
Chapter 864 Selection 2

Chapter 864 Selection II

An episode in the Candidate Ceremony for the Son of God quickly subsided.Although the disciples of the Bliss Heaven Department won the favor of the Holy Son by taking the lead, the trial of selection and entry has just begun.

In order to stand out, in addition to one's own strength, opportunity is also a very important factor.Now that he had revealed his real body, Yi Tian also presided over the ceremony without hesitation.

After all the disciples got the talisman jade tokens, under the guidance of Elder Wen Xin, they paid homage to the Holy Son who was on the right seat again.

Later, I heard Yi Tianna's revelation from the right side of Asura Dharma Body and said: "This time you entered the formation not only based on your cultivation, but also your personal courage, knowledge and Dao Xin will be tested one by one in the trial. "

It was the first time for the twenty disciples below to have such close contact with the Holy Son, their faces showed excitement, and they were all listening attentively.

Among these people, Yi Tian read deeply and found that in addition to Leqin, a disciple of the Bliss Tianbu, there was also a disciple of the Tianbu who was wearing the mantra of the Brahma mantra, benefiting ordinary people.

Although he didn't know his name, Yi Tian found that his spiritual sense was more than twice as strong as the rest of the disciples present.In order to practice Asura Dharma Body, you must first practice three-point spirituality, secret art, from past experience, if you don’t have strong mental power, people who practice it will easily go crazy, ranging from madness to insanity. It's hard to wake up from now on.

In the following lectures, my divine sense continued to search the following disciples one by one, and marked everything that was difficult and ordinary.

Naturally, this action could not be concealed from Elder Wen Xin who was at the side, but he is also old and mature and doesn't talk much.This time the Holy Son personally selects the successor to find the most suitable one. No matter who is selected among the following 20 people, the one behind him will definitely overwhelm the other three in the future.

I think Yitian has considered this matter, but it can't be stopped now, I only hope that the disciples in his tribe can enter the Dharma Eye to become a blockbuster.

After Yi Tian finished speaking, Elder Wen Xin personally led the twenty disciples out of the back hall of the Holy Son Hall and went straight to the trial formation in the forbidden area of ​​the back mountain.

Yi Tian didn't need to follow, so he stayed in the hall and waited quietly.After a while, Le Tongxuan slowly stepped forward and said, "Your cultivation has improved a lot and you have already reached the late stage of Nascent Soul."

At this time, only herself and her were left in the hall, and even Emperor Yutian's Zhuge Wufeng followed the elder to the back mountain.After hearing this, Yi Tian put away the Dharma Body Statue, and looked at Le Tongxuan in a blink of an eye to know what she was thinking.

Originally, the goddess of bliss was the servant of the holy son, but after she became the holy son, she deliberately alienated herself from the blissful heavenly department, making her look like she was thousands of miles away from others.

Le Tongxuan came back this time and finally had the opportunity to get close to herself, of course she will not let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Then he said with a smile on his face: "Didn't you also practice to the Nascent Soul stage? I think you and I met at the end of the day, but now we meet again after we become famous, but it seems that there is an extra layer of estrangement."

After hearing this, Le Tongxuan's face was first happy and then a little sad and said: "You also said that when we met back then, you already knew the details of me, but at that time my cultivation was far inferior to mine, so I kept everything hidden. You dare not reveal your real body. But when you officially took over the position of the Holy Son, why did you refuse people thousands of miles away?"

This is the most troublesome thing in my heart. I remember that when I met Qin Mingyue, he also explained to himself about the blissful sky.It's just that I have some indescribable feelings about Le Tongxuan in my heart. In the past, I tried my best to avoid meeting alone.

Today, there is no way to catch him rightly. After thinking about it for a while, he sighed and said, "I have a special status, besides being the Holy Son of King Ming, I also have a lot of status in Zhongzhou. It is so inconvenient that I have neglected the Bliss Department."

"Stop bragging, the master said that Qin Mingyue, the former holy son, is also a stinky man, and you and him are the same assholes," Le Tongxuan said disdainfully: "What a great status, isn't it the suzerain of the Lihuo sect?" Well, don’t underestimate the strength of the Holy Cult. Anything that happens on the four major continents will be sent back immediately, and your identity is not a big secret, and there are not a few people who know it.”

This time it was Yi Tian's turn to look uncomfortable, and he couldn't say the excuse he had thought about for a while.

Fortunately, Le Tongxuan's face changed later and she smiled a little: "Don't think too much, to be honest, I like you, since I first met you in Dong'ao, I knew that you were definitely not someone in the pool .”

Faced with Le Tongxuan's intuitive expression, Yi Tian could only reply with an embarrassed smile. To be honest, he already had several Taoist companions by his side.None of these people are human beings, and it is enough to deal with them. Now I don't want to make things more complicated.

Then Yi Tian paused before replying: "My heart is on the Dao, and sooner or later I will ascend to the upper realm. If you can practice to the later stage within 600 years, and spend another thousand years trying to break through the Heavenly Moat of Huashen, there is no hope of ascension."

Le Tongxuan's expression changed, but she said with resentment: "I know that my aptitude is limited, and it is already the limit to be able to practice to the middle stage of Nascent Soul in this life. I can only look up at the ethereal realm."

After hearing this, Yi Tian also sighed lightly, besides chance, his own aptitude also played a large part in his journey of cultivation.Like Le Tongxuan, who was nearly [-] years old and only practiced to the early stage of Nascent Soul, she has exhausted her potential.

If you really want to break through to the next level, you can't do it without a huge opportunity.After hearing this, Yi Tian didn't know what to do, so he lowered his head and sighed.

I saw Le Tongxuan walking forward slowly, then bowed in front of her and whispered softly, and then her whole face flushed red.After Yi Tian heard the words, he was also stunned for a moment, and after hearing the meaning of her words, he knew that this matter still depends on his own decision.

Although Le Tongxuan expressed her meaning very tactfully, she also expressed that she could understand, but what she was thinking was also reasonable.As the current Heavenly Bliss Lady, it was okay to talk about it when the position of the Holy Son was vacant, but when the Holy Son came back and never went to bed, it would be unreasonable. If Zhuge Wufeng, the elder of Wenxin and Empress Emperor Yutian, heard this, it must be too I won't let myself go.

After thinking about it, she nodded and signaled, Le Tongxuan was overjoyed when she saw it, and stepped forward to serve her.

The whole selection process took three days to be regarded as the completion of the coefficient. During this period, most of the people were trapped by the formation shortly after entering and could not get out, and then activated the jade token in their hands before being sent out.

After noon of the next day, except for Leqin from the Bliss Heaven Department and the extremely powerful disciple from the Brahma Mantra Heaven Department, the other 18 people were all out.

Yi Tian checked the shortlist later and found out that the Brahma Mantra Heaven disciple was named 'Zhou Chenyang', and he was the last of this group of disciples to be shortlisted.If it weren't for the fact that there are eight places in the Brahma Mantra Heaven Department, I'm afraid that this great opportunity will really be missed.

(End of this chapter)

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