
Chapter 860 Alchemy 3

Chapter 860 Alchemy III

The five Nascent Soul cultivators outside the Wandu Forbidden Area sat quietly on the left and right sides. It has been a month since Yi Tian entered alchemy.During this period, there was complete silence all around, and everyone outside also knew the taboos of alchemists, so they didn't dare to go in and disturb them easily.

As time passed, the two demon kings could still hold their breath, but Zhang Xian didn't show any anxiety on his face.

But taking advantage of the gaps in meditation, he cast his eyes on the entrance of the forbidden area of ​​the valley from time to time, and what's more, he wanted to extend his spiritual thoughts in to check the situation inside.

It's just that as soon as he made any changes, the Great Elder Wen Xin, who was sitting not far away, would wake up and cast a comforting look to signal not to act rashly.

As for Bo Yunzi, he sat cross-legged in a calm and relaxed manner, completely ignoring the surrounding situation. It seemed that he had absolute confidence in the results of his divination.

At noon on that day, there was suddenly no wind and waves in the sky that should have been bright and sunny.The surrounding clouds and mist in the high sky rolled rapidly, and then formed a black cloud and drifted towards the forbidden valley.

The five people noticed the abnormal situation in the sky at the same time and hurriedly woke up from the trance.Then Great Elder Wen Xin looked up at the sky and found that it looked like a gathering of robbery clouds, then he stretched out his hand and sacrificed the Jade Talisman of Communication, and after a few words, he raised it and sent it out.

The surrounding area of ​​hundreds of miles has long been set as a restricted zone, but many disciples of Ming Wangdao are not letting go of their posts at the outer level.Elder Wen Xin hastily summoned them to retreat quickly so as not to be affected by the calamity cloud.

The two demon kings looked at each other and didn't know what happened in the valley. Later, the demon king Qingtian said: "The strength of Zhao Tianjie should not be comparable to that of Yaozu's transformed form of Tianjie, but I don't know what it is. anything."

The Golden Retriever King also replied solemnly: "Could it be that there are some spiritual pets around the suzerain that need to survive the catastrophe?"

Zhang Xian, who was on the side, shouted impatiently: "What the hell is that fellow Daoist Yi doing in there? Should we go in or not?"

It seems that few people present are unwilling to answer this question, but because of face, Elder Wen Xin still bite the bullet and said: "Fellow Daoist, please be safe and don't be impatient. .”

Zhang Xian shook his face slightly and said: "Let's go in and have a look, this appearance makes everyone's heart itch."

The two demon kings also had this intention, and took the opportunity to nod their heads in agreement.Elder Wen Xin's opinion instantly became a minority, so he could only nod helplessly in agreement.

On the contrary, Bo Yunzi stood up. Although he couldn't look at him, his divine sense was still passing around slightly, and then he noticed something strange.Since things had changed, he immediately stretched out his hand to make a hexagram, and after the hexagram was completed, he touched it with his hand and muttered something in his mouth, not knowing what he was up to.

Suddenly his body shook and he opened his mouth and said, "Dan Jie, the seventh-level elixir is now in the world, this thing is rare, so go and have a look."

After hearing this, Zhang Xian showed ecstasy on his face and hurriedly rushed into the forbidden area first.Qingtian Demon King was very excited when he heard Bo Yunzi's words, and it would be best to leave this thing to Qingyudu's Heavenly Tribulation.

Seeing that something was wrong, he turned into a red light and followed behind him.This monster crossing pill is only effective for monster races, and the two spiritual pets around Yi Tian have survived the catastrophe of transformation, so they don't need this thing.

Among the four demon kings, only her daughter has not yet transformed, so this elixir will most likely fall into her hands.It's just that this mouthful of fat is definitely not going to be given up easily, and Zhang Xian's desire to snatch it from a tiger's mouth is probably because he has overestimated his own strength.

Seeing the two of them like this, Elder Wen Xin and Golden Retriever King hurriedly followed behind and rushed into the forbidden area knowingly. After three breaths, Bo Yunzi set off to enter the last one.

Suddenly a thunderbolt fell in the direction of the very center of the valley, and at this moment a pill the size of a longan slowly flew into the sky.

After sweeping with their spiritual thoughts, everyone found that there were six wavy pill patterns on Dan's body, surrounded by a golden aura that shone under the cloud.Like the stars in the dark night, it attracts everyone's attention.

Only Elder Wen Xin blurted out: "The seventh level of Dancheng has attracted a catastrophe. It seems that it is unknown whether it can be passed."

The three big demons frowned and stared at this pill, knowing that they could use this kind of pill themselves.And as Bo Yunzi said, encounters are rare.

Zhang Xian, who was at the front, suddenly called out: "The two fellow Taoists only need this elixir, and you can give up the rest."

"You think beautifully," the Qingtian Demon King, who was chasing after him, exclaimed in shock: "The seventh-level elixir should belong to my Zhongzhou demon clan, not to mention that we have a promise to let you take a sufficient amount of elixir first. "

Zhang Xian couldn't refute it with one sentence, but he stared at the elixir in the sky that was about to pass the catastrophe, showing naked greed without any scruples.

In an instant, a few people came straight to the center of the forbidden valley, and saw Yi Tian was standing outside the hut looking up at the sky, with a mixed look of worry and joy on his face.

Qingtian Demon King stepped forward and asked, "The suzerain doesn't know what's going on here?"

Yi Tian reached out and took out a storage bag and handed it to the other party: "Here are all refined medicines, you can take a look and discuss with that Zhang Xian."

The demon king Qingtian reached out to take the storage bag, then poked it in with his hand to take a glance, and then showed a look of surprise on his face. There were ten jade bottles and ten pills in each bottle.Gently take it out and lift the bottle caps one by one to check. The smile on the face is getting stronger and stronger. These ten bottles are placed in turn from the fifth-level middle-level to the sixth-level high-level medicine pills.

Among them, the sixth-level primary elixir is the most, and the middle-level and high-level elixir also accounts for about [-]%.Qingtian Demon King flipped his hands and took out two bottles of pills, and said to Zhang Xian: "Daoist friends, here are twenty pills, ranging from fifth-level intermediate level to sixth-level elementary level, and the total is as good as you The value of the treasures that come out is only a lot more."

There was a trace of unwillingness on Zhang Xian's face, he looked at the elixir in the sky and said like sinking water: "Okay, I'll put away the things first, but I want to buy that elixir at another price."

After speaking, he stretched out his hand to take the two jade bottles, took them in his hand and lifted the lids and swept them with his divine sense, after which he finally showed a determined look on his face.It's just that there was still a gleam of light in his eyes, as if he couldn't forget the elixir in the sky.

"Let's talk about it later," Qingtian Demon King kept refusing and just procrastinating. Since he wanted it, he could pay an irresistible price and take care of all aspects.

After speaking, a flash of light flashed over his head, accompanied by the roar of thunder, and the pill robbery of this seventh-level elixir began.

(End of this chapter)

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