
Chapter 863 Selection 1

Chapter 863 Selection One
Under Ming Wangdao's dominance, all forces in southern Xinjiang have become extremely orderly, but recently, for some reason, Ming Wangdao's four tribes have shrunk their forces.

The elite Foundation Establishment disciples who were originally working in various places all received the summons from the master's sect, and all of them immediately put down all the work in hand, and then rushed back to the master's sect as quickly as possible.

Those Zongmen monks and casual cultivators who were waiting to see the wind began to try their best to go to the main altar of Ming Wangdao to inquire about news.

It didn't take long for a rumor of the return of the Holy Son of the King of Ming to spread privately among the monks in southern Xinjiang.Now they were even more powerless to give birth to the slightest resistance.

It is said that the Holy Son of the King of Ming showed his dharma body in the sky above the headquarters of King Ming, and nearly a hundred disciples of the sect witnessed this scene with their own eyes.

At this time, the members of the four departments are also fighting for these places, and the most peaceful one is the Brahma Mantra Heavenly Department.It was originally the direct line of the Holy Son, and it is said that the Jindan elders in the ministry have a close relationship with the Holy Son.

Early in the morning, I received a private summons to send the best disciples selected.

And this time, Great Elder Wen Xin also deliberately allocated eight of the twenty quotas to Brahma Mantra Heaven.As for the remaining three departments, the remaining twelve places are equally divided, which can be regarded as giving Yi Tian enough face.

In this selection, there are also four quotas for the Blissful Heaven Division. The Blissful Heaven girl Le Tongxuan has now become a baby and officially took charge of the Blissful Heaven Division.When she received the summons from Elder Wen Xin, she was stunned by the content.

Unexpectedly, Yi Tian not only came back, but also advanced to a late Nascent Soul monk.This time, in the grand ceremony for selecting the successor of the Holy Son, female disciples were even arranged to participate.In this way, if the disciples of her Bliss Department have the opportunity to enter the Holy Son's Dharma Eye, they have the same chance to be crowned the Great Treasure.

Now Le Tongxuan was not only surprised by Yi Tian's generosity, but also secretly determined to compete with the other three.After passing this village, there will be no such store again. There is only one chance and no one wants to give up.Immediately, she hurriedly summoned Hui Zong, an elite disciple of the Foundation Establishment under her sect, to mention something from the sidelines, thinking that the leaders of the other three divisions would more or less do similar things.

After a one-year preparation period, the leaders selected from the four tribes all gathered outside Ming Wang Daoxin's headquarters, Ming Wang Palace.This is the rebuilt hall not far from Qin Mingyue's forbidden area.

When Yi Tian went to the South China Sea more than 300 years ago, the ground was just broken, and it took 30 years to complete.After that, Elder Wen Xin has been acting as the guardian, and it was not officially opened until Yi Tian came back this time.

In order to select the successor, Yi Tian also took some thought, and divided the Asura Transformation Technique into three parts.Then, a big formation was laid in the Holy Son's forbidden area, and the formation pattern was selected from many famous phantom formations in the upper spirit world and nested.

The nested array is divided into three layers, and there will be corresponding rewards after each layer is cleared.As for the three exercises, they are placed in it separately, and you can get a part of them step by step every time you break a level.But if you want to get the final Asura transformation method, you must crack all of this formation.

This set of formations has a great suppressive effect on monks who have cultivated above the foundation stage, and the stronger the cultivation, the stronger the backlash. If there is no special formation token, it is impossible to escape from it.

Even a top Nascent Soul cultivator like Great Elder Wen Xin cannot easily break through the first floor.As for the latter two floors, they rely on the blessing of the spiritual veins from the Forbidden Land of King Ming Shengzi to operate slowly, unless the spiritual veins are exhausted and the formation cannot be maintained.If you want to use external force to attack, you must gather a lineup like the four demon kings to break it.

In addition, Yi Tian also kept an eye out. In order to prevent the secret art of Asura's transformation from leaking out, he deliberately placed the stone tablet engraved with the secret art at the eye of the formation when arranging the formation.Once the formation is forcibly breached, these steles will automatically burst, leaving no clues.

As the only formation talisman that can freely enter and exit the formation, a total of [-] pieces were made.Every disciple who is eligible to enter must take one and bring it with him.

Once you are trapped inside or want to give up, you only need to activate the talisman in your hand to escape.

In the early morning of that day, when the first ray of sunlight from the eastern sky shone on the square in front of the Ming Wangdao Hall, the twenty candidate disciples who were waiting here stood up respectfully one after another, and entered through the punctual gate in order.

At this time in the main hall, all the Nascent Soul monks who understood the kingly way were present, and now there is one Nascent Soul monk in the four divisions except the Brahma Mantra Heaven Division.Although the strength is slightly inferior to that of 300 years ago, the trust between each other has been strengthened a lot.

The original suzerain of Bliss Heaven was frozen a hundred years ago, and now Le Tongxuan is the only one to support the facade, only Zhuge Wufeng is left in the Emperor Yutian Department, and the Great Elder Wen Xin is still in charge of Gonglitian.

The three of them are all sitting on top of the main hall now, but the seats in the middle are empty.The seat that originally belonged to the Holy Son of Prince Ming is still empty.

At least that's what the twenty candidate disciples saw.

A little later, Elder Wen Xin said: "All the candidate disciples come forward to worship one by one, and after the ceremony, they will take a piece of array talisman jade tablet."

Afterwards, [-] Foundation Establishment disciples came forward one after another, and under the sound transmission of the Great Elder Wen Xin, they bowed to the people sitting up one by one.

But the strange thing is that every time you have to kowtow to the empty seat of the Holy Son first.It's just that the words of Great Elder Wen Xin resounded in their ears, and disciples like Ling didn't dare to have any thoughts of disobedience.

Suddenly, among these disciples, a woman in her twenties stared at the seat in the middle for a while, she did not kneel down to salute like the others, but walked forward slowly and said: "Disciple Blissful Heaven Department, sit down." Leqin, see the holy son, may the holy son live forever and live forever."

This sudden sentence stunned all the classmates around. Everyone looked at the seat and saw that there was still no one there, but Leqin's serious expression did not seem to be fake at all.

The three Nascent Soul cultivators present had different expressions on their faces, especially Le Tongxuan's dark complexion revealed a smug look.Early in the morning, they received a summons to know that Yi Tian had returned, but they were busy with the selection and had no time to meet.I thought I would meet him during this big ceremony, but I didn't expect to come in but failed to do so.

On the contrary, Elder Wen Xin said calmly: "The Holy Son will see you in your eyes and keep it in your heart when you work hard for the holy religion. You don't have to worry about your gains and losses."

Suddenly, a ripple appeared out of nowhere on the seat, and then a vague figure gradually emerged from the void.After the outline of the figure became clear, everyone saw Yi Tian sitting on the seat with his legs up and his legs crossed.

Yi Tian stared at Leqin before he suddenly realized: "You should be born with a pair of real eyes, and there are really outstanding people among the elites of the Holy Cult. I remember you, and I hope you will be successful in the next test of breaking the formation." What you have gained. If you fail to enter the battle, no matter how bad it is, I can appoint you as the next Paradise of Paradise."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone burst into tongues, and the disciples who came with them all looked at Leqin in front of them with a hint of jealousy.

(End of this chapter)

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