
Chapter 854 Visit 1

Chapter 854 Visit One
The incident in Xihuang finally came to an end. This time, not only did the girl faction take back to its ancestral line, but it also established a good relationship with the other two factions.In this way, the Lihuo Sect can easily collect various special products and materials of Xihuang through the Maiden Sect.

The construction of the Ascension Platform cannot be completed overnight. In addition to requiring a large amount of formations and assistance, materials and materials are also an indispensable link.

Today's Li Huo Sect is not like 3000 years ago, when it was the dominant family on the Tianlan Continent, it can easily obtain any resources it needs.Therefore, it is necessary to work together and unite the forces of all parties to jointly create.

Moreover, when choosing the site in Zhongzhou this time, Yi Tian still decided to use the original site of Feishengtai, which is the current location of Wanliumen sect.

That place is now guarded by Wan Yang, a descendant of Master Wan, who can be regarded as one of his own.

And people have long been slack in this job, hoping that someone can take over this tasteless position.

Yi Tian also saw this right after the revival of the Zongmen, he was the first to find Wanyang, and directly promised to help Wanliumen find a good blessed land after the private communication, so that they could move there as a whole.

In exchange for the Wanliu Sect's original blessed land, it became a separate courtyard of the Lihuo Sect.Yi Tian also paid special attention to this matter, and after finalizing the details of the relocation with Wan Yang, he could arrange for the young suzerain Qu Yifeng to handle the matter with full authority.

As for Wan Yang, he reserved a place for him in Lihuo Zongdan Pavilion, and promised that he could come back anytime and anywhere as long as he wanted to.

The latter is because the suzerain is used to being unaccustomed to being restrained by others, but sending his nephew and nephew to visit the Dan Pavilion of Lihuo Zong can be regarded as recognizing the ancestor and returning to the clan.

After entrusting the work coefficient of Xihuang to Yan Zhaoxue, Yi Tian hurriedly left and went deep into the [-] mountains to find the Golden Retriever King.

It seems that Xihuang still maintains a balanced situation now, but he knows that if it is not for the gambling trial after this banquet, it may not be able to achieve this state.

When I was in Zhongzhou, if something happened in the Western Wilderness, it would be beyond my reach.On the other hand, I also feel a little guilty, if I bring Yan Zhaoxue back to Lihuozong, I don't know how to explain to Liu Piaopiao.

And in Qianlingzong, there is also a teacher, Qianwei, who will send people to Lihuozong to visit every now and then, in the name of strengthening exchanges between the two factions.But after a long time, the flaws will always be revealed. The disciples sent by the Qianlingzong always try their best to find out about the situation of Hengjian Badao.

Don't think it's because Shi Qianwei missed her son, so she made such a bad move, and Yi Tian couldn't stop it by herself.Besides, Liu Piaopiao didn't say anything when he was in Dong'ao back then, but he had already become suspicious in his heart. If it wasn't for the concern that Yi Lingfeng was Mo Wentian's personal disciple, he might have found a way to arrest him for questioning early in the morning. up.

After going deep into the Shiwanda Mountain in the west from the Western Wilderness Plain, Yi Tian found that the number of monsters and beasts here increased sharply.Fortunately, the King of Golden Retrievers also restricted the unscrupulous expansion of the power of the demon tribe under his sect, otherwise the two tribes of humans and monsters would definitely provoke a war for resources.

It's not hard to find King Golden Retriever's residence, it's the highest mountain range between Xihuang and Zhongzhou.Yi Tian protruded his divine sense when he was flying at high altitude, and he found that there was an area in this Qiongshan mountain that was more than seven or eight hundred miles away, and no monsters dared to approach it.

And around this area, there are at least six auras of transformed monsters guarding them. Needless to say, these are the servants of the golden-haired demon king.

It is expected that it is not difficult to avoid these big monsters with my current cultivation base, but it is not so difficult to face the Golden Retriever King.

Along the way, Yi Tian restrained his breath and flew high above the sky for a while, the monsters below were completely unaware that there was such a human monk passing by in his territory.

After arriving at the territory of the Golden Retriever King, he was surprised to find that his breath could not be detected.After releasing his divine sense again, he scanned the area before confirming his judgment.

The Golden Retriever King is indeed not at home, but Chi Yanju, the new prince of the Western Wilderness Monster Race, is practicing in the Golden Retriever King's lair.

Fortunately, he is his spiritual pet, so he will have a strong reaction to him. When he first stepped into this area, Yi Tian found that Chi Yanju had left the cave and rushed towards his direction.

In this way, he saved himself a lot of things. Yi Tianshen directly communicated with Chi Yanju and asked him to come to the meeting quickly.

Not long after, Yi Tian saw a cluster of red flames flying towards him surrounded by a whirlwind in the high sky.Shaoqing then flew straight to three zhang away in front of him, and after the flames receded slowly, the figure of the red flame horse appeared.

It has only been a few decades since Dong Aoyi was brought back to Xihuang by the Golden Retriever King, but Yi Tian found that Chi Yanju's aura had changed significantly after he transformed into a human form.At least I have to be at close range to detect the evil spirit on him. Although his cultivation base has not made great progress, his realm is more stable than before.

Presumably, the Golden Retriever King taught him well. Anyway, the lifespan of the monster race is extremely long, and Chi Yanju's age is normally only at the fifth level. Now with his own assistance, he has passed the sixth level and successfully formed.Think about it, the days to come will be long enough to lay a solid foundation, and you will be more confident in fighting against the catastrophe in the future.

Seeing that it was the owner, Yi Tian, ​​Chi Yanju hurriedly stretched out his hands and bowed three times before saying: "Chi Yan has met the suzerain, I don't know if this visit is to find the adoptive father?"

"The Golden Retriever King is probably not at home. I really wanted to discuss something with him this time." Yi Tian frowned and said inwardly, "The four great demon kings usually don't come out of the cave easily, so it seems that something really happened. .”

Chi Yanju hastily replied: "Father Yi went to southern Xinjiang to witness at the appointment of Qingtian Demon King."

"Southern Xinjiang", Yi Tian muttered in his mouth, isn't that the sphere of influence of Ming Wangdao? Qingtian Demon King invites the Golden Hair King to be a witness, so the opponent is bound to be a late Nascent Soul cultivator or a person at the level of a big demon .

So Yi Tian smiled and said: "Emotions are interesting, why don't we join in the fun too."

Chi Yanju said with a look of embarrassment on his face: "Sovereign Rong, my adoptive father has restricted me from leaving the cave without authorization, and also agreed that I can only go out if I have reached the sixth intermediate level in cultivation."

"That's because the Golden Retriever King didn't dare to be careless after the lesson of Ban Hou, so I won't make it difficult for you, just let me know where they meet," Yi Tian nodded and said.

"The suzerain wants to sneak in and watch from the sidelines, right? Then I'll go and have a look too," Chi Yanju asked.

You are worthy of being your own spiritual pet, and you can learn from others by acting like rumors and teaching by example." Yi Tian immediately sternly shouted: "You are much better than Fat Dog, you know how to restrain yourself, if he would probably break in openly.But there are a lot of ghost ideas, aren't you afraid to sneak out and blame the Golden Retriever King?"

After thinking about it for a while, he continued: "But don't think too much about this matter, you should practice obediently at home. There are some things that you can't help now, but I will be tied up."

(End of this chapter)

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