass, you can only recognize about [-]% of the inscriptions.

From the existing inscription styles, it is not difficult to find that most of these inscriptions are in the style of space inscriptions, and some of them are similar to teleportation inscriptions.

Seeing this, Yi Tian knew that this was not something that could be easily solved in a car, so he said to King Wan Ying, "It will take some time for me to comprehend the wheel of the six realms here, and you don't have to wait by the side. Since If there are visitors from the Eagle’s Nest, then go and treat them for now, and I will let you know when I finish enlightening."

After hearing this, King Wan Ying replied: "The suzerain please consider it carefully here, and the old man will leave first. If there is any need, the suzerain can send me a message directly."

Yi Tian nodded and signaled, then turned his head and cast his gaze on the Six Realms Wheel, and began to carefully recognize the inscription on it.

Seeing this, King Wanying was also lost and hastily resigned and returned from a long way.After three breaths, Yi Tian's voice transmission came from my ear: "When I came, I found that there was a fight between the transformational monsters, so I sent the fat dog to check it out. Calculate the time and arrive at the Eagle's Nest not much later than me At that time, I will ask Eagle King to take care of him for me."

"Fat dog," Wan Yingwan hurriedly turned his head back after hearing this, "Sect Master, don't worry that the good brother of Fat Dog will be loved by Master Meng Xin. I also want to find opportunities to get closer to him."

After Wanying King left, Yi Tian reached out and took out the inscription spiritual liquid and talisman pen from the storage ring, and wrote them down one by one according to the inscription style on the wheel of the six realms.

At the same time, he stretched out his hand and patted the biggest beast-controlling pouch on his waist to summon Meng Xin out.

After a flash of white light, Meng Xin showed a plump appearance. When he looked up and saw the Wheel of the Six Realms, his face showed an extremely excited expression: "I didn't expect you to recast the Ascension Platform so soon. In this way, as long as you If you raise your cultivation level to Transformation God, then I can return to the spirit world."

Yi Tian just curled his lips and said: "Don't think too simple, this place is just an alternative point, and the energy supply system of this Ascension Platform is not perfect. Don't be blindly optimistic."

Meng Xin frowned before he checked out the ascending platform in this hall, and later pouted and said, "Then why did you summon me?"

"The wheel of the six realms is the key to the Flying Body Platform, and the connection to the ninth session of the spirit depends on it." Yi Tian pointed to the one-foot-sized round wheel and continued: "I am looking for you to help break down the spirit on it." Boundary pattern pattern, as long as I can analyze its pattern coefficient, I can refine another one."

"Then you can build another flying platform in another place, am I right?" Mengxin asked eagerly.

"no problem".Yi Tian blinked and replied: "But first, we must analyze the structure of the six realm wheels."

(End of this chapter)

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