
Chapter 844 Wooden Core 2

Chapter 844 Wooden Core II

According to the meaning of the Soul Eater Mouse King, the spirit wood core can't be taken out like this.If you want to take it, you must give it first. The spiritual wood core is the core part of the essence that has been condensed by this Jianmu sacred tree for thousands of years. If you take it away like this, it may directly cause the entire sacred tree to lose its spiritual power.

What's more terrible is that the entire land of Beiyuan is centered on this Jianmu sacred tree, once something happens here, the consequences will be disastrous.

After thinking about it for a while, Yi Tian sighed and turned to the Soul Eater Mouse King for advice: "I don't know how the Lihuo old clan took the spirit wood core back then and filled this vacancy?"

The Soul Eater Rat King didn't answer directly, but walked forward and stared at the main root part that gave birth to the spirit wood core before replying: "Sovereign master, can you tell what level of natural treasure this Jianmu tree belongs to?" ?”

Yi Tian stretched out his hand and gently stroked these branch-like rhizomes, and found that the spiritual power contained in them was not much worse than that of top-grade spirit stones.Moreover, after looking around from the tree hole, he felt hesitant, and after taking three breaths, he turned to the Soul Eater Mouse King and said, "It's probably about level eight, so what did the old Lihuo people use?" A way to make up for it?"

The Soul Eater Rat King stretched out his hand and pointed at the top of his head, then said with a smile: "Of course it should be repaired with spiritual plant treasures of the same level, or what do you think should be done."

Yi Tian was speechless when he said a word. To be honest, the Lihuo old clan is a powerful descendant from the upper spirit world, and it is not a problem to have some high-level spiritual plants on his body.

In a blink of an eye, let's see how it is possible to have such a high-level spiritual plant on my body.After thinking about it, he shook his head and spread his hands to indicate that he was out of stock.

Unexpectedly, the Soul Eater Mouse King stepped forward with squinted eyes and walked around him, sniffing with his nose from time to time. After ten breaths, he said: "I found that you should have a high-level spiritual plant on your body. Let’s take it out and have a look.”

Yi Tian was overjoyed and secretly said: "I forgot for a moment that the main body of the Soul Eater Mouse King is a treasure hunter. Since he said so, he should have discovered those high-level goods in his storage ring spirit plant bag.

To be honest, these spiritual plants on my body can be considered to cover most of the high-level spiritual plants on Tianlan Continent, and even have a collection of spiritual plants in Wanlihai.

After thinking about it, he said with a relaxed face: "Since the Shu King has spoken like this, then I will make a fool of myself, and I will ask the Shu King for help at that time. It is Xia Lingzhi, some of which I have not been able to find out. "

"Don't worry, the suzerain, if you talk about other skills, I may not be better than the three elder brothers, but when it comes to treasures and spiritual plants, almost no one in the world can surpass me," the Soul Eater Mouse King replied proudly .

Yi Tian didn't say much after hearing this, and directly took out the spiritual plant bag, and then took out the many treasures transplanted in the spiritual plant pot one by one.

Fortunately, the tree hole is quite spacious, and I took out hundreds of spirit planting pots, large and small, and put them on the ground, just like a small spirit planting garden.

In addition to the spirits that can be transplanted and planted, some are placed in jade boxes and sealed with talismans.The Soul Eater Mouse King just stood there and kept scanning these precious materials in the spirit planting shed on the ground with his eyes, but there was no excitement on his face all the time, as if these things were beyond his grasp.

Half an hour later, Yi Tian took out almost all the things, and looked at the large area of ​​Lingzhi with a slightly smug expression on his face, and then said: "Please ask the Mouse King to identify these Lingzhi and choose usable ones." talent."

Soul Eater sighed and shook his head when he heard the words: "If you say that the suzerain's collection can be regarded as a wide variety, there are dozens of seven-level spiritual plants alone, but I have not been able to find eight-level spiritual plants that can fill the spiritual plants that will be dug up. Wood core."

Suddenly, the Soul Eater Mouse King couldn't help sniffing his nose, staring at Yi Tian and said: "Could it be that the suzerain still has a private possession, I found that the spiritual plant is still on your body, probably you have never recognized it Lingzhi."

Yi Tian was stunned, and looked at the spirit plant pot in front of him, and he had already taken out all the treasures of spirit plants, but it seemed that the Soul Eater Mouse King didn't want to be fake.

Then he put his spiritual thoughts into the spiritual plant bag again and searched. After three breaths, he frowned, but in the deepest part, he found a one-foot-sized spiritual plant pot with a dark branch planted on it. There seems to be a red and black leaf growing at the end of the branch.

Isn't this Ganoderma lucidum just a piece of hibiscus tree with roots that I found back then. Once upon a time, I kept it in a pot like a spirit plant and poured spirit spring water from time to time.This thing has been in the spirit plant pot for at least 500 years, but it only grows a leaf. To be honest, I turned a blind eye to it early on.

Listening to the words of the Mouse King now, could it be that this thing is of great use, and he took out the hibiscus tree with his palm and handed it directly to the Soul Eater Mouse King, saying: "Rat King, let's see that this is the last one."

After the Soul Eater Mouse King took it, he held the spirit planting pot in both hands, squinted his eyes and stared at the half of the hibiscus branch, and stared at it for a while without moving his lips.

After ten breaths, he said tremblingly: "This is a hibiscus root in the upper spirit world. The suzerain is indeed a person with great luck who can collect such a treasure."

However, Yi Tian asked with a puzzled look: "If the Shu King recognizes its origin, why not tell me in detail."

After nodding his head, Soul Devourer carefully placed the hibiscus tree on the ground, then rationalized and said, "Does the suzerain know the value of this hibiscus tree in the upper spirit world?"

"Please ask Mouse King to clarify," Yi Tian said sincerely.

"Fusang wood was originally the habitat of the three-legged golden crow, and its branches contain a lot of fire power, so those monsters are very happy when they learn about it." The dry branches of the wood filled the vacant part of the spiritual wood core, when he came down to this world, he had two seedlings with him, and the one in your hand should be the half that the ancestor left behind after his death."

It turned out that Yi Tian was overjoyed in his heart, so now this matter can be resolved.In a blink of an eye, there was a burst of regret on Soul Eater's face and said: "It's a pity that this plant in the hands of the suzerain was broken a few years ago, and it is still worse than the whole branch in the hands of the ancestor."

Yi Tian's expression changed, he looked at the bare hibiscus tree trunk and sighed: "I got two pieces back then, and I refined a hibiscus tree branch into the hilt of the Yanlong sword."

The Soul Eater Rat King shook his head and said, "The hibiscus tree spirit plant must have been broken in two. Even if you find the other half, you can't graft it back."

"Then what should I do at this time?" Yi Tian asked, seeing that everything was found but he couldn't use it, but he was extremely anxious.

Turning his head to look at the Soul Eater Mouse King as if he had a plan in his chest, he turned around and replied with a smile: "Sovereign don't worry, Yier at this time, as long as you leave this hibiscus tree here for me to take care of, it will be 500 years soon, or [-] years later." It can be cultivated into an eighth-level spiritual plant. At that time, I will directly replace the required part of the spiritual wood core, and the suzerain just needs to wait patiently."

(End of this chapter)

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