
Chapter 853 Alliance 6

Chapter 853 Meeting Six

Two thunderbolts directly pierced the silent night of the holy city, and at the same time attracted countless monks in the city to come out to watch the situation in the sky.

Although most people don't know who it is, because the distance is too far, they can only see a few vague figures at most.

But the monks who knew about it from the three sects knew that at this time, their own elders were fighting with others.There are almost no people in Xihuang who can compete with the two top masters of Xihuang at the same time. Could it be the golden-haired demon king in the [-] mountains, but the situation is more like a monk of the human race.

After receiving Yi Tian's move, Dugu Tianfeng felt a little nervous at this moment. The move just now seemed to be blocked, but there was a thin sword mark on his arm.Moreover, part of the cyan sword light had penetrated into the meridians from the sword marks, and was forcibly suppressed by him at this moment.

At first glance, there is nothing wrong with it, but the next third move can't be done with all its strength. In theory, it has already lost.

But as the ancestor of the Heavenly Demon Sect, he was determined not to be subdued, or how the sect would gain a foothold in Xihuang in the future.Looking at Beiming Kongjing in the distance, he found that his current situation was not much better, he was completely holding on, and the blow just now broke his sword god's appearance in an instant.

Dugu Tianfeng thought about it, and his old opponent, Beimingkongjing, should be about the same as him, and finally he felt a lot better.But in a blink of an eye, Yi Tian on the opposite side seemed to be understating it, and didn't take the next move to heart at all.

The most terrible thing is that the other party didn't seem to use the statue of Ashura at all. You must know that he used it openly when he was in the secret realm of the Pill Pavilion of Lihuo Zong.

After thinking about it, he quietly sent a voice transmission to Yi Tiandao: "Stinky boy, you have won, and there is no need to compare the next move."

After hearing this, Yi Tian showed a smile on his face, and then looked at the situation of the two people on the opposite side, knowing that if he continued to play, he would burn himself.

After thinking about it, he put away the Taiyuan Sword in his hands and arched his hands and said loudly: "The two fellow Taoists are indeed well-cultivated. Although today's gambling fight has only passed two moves, I think it is a draw. As for the third There is no need to compare the moves."

As soon as this remark came out, the faces of the six Nascent Soul cultivators watching the battle all showed incredible expressions, but they didn't dare to intervene in person.

The voice reached Dugu Tianfeng's ears like the sounds of nature, and he immediately nodded and replied: "Sect Master Yi is indeed a man of temperament, so we are considered a tie."

Beiming Kongjing had secretly received Dugu Tianfeng's sound transmission on the side, and to be honest, he now knows himself.

But the face of the Zongmen still needs to be maintained. Fortunately, Yi Tian saw that the situation was not right and hurriedly stepped down, so he also voted for Li Baoxiao and said: "In the future, the division of power among the three factions should be done according to the intention of the suzerain. It can be regarded as achieving the goal without hindering the maintenance of the stable situation in the Western Wilderness."

"Then thank you two, there is still some time before dawn, you two might as well sit in the humble house," Yi Tian said, changing the subject.

"Thank you, Sect Master Yi, for your kindness. I will wait for a long time and I still have something important to do, so I won't bother you any more," Dugu Tianfeng said, then waved his hand to call Ximen Kuangao and Dugu Ao to bid farewell, then turned his head back to the demon The station of the door has gone.

As for Beiming Kongjing, he also stepped forward and replied: "The Bizong also has important matters to deal with and resigns for the time being. In the future, I will be a relative of Lihuozong in Shangzhongzhou to visit Sect Master Yi."

Seeing that Yi Tian didn't want to stay with them anymore, he left directly with them. After ten breaths, Yan Zhaoxue hurriedly flew forward to stare at Yi Tian carefully, his eyes became sore and the frame of the mirror suddenly became wet, and he said: "It's fine when the matter is over." , husband, are you okay?"

Yi Tian smiled without saying a word, but just nodded slightly, Yan Zhaoxue was concerned and confused.On the contrary, Yan Fanxin had a bit of vision and flew up to Yi Tian and said: "Sect Master Yi is really powerful, and I think the two families will restrain their work from now on. I can breathe a sigh of relief."

Yi Tian nodded and said with a smile: "Not only that, the Maiden Sect will be able to sit on an equal footing with the Tianmo Sect and the Excalibur Sect in the future, and there is no need to worry about their secret attacks."

Yan Zhaoxue hurriedly asked: "Yi Lang, tell me the truth, is it the two of them who released the water, or they dare not fight anymore."

Without waiting for Yi Tian to reply, Yan Fanxin said: "Zhaoxue is your husband's complete victory. I'm afraid that both of them have suffered some dark losses. They should rush back to heal their injuries right now."

"Is this really the case?"
Yi Tian Shennian noticed that more and more people came out of the holy city below, and then he stretched out his hand and drew a blue light to hide the figures of the three.

After ten breaths, when the blue light faded, he had already returned to the sect residence of the Maiden Sect.After reaching out to open a sound-proof barrier, Yi Caicai said: "The old fox Dugu Tianfeng has seen me make a move before, but this time he didn't force me to use real kung fu. Naturally, he accepted it when he saw it. And I was in front of his sect monks. Saved enough face for him, from now on, the Girls faction will not dare to invade the Tianmomen's interests. The same is true for the Excalibur faction."

"Then what should we do next?" Yan Zhaoxue asked.

"Continuing with the matters of the three associations, it must be okay for you to be tougher in the alliance after today's battle. The most important thing is to confirm the division of the Western Wilderness area that I have re-defined." Yi Tian confirmed.

"Will they agree? After all, too many forces are involved," Yan Fanxin asked.

"Before today, they will still be a little worried about doing more, but there will be no more obstacles in the future," Yi Tian said confidently: "I will visit the Golden Retriever King in person after this matter, and ask him to come forward for the next thing Just solve it."

The two girls were naturally in a good mood when they heard that the Golden Retriever King, one of the Four Great Demon Kings, was helping them out. The Golden Retriever King in the Western Wilderness is stronger than any of the three major sects. In this way, the Maiden faction has sufficient resources and Connections, after a hundred years, as long as there are a few potential Nascent Soul monks in the sect, they will naturally be able to become the number one sect in the Western Wilderness.

Sure enough, rumors spread in the Holy City the next day, some spread to the Maiden Sect and some late Nascent Soul cultivators. In this way, the power of the three schools will return to a balance point, and those sects that originally belonged to the Maiden Sect are now at last. Emboldened.

In the following three-party alliance, Yan Fanxin of the Maiden faction directly threw out a new proposal, and the first thing she said was to enclose the land.What is unpredictable is that the Tianmo Sect and the Excalibur Sect agreed to this without even thinking about it, and afterwards returned the previously seized areas and affiliated sects to Yan Fanxin.

This is a bit of evidence for the rumors of the holy city, but whenever someone asks about the girl's party, Yan Fanxin always expresses his position bluntly: "The three families of Xihuang will support each other with equal pay, and will work together to create peace and stability. environment of".

As for the truth of this statement, how many people believe it, but they don't know.

(End of this chapter)

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