
Chapter 871 Compromise

Chapter 871 Compromise
Since Qianlingzong, represented by Master Qianwei in Zixiao Hall, has recognized the position of Lihuo Sect as the number one sect in Zhongzhou, it will be necessary to form a pattern of one super and many powerful sects in the Zhongzhou territory in the future.

Everyone around him was smiling, and Chi Yangzi's face was also full of joy, all showing on his face.And Liu Piaopiao and Yan Zhaoxue were naturally proud when they saw that Shi Qianwei was giving in when she came up.

It's just that Yi Tian couldn't laugh by himself, Shi Qianwei's words conveyed different meanings in different people's ears.A simple sentence has already shown that the attitude will not compete with Liu Piaopiao and Yan Zhaoxue for favor.

But just because she is Yi Lingfeng's biological mother, she is already invincible, so there is no need to fight any more.Anyway, it won the first place, not many people know about it, Liu Piaopiao is just skeptical at best.

If Mo Wentianhu thought about it, no one would dare to make a move on him, and according to Yi Lingfeng's current state of perfection in the late stage of Jindan, as long as he breaks through the pill and becomes a baby, he can directly show his identity and no longer need to be afraid of other people's gossip.

At this moment, Liu Piaopiao, who was standing beside her, said to Yan Zhaoxue with her red lips lightly parted: "Sister Yan has been exhausted from the journey, please come to my house after the ceremony is over so that my husband and wife can fulfill their friendship as landlords."

Then he turned around and said to Shi Qianwei: "When we meet, sister, please come to the humble house together."

After hearing this, the beautiful girl's eyes flashed for a short time, and then she replied in unison: "Sister, I invite my sister to go of my own accord." But the attention in the eyes still stayed on Yi Tian's body.

Since Liu Piaopiao said that they must go this time in order to protect their status.

Chiyangzi, on the other hand, was smiling and chatting with Qu Yifeng about the past of the sect from time to time, as if he didn't care about the conversation with the three girls just now.

The most embarrassing thing was Yi Tian himself, the three of them were fighting in secret but left themselves aside.In the blink of an eye, just as he was about to speak, he suddenly saw Liu Piaopiao's eyes passing over him, while Shi Qianwei and Yan Zhaoxue looked at him from time to time.

In such a situation, Yi Tian tactfully shut his mouth, and the best way to do this is to keep silent.

A little later, I heard Chi Yangzi clasping his hands and asking: "What's the result of the younger brother's survey of Qi Yaoshan's former site of Feishengtai?"

Fortunately, Chiyangzi was an old man who saw that the situation was not good and came to the rescue. Yi Tian hurriedly replied: "Senior brother Rong, the survey of the Feishengtai ruins that took half a year has been completed. I will build the rest The atlases of the formation bases were all left to Junior Brother Huo, and Fellow Daoist Du Ziheng was in charge of splicing the inscriptions of the base formations."

Chi Yangzi stretched out his hand to caress his beard with endless loneliness on his face. After thinking for a while, he sighed and said: "I'm bothering my junior brother. This construction project will not happen overnight. I won't see it."

Then he turned to Liu Piaopiao and said: "Brother Piaopiao, my greatest wish in this life is to watch the Lihuo Sect revive, and this can only be achieved by Junior Brother Yi. I know that he also suffered a lot during this period, and suffered a lot. A lot of crimes. In the future, he will also be responsible for the construction of the Ascension Platform, if he doesn't take good care of you in any way, he will bear it for the sake of his old age."

Liu Piaopiao hurriedly replied after hearing the words: "Brother's words are kept in mind, I know that my husband has worked hard and suffered many disasters. Today's achievements are also due to indomitable courage and unparalleled opportunities. It's nothing to worry about. There are some things that I will take care of in my own mind and will not bother him, so please rest assured, Senior Brother."

With Chiyangzi's suggestion, Liu Piaopiao seemed restrained on the surface, but she didn't know what was going on in her heart.

Later, Chi Yangzi turned to Yan Zhaoxue and said, "It's a wish fulfilled to be able to welcome the return of the Kuiyin lineage when the old man's lifespan is about to expire. It flourishes in one vein.”

This is obviously hitting the Kui Yin lineage, Yan Zhaoxue is so smart, after listening to it, she hastily replied: "What brother said is that Zhaoxue understands that the Kui Yin lineage will be integrated with the Lihuo sect from the moment of return. In the future, I will definitely assist the sect master brother wholeheartedly."

So Chi Yangzi showed satisfaction, and then turned his gaze to the people of Qianlingzong. This time, he specially invited Shi Qianwei here because he wanted to create an opportunity for Yi Tian to deal with these matters properly.

After a little thought, he added: "Thank you, Master Qianling, for your visit this time. The two factions will definitely live in harmony in the future. I will not mention the entanglement between the Fire Sect and Qianling's lineage from now on. I also ask my master and fellow Taoists to tell the whole family of your family."

Shi Qianwei owed her money and replied: "What Fellow Daoist Chiyangzi said is true. The structure of today's Lan Continent is different from that of a thousand years ago, and all major sects are in a period of rapid development. Don't mention the past, let's return to it now." Our two sects are both the top sects in Zhongzhou, apart from living in harmony, it is even more necessary to strengthen mutual exchanges."

These words not only made Chiyangzi smile, but also made Liu Piaopiao and Yan Zhaoxue's eyes shine.It is true that what Shi Qianwei said is true, she hopes to live in harmony with the two women, and it is difficult to face herself if there is a diaphragm between them.

After Chiyangzi talked to the three girls one by one, he turned his head and said to Yi Tian with deep meaning: "The sect master is so old that he has witnessed the prosperity of Lihuo. Even if his lifespan is exhausted in the future, he can rest in peace. gone."

"Brother, don't worry about it, please leave a clue. In the future, brother will search the world and reintroduce the reincarnation of brother into the door wall," Yi Tian said hastily.

Chi Yangzi had a look of relief on his face, and he said calmly after a while: "I have to trouble my junior brother about this matter, and I'm sorry for the grand event today."

It took a long time for the whole return ceremony to finally come to an end. Afterwards, the young suzerain Qu Yifeng personally led the Kuiyin lineage into the Zongmen's blessed land. It was originally planned to divide [-]% of the blessed land into Yan Zhaoxue's name.

Although the number of disciples of the Kui Yin lineage is still small at this time, it is not guaranteed to develop and recruit more disciples in the future.

At the same time, all the guests from the Qianlingzong were arranged in the reception building of the sect. Chi Yangzi could tell the people below to handle affairs efficiently, and they were received at the highest standard in the same level.

On the contrary, Yan Zhaoxue and Shi Qianwei were invited by Liu Piaopiao to visit the Sovereign's cave after the ceremony.Yi Tian saw it in his eyes and felt very troubled in his heart, so he ran directly to Chi Yangzi to avoid the limelight.

At this moment, I was chatting face to face with Chi Yangzi in the blessed land of the cave. Suddenly, the messenger jade badge on his body flashed a light, and he took it out and glanced at it with his spiritual thoughts, and saw a message on it: "Husband, hurry back, I am with my two younger sisters." Welcome at home."

 Thank you Chen Yu for your reward

(End of this chapter)

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