
Chapter 870 The Return

Chapter 870 The Return
The construction project of Feishengtai was settled in this way. As the initiator, Yi Tian's first step was to move Qi Yaoshan's Wanliu sect out.Before, I chose a geomantic treasure land in a valley eight hundred miles away from Tianji Mountain as a resettlement place.

This place is located between the original Tianyunmen and Lihuo Bieyuan, and according to my opinion, it can be regarded as connecting the sect's territory into one piece.

After Yi Tian arrived at Wanliumen, he went directly to the suzerain Wanyang, and everyone started to move the next day under the previously negotiated conditions.

At the same time, Yi Tian also needs to investigate the field, and invites Huo Chilian, the first seat of Qi Pavilion, and Du Ziheng of Tiandaozong.As the main person in charge of this project, Yi Tian must explain the situation to them carefully.

In this way, the three Nascent Soul monks brought the same group of disciples in the Golden Core stage to teach and measure the spiritual veins of the forbidden area, so as to arrange the progress of the project.

In the blink of an eye, about half a year passed. Just as Yi Tian was planning the formation base in the former Wanliumen's forbidden area of ​​Qiyao Mountain, suddenly the sect's messenger jade tablet lit up. After taking it out to look at it, he found that it was Chiyangzi's summons.

The divine mind swept over the communication jade plaque, which read the eight characters 'Three Meridians Converge, Thousands of Spirits Come to Congratulate'.In the eyes of others, this is great news. The return of Lihuozong's lost branches, coupled with the congratulations sent by Qianlingzong, heralds that Lihuozong's position as the number one sect in the world has been confirmed.

But in Yi Tian's eyes, this is not the case. Brother Chiyangzi is also an old man, and some things can be expressed clearly in a few words.

After reading these eight words, Yi Tian knew in his heart that this was senior brother Chiyangzi reminding himself that Yan Zhaoxue had arrived, and Shi Qianwei had also arrived, and Liu Piaopiao was receiving them both in the sect, and you will see what happens next do it.

Immediately, Yi Tian sighed lightly, handed over all the work in hand to Huo Chilian, and hurried back to Lihuozong.

It was only a few thousand miles away from Qiyao Mountain to the ancestral land of Huozong, and it only took Yi Tian more than half a day to fly to the range of the Zongmen.When passing by the mountain gate, he looked down and saw that the whole sect was beaming.

The road is full of lights and festoons, and there are many sect disciples gathered in the square outside the Zixiao Hall. Needless to say, these guys are all here for the junior sisters of the Kuiyin lineage.

Fortunately, Yan Zhaoxue didn't teach too many disciples the Kuiyin lineage's kung fu in Xihuang, so there were only dozens of people who came back with her this time.

Spiritual Mind inspected the Zixiao Hall and found that besides senior brother Chiyangzi and the young patriarch Qu Yifeng, there was also Xiao Linhang, and the fourth Nascent Soul cultivator of the Lihuo Sect was his Taoist companion Liu Piao With the wind.

As for Senior Brother Mo, who returned to the Dongao Iron Sword Sect after the Zhongzhou Nascent Soul Gathering, he naturally disliked too much excitement, so he was allowed to go.

There are still two groups of people in the hall, needless to say, Yan Zhaoxue and Shi Qianwei are the two leading the way.

I only heard an old voice coming from Zixiao Palace: "Junior Brother Yi is back, please take your seat quickly, the grand occasion of the gathering of the three veins cannot be missed."

The corner of Yi Tian's mouth twitched, so he had to bite the bullet and drop Yuntou to the platform at the entrance of the main hall, and then strode in from the main entrance of Zixiao Hall.

After entering the main hall, I saw more than a dozen people from the Kuiyin lineage all wearing white Taoist robes, with two blue flames embroidered on the cuffs. Needless to say, this must be the mark of the Kuiyin lineage.

These dozens of people are all female disciples, and their cultivation bases range from the early stage of foundation establishment to the middle stage of Jindan, which also confirms that if you only practice the Kuiyin technique, it is indeed only suitable for women.

