
Chapter 837 Communication

Chapter 837 Communication

In the deepest part of Tianji Mountain, Yi Tian summoned Meng Xin in the Great Hall of Feishengtai Ruins, and then one person and one demon opened up the spiritual world texts on the six realm wheels one by one.

Whenever Yi Tian didn't understand something, he would directly ask Meng Xin for advice, and then he took the trouble to explain it in detail.Although he was just a sinful monster in the upper spirit world, Yi Tian found that his knowledge was really not ordinary.

It is often possible to draw inferences about these formation spirit patterns, which seem to be very familiar.At first, Yi Tian thought that Meng Xin wanted to return to the upper spirit world eagerly, so he taught himself these insights of the Dao without reservation.

But gradually, as the match pattern became more and more in-depth, he became very interested in Mengxin's body of guilt.

It stands to reason that most of these monster races rely on their instincts to cultivate their shapes, and whether it is the four monster kings or the high-level monsters I have seen before, they all seem to be disdainful of the skills of the human race , It took a long time for Fat Dog to try to learn some Qi Dao before.

Only Mengxin in front of him seemed to have studied this in depth, and he was even more powerful than ordinary human monks.

After Meng Xin explained the formation patterns on the wheel of six realms one by one, Yi Tian quickly went through all these points in his mind, and then recorded them in the jade slip.

Seeing that Yi Tian had packed up Yu Yu, Meng Xin yawned and was about to fly back to the beast sac.I couldn't help but suddenly heard the sentence: "Do you know Wu Ye?"

After hearing this, Meng Xin shuddered all over for no reason, then pretended to be nonchalant and replied: "Didn't you know?"

Yi Tian looked at it with a faint smile, then changed the topic and asked again: "What kind of monster are you? Why are you wearing a sinful body? Did you offend Lihuo Palace before you were captured by Ji Xuanyuan?" of"

Unexpectedly, as soon as Ji Xuanyuan's name was mentioned, Mengxin's expression changed and he said with a droopy face: "I know you have a lot of evil thoughts, don't you want to find out about me?"

"Yeah, actually, don't you think that what you said to me before is full of flaws?" Yi Tian said with a flash of light in his eyes: "If you are Ji Xuanyuan's spiritual pet, then he has no reason to take you to the lower realm."

"What do you want to ask?" Meng Xin asked.

"I'm just guessing your identity. You are definitely not a body of guilt. You should have volunteered to go to the lower world. It's just that you can't complete the task in this world, so you want to go back to the upper spirit world," Yi Tian guessed.

After hearing this, Meng Xin just sighed and replied: "Since you can tell Wu Ye's name, you must have met him in person."

Yi Tian does not deny this point, but it is inconvenient to say it before the matter is clarified.

Then Ting Mengxin said: "I was originally Wu Ye's spiritual pet, but when he suddenly split into two people, I didn't know who to follow."

Yi Tian was taken aback when he heard that, but since Mengxin is Wuye's spiritual pet, how can he be willing to become his spiritual pet?Thinking about it, Mengxin in front of him is at least at the same level as Ji Xuanyuan, so why does he look like this.

After thinking about it, he stared at Mengxin and carefully sized him up, trying to find some clues on him.

Suddenly Mengxin shouted angrily: "Don't look at me, I know what you are thinking. The person sitting in the Lihuo Palace is the ancestor of the Lihuo Sect. The real Wuye is sealed in this world." Somewhere, I came down to the realm just to find him."

"How to prove that what you said is the truth, you must know that I am the new spokesperson of Li Huo Sect in this world, if you deceive me, there will be no good fruit to eat," Yi Tian said with a successful smile flashing across his face.

"You are a cunning, but in terms of wisdom, you are still inferior to my old man," Mengxin said angrily with a wave of his small hand crossed on his chest: "You have already practiced the fourth grade of Lihuo Nine Changes, you must know that Ji Xuanyuan There is absolutely no way to spread the truth of the last six transformations to the lower realms, so there is only one explanation for what you learned must have been passed down from Wuye old ghost."

Hearing his sudden words, Yi Tian's heart trembled, secretly thinking that these people who came down from the upper spirit world were really underestimated.Even a spirit pet is so powerful in the eyes, it seems that in the future, it is necessary to restrain its own cultivation base, or there will be more troubles after ascension.

After smiling awkwardly, Yi Tian directly changed the topic and said, "Then how did Wuye split into two people, do you know that?"

After hearing this, Meng Xin showed a thoughtful look on his face. If he was silent, he would seem to be recalling the events of the upper spirit world.Later, he said angrily: "What the hell are you thinking about, you kid? You don't need to pursue it now because it's a secret. It's better to be a little confused about some things. It's not a bad thing to keep in the dark." Good thing."

"For me, ignorance is the biggest enemy, and it is the most regrettable thing not to know what I will face." Yi Tian replied

Seeing that she was so persistent, Mengxin was also speechless for a while, but finally said impatiently: "I will tell you about these things after you ascend to the upper world, but there is one condition that you must promise me."

Hearing this, Yi Tian showed a hint of vigilance on his face, thinking in his heart that Mengxin would increase his strength, but he didn't know what he was talking about.

After nodding his head, Yi Tian replied in a deep voice: "You say it first, but I may not necessarily agree to you."

"Okay," Meng Xin replied with a sigh: "After you ascend to the upper spirit world, you must never enter Lihuo Palace. I have no other conditions other than that."

"Your price is a bit high, can I listen to the reason before making a decision," Yi Tian replied.

"Now I can't tell you clearly, anyway, as long as you don't enter Lihuo Palace for a day, I will promise you to be your spiritual pet for a day," Meng Xin said with a serious face.

In fact, my original thought was the same, and I had agreed with Wuye before that these things would be done step by step. I would like to change my identity at that time, and the exercises of Lihuogong could not be easily revealed. It was someone who came to cover up his identity as a descendant of Lihuo.

After thinking about it, he replied directly: "Okay, I agree to your conditions."

"That's all right. Let's tidy up the things here. I noticed that Little Yinger seems to have sent you a message. It must be something urgent," Meng Xin said, pointing at the entrance of the passage with her little finger.

After three breaths, he saw a ray of light flashing in the dark passage, and the light flew directly into the hall and stayed not far in front of him.After the white light receded, a half-foot-long gray feather appeared. After Yi Tian reached out to catch it, he heard a sound transmission from above. After listening carefully, he found that it was the voice of the King of Eagles.

But the content really made Yi Tian's face twitch when he heard it. It turned out that Fat Dog had a quarrel with overseas visitors in the hall. It seemed that even Wanying King couldn't persuade him.

(End of this chapter)

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