
Chapter 852 Alliance 5

Chapter 852 Meeting Five

The maiden faction's wedding banquet lasted until late at night, and the monks of the two factions outside the Zongmen's residence did not dare to enter easily, after all, their ancestors had a word beforehand not to disturb the meeting easily.

In the middle of the night, the entire resident of the Girls' Sect was still bustling as usual, but the Nascent Soul monks inside were all empty, leaving only a group of Golden Core monks of the Girls' Sect standing by and waiting at the banquet in the courtyard.

At this time, the nine Nascent Soul cultivators in the sky above the Holy City gathered together in groups of three, and then Yi Tian looked at the sky and turned to Yan Zhaoxue and Yan Fanxin and said, "You all step aside first and see how I do." One against two."

Yan Fanxin's face lit up and he hurriedly replied: "I wish the Suzerain Wu Yun Changlong the banner victory."

"Winning or winning is secondary, the key is to be safe and sound," Yan Zhaoxue was not so optimistic, but had a worried look on her face.

It's no wonder that my husband has to face two long-established monks in the late Yuanying period at the same time. This is how Yan Zhaoxue calmed down.

Seeing this, Yi Tian stepped forward and gently raised his right hand to scrape her nose and said with a smile: "Why are you only now worried about my safety? Let's consummate the house once this matter is over."

After hearing this, Yan Zhaoxue blushed, nodded her head and replied softly: "Yes, everything is arranged by my husband." Afterwards, she and Yan Fanxin hurried to the scattered air.

Later, I heard Dugu Tianfeng shouting in the distance: "Boy Yi, are you ready? I'm still in the mood to flirt at this moment. Let's talk about the love between children after the fight."

Yan Zhaoxue's face flushed immediately. You must know that there was no private voice transmission in the conversation just now, and Dugu Tianfeng listened to every word spoken here.

After spitting lightly in his mouth, he and his aunt Yan Fanxin retreated to the side.

After they were far away, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and took out the Taiyuan Sword, and then his aura suddenly condensed and fully mobilized his spiritual power within ten feet around his body to form a blue light ball.

At this time, if the people of the holy city look up at the moon, they will be surprised to find that there are two full moons in the sky.

Seeing that Yi Tian had already begun to gather momentum, Dugu Tianfeng didn't dare to be careless at all, and directly put his hands together and made a move of 'Da Tian Mo Dao'.

Beiming Kongjing on the other side was stunned when he saw this scene. As far as he knew, the Great Heavenly Demon Knife was the strongest move under the Dugu Tianfeng Tianma Transformation, and it should be used as the second move, but there is no reason One shot is the truth of nirvana.

While he was still hesitating, Dugu Tianfeng's voice transmission suddenly came from his ear: "What are you still doing in a daze, if you have any special skills, come out directly."

"Brother Dugu, do you mean that we join forces to overwhelm others?" Beiming Kongjing said disdainfully.

"I don't know if I can suppress it, but I fought side by side with this kid once back then, and I still know a lot about him," Dugu Tianfeng hurriedly replied: "The second move must force him to use magic tricks. body, otherwise there is no need to try the third move."

Beiming Kongjing's face suddenly became serious. You must know that when he was in Tianyunmen, he also saw Yi Tian take action to kill the blood-trained old demon, but he didn't use any magic at that time.

In this way, I have definitely underestimated the strength of the kid in front of me, and it is by no means groundless that I have to beat the three-stroke agreement, and I must have been fully prepared before I dare to release it.

Thinking of this, Beiming Kongjing didn't dare to be negligent and directly screened the two behind him, and then took out a golden spirit sword and made a sword move in his hand.

The three of them gathered momentum in the air, and then Dugu Tianfeng made the first move, splitting the dark night sky with a black arc of light.Wherever it went, ripples appeared, followed by thunderous cracks.

This is the explosion produced by the Datian Demon Knife splitting the air. On the other hand, after Yi Tian glanced over, he unhurriedly sacrificed the Taiyuan Sword, flicked the sword with his fingers, and immediately the Taiyuan Sword turned into thousands of fine lines The silky light spread directly around and formed a cyan sword net.

The big heavenly magic knife hit the sword net with a blow, but I didn't expect the brave and powerful peerless magic knife to slash on the soft sword net, as if a cow had fallen into a quagmire and was powerless.

Suddenly there was a golden sword light on the other side, and then it slashed directly on the sword net like the Great Heavenly Demon Knife.What's surprising is that the sword moves in Beiming Space also seemed to be blocked by thousands of tiny sword nets after only piercing three feet.

Both of their moves are swordsmanship, but it is obvious that Yi Tian's move is superior, no matter in terms of power or long-lasting power, it is more than a step stronger than Bei Ming Kongjing's move.

After the three breaths, after the strength coefficient of the Datian Demon Saber and sword moves were removed, the sword net hit the sword net with a "swish" before it was retracted into the Taiyuan sword.Then Yi Tian yelled: "You two come here and don't be indecent, take me to the strongest move of Qian Lingyao Sword Art."

After speaking, the Taiyuan sword in his hand seemed to shake violently, and then a solid sword light shone from it, emitting an extremely dazzling light to illuminate the entire world.

At the same time, the cyan halo formed by Yi Tian's position directly covered the Taiyin light, and after a breath, the light converged and condensed in the Taiyuan sword in his hand.I saw Yi Tian holding the Taiyuan sword and swung a sword at Dugu Tianfeng and Beiming Kongjing respectively.

Two cyan sword lights turned into filaments of light and pierced the night sky again, but this time the momentum was not as strong as before, and they came quietly without any sound.

Dugu Tianfeng squinted his eyes and stared at Qingmang Jiansi, and his aura more than doubled in an instant.The skin on his body instantly glowed with a dark golden light, and two long horns grew from his forehead. The demonic energy on his body condensed and used the unique technique of the Heavenly Demon Sect to transform into the Heavenly Demon.

The six Nascent Soul cultivators who were watching the battle suddenly turned pale with shock. It is rare to see such a change in the whole body of the demon.Lian's Duguao can barely maintain ten breaths now, and the moves he can use are limited to melee combat, which is far less handy than Dugu Tianfeng.

But the erratic blue sword color looked even weirder, forcing Dugu Tianfeng to use his last hole card in advance.

Beiming Kongjing's figure also changed drastically, a golden light flashed out and covered the whole body, and then the phantom of Da Luo Jianshen slowly emerged behind him.

This kind of Dharma body is also rare, at least it is basically the first time for people like Xing Yuan to see it.

The two loud bangs of "bang bang", like two thunderclaps, immediately shocked the coefficient of the world. Those low-level monks in the holy city only noticed the sound in the sky at this time, and many people on the ground rushed out. Houses stand above the street and look up to the sky.

What's more, some courageous Jindan monks actually flew up into the air to see what happened.

At the same time, there was a cold snort in the sky, and the monks who flew into the air immediately became wobbly and unable to control the flight freely, so they had to fall to the ground unwillingly.

(End of this chapter)

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