Yan Zhaoxue, who is the leader, is dressed in white with three blue flames embroidered on the chest, and wears the ring of the leader of the Kuiyin lineage on his hand.With a blue tulle on her face, she was dressed like a woman, and she just nodded slightly after seeing Yi Tian.

Yi Tian also hurriedly nodded in response, and then glanced at the monks of Qianlingzong.Seeing Yi Tianmu watching, Shi Qianwei, the leader, also had a smile on his face, and then stopped talking, as if he was here to witness the grand occasion of Li Huo Sect.But Yi Tian knew in his heart that she was a drunkard, not because of the wine, but because she came to justify her name.

Then he glanced at the people of the sect in the center, and found that Chi Yangzi was full of joy. This scene fulfilled his wish for many years, and he was the happiest person here.

As for Qu Yifeng and Xiao Linhang, they also had joyful expressions on their faces, but a trace of helplessness inadvertently flashed in their eyes when they looked at Yi Tian.

Finally, when her eyes turned to Liu Piaopiao, she saw joy on her face, but she showed a little understanding when she met her eyes.

Presumably, senior brother Chiyangzi should have informed her that Yan Zhaoxue's return this time was planned, but Shi Qianwei led the crowd to congratulate her, but she didn't know how she got the news.

Just as he was thinking about it, Chi Yangzi's voice transmission suddenly came from his ear: "I called them all. Anyway, this is something you have to solve sooner or later. It's better to let them meet early."

Yi Tian just felt dizzy for a while, but fortunately Chiyangzi also agreed to come forward to help explain it before, and now he doesn't need to be too out of touch.Then he walked up to sit on the main seat and bowed to everyone one by one, saying: "Today, the three branches of the Li Huo Sect are gathered together, and I have the congratulations from the Qianling Sect Master Daoist, which is a great event for me. Zong is very gratified here, being able to fulfill the entrustment of Patriarch Xuanyang and not forgetting the cultivation of Zongmen."

Chi Yangzi hastily stepped forward and said: "It's all thanks to the mediation of my junior brother from all over the world to find the junior sister from the Kuiyin lineage so that the sect can have such a grand occasion. It's the hard work that makes us ashamed."

Yi Tian hurriedly said: "Don't dare".

Then he turned to Yan Zhaoxue and said, "Junior Sister Yan's return this time coincides with the great prosperity of my Li Huo Sect. From now on, please stay in the sect and carry forward the Kui Yin lineage."

After hearing this, Yan Zhaoxue pretended to be thinking about it, lowered her head and thought about it for a while before replying: "My Kuiyin lineage originally came here at the invitation of Senior Brother Chiyangzi, and this time Zhaoxue's disciples are all elite leaders in the sect And the foundation of Xihuang is temporarily in charge of my aunt, since the lord suzerain asked us to stay, it is hard to refuse the kindness, in the future, the suzerain will ask the suzerain to take more care of the Kuiyin lineage."

What he said was so good that in the eyes of others, he did everything, but Yi Tian's ears completely changed his taste.Yan Zhaoxue was taken aback for a moment, this was using herself to gain prestige, it wasn't that she wanted to stay, it was because Li Huo Sect couldn't live without them, it was her suzerain who forced her to keep her Kui Yin lineage.

Doesn't taking extra care mean telling Liu Piaopiao and Shi Qianwei that she was invited back by herself, so she must be treated well.

Yi Tian swept his eyes and saw that Shi Qianwei just frowned slightly and then pretended to be nonchalant, while Liu Piaopiao twitched the corner of her mouth and then resumed her full smile.I secretly thought that women's hearts are really hard to figure out, I'm afraid they'll get it now.

Then hurriedly turned around and said to Shi Qianwei: "Thank you, Master Daoist, for coming to witness the gathering of the three branches of the Lihuo Sect. I want to come and support each other in Zhongzhou in the future."

Shi Qianwei smiled and said, "Sect Master Yi is serious. From now on, the Qianling Sect will follow Li Huo Sect's lead." As soon as this remark came out, everyone's faces showed a hint of complacency, while Liu Piaopiao and Yan Zhaoxue smiled lightly. .

(End of this chapter)

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