
Chapter 839 Negotiation

Chapter 839 Negotiation
Fat Dog's words completely irritated the Thunder Dragon King on the opposite side, and the Flood Dragon King on the side also had a bad expression when he heard it.These words offended the entire Jiaolong clan, but as the patriarch, he didn't want to directly care about anything with the younger generation.

But the group of clansmen behind them all showed angry looks on their faces, and what's more, they all clamored and wanted to go forward to argue with Fat Dog directly.

Yi Tian didn't have the idea of ​​showing up directly, but in the current situation, he wanted Fat Dog to hold on for a while, and he didn't make a move until he really couldn't do it.

On the contrary, Mengxin, who was standing on his shoulders, said directly with a disdainful expression: "These two little loaches are too rampant, and the disciples and grandchildren under him are also ostentatious, so I asked Fat Dog to deal with them directly."

"Are you afraid that the world will not be chaotic? In the end, I will clean up the mess." Yi Tian shook his head and said through voice transmission: "This is a gathering of the monster clan, and I don't want to force myself here."

After hearing this, Mengxin looked at Yi Tian with contempt and said: "You are really the master, then I will call Xiaoying to take action."

After speaking, he moved his mouth a few times as if he was transmitting the sound in private. At the same time, Wan Ying King's body shook slightly, and then he showed a suffocated look on his face.Then he turned around and glanced at Yi Tian's position inadvertently, then frowned helplessly.

Obviously he didn't dare to disobey after hearing Mengxin's words, but facing the two dragon kings, he just felt that this matter was extremely difficult and he didn't know how to handle it properly.

Suddenly, Yi Tian's voice came from next to his ear and said: "Eagle King doesn't need to worry, let Fat Dog and Thunder Dragon King go one-on-one, and the rest will be discussed after they finish fighting."

In this way, the face of Wanying King showed a gleam of joy, and according to Yi Tian's words, it seemed that he didn't want to participate too much in this muddy water.It's just that looking at Fat Dog's appearance in a blink of an eye, I'm afraid I'm really sweating for him.

In terms of background, he is definitely stronger than the four demon kings, but what he lacks is the experience of fighting and the accumulation of strength.If Fat Dog's bone age is more than a thousand years old, then it's up to him to do what he wants, but the current position of about 600 years old can really rival the 4000-year-old Thunder Dragon King in front of him.

After thinking about it, King Wanying stretched out his hand to stop the chatter between the two sides, and then said with a serious face: "This time, my Eagle Clan entertains overseas guests. Brother Fat Dog, I am a little embarrassed by what you have done. Done."

As soon as he finished speaking, the Flood Dragon King on the opposite side changed his expression and looked at the fat dog with surprise in his eyes.One must know that since King Wan Ying is willing to address Fat Dog as a brother, he must have deep meaning.

Look at this Bingli Fox's 600-year Taoism, but you can faintly feel a sense of danger from it.Maybe there will be another demon king in Zhongzhou in time, it would be unwise to turn against him at this time, and what King Wanying said sounds like he is blaming Fat Dog, but in fact he is warning the Dragon Clan that this person must never move no.

It's just that Fat Dog hijacked Prince Lei Yan's people today, which is tantamount to slapping the Thunder Dragon Clan in the face, and it's extremely difficult to deal with the Flood Dragon Clan's face.

Fortunately, Fat Dog is worthy of being his spiritual pet who has followed him for hundreds of years. Faced with such an unfavorable situation, he made up his mind and said to Wan Ying King: "Brother Ying King, forgive me, but at this time, it is the younger brother who is reckless. Yes, but this woman was my friend 500 years ago. When I see her being bullied, I will act angrily. After this incident, I will personally apologize. Now I can ask my elder brother to take care of her for a while. Little brother can solve it by himself."

After finishing speaking, Lan Yu'er pulled Lan Yu'er behind her and pushed her directly behind Wanying King, then slowly flew forward and said to Thunder Dragon King: "I have no intention of provoking disputes between the Dragon Clan and the Eagle Clan in the East China Sea, but this is Start from me, you dragon clan who are a man, send someone to come up and deal with me one-on-one."

As soon as the words were finished, the descendants of the dragon clan standing behind the two dragon kings froze on the spot. Are you kidding? Even Prince Lei Yan was no match for the fat dog in front of him, and he almost fell into his hands. All gone.

The whole scene suddenly turned into a one-sided trend. Although Wan Ying Wang didn't express his position clearly, anyone could see the meaning of protecting him.Moreover, the strength of the monster tribe who can call him brothers must not be weak, and now even the wise eagle ambassadors and other important officials of the eagle tribe have all expressed their support for Fat Dog.

Now the Dragon Clan can't hold back their face, especially the Thunder Dragon King.This matter started because of him, and it was he who insisted on pursuing it to the end to cause such an embarrassing situation.The Flood Dragon King on one side glanced at the Eagle Clan members on the opposite side, and then suddenly stared at a certain space for a while.

Shaoqing cast a spell secretly, his pupils froze and he saw the situation there clearly. After three breaths, a drop of cold sweat slowly oozed from his forehead, and he hurriedly recovered and moved his gaze to other places.

At this time, Yi Tian also knew that the Dragon King must be aware of his existence, but he was obviously afraid, or he had a lot of fear of Mengxin on his shoulder.It seems that they both knew each other early in the morning, but Mengxin didn't deliberately mention it.

Thinking of this, a trace of relief appeared on his face. Since there is an insider on the opposite side, I am afraid that the next thing will not be too troublesome.

Suddenly Thunder Dragon King said: "Since this is the case, let me teach the younger generation, so as not to be said that there is no one in my dragon clan."

Seeing him attacking himself, the Jiaolong King who was on the side hastily stopped him: "Clan brother, don't speak nonsense, how can you personally attack a junior who is less than a thousand years old, isn't it afraid of losing your seniority?"

"Seniority, since brother Yingwang can call this Bingli fox a brother and brother, he is also a member of my generation, and if I make a move, it is not considered bullying the little by the big," Thunder Dragon King replied sharply: "Brother, if you don't make any moves anymore, my East China Sea Dragon Clan Where is his face?"

Flood Dragon King had an anxious expression on his face, but he knew clearly in his heart that the Bingli Fox in front of him must be inextricably related to that lord.And people were watching from the side, it's just that the many monster races present are blind, and they don't know their real bodies.

Then he looked at the Wanying King in front of him, and his face immediately brightened, and saw that he also glanced there from time to time, obviously he was also the one who had been instructed in advance to know the inside story.

The Shaoqing Jiaolong King lowered his head slightly, and the corners of his mouth moved secretly, as if he was transmitting a voice in private, needless to say, he must be probing the tone of the Wanying King.

The two exchanged the ins and outs of the matter in just a few words, and then only Wang Yingwang said: "This time, it was two groups of invitation banquets. Apart from this situation, it is helpless. But both of them are leaders of my monster clan. , How about limiting it to three moves?"

Since King Wan Ying spoke, Thunder Dragon King couldn't directly slap his master's face, he just held his breath in his heart and remained silent.On the contrary, the Jiaolong King who was on the side directly agreed: "Well, since the master has already spoken, I, the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea, don't look at the monk's face and the Buddha's face, so I will follow what the Eagle King said."

(End of this chapter)

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