
Chapter 848 Alliance 1

Chapter 848 Meeting One
The Western Wilderness is a remote area, and the strength of the cultivation world is more than a notch lower than that of Zhongzhou.Originally, the only monk in the late Yuanying period was the old man Shenjian of the Excalibur School.

But I don't know why Dugu Tianfeng from Tianmomen went to Zhongzhou more than 200 years ago and got a great opportunity.After returning to the sect, he practiced hard work in closed doors and broke through the natural barrier of the late Yuanying period in one fell swoop.

The old man Shenjian of the Excalibur sect originally thought that the Excalibur sect would decline after the Yuanyang was exhausted more than a hundred years ago, but who knows that the elder Mingkongjing of the sect also advanced to the late Yuanying stage decades ago.

As a result, the original balance of Xihuang was broken again.Coupled with the fact that Yan Bingyanbing of the Maiden Sect has been reincarnated, the current patriarch Yan Fanxin cannot stand alone. The situation where the five of the Excalibur Sect, the third of the Heavenly Demon Sect, and the second of the Maiden Sect can no longer be maintained.

On the one hand, the Tianmo Sect is eager to expand its power, and on the other hand, the old powerhouse, the Excalibur Sect, is holding on.The two parties were at odds with each other but suffered from the Maiden faction. Most of the sphere of influence expanded by the Tianmomen was taken from the original territories of the Maiden faction.

Now the Maiden faction can actually control the area only a thousand miles away from the Zongmen.In addition, there is no effective deterrent force, coupled with the continuous provocations of Tianmomen in private, Yan Fanxin immediately gave up many strongholds of external forces.

But even facing the aggressive Yan Fanxin of the Tianmomen and the Excalibur School like this, he was still tired of coping and could only maintain a situation of compromise.

There is also a neutral area temple in Xihuang, where the three factions will choose to discuss anything.

This time, the alliance of three factions provoked by Tianmomen happened to hang here, and its intention was obviously to re-divide Xihuang's sphere of influence.

Over the years, with the deliberate support of Tianmomen, some small affiliated sects in the surrounding area have continued to grow and become neutral or large forces in one fell swoop.

This time, the Heavenly Demon Gatekeeper and the others were also brought in together in order to confuse the forces of Xihuang and profit from it.

When Shenjianmen found out that the opponent had such a plan, they also started to cultivate vassal forces, trying to find a new balance point in the general situation.

As for the Maiden faction, they are too busy to take care of themselves, and it is impossible to cultivate vassals. As a result, the party that was originally the weakest now looks even more vain.

It was the flying boat of the Sun God Sword Sect that directly arrived at the sky above the holy city, and then a large group of sect monks, led by two Nascent Soul monks, directly stationed in the residence of the God Sword Sect in the city.

It didn't take long for another flying boat to sail from the sky, and the flags on it were all the banners of Tianmomen, needless to say, it was the flagship of the sect, the Great Tianmo.

Shaoqing dropped hundreds of monks from the sky above the flying boat, and the two monks who took the lead were also two Nascent Soul monks, who were almost on par with the Excalibur sect.It seems that the high-level leaders of both sides of the alliance of the three factions have passed their anger early in the morning, and the monks who came forward are almost the same.

The news quickly spread to the Maiden faction's residence, and a messenger talisman flashed past deep in the backyard of the inner courtyard, and then fell into a restriction.

The three people sitting in the inner courtyard are Yan Fanxin, Yan Zhaoxue and Yi Tian who came all the way to help.

Ever since he ran into Yan Zhaoxue in Beiyuan half a year ago, he was dragged by him and rushed back to the Western Wilderness. Because of time constraints, even the Girls' School didn't have time to go back, so they went directly to the meeting place of the three factions.

Fortunately, Yan Zhaoxue sent a message to Yan Fanxin, the suzerain of the Girls' School, to tell her to meet at the Girls' School in the holy city.

