
Chapter 840

Chapter 840
The proposal of the King of Thousand Eagles above the Eagle's Nest, the Dragon King agreed immediately, and the two sides seemed to cooperate very tacitly.Now that the bigwigs of the two clans have negotiated and agreed, Fat Dog and Thunder Dragon King, who are the parties involved, naturally dare not go against it.

But the Thunder Dragon King suggested: "Since it is a three-stroke agreement, it must be a bit of a prize."

Fat Dog didn't show weakness and said: "If I can take the three tricks, then your Thunder Dragon Clan has no right to intervene in Lan Yu'er's matter, and you must not embarrass the Blue Scale Sea Clan afterwards."

"Okay, you also need to be able to take the old man's three moves," Thunder Dragon King said in a deep voice, "What if you can't take it?"

"I've never thought about things that I can't handle, how are you doing?" Fat Dog asked back.

Thunder Dragon King snorted coldly and said: "If you can't take it, not only will you return Lan Yu'er, but you will also apologize to my son in person, and hand over half of your belongings along the way."

"You're a lion, I'm afraid you don't have such good teeth, be careful to eat it and break your teeth." The fat dog also had a stubborn temper and said without showing weakness: "It's unfair to bet like this. If I win your son You must also hand over half of your belongings in public."

As soon as this remark came out, many big monsters of the eagle tribe in the surrounding area also bowed their heads and whispered. Obviously, this sounded fair, and this matter was first provoked by the Thunder Dragon King.

After ten breaths, the Thunder Dragon King thought for a while and replied decisively: "It's a deal, the two patriarchs will testify, and the old man agrees to this matter."

After speaking, he waved his hand to signal the people behind him to retreat, and then slowly flew forward to stand still in the air.

Fat Dog also confessed to Wanying King, and then his figure turned into a tragic image and flew not far from Thunder Dragon King.The two demons stood still in the air about a hundred feet apart, and then the spiritual power on their bodies suddenly gathered together and both recorded the spell in their hands.

"The first move", as the Thunder Dragon King shouted and sent out with both hands, a blue spiritual power turned into Hai Long and rushed towards the fat dog.But Fat Dog just twitched his mouth and didn't show the slightest panic on his face. After clapping his hands, a white wave of light spread out and extended, covering a twenty-foot radius around him.

Yi Tian, ​​who was watching from a distance, had a smile on his lips. This trick is Fat Dog's innate supernatural power and ice aura. I didn't expect his cultivation to be able to expand to such a range after he was promoted to the seventh level. I'm afraid that Thunder Dragon King's spells can't do it. Come into him.

Just thinking that the water dragon roared past and rushed straight into the range of the ice halo, but suddenly there was a "cracking, crackling" sound in the air, and the water dragon that invaded the halo forcibly broke into the three-foot distance and was shot. An invisible force blocked it, and not only that, the water dragon's body quickly condensed into an icicle.

The first move was easily accomplished by Fat Dog, and the Thunder Dragon King was taken aback for a moment, and then he did not say much. He once again resorted to a blue thunder move, and the thunder and lightning made a creaking sound and gathered together. Several washbasin-sized thunderballs flew out, and then directly wrapped the fat dog in the middle from all directions.

The Thunder Dragon King shouted loudly: "I'll show you the wrath of the Thunder Dragon." Let's just say that the five fingers of his right hand snapped down and the thunder ball he was controlling was blasted from all directions towards Fat Dog's position at the same time.

A ray of blue-red light shot out to prop up a protective layer around Fat Dog's body.Shaoqing's thunder ball hit it directly, but what is surprising is that this protective layer can not only resist the attack of the thunder ball, but also swallow the thunder ball and use it for his own use.

After all the lightning ball coefficients hit, not only did it not penetrate the protective shield, but it also made it more solid.At this time, there was a layer of white arc outside the original red and blue protective cover.

Three breaths later, when Fat Dog retracted the magic spell, he also retracted the arc of lightning, and then there was a trace of electricity on his right back. It is important to look carefully and there is a faint imprint of lightning.

This sudden change made everyone present stunned. He obviously suffered such a violent blow, but he didn't expect that it would be cheaper for Fat Dog to allow him to absorb an extra thunderbolt attribute.

Yi Tian, ​​who was on the side, bowed his head and asked through sound transmission: "It seems that the fat dog has activated the power of your blood. I didn't expect that there would be an extra layer of attribute."

"He's just started, and there can be at least two more changes like this, but I don't know if he will be lucky enough to meet someone who is destined to borrow attributes again," Meng Xin replied proudly.

Yi Tian secretly despised it in his heart, what kind of borrowed attribute is this, which obviously depends on the stimulation of external forces to change the talent.But I didn't expect Mengxin's true blood to have such special effects, and now I am more and more interested in its true identity.

He casually grabbed Mengxin and put it in front of him for careful inspection, but it seemed that there was nothing special about this guy who was less than a foot in size.

Among the people present, Wan Ying Wang and Jiao Long Wang discovered the existence of Yi Tian and Meng Xin early in the morning, and they also kept their eyes open and separated a wave of divine sense to lock them in.

Seeing that Yi Tian treated Meng Xin like this, the two demon kings also dripped cold sweat from their heads, and when they looked at each other, they could see the fear in the depths of their eyes.

At the same time, the situation changed again, and the last move Thunder Dragon King seemed to have made with all his strength, a bright white ball of thunder was thrown out from the top of the horns on his head, and after forming a magic seal with his hands, he snorted coldly: "Go".

The thunderball pierced through the void with the sound of howling wind, and created a space distortion in that small world.

Fat Dog's face sank when he saw this, and he knew that this move was not easy to deal with. Just observing the appearance of the move was enough to prove that it was quite powerful.Now the two innate magical powers in his hands have been used by coefficients, and if they don't change their moves, they will be passive.

I saw Fat Dog put his hands together to seal and said: "Change".A white ray of light flew out from his forehead and directly covered his body, turning into a piece of silver armor.On the hands are two fist claws mixed with deep sea fine gold and iron.

This set of equipment was specially made for him by Yi Tian in his spare time, but he didn't expect it to come in handy now.

With a sound of "bang", the figure of the fat dog jumped and flew directly towards the thunderball, and at the same time struck out with both hands, the two fists and claws accurately caught the thunderball and held back its attacking momentum.This is not to mention that the fat dog hugged the thunder ball with both hands and pushed it hard, but it pushed the thunder ball back directly.

A white arc burst in the air and immediately shook the Eagle's Nest below violently.After ten breaths, the electric arc dissipated, and suddenly a leisurely voice came from the air: "Call Prince Lei Yan to come up to accompany the ceremony, the Thunder Dragon King can't speak without counting."

(End of this chapter)

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