
Chapter 861 Alchemy 4

Chapter 861 Alchemy IV

The Thundercloud of Pill Tribulation in the sky flashed a few times and then fell straight down. The target was facing the seventh-level monster Du'er Pill.After the first white thunder light descended and hit the golden halo on the outer layer of the elixir, there was a crisp sound of "bang".

The golden light on the outer layer of the elixir is like a solid protective layer covering the inner elixir tightly.After the white thunder was exhausted, the remaining power of thunder and lightning wandered above the golden light and was absorbed by it in an instant.

In this way, there is an extra shell of lightning on the outermost edge of the elixir. Yi Tian never expected that the seventh-level elixir would have the effect of absorbing thunder.

After the next thunderstorms fell one after another, the coefficients were absorbed by the shell of the thunderbolt, not even touching the golden halo inside.

If it goes on like this, it won't take long for the Thunder Tribulation coefficient to drop before you can take the pill directly.The two demon kings looked at the sky with smiles on their faces, their eyes filled with infinite desire.This kind of elixir is not to be said to be used to deal with the Heavenly Tribulation, even if it is the Heavenly Tribulation that breaks through the boundary and ascends.

It's just that Yi Tian looked at the sky with a solemn face, without any joy.Knowing that there must be something wrong with this, Qingtian Demon King hastily asked through a private voice transmission: "I don't know if the suzerain is still refining the monster crossing pill?"

"Yes and no," Yi Tian's answer was ambiguous, but Qingtian Demon King was taken aback after hearing it.

"Then I don't know how effective this pill is?" Qingtian Demon King asked again.

Yi Tian sighed and turned his head to look at the two demon kings for a while before replying: "Originally, the Du'er Pill has been refined. In the last furnace, I slightly modified the formula of the next pill, and added a seventh level to it. The Jiuqu Lingshen and Yiqian Shenmu essence."

The two demon kings didn't know anything about alchemy, so they looked at each other and asked, "I don't know what the effects of these two medicinal materials are?"

"Jiuqu Spirit Ginseng can enhance the original medicinal properties of Du'e Dan. The essence of Shenmu is the spirit wood core fragments of the Shenshu. This thing was originally the most advanced spiritual plant in this world, and it is of the same origin as the Jianmu fruit. Its effectiveness has been increased by more than three times," Yi Tian said proudly with a twitch at the corner of his mouth: "To put it bluntly, if the Four Great Demon Kings want to break through the boundary and ascend, they can increase the success rate by [-]% if they take it when they finally face the catastrophe. "

After hearing this, the eyes of the two demon kings showed a hint of greed at the same time. Isn't such a good thing just prepared for them, but there is only one of the four demon kings who don't know how to divide it.

In fact, this elixir was experimentally refined by myself in the final stage.It is enough to count ten bottles of alchemy before, and as one's alchemy techniques become more and more proficient, the probability of alchemy has also increased a lot.

In the first few furnaces, there was only [-]% of the alchemy rate, and later the number of alchemy increased, and after consuming sixteen servings of medicinal materials, the remaining ten jade bottles in the hand were filled.

No more, no less is exactly the number 99 that Bo Yunzi got from divination.

Counting the two wasted medicinal materials, a total of [-] servings were used, and the last two servings seemed a bit redundant.

After checking that there is no empty jade bottle on my body to use, I simply took two batches of medicinal materials to do an experiment.

When using Nanming Lihuo to refine, the medicinal materials were burnt directly. The reason is that the control of the furnace fire is not precise enough.

After having the experience of the previous sixteen furnaces, a thought flashed through my mind to try again.

Unexpectedly, this time, the remaining two medicinal materials were smelted in, and the elixir was concentrated again under the burning of Nanming Lihuo.Originally, I thought that this time the pill should reach at least the top level of the sixth level, but at the last moment, the Chiyun Furnace seemed to be activated by Nanming Lihuo to forcibly raise the level of the elixir by one level.

Originally, Yi Tian also thought that this matter would pass like this, but he didn't expect that it would lead to Dan Jie's fall for no reason.

The thunder tribulation in the sky is coming to an end, as long as you survive the next one, you will be considered as a successful tribulation.But at this time, a bucket-thick white thunder column condensed in the thunder cloud and fell towards the seventh-level pill in the air.

The lightning shell around the spirit but was able to withstand it this time and was defeated in less than three breaths.Next, the golden light of the protective alchemy flashed fiercely again, competing with the power of thunder and lightning, and stalemate.

But at this moment, the whole elixir began to shake violently, and the six elixir patterns on the shell of the elixir were simultaneously activated to emit an extremely dazzling golden light.

Yi Tian who was standing below shook his head when he saw this situation, and said: "It's really a failure. After the pill pattern is activated, it will consume the original power of the pill. I guess it's not enough. I didn't expect the last thunderbolt of this pill calamity to be so powerful."

"What will happen after consuming the power of the source?" Great Elder Wen Xin asked.

"The most serious result is that the whole elixir can't withstand the thunder disaster and it will be broken directly. The better one is that after the elixir is completed, the level will be reduced to the top level of sixth level," Yi Tian said with regret.

"You Daoist Yi, can you think of a way, you are a master, if you can't do anything, then we can't do anything," Zhang Xian suddenly interjected, now his mood is similar to that of the two demon kings, only after forming alchemy Opportunity to discuss the ownership, if it becomes a broken pill, everyone will be happy for nothing.

Yi Tian quickly went through the alchemy books he had learned in his mind, and then said in a deep voice: "Now there is only one way, to help it overcome the catastrophe with external force. But besides the cultivation base, the attributes of the skills of the person helping him are also To be compatible with it is to ensure that it does not lose its rank."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a red figure flying straight forward, it was Qingtian Demon King.At this time, a figure flashed faintly in the red light that surrounded her, and Yi Tian's divine sense swept away and found that she had appeared in her real body.

It seems that the temptation of this thing to her is so great that Qingtian, who is the demon king, doesn't even care about his identity.

A spirit fire of heaven and earth spit out from her mouth and sprayed it directly on the thunderball wrapped in the spirit pill.In an instant, the white lightning on the thunderball was separated by the fire god.

With the addition of the spirit fire, the originally evenly matched scene was directly broken, and the white thunder spots were dispersed little by little after relying on the golden light to encircle them flexibly.

When Yi Tian saw it, he opened his mouth and shouted: "It's almost time for the pill to be completed when the electric light dissipates, but at this time the panacea already has spirituality and will automatically evade people who come, so don't let it run away."

After three breaths, the voice of Qingtian Demon King came from the air and said: "Don't worry, the suzerain, how could it be possible to let it slip away so easily after finally passing through the catastrophe?"

Then I saw the Golden Retriever King moved his lips a few times, as if he was communicating privately with the Qingtian Demon King in the sky.Yi Tian didn't need to think about it to understand the matter. Now the two demon kings are most worried about Zhang Xian's sudden violent attack.Under such circumstances, the combination of the two monsters can at most restrain the other party, but Zhang Xian really can't stop anyone from running away.Sure enough, as soon as the catastrophe was over, a golden aura burst out of Qingtian followed closely behind.

Zhang Xian and the Golden Retriever King who were on the side moved out almost at the same time and chased after the panacea a step slower.

(End of this chapter)

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