846 Aid
When she was exiled in the Western Wilderness, she met Yan Zhaoxue and even knew that the old clan of her girl school was the Xuanyang Kuiyin lineage.It's just that Yan Bingyan played a little trick on this master inheritance, and only passed on the Kui Yin Kung Fu to her apprentice Yan Fanxin and her daughter Yan Zhaoxue.

All the disciples in the sect practiced the authentic Maiden sect exercises, so strictly speaking, even if Chi Yangzi went to Xihuang to bring Kui Yin's lineage back to the sect, there were only three of them.

And I remember back then that I promised Yan Bingyan to go to Sword Art Online to find a Heaven Mending Pill for her, but due to a combination of circumstances and circumstances, the formation did not happen.

I always have some concerns about this. I happened to see Yan Zhaoxue this time, and I didn't know how to face her for a while, let alone whether Yan Bingyan, the founder of Kuiyin, was still alive after four or five hundred years.

Seeing that Nie Xing and Nie Yun brothers were entangled Yan Zhaoxue, Yan Zhaoxue could only be tired of defending under the attack of the two, but fortunately, she did not see any signs of defeat for a while because of her profound cultivation.

On the contrary, the two elders of Jishan in front of them chased and beat him fiercely. It seemed that their tricks were vigorous but in fact they had no effect at all, and they were purified by the Buddha's light on their glass cup to remove a lot of yin.

Seeing that they couldn't attack these two for a long time, they were also a little anxious. They took out a skeleton staff and a blood refining magic knife respectively.

After instantly activating the two spiritual weapons, a emerald green flame spewed out from the mouth of the skull on the head of the skeleton staff. Yi Tian's divine sense glanced over and recognized that it was the skeleton magic fire in the corpse way technique.

This magic fire is cold in nature and can be used to calcine cold-attribute spiritual weapons. Ordinary monks can easily be suppressed by it if they have not practiced extremely strong yang-attribute exercises.

As for the tricks used by the blood-refining magic knife, it was unremarkable, at most it was just staying in the Buddha light of his glass cup for a while longer.And when the saber slashed on the protective cover of the glazed cup, it just splashed sparks, and the entire defense didn't move a bit no matter how many moves he made.

Taking advantage of the fact that the Jishan brothers had not yet fully recovered their spiritual power after a fierce attack, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and took out the Taiyuan Sword Sacrifice in his hand.Then he linked his hands together and said in the mouth: "Go".

I saw the Taiyuan sword split into two, then four in the air. After three breaths, it split into tens of thousands of filaments of sword energy, and then covered the heads of the two men.

Seeing the hot photos coming, the Jishan brothers shouldn't have taken out the defensive spirit weapon and mobilized together.

Only a sound of "ding ding dong dong" was heard, and the sword qi turned into threads and surrounded the two of them, and then besieged them from all directions up, down, left, and right.

The two of them couldn't see through the power of the sword's energy-transforming silk, they just defended it with all their strength, but when the sword silk came into contact with the defensive spirit weapon, they realized that something was wrong.

The two of them teamed up to defend like paper, and they pierced through the sword thread in less than three breaths.

In an instant, a protective golden light cluster in the air was broken into a sieve by thousands of blue filaments.

The Nascent Soul of the two of them was completely killed without even escaping out and calling for help.

After the protective cover faded, Yi Tian put away the glazed cup in his hand, flew to the two of them, and peeled off the storage rings on their fingers, and then saw a little spark pop out and set their bodies on fire.

There was a sound of "cracking, crackling, crackling" and the Jishan brothers disappeared from this world within a moment.

In Nie Xing's divine sense in the distance, he suddenly realized that the battle situation here was strange. He turned his head and glanced around, only to see that there was no trace of Brother Jishan in the air.At this time, only the former monk looked over with a playful expression.

Nie Xing shouted decisively: "This time we kicked the iron plate, let's go."

After speaking, he hurriedly turned around and chose a direction, and before he even had time to take back the spiritual weapon in his hand, he hurriedly ran for his life.

As a Nascent Soul cultivator, Nie Xing still has some knowledge. His cultivation level is only close to that of Brother Jishan, and the other party can get to know Brother Jishan just by meeting him. If he stays, one can imagine the ending. It's not going to get any better.

Although Nie Xing's escaping speed is fast, his luck is not Yi Tian's opponent. After a moment of trance, a figure appeared not far away.Yi Tian smiled faintly and said: "Where are you going, fellow daoist, we haven't finished fighting here yet."

Seeing that the situation was not good, Nie Xing hurriedly took out a spirit sword and prepared to sacrifice it. Suddenly, his figure paused, and then a little green light appeared on his chest.

These tiny sword wires actually penetrated from his back, Nie Xing hastily stretched out his hand and slapped his forehead to escape the Nascent Soul.But halfway through his movements, his whole body was pierced by thousands of blue sword threads, and his whole body was like a puppet being manipulated, completely losing its autonomy.

Yi Tian didn't want to be too long-winded with him, so he just put his fingers together and said directly that Nie Xing's physical body and Nascent Soul had been cut into pieces.

Nie Yun, who was in the distance, was stupefied by the scene in front of him at this time. People with such a cultivation level are probably not just Yuanying early stage monks.

Knowing that running away would be a waste of effort, Nie Yun simply stopped and begged Yi Tian: "Daoist Shenwei, I have eyes but don't know Mount Tai, please let me live."

Yi Tian didn't answer directly, he just flew up to Yan Zhaoxue not far away before stopping, arched his hands together and said: "Junior Sister Yan, I haven't seen you for many years, don't come here and you will be fine."

Yan Zhaoxue didn't reply as expected, she just pointed at Nie Yun and said, "I'm in a good mood today, you can get out, don't let my aunt touch you again in the future."

Then Nie Yun turned to look at Yi Tian as if he was relieved, but he didn't do anything when he saw it, then he turned around and fled towards the south desperately.

After he left, Yan Zhaoxue slowly turned around, looked at Yi Tian for a while, and then teased: "Sect Master Yi really has a lot of adults, and the little girl can't afford it, so I'm leaving here."

Hearing his tone as if he still had some opinions on himself, Yi Tian was stunned and said inwardly: "Could it be that something happened to Yan Bingyan, but I remember asking Chiyangzi brother to take time to go to Xihuang to bring back the Kuiyin lineage. I don’t know how it’s going to work.”

Seeing that Yan Zhaoxue was about to leave, Yi Tian hurriedly stepped in front of her and said, "Junior Sister Yan, wait a moment, I don't know your father Yan Bingyan, the patriarch of the Kuiyin lineage, is well."

Yan Zhaoxue paused before replying: "Do you still remember my Kui Yin lineage? One of the three things you promised my mother back then has been fulfilled."

After hearing this, Yi Tian was at a loss for words, but he really didn't do any of the three things he promised to Yan Bingyan when he welcomed Kui Yin's lineage back then. Now that he thinks about it, he really made a mistake first.

After thinking about it, I had no choice but to bite the bullet and said: "Junior Sister Yan is right in that I failed to abide by the agreement, and I can't refute it. Now I just hope that you can give me another chance so that I can make some compensation."

Yan Zhaoxue's face changed after hearing this, and she revealed a sly smile and said, "There is no need for compensation, as long as you can fulfill the promise you made back then."

(End of this chapter)

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