
Chapter 847

Chapter 847
An assault boat was speeding high in the sky, and Yi Tian and Yan Zhaoxue were sitting face to face in the main control room of the assault boat.

Yan Zhaoxue, who has not been seen for nearly 400 years, is already a monk in the early stage of Yuanying, and Yi Tian obviously found that when he sat next to her, the real fire in his body would have an inexplicable sense of restlessness.

This feeling is the same as when I met Yan Bingyan back then. After thinking about it, it should be the special feature of the Kui Yin lineage technique, which makes me feel strangely close.

Along the way, Yi Tian spent most of his time listening to Yan Zhaoxue's eloquent explanation of all the major events that have happened in Xihuang over the years.First of all, her mother, Yan Bingyan, had already exhausted her lifespan and escaped into reincarnation.

Yi Tian was also very impressed with this point, thinking back then that he had promised to go to Sword Art Online to find the Butian Pill to prolong his life.Thinking of this, he sighed for a while and said: "At this time, it is also my fault for not keeping my promise. If I can find the Butian Pill, maybe Kuiyin Patriarch will be able to extend his life for 500 years and witness Lihuo's revival together."

Yan Zhaoxue shook her head and replied: "Yi Lang, don't blame yourself. In fact, my mother is very old, older than Chi Yangzi's predecessors. And all these years of time have exhausted thousands of miles. Even with a life span of five hundred years, there is no way to make a breakthrough in cultivation."

"Junior Sister, what's your name?" Yi Tian hurriedly asked for no reason.

"Hmph, you said just now that you would keep your promise back then, so do you want to go back on your word now?" Yan Zhaoxue pursed her lips and even her tone of voice changed.

This time it's Yi Tian's turn to say nothing, the first condition to welcome the return of the Kui Yin lineage back then was to marry Yan Zhaoxue.Looking at her now, Yi Tian knew that Yan Bingyan must have had a close relationship with her.

As a result, she began to mutter in a low voice, but in Yan Zhaoxue's ears, she thought that Yi Tian had other thoughts and wanted to play tricks on purpose.Immediately, Yan Zhaoxue's eyes turned red and a tear fell, but she said angrily, "Your mother is right, you men all have plans, and once you achieve your goals, you will always abandon them."

This time it's Yi Tian's turn to get big, talking about why he seems to have become a heartless person.Seeing Yan Zhaoxue's face covered with sleeves and the faint sound of crying, she gritted her teeth and said, "Junior Sister, don't worry, when did I say I won't keep my promise?"

"Really, then you agreed to marry me?" Yan Zhaoxue immediately turned from anger to joy and said, "Then why are you still hesitating?"

Yi Tian was speechless for a while when he saw it, he didn't expect her mood to change so quickly.Then he said: "It's just that I already have two Taoist companions, so I just wanted to explain to you again, so as not to embarrass everyone when we meet."

"It's normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines, not to mention that you are now a great monk in the late Yuanying period, and it's normal to have three Taoist companions around you. Are you still afraid of others talking behind your back?" Yan Zhaoxue disdainfully road.

When the matter developed to this point, Yi Tian could only admit it, and besides, he and Yan Zhaoxue were quite destined, and everyone knew it well.

Later, he changed the subject and asked, "Do you know a lot about my news?"

"The Lihuo sect, the largest sect in the world, has revived. Although those who believe in the mysteries of the old Lihuo clan rarely appear in front of the world. But I knew it was you as soon as I guessed it. If you were able to resolutely marry me back then, you would be saved." There will be so many troubles in the future." Yan Zhaoxue said with a grimace.

This is obviously true. I'm afraid that the situation of the Girls' School in Xihuang these years is not good. Since Yan Bingyan passed away, the sphere of influence of the Girls' School may be suppressed by the joint efforts of Tianmomen and Excalibur.

Immediately, Yi Tian slowly said what he had guessed in his heart, and after Yan Zhaoxue stopped, he was out of breath and said angrily: "200 years ago, Dugu Tianfeng of Tianmomen went to Cizhong Prefecture, and then returned to the sect to retreat Penance finally achieved the cultivation level of the late Yuanying period 40 years ago in one fell swoop."

"I can guess this. Dugu Tianfeng happened to meet me when he came to Zhongzhou, and they went to Lihuozong Pill Pavilion to explore together. From there, he found the barrier-breaking pill, so it was expected that he would enter the advanced stage .” Yi Tian replied.

Yan Zhaoxue opened her eyes wide and stretched out her hand to point: "Let my girl faction be restrained everywhere, you must be one of the accomplices in this matter."

Yi Tian smiled awkwardly and hurriedly changed the subject: "It's impossible for the Excalibur School to see the Tianmomen become bigger, and they will definitely respond. Have you united with your Maiden School?"

Yan Zhaoxue shook her head and said, "Of course not, they can't take care of themselves. Did you know that the original Excalibur Sect's Excalibur Elder had exhausted his lifespan a hundred years ago, but he didn't expect that Beiming Kongjing to go to Zhongzhou Tianyun Gate to find someone to calculate I don’t know how he hid somewhere and practiced in seclusion until he broke through to the late Nascent Soul 30 years ago and rushed back to the Excalibur Sect.”

Yi Tian looked at Yan Zhaoxue's resentful eyes when he spoke, and knew that the Girls' School had not been easy these years, and that living in the gap between the two sects would definitely be affected in many ways.

I saw Yan Zhaoxue leaning forward with reddish eyes at this time, fell into her arms and said in a crying tone: "Yi Lang, you have to stand up for me, the two powers of Tianmomen and Excalibur are fighting, On the surface, they keep sending people to the Maiden School to propose marriages to win us over, but secretly they suppress the sect forces everywhere. Now the area that the Maiden School can control is less than half of what it used to be. It won’t take a hundred years for the Maiden School to The female faction will be completely marginalized, and the most likely thing is to become their affiliated sect."

Seeing that Yan Zhaoxue has said this, Yi Tian is also aggrieved for it. To be honest, since he is ready to accept Yan Zhaoxue, the entanglement between the Xihuang sects is an incomparable knot.

In any case, I have to stand up for the girl faction and Yan Zhaoxue for the first time. Once the balance of the three pillars of the Western Wilderness is broken, it will definitely be a situation where the two powers are fighting. This is not a good thing for the cultivation world.

No matter who provokes the dispute, it will be rapidly expanded and turned into a continuous battle between the two sects.This should have nothing to do with me, but the girl faction who couldn't stand Yan Zhaoxue must bear the brunt of being implicated in Xihuang.

After thinking about it, he opened his mouth and said, "Okay, I can go to talk to Dugu Tianfeng and Beiming Kongjing on behalf of the young girls. It would be best if you don't have to do anything."

"Can Yi Lang be sure to deal with these two old monsters?" Yan Zhaoxue asked.

"It depends on man's effort, don't deify me too much, peace is the most important thing in everything, fighting is the last resort to use." Yi Tian replied with a smile.

"Then you and I will go to the Three Factions Alliance. As long as you tell the two old ghosts to conquer at the meeting, Xihuang can maintain its original appearance in the future," Yan Zhaoxue said with a glimmer of light in his eyes.

"Do your best." Yi Tian replied helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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