
Chapter 862 Negotiations

Chapter 862 Negotiations
After the pill calamity, the spirit pill was endowed with spirituality and then fled out directly, but the three great demons were determined to get it and would never let it slip away for no reason.Yi Tian waited in the forbidden area for about half an hour and saw three escaping lights flashing across the sky, and later, after the escaping lights faded, the appearance of the Three Demons appeared.

At this moment, Qingtian Demon King looked complacent, while Golden Hair King still showed no joy or anger on his face.As for Zhang Xian, although his eyes fell on Qingtian Demon King from time to time, there was still a hint of helplessness on his face.

So Yi Tian naturally knew who got the final seventh-level pill.But now I don't care about my own business, the main purpose of coming this time is to discuss with the Golden Retriever King about going to Xihuang.

But now I found out that the Four Great Demon Kings actually have needs, at least the pill in front of them is the best factor that hinders them.As long as there is a need, I am afraid that they will not agree to my request. In fact, the four demon kings treated me respectfully before because of the Lihuo Sect. If I am not the new lord of the Lihuo Palace, I am afraid that I will not be treated by them .

But what I need now is for them to work together not only to admit it on the face, but also to confirm their status as suzerain in their hearts.Presumably, they will be convinced after the combination of grace and power.

Immediately after they settled down, he said: "It's a matter here, and I can retire with success."

"Thank you suzerain this time," Qingtian Demon King Jishou said.

In the later stage, the distribution of pills is not his own business. Yi Tian then lightly opened his lips and privately communicated with the Golden Retriever King: "Senior Golden Retriever, please stay later, I have something I want to ask for your help."

The Golden Retriever King is also an old demon who has lived for thousands of years. After hearing this, his face showed a little joy.Just now, because of his bad face, he competed with Qingtian Demon King for that pill.

Nowadays, if the suzerain asks for something, there will be no less benefits. If there is an alchemist, are you afraid that there will be no elixir?Moreover, it is naturally desirable to make the suzerain owe a favor, and it is enough to prepare a sufficient amount of precious materials later.

Although Zhang Xian on the side didn't get the ammunition at this time, he will definitely have a countermeasure after knowing the news.It's just that the manpower and material resources needed to refine these elixirs are indispensable, and now he has nothing on him and can't speak.

After Yi Tian glanced over, he knew that he must have an idea, but he couldn't speak because of face.When this matter is over, I will definitely inquire about it in many ways, and I will definitely ask for it again.

Thinking of this, I don't feel in a hurry, anyway, I don't need to be in a hurry when people want something from me.On the contrary, Nabo Yunzi is a big trouble, and keeping him among the sea monsters will not pose a threat to him.But the southern border is the territory of the Ming King's Dao, and it can't last long according to the appearance of the Great Elder Wen Xin. Now only the Blissful Heaven, Di Yutian and the Nascent Soul cultivator are left in the Ming King's Dao.

In the future, once there is a conflict with the Sea Clan, it will definitely be at a disadvantage, unless there are new Nascent Soul monks in the four tribes who can maintain the situation, so as not to cause a situation of lack of success.

Since taking over Ming Wangdao, I haven't paid too much attention to the educational affairs, and I have left everything to Elder Wen Xin to handle.Now I don't know anything about those Jindan juniors who can be used in Ming Wangdao.

In particular, the people in the Brahma Mantra Heaven Headquarters were originally his direct descendants.If a few outstanding characters can appear in it, it will definitely balance the strength of the remaining three parts.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian first explained to the two demon kings, and then walked up to the Great Elder Wen Xin and said privately: "I haven't returned for many years, but I still feel that I should do something for the holy religion. Please, the Great Elder, please help me." Summon qualified disciples from the Brahma Mantra Heaven Headquarters and the Utilitarian Heaven Department for future use."

"Does the Holy Son want to find a successor? Forgive me for saying too much, why should the Holy Son be in such a hurry to find a successor?" Elder Wen Xin asked puzzled.

Yi Tian shook his head and explained slowly: "Sooner or later, I will ascend to the upper realm. Now that I have dealt with the issue of successors, I can practice with peace of mind after leaving the Taoist secret surgery. Besides, I know your situation, Elder Wen Xin, and I believe you I also don’t want to see the Holy Cult being divided again in the future.”

Elder Wen Xin sighed lightly before replying: "The Holy Son doesn't know the Emperor Yutian Department? You must know that choosing a successor is not a trivial matter. The Emperor Yutian Department has been very powerful since the fall of Sima and Shangguan. damage."

"There is no way to do this. Emperor Yutian has dominated the family for thousands of years. Where do you put the other three departments? If it weren't for the Great Elder, you are still in the holy religion." Yi Tian said angrily.

I have always been wary of Di Yutian in my heart. It's no wonder that if I didn't come out of the world by chance, I got Qin Mingyue's mantle and practiced the Shura Dharma Statue.

Judging by the appearance of Great Elder Wen Xin, he couldn't cover everything under the support of many parties.But his suggestion also had to be considered. After all, the four departments of Ming Wangdao needed to be integrated in order to be able to suppress the many sects in southern Xinjiang.

After thinking about it, he said lightly: "Forget it, since the suggestion of the Great Elder, I need to think about it." After thinking about it, a bright light flashed in his eyes and continued: "How about this, there are a total of ten places for the selection of successors this time. Those who are women can be excluded, and Di Yutian, Gongli Tian and Brahma Mantra will share the remaining quota equally."

First Elder Wen Xin was overjoyed when he heard the words, and then he showed a thoughtful look.After a while, he replied: "What the Holy Son said is wrong. It would be inappropriate to exclude the Bliss Heaven Department. Moreover, the Holy Son's secret cultivation method did not say that it cannot be passed on to women. I hope the Holy Son thinks twice."

"Elder Wen Xin means that the exercises can also be passed on to female disciples," it was Yi Tian's turn to show surprise.

It is true that there are many women in the Asura tribe, and even the king of the Asura tribe in the upper realm is also a woman.

And if it is convenient to pass on the exercises to the female disciples, thinking of this, he said in a deep voice: "What the great elder said is true, I didn't think carefully about this matter. How about ordering the four tribes to select five qualified disciples each?" Send it to the Holy Teaching Headquarters. As long as you can pass the test, you can teach the Holy Teaching's unique knowledge, Mingwang Hand."

"Is the Holy Son planning to find a successor among these disciples?" Elder Wen Xin asked with a smile on his face.

"Exactly," Yi Tian nodded and replied, "I will choose a place with plenty of spiritual power to set up the formation. As long as these disciples can break through the formation, they can get the final secret technique of the holy religion that I impart."

"This is indeed feasible," Elder Wen Xin asked, "What if many people pass the test?"

"I know what the Great Elder is worried about. Please rest assured that the formation I set up is definitely not that easy to live, but those disciples who can break through the formation with foundation building cultivation must be the most suitable for practicing the secret arts of the holy religion." Yes," Yi Tian said with a wink and a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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