
Chapter 843 Wooden Core 1

Chapter 843 Wooden Core One
After entering the room of the Soul Eater Mouse King, the guests and hosts sat down, and before Yi Tian opened his mouth, he saw Soul Eater pointing at the little thing in his hand and said, "Thank you suzerain for sending the descendants of this king back, thanks to the good care of you along the way." I didn’t get scared when I was holding something small.”

Hearing this, Yi Tian hurriedly reached out and gently put down the treasure hunting mouse in his palm, and saw that the little thing ran to Soul Eater's side quickly after it landed, and then made a "squeak" sound in its mouth, as if it was telling what happened before .

After listening to Treasure Hunting Mouse's report, Soul Eater Rat King sent him out of the room with a wave of his hand.After three breaths, he opened his mouth and said: "He Weiming from the Qianling Sect came all the way to Beiyuan while I was away and forcibly captured this little guy. I thought I had no chance to meet him, but I didn't expect that he was sent back by the Sect Master."

Yi Tian's face relaxed and said lightly: "You Daoist He has long passed away, and the Mouse King doesn't need to worry about it." I learned from the King of Eagles that the spirit wood core can be found in Beiyuan, so I came here to talk to the Shu King." After speaking, he took out a jade slip and handed it over.

After taking the hand, Soul Eater put it on his forehead and read it quickly with his divine thoughts, and then nodded and responded: "Since Brother Eagle King strongly advocated this matter, I will do my best, and this matter is also related to Li Huozong's ascension." The reconstruction of Taiwan must be as perfect as possible.”

With the words of the Soul Eater Mouse King, Yi Tian's face instantly became relaxed, and he said: "I also ask the Mouse King to teach me how to find this spiritual wood core."

"May I ask the suzerain if he knows what this spirit wood core is?" Soul Eater Mouse King asked meaningfully.

Yi Tianlai had worked hard on this matter before, although he had never seen the real thing, but he understood it from the description in the literature, so he directly described the characteristics and appearance of the Shenmu core.

After finishing the call, the Soul Eater Mouse King showed a smile on his face and said, "What the suzerain said is true, the spirit wood core is indeed as you said. Dare I ask how much the suzerain needs?"

"According to the literature records of Feishengtai, it needs to be about five inches in size," Yi Tian replied bluntly.

After hearing this, the Soul Eater Mouse King just said indifferently: "The suzerain knows that this spiritual wood core is the core essence of the sacred wood, and it can only be condensed for a thousand years to the size of a jujube pit."

"Since the Shu King has seen this spirit wood core, he must know where it is, and please let the Shu King express it," Yi Tian asked hastily with his eyes brightened.

The Soul Eater Rat King stretched out his hand to signal that he should be calm, and then straightened his expression and said: "This spirit wood core is the source of the sacred wood, absorbing the essence of the world to nourish the body of the sacred wood, it can be said that any spiritual plant on the land of Beiyuan Or all living beings rely on this sacred wood. If the suzerain strips too much of the spirit wood core at one time, it will definitely affect all the living beings in the entire Beiyuan realm, please think twice."

What Yi Tian didn't expect was that this Jianmu sacred tree would involve so many things. If the spiritual wood core is taken out and Beiyuan's spiritual power is exhausted, it will not be worth the loss. Thinking of this, there is no proper solution for a while. .

Seeing this, the Soul Eater Mouse King said again: "In this case, let's ask the suzerain to go with him to see the situation of the spirit wood core to make a final decision."

"Then there's Mouse King," Yi Tian also wanted to see the trick before he said it.Although this spiritual wood core is inevitable, it must be obtained in a proper way.

After leaving the residence, Yi Tian followed behind the Soul Eater Mouse King and flew towards the building tree. After about an hour, the two of them flew under the sacred tree.

Standing under the root of the tree, Yi Tian looked up and found that the trunk of the Jianmu Sacred Tree in front of him was about ten feet thick, with a layer of crumpled bark on it, but there were faint stars shining between the bark gaps.

Stopped and took a closer look, and found that those shining starlight actually contained extremely strong spiritual power. There were countless such light spots on the whole tree, and the concentration of spiritual energy around was three points stronger than that in the Zongmen's spiritual veins. .

This appearance can only be compared to the forbidden land on the top of the Western Wilderness.

The Soul Eater Mouse King stood not far from the root of the tree, clasped his palms together and made a seal, and then made a spell on the root of the sacred tree.Then I saw a channel appearing on the left and right sides of the originally intertwined tree roots.

The Soul Eater Mouse King said: "Sect Master, please follow me," and then his figure flashed into the passageway.

After hearing the words, Yi Tian followed Shaoqing into a tree hole.The two of them walked down the tree hole for a while, and suddenly a blue light flashed in front of them, and they came to the inner hole at the end of the passage.

The inner hole is filled with a large amount of atomized spiritual energy, and suddenly felt a wet feeling under the feet, and looked down to see that the ground was a layer of wet mud.

From this silt can be found an astonishing precipitation of spiritual fluids, the purity of which exceeds anything that has been seen before.

The Soul Eater Mouse King who was leading the way stretched out his hand and said straight up: "Sovereign, please look, this is the core area of ​​the entire Jianmu Sacred Tree, and the Sacred Wood Core you mentioned must be here."

Following the direction of his finger, Yi Tian looked up and saw that in the depths of the tree hole was a giant rhizome the thickness of a bucket, and one of the branches of the rhizome was flashing from time to time.

After a flash of blue light in his eyes, he performed the Pupil Technique, and Yi Tian could see clearly where the blue light was shining.Inside that section of rhizome is a fist-sized inner core, which is crystal clear and is relying on the rhizome below to continuously absorb the sudden spiritual power.

It goes without saying that this cyan ball of light is exactly the spirit wood core, but Yi Tian knew that the next thing would be difficult.The precious material is right in front of him, but as the Soul Eater Mouse King said, he can't take its coefficient away, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

Looking at the Soul Eater Mouse King in front of him, Yi Tian suddenly asked, "May I ask if this spiritual wood core was born?"

"I don't know what the suzerain means?" the Soul Eater Mouse King asked.

"This sacred tree has been growing here for 8000 years. Could it be that such a small core of the sacred tree has been produced directly?" Yi Tian asked in confusion.

The Soul Eater Mouse King replied simply with a smile on his face: "This is the second time I have come here to visit Shenmuxin."

"The second time", Yi Tian was taken aback when he heard the words, and then thought about it quickly in his mind. According to this, the person who accompanied the Shu King to come here for the first time must be Lihuo Patriarch Ji Xuanyuan.

The Feishengtai 3000 years ago must have been taken from here, but I don't know how much the Lihuo elders took away.Thinking of this, Yi Tian asked again: "May I ask Shu Wang Unknown how the ancestor Lihuo took out the spirit wood core last time, and how much did he take out?"

The Soul Eater Rat King stretched out his hand and gestured: "It's about the size of a longan, but it needs to be refined with a seventh-level spiritual plant, and then the removed part will be filled to keep the Shenmu worry-free."

(End of this chapter)

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