
Chapter 856 Visit 3

Chapter 856 Visit Three

Yi Tian never expected to meet Bo Yunzi again.Back then, he accompanied Qian Lingyuan all the way to southern Xinjiang to challenge himself. Fortunately, he met Xiao Linhang in advance at that time, and the two of them collaborated to stage a good show of peach and plum replacement.

Afterwards, the duel between Xiao Linhang and Bo Yunzi was also tied. At the last moment, Bo Yunzi still hit his luck-stealing hook and took [-]% of his luck and loaded it on Xiao Linhang's head.

After Bo Yunzi was plotted against at the time, he also tried his best to make the last divination for Qian Lingyuan. Unfortunately, even Qian Lingyuan has died now, and this revenge may not be avenged.

If it wasn't for Xiao Linhangnian who directly let the uncle go in the same match, he would have wanted to get rid of him at that time.

Originally, he thought that Bo Yunzi would die if he fled to the South China Sea, so I just let him go with his own self-destruction.

But I didn't expect to meet again after 300 years. At this time, Bo Yunzi was already at the early stage of Yuanying, but he looked like an old man, not full of vitality like a Yuanying monk.

I remember that Uncle Tianyunzi also looked prematurely aging back then, and he once mentioned that he went to the Tianyun Gate to spy on the secrets of heaven, so every time after divination, his life essence would pass away.

Generally, the lifespan of a monk in the early Yuanying period is about seven or eight hundred years. After his spiritual thoughts passed by Bo Yunzi in front of him, Yi Tian was surprised to find that his lifespan seemed to be less than a hundred years old.

There is only one possibility for the result of this situation, and that is that Bo Yunzi performed fortune divination several times after conceiving a baby, or a large-scale divination, just like the ancestor of Tianjizi divination for Luo Que and Qian Lingzi Fall like that.

At this time, the divine mind passed by Bo Yunzi and found that he didn't know him when he faced him, and he didn't seem to be pretending.Presumably this blind man's hearing should be very keen, but after he said a few words, he didn't respond at all.

Seeing this, Yi Tian didn't dare to speak carelessly again and said to everyone: "A few of you are the top of this world, why did you fight here?"

After all, but the divine sense is firmly locked on Bo Yunzi, if there is any change in him, I believe that I will kill him immediately to avoid future troubles.

Qingtian Demon King and Golden Hair King also pretended to be deep after getting their own private voice transmission: "Sect Master Yi, don't come here without any problems, this Daoist Zhang came here from the South China Sea all the way to forcefully exchange three Jianmu fruits, so I am here to make a bet with him."

Yi Tian turned his head and glanced at the so-called Zhang Daoyou, and saw that his whole body was full of water vapor, obviously in the form of a deep sea monster.Thinking about the tricks he used, it is not difficult to guess that its body should be an octopus.

Then his eyes turned to Elder Wen Xin and he stepped forward to Jishou and said: "Elder, you are still so strong after all these years."

"The Holy Son is too famous," Elder Wen Xin hurriedly replied, "But the Holy Son has made great progress in his cultivation. It seems that after the death of the old man, the Holy Cult can maintain its glory for at least a thousand years."

Yi Tian just smiled at the corner of his mouth and said softly: "The great elder, why should you underestimate yourself? As far as I know, you are also one of the late Nascent Soul monks in Tianlan Realm who can hit the stage of transformation into gods. Let me rebuild the Ascension Stage and you will also There is hope for ascension."

Elder Wen Xin's eyes flickered when he heard the words, and then he sighed and replied via voice transmission: "The Holy Son must be the Lihuo Patriarch trusted by the Lihuo Sect."

Yi Tian didn't deny it, but just nodded his head slightly, so Elder Wen Xin's voice transmission came from his ears: "The Holy Son, who has two orthodox traditions, will achieve limitless future achievements, and the old man is already in his dying years. Even the God Transformation Heavenly Tribulation may not be able to withstand it."

Great Elder Wen Xin had already held an important position in the Ming Wangdao when Qin Mingyue, the last holy son, was in power. He has been in charge of the Ministry of Utility and Heaven for thousands of years, which can be regarded as conscientious work.But the time of the past thousand years has also smoothed his vigor, and now even if his cultivation has reached the bottleneck stage, it is a pity that there is a flaw in his heart and he cannot survive the catastrophe.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian just sighed slightly to comfort him.Then he glanced at Zhang Daoyou and Bo Yunzi and asked, "Isn't it a bit difficult for the two Daoists to come here uninvited and forcefully exchange this Jianmu fruit?"

Before that fellow Taoist Zhang could reply, Bo Yunzi, who was on the sidelines, yelled coldly: "We are determined to win Jianmuguo, and we also brought valuable treasures for exchange. Couldn't the two demon kings be more accommodating?" ?”

This is because he didn't pay attention to Yi Tian at all, but just kept talking about the Qingtian Demon King and the Golden Retriever King.

To be honest, this thing is only useful for the monster race, and it is specially prepared for those big monsters who transform into bodies to overcome calamity.Since this Zhang Daoist must exchange it, there must be a deep meaning.

But what they said about bringing heavy gifts in exchange must also be a treasure in the sea, which makes Yi Tian look forward to it.Since Bo Yunzi spoke, he must have calculated that he must be able to exchange Daojian Muguo this time.

After thinking about it, he turned his head and made eye contact with the two demon kings, and the latter understood.Later, the Golden Retriever King said: "Sovereign Yi came at a good time this time. I have heard that Sect Master has a unique vision for appraising treasures. Why don't you ask Fellow Daoist Zhang to take out the exchanged treasures? As long as they pass the appraisal, they are worth the money." Then we can also try to exchange it."

After hearing that the Golden Retriever King voluntarily let go of his mouth, Zhang Daoyou showed a gleam of joy on his face. Although he lost the previous gambling fight, it didn't affect his mood at all. As long as the things can be exchanged, other things can be ignored.

At this time, Elder Wen Xin was also interested in Yi Tian, ​​and after the golden hair king finished speaking, he hurriedly said: "Let me introduce you, this is Daoist Zhang Xian from the South China Sea. So the two demon kings agreed, and There is also a treasure appraiser present, so what are you waiting for?"

Seeing that all the people he had brought for referrals spoke up, Zhang Xian took out a three-foot-sized package from the shell storage box he carried without pretending.After peeling off the outer layer of skin, a dull gray stone was revealed.

Immediately, the faces of the two demon kings and Elder Wen Xin sank and they frowned after sweeping away their divine thoughts, obviously unable to see what this so-called heavy treasure was.

At this time, a green light flashed in Yi Tian's eyes, he stared at this stubborn stone for a while, and then blurted out: "Deep-sea blue crystal diamond, but I don't know how many can be extracted from such a big stone."

Zhang Xian turned to look at Yi Tiandao after hearing the words: "This treasure has been conceived in the stubborn stone for thousands of years, but I don't know how many finished products I can produce."

Yi Tian's expression changed and he pretended to be angry, "Did fellow Taoist tell us to gamble with stones?" One sentence left Zhang Xian speechless.

On the contrary, Bo Yunzi sneered from the side and said: "Deep-sea blue crystal diamonds are hard to come by, even a fist-sized one is enough, and since you can tell the name of this thing, you must know its usefulness Bar."

(End of this chapter)

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