
Chapter 838 Disputes

Chapter 838 Disputes
On the way to Eagle's Nest before, Yi Tian asked Fat Dog to come forward to find out what happened because he didn't want to cause trouble.In fact, there is also an idea to let Fat Dog go on his own to see if he can take care of himself.

But he didn't expect to cause trouble in just a few days. After thinking about it, Fat Dog has followed him for five or six hundred years, and he has taught him how to deal with people by precept and example.Logically speaking, it is definitely not a rash conflict with the guests of the King of Eagles. There must be unknown details in it.

After listening to Yi Tian's brief description of what happened, Mengxin's face changed angrily and said: "Your fat dog is the next king of demons I have chosen in this world, although it has not yet fully integrated my three drops of spirit. Blood, in terms of strength alone, will definitely not be much worse than those four little demons."

Yi Tian was stunned for a moment, then the corners of his mouth twitched and he said inwardly: "The four great demon kings of emotion are four little demons in Mengxin's eyes, so Mengxin's real strength must be at least at the level of a demon saint. The next step is to pick up a treasure, even if you go up to the upper spirit world, you will not be able to easily touch the master-servant contract."

He wanted to return to his thoughts, but he didn't dare to express the joy in his heart directly, he just showed a look of sadness on his face and said: "Since King Wanying is so anxious to send a message to me, something must have happened to the fat dog, I'd better go and have a look. Bar."

Mengxin nodded slightly, then pointed to the scattered jade slips on the ground, and gestured with the talisman pen and Lingmo.

After Yi Tian knew it, he stretched out his hand and took these things back into the storage ring, then pulled Mengxin, put him on his right shoulder, and exerted force under his feet. After the spiritual power surged all over his body, a blue light flashed and flew towards the passageway. go.

It is about a hundred miles from the top of the mountain to the Eagle's Nest Hall at the foot of the mountain. Fortunately, this road is the private forbidden area and palace of the King of Eagles. chance to be here.

After Yi Tian came to the Eagle King's dormitory in the middle of the mountain through a passage, he could release his spiritual sense directly. After three breaths, he found that two groups of people were fighting against each other in the sky above the main hall not far below.

The leader on my side is King Ying King, the head of the four great demon kings, and all the transformed and powerful demon ministers of Eagle's Nest lined up behind him to listen to the instructions in awe.

And beside Wanying King is the transformed Fat Dog, but now there is another person beside him, when Yi Tian's divine sense sweeps over that person's appearance, his face suddenly becomes wonderful, this person is just now It is Lan Yuer, the saintess of the Blue Scale Sea Clan who has a close relationship with him.

As for the group on the opposite side, they were not weak. The two leaders were Jiaolong King and Thunder Dragon King whom I had met in the depths of the Eastern Sea.And standing behind them is a group of aquarium-shaped sea beasts.

Yi Tian immediately frowned and said in a low voice: "Could it be that they are the overseas visitors that the King of Eagles said, it seems difficult to solve it."

Meng Xin muttered disdainfully: "The overseas visitors turned out to be these two little loaches. If you don't see them, just grab them and stew them."

When Yi Tian heard the words, there was a trace of cold sweat on his head, he turned his head and said to Mengxin: "It's easy for you to say, this Jiaolong King and Leilong King are both seventh-level demon kings, and Wanying King are both monsters of the same level. I will deal with them." One is troublesome, let alone two. And judging from today's appearance, it is probably the fat dog who caused the trouble first, which is really troublesome."

"They also depend on their masters when they beat a dog, and what happened today is just a chance for the next king of demons to take this opportunity to show his prestige. Moreover, it can kill the vigor of the Sea Clan. Telling them not to be so arrogant is to kill multiple birds with one stone." about it," Meng Xin said disapprovingly.

Having said that, Yi Tian didn't dare to let the situation go on like this, and King Wan Ying sent a message to hope that he could take action to solve it.

After quietly restraining his breath, Yi Tian hid his figure in the void and flew away in a gust of breeze. After ten breaths, he approached the two groups in the eagle's nest.

After flying close, he could only hear that Thunder Dragon King on the opposite side was blushing and angrily arguing with others, while Jiaolong King beside him was acting as a peacemaker as if trying to persuade them to fight.

On his own side, the Wanying King seemed determined to protect Fat Dog, but even taking a picture of his face was full of solemnity, revealing a little helplessness.

On the other hand, Fat Dog was confronting Thunder Dragon King arrogantly.He opened his mouth and shouted: "I left the words here today. I must take him away. As for the compensation, you can discuss it with Brother Wan Ying."

Thunder Dragon King shouted angrily after hearing this: "Stinky boy, who do you think you are? Don't think that you can call yourself a demon king after reaching the seventh level. I tell you that I only recognize the four major demon kings. What kind of onion would you dare to do this to me?" Speak. If it hadn't been for the King of Eagles who skinned you early in the morning, I can forget about it if you hand it over to me."

Obviously the focus of the conflict between the two is on Lan Yu'er, Yi Tian finds a free time to fly to Zhiying's group, and then directly sends a voice transmission to King Wanying in private: "What happened, such a big scene Could it be that the fight is about to start?"

At this time, the sound transmission was like the sound of Tian Lan reaching Wan Ying Wang's ears, and his originally aggrieved expression eased slightly.Immediately, the corners of his mouth moved slightly to explain the situation here in detail.

It turned out that the two dragon demon kings were hosting the banquet this time, but for some reason the Thunder Dragon King arrived later than expected.At first, Wanying King didn't care at all, after all, nothing unusual would happen in his territory.

Unexpectedly, the Thunder Dragon King informed that Prince Lei Yan, who came to bring him this time, was injured on the way and all the servants around him were also taken away. When the Thunder Dragon King arrived, the person who caused the accident The demon has already left.

Needless to say, there are not many monster clans that can injure Prince Lei Yan, and the only one who can do this in this work is Fat Dog.In addition, Lan Yu'er was still by his side, so he was targeted by the Thunder Dragon King.

Fat Dog was also domineering at this time, stretching out his hand in front of Lan Yuer and saying: "It's true that I hurt you, but you don't look at the virtues of your precious son. Lan Yuer and I have an old relationship. We have been old friends for hundreds of years, if you are being bullied by your son, wouldn't it be okay for me to jump out and say something fair."

"Speaking of which, why did you attack and hurt people?" Thunder Dragon King asked further.

Fat Dog said disdainfully: "It is said that you dragons are obscene in nature, I have seen it. Even the people who serve you dare to prostitution in the daytime, I just can't see it. After we transform into human form, we have to abandon our original The bestial behavior of the human race is always set as an example, instead of relying on cultivation and origin to bully others, isn't that a beast in human skin?"

A phone call directly turned Thunder Dragon King's face purple, and he was so bloody that he couldn't say a word for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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