
Chapter 855 Visit 2

Chapter 855 Visit Two

It stands to reason that Qingtian Yaowang and the Ming Wangdao in southern Xinjiang can be regarded as mutual contacts, especially in the border area between the Yaozu and the human race established a trading town more than 300 years ago under his own help.

As the core city of the transaction, it is jointly managed by the Nascent Soul cultivator sent by Ming Wangdao and Qin Fei, who is seated by Qingtian Demon King.After more than 300 years, no major disputes have been seen. For some reason, the two demon kings have to come forward to deal with it at the same time.

Moreover, there is no news from the Great Elder Wen Xin of Ming Wang Dao in Southern Xinjiang.After so many years, I don't know what the situation of Ming Wangdao has become, and whether there are any disciples of Jindan who have broken the alchemy and become babies.

According to my estimation, the elder Wen Xin's life expectancy is at least two hundred years, and he should be able to hold the scene.

It's just that he didn't know who Fang Sheng came with Great Elder Wen Xin this time.

With these questions in mind, Yi Tian hurried all the way to the meeting place of the two parties revealed by Chi Yanju.

There are at least eight thousand miles from the southern border of the Western Wilderness, and it took Yi Tian a full three days to feel the place where the southern sacred tree was built, even under the non-stop flight.

The meeting between the two parties this time was agreed to be held on the platform at the top of the building. Although I don't know the reason, it is very meaningful to meet here.

Flying all the way, just approaching the wooden platform for thousands of miles, Yi Tian felt something was wrong in his divine sense.In the sky above the Jianmu platform, there seemed to be two auras not weaker than him fighting for something.One of them was Qingtian Demon King, and the other one was covered with black spiritual power, but he couldn't see his true face clearly.

Standing on the platform were King Jin Mao and Elder Wen Xin of Ming Wangdao. It seemed that they had no intention of making a move, and they were just silently witnessing on the side.Behind Elder Wen Xin there was a man in a black robe, but Yi Tian didn't dare to extend his divine sense over to investigate for fear of being alerted by them.

So Yi Tian felt relieved, if Ming Wangdao and the Yaozu had a bad relationship, he would be the first two, and even if he showed up at that time, he would not know who to help.

After concentrating his aura, Yi Tian cast a concealment spell to turn his figure into nothingness, then slowed down and approached quietly.You must know that these four are existences similar to yourself, and it is not easy to hide them.

But I didn't want to expose my whereabouts so ostentatiously, so after thinking about it, I decided to use tricks to approach slowly.

After the two super strong spiritual powers clashed at high altitude, it spread to a radius of hundreds of miles. Fortunately, this was the result of the two demons trying their best to restrain the fluctuations in spiritual power.

After half a quarter of an hour, Yi Tian finally got close to the range of about a hundred miles without anyone noticing, and secretly cast the Qingling method in the air, staring at the black spiritual power for a while.

I saw that it was a cloud of turbid black ink air, which seemed to be born with the ability to directly block the detection of spiritual consciousness.And my own clear spiritual eyes could not see through the appearance of the big monster, let alone its real body.

This is the first time I have seen a big monster with a transformation form be able to fight with the second-eldest of the four big monster kings, Qingtian Demon King, in a stalemate.

After thinking about it, I really haven't seen any other powerful characters in the South China Sea except for the mutated two-headed monster dragon.

However, the strength of this monster should not be underestimated. Although it may be difficult to use on land, this strength cannot be faked.Just as I was thinking about it, suddenly the sky above the sacred tree was covered with dark clouds within a hundred miles, as if it was going to rain.

And the big monster in the black spirit seemed to be full of monster aura. When the raindrops fell one after another, the power of the tricks performed with the help of the rain suddenly became three points stronger.

Needless to say, this must be a famous sea beast in the South China Sea, and just after the thunderstorm, it fully displayed its strength.

On the other hand, Qingtian Demon King seems to be caught in a dilemma at this time. Her whole body of skills is based on the fire attribute skills of the Zili Fire Sect.In this heavy rain environment, it seemed to be slightly suppressed, and the power of the moves was immediately reduced by three points.

Under the ebb and flow, Qingtian Demon King was suppressed by the opponent in an instant, but fortunately, his skill was profound and he began to defend closely in an instant. He put away the fire system skill and made a move with both hands, and then sacrificed two whirlwind barriers to wrap his body around. Surrounded, instantly blocked the opponent's tricks.

In this way, you came and I went to a stalemate for about half a quarter.

As the thunderstorm in the sky gradually dissipated, the surrounding water vapor became thinner and thinner, and the big demon in the black spiritual power gradually became powerless, and the moves in his hand were not as sharp as before.

After the thunderclouds dissipated in the sky, a bright sun appeared. At this time, Qingtian Demon King's moves suddenly changed, and the original wind blade and hurricane barrier were all put away.She opened her mouth and spit out several red balls of light, but there were golden flames inside.

Yi Tian counts as a person who knows the goods and can see the power of the real fire in this trick at a glance.

It's no wonder that Qingtian Yaowang has heard and seen Lihuozong's unique skills for many years when he sat down with the ancestor of Lihuo, and with the accumulation of thousands of years, he will always practice one or two tricks to suppress the box.

Seeing that something was wrong, the big monster on the other side hurriedly spit out a ball of mucus to form a black barrier in front of him.Only a few "bang bang" sounds resounded through the sky, it was the sound made after the red light ball hit the barrier.

But then the black barrier suddenly bulged up, and after three breaths, there was only a loud 'bang', and it exploded from the inside out.Yi Tian took a closer look, but it turned out that the golden light ball exploded inside and directly lowered the defensive barrier and exploded.

Then there were two golden halos from behind that directly passed through the barrier and hit the protective cover of the big monster.

There was a brilliant spark in the air, which could be seen directly from a distance even at high noon.

The figure of the big monster dangled in the air before barely standing still. At this time, the Qingtian Demon King had the upper hand and didn't need to chase and fight fiercely. He just held each other in the distance as if saying this.

Shaoqing's two big monsters directly descended from the clouds to the platform of the sacred tree, and when Yi Tian saw it, he quietly slowed down and flew over.

After flying to the platform about a hundred miles away, the golden-haired demon king suddenly turned his head and smiled at him inadvertently. Although Yi Tian didn't know where he showed his flaws, it was obvious that the other party had already discovered him.

Immediately after the figure appeared, he let go of his speed and flew straight towards the platform where the five of them were.

The other four people also discovered the unexpected situation, and their faces showed a little surprise.The distance of a hundred miles was short, when Yi Tian fell into the clouds, it was the Elder Wen Xin who greeted him first, looked at Yi Tian, ​​and then stretched out his hands to salute: "The Holy Son has finally returned, and your cultivation has reached the original level!" The post-infant period is really a blessing to my holy religion."

After hearing this, the two demon kings and the big demon in black robe rushed to greet Yi Tian, ​​but the other person came forward and said, "We seem to know each other, but I can't remember who you are."

Only then did Yi Tian face up to the person in front of him, isn't he the Bo Yunzi back then, but at this time he has cultivated to the early stage of Yuanying, his eyes are still blind, just to see that his expression does not seem to be fake, could it be that his luck was drawn by the stealing hook? For the next 300 years, his memory has been lost.

(End of this chapter)

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