
Chapter 859 Alchemy 2

Chapter 859 Alchemy II

Most of Yi Tian's alchemy came from the alchemy hall of the Zongmen, and he had exchanged experiences with Wu Xing many times afterwards.As for the alchemy book of the Zongmen, he had memorized it by heart early in the morning, and sometimes he would refine some elixir by himself.

As for the advanced alchemy, it was obtained from the brothers and sisters Zhu Chen when they were guests at Qihuangmen.At that time, it was also for future use, and I would study it more or less after practicing.

As for the deduction method of the divine sense, it is learned from the alchemy book of the Qihuangmen. As an alchemist, this aspect is also a basic skill that must be mastered.

But who knew that the actual operation of using Nanming Lihuo to refine the elixir was completely different from what was preset in the deduction of divine sense.He thought about it for the first time when refining the elixir, because he didn't know the power of Nanming Lihuo, so he burned all the ingredients at once.

Moreover, in the divine mind deduction method, the refining of elixir is only the default of using ordinary flames.

Now that he was replaced by Xuanyang Real Fire, Yi Tian calmed down again to control the fire and burn the Huoyun furnace red.Then slowly stretched out his right hand to cast the spell of fetching objects from the air, and gently put the second main ingredient, Jianmu fruit, into the alchemy furnace.

The real fire in the furnace swarmed up in an instant, devoured Jian Mu Guo, and lifted it into the air in the center.After burning for an hour, a blue smoke slowly drifted out, which was the smell of Jianmu fruit after it was burnt into liquid.

After Yi Tian smelled the fragrance, his face was overjoyed. The first stage was considered completed. He controlled the flame to condense the Jianmu juice into a ball and placed it on the edge of the stove.Then put the remaining auxiliary materials into the furnace one by one, and at the same time use the three-point method of divine sense to roll up three flames to divide these auxiliary materials into three parts according to their attributes and melt them separately.

Most of these excipients are grade [-] treasures and are of great value. This time, the two demon kings did not hesitate to prepare enough for refining the elixir.

Yi Tian always had some doubts about the refining of Monster Beast Crossing Pills. These treasures are all level six and at least half of them are above middle level level six, but why the refined medicine is level five.

In the past, Ning Ning, as an alchemy master in the golden elixir period, rarely practiced six-level elixirs, which is also reasonable, but with her own cultivation and skills, there is no reason to ruin good things.It can be said that the fifth-level demon beast Du Erdan is more than enough for those monsters who have transformed themselves, but this is not my style.

Later, he had some thoughts in his heart, and suddenly the Huoyun Furnace trembled slightly, Yi Tian stretched his divine sense into it to check it, and then said with a smile at the corner of his mouth: "You can collect the pill."

I didn't expect that the first refining could be so fast, and it was beyond my expectation.After concentrating on his mind, he sat up, stretched out his hands and quickly sacrificed the knot seal.

In fact, the biggest disadvantage between myself and the general fifth-level alchemists is that the alchemy technique is not as proficient as them, and the quality of the final alchemy is slightly inferior.

But there are also advantages. First of all, his cultivation base is deep and the stability of controlling flames is several times stronger than that of alchemists in the Jindan period.Secondly, my spiritual sense is stronger than that of the monks of the same level and is far better than that of the golden core monks, so I can be more careful in controlling the fire with my spiritual sense, and the magazines are taken out more thoroughly when refining the elixir. It will also be higher.

After the alchemy seal ceremony was performed, the right hand pointed to the furnace cover, and a blue light flew into the Huoyun furnace. After a while, the whole furnace began to vibrate violently.

As the temperature gradually rises, the liquid pill that has been mixed in the furnace gradually shrinks and turns into shaped pills.

After Yi Tian Shennian finished the investigation, his face was happy, and then he steadily increased the flame intensity in the furnace slowly.

With the violent vibration of Huoyun Furnace, the elixir in the furnace is rapidly forming.Seeing that the elixir was about to be released, a disturbing thought suddenly crossed his mind.

Yi Tian was stunned and saw that the pills in the furnace began to spin rapidly. Somehow, those formed pills collided with each other, making the Huoyun furnace buzzing.

I have never encountered such a situation in the deduction of divine sense before, and at this time, I can't directly stop the alchemy formula in my hand, otherwise the success will be in vain.

After thinking about it, Yi Tianyi gritted his teeth and continued to maintain a stable output of spiritual power, and then let the pills in the pill furnace rush wildly.Not long after all the pill liquid in the pill furnace had condensed, Yi Tian instantly removed the real fire and lifted the furnace lid with his left index finger.A faint fragrance wafted out, which was exactly the fragrance of the demon beast Du'er Dan after it became Dan.

It's just that when I probed into it with my divine sense, I was immediately dumbfounded. The good potion of medicine just now had all the coefficients turned into broken pills.

But in my heart, I couldn't stop thinking: "Why is it all broken pills, then where does this fragrance come from?"

Unwilling to give up, he stretched out his hand and gently wiped the broken elixir in the elixir furnace, with a hint of ecstasy on his face.After removing the broken pill, I saw an intact demon beast Du'edan placed on the bottom of the furnace.

Finally, the hard work paid off, even if I had to waste two materials to refine a elixir, it was finally a elixir.

This precious experience has confirmed that his deduction is indeed feasible, and only a slight deviation in the step of congealing the pill will cause such consequences.

After taking out the elixir, put it in the palm of your hand and observe it carefully. After sorting out the elixir, it is round and full, and there is a pattern of elixir on it, which should be the fifth-grade middle-level elixir.

With this experience, Yi Tian's confidence greatly increased, and after cleaning up the residue in the alchemy furnace, Yi Tian was not in a hurry to make another move.Instead, he sat cross-legged on the stone bed and meditated quietly to recover his spiritual power.

At the same time, he didn't stop in his mind, and carefully recalled every movement of the alchemist just now.This time, with actual combat experience, I felt very confident when I performed the divine sense deduction again.

Although I knew early on that this deduction method of divine sense can only simulate eight or nine points of similarity, but with Cheng Dan's experience, it is indeed possible to fill in those vacant parts.

Half a day later, Yi Tian opened his eyes, but he sighed and said: "This method of congealing the pill is so particular, it turns out that the faster the better, try to maintain a stable method of fading the fire next time. "

After thinking about it, a smile appeared on his face, and once again sacrificed a cluster of Xuanyang real fire and ignited the Chiyun furnace.After learning from the previous lessons, Yi Tian's methods are also gradually changing. After reaching out to take the third material, he still refines it in the same order as before.

Several hours later, when Chiyun Furnace showed signs of instability again, Yi Tian unhurriedly stretched out his hand to stabilize the real fire in the Pill Furnace.

Then he slowly played an alchemy formula to the middle of the road, and then controlled the Chiyun Furnace to rise into the air and spin rapidly, basically at the same speed as the elixir in the furnace.

The whole process of congealing the alchemy lasted for half an hour, and Yi Tiancai extinguished the alchemy fire in the furnace.The divine mind controlled the huoyun furnace and placed it on the bed, stretched out his right hand and gently lifted the lid of the furnace, and a burst of fragrance came to his nostrils.

I saw five elixirs quietly placed in a pile of broken elixirs in the elixir furnace. Although the success rate of elixirs was only [-]%, the results were really gratifying.

And each pill has a layer of pill pattern on it.One of them actually has two pill patterns, it should be a top-grade pill.

(End of this chapter)

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