At this time, Yan Fanxin held the jade talisman of communication in his hand, scanned the content with his spiritual sense, and handed it to Yi Tian directly.

This time Yan Zhaoxue is also determined to compete with Tianmomen and Shenjian faction. In her words, if she backs down again and again, no one in Xihuang will remember Maiden faction in less than a hundred years. up.

Although Yan Fanxin has an idea in his heart, it is beyond his power, no matter how hard he struggles in the face of absolute strength, it is futile. Fortunately, the three factions are finally considered to be equal in strength, and they can sit down for real negotiations.

Yi Tian took the messenger jade talisman and put it in his hand, glanced over and saw that it was the emblem of Tianmomen.It was Dugu Ao who sent the summons, but the content of the summons was a retelling of Ximen Kuangao's words.

The content is also interesting to say that he is still thinking about the promise he made with the girl school Yan Bingyan many years ago, and is willing to marry Yan Zhaoxue into the door.In this way, the two merged into one family to deal with the Excalibur faction.

Yan Zhaoxue leaned over to Yi Tian's side, and after sweeping her divine sense, she said with a cold expression: "Dugu Ao, a lazy toad, wants to eat swan meat. Back then, he never got into my girl's eyes, let alone now."

Yi Tian laughed and said: "Brother Dugu is also a man of temperament. I saw early on that he is obsessed with the way of cultivation. As for the idea of ​​getting married, the old ghost Ximen probably made it up."

Unexpectedly, Yan Zhaoxue pursed her lips and said, "Yi Lang's family is going to marry your Mrs. Xin, why don't you seem to be in a hurry at all?"

Yan Zhaoxue was careful and thought about Yi Tianxin, and she knew that she just wanted to use her reputation to frighten the Tianmomen and the Excalibur Sect.

It's just that the two factions of Nascent Soul cultivators here are just following orders, and to really solve the problem, you have to go to the person behind the scenes.

Immediately, Yi Tian just stretched out his hand and returned the communication jade talisman to Yan Fanxin, and then said disdainfully: "Since the communication from the Tianmomen has come, then the Excalibur Sect will not be late. These things, you should first , allow me to repair a book and hand it back to the two sects respectively."

Upon hearing the words, Yan Zhaoxue asked hastily, "Is Yi Lang planning to challenge the two sects?"

"The letter of war, according to your understanding, it can be regarded as it." Yi Tian blinked and said with a smile: "My two handwritten letters cannot be read by ordinary people, and I handed them over to them just to attract the finished product of the person behind the scenes."

"My concubine thanked Yi Lang for his help, and the Maiden School can maintain its previous influence in the future. I think my mother can rest in peace," Yan Zhaoxue said with a smile and said to Yi Tian.

Yan Fanxin, who was on the side, also turned from worry to joy. The cultivation base and strength of the person in front of him had been heard for a long time, and it was really hard to tell the depth when he saw it today.And since Yan Zhaoxue had been promised to be the leader of the girl, the next thing to come would be a matter of course.

I saw Yi Tian took out two jade slips and wrote letters in them respectively, and then put away the jade slips and left a unique mark on the seals.

Then he took out a map of Xihuang again, drew a few strokes on it and handed it to Yan Fanxin: "From now on, the division of influence of the three factions of Xihuang will be based on this."

Yan Zhaoxue glanced at the map and exclaimed, "Did Yi Lang make a mistake in drawing it? Why has the Girls' School's sphere of influence become the largest?"

Yan Fanxin also stepped forward to scan the map and said, "Yes, Sect Master Yi, this time we want the Heavenly Demon Sect and the Excalibur Sect to allocate a lot of areas that they actually control. I'm afraid they will not. And I'm afraid that the Girls' Faction, which is a huge land, will have no way to control it completely."

Yi Tian just smiled and replied: "They will agree, and you don't need to worry about my own arrangements in these areas. The custodian girl faction will firmly control these areas. You just take these two jade slips and Just send the map over, and I'll take care of the rest."

(End of this chapter)

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