
Chapter 872 Harmony

Chapter 872 Harmony
The Lihuo Sect is now beaming, and with the return of the branch, and the congratulations from the Qianling Sect, the overall momentum of the sect has also been greatly improved.

Nowadays, only Yi Tian himself is the most distressed, and the three women in the main hall were aware of each other's intentions before.Moreover, Liu Piaopiao showed the demeanor of a big sister and invited both Shi Qianwei and Yan Zhaoxue to the cave. Needless to say, she wanted to do her best as a landlord, and by the way, establish the status of the main wife.

Looking at the message on the Zongmen Jade Card, Yi Tian smiled wryly, but Chi Yangzi who was at the side shouted in a deep voice: "What are you afraid of, the head of the sect, you are the only one who can solve your family affairs. Old man I have also talked with Liu Piaopiao, I believe that with her personality, she will not make things too difficult for those two."

After sighing, Yi Tianqiang lifted his spirits and said, "I also know that Piao Piao won't embarrass them, but I am afraid that it will be difficult to face the three of them at the same time."

Chi Yangzi raised his head and laughed loudly: "Would you be afraid of such a thing as the head of the top sect in Tianlan Continent? Since Liu Piaopiao sent a message to you, it must be an agreement, go back."

After listening, Chi Yangzi waved his hand to see off the guests, and it was inconvenient for Yi Tian to stay any longer.He got up and said goodbye directly, except Dongfu went straight to Dongfu, the forbidden place of his suzerain.

Now Yi Tian's cave is located in the area with the most spiritual energy in the blessed land of Zongmen, and when he returns to the valley of the forbidden area, he raises his hand and directly hits the magic formula against the forbidden light film.After three breaths, the figure flashed directly through the forbidden crack.

After returning to the cave and walking in the passage, I heard the voices of three women talking and laughing inside.It sounds like they are chatting.Immediately, I felt relieved and secretly said that it seemed that the rain had passed and the sky cleared, so I didn't have to worry about it.

Just thinking about it, Liu Piaopiao's voice suddenly came from the cave and said: "Since my husband is back, please come in quickly, my two younger sisters and I have been waiting for a long time."

After listening to the ban, Yi Tian walked into the inner cave and saw the three girls chatting around the stone table.Looking at the expressions of the three people, it seemed that the past suspicions had long been settled, and Yi Tian said after he settled down, "Madam, I'll come here later."

With a glance, he saw that there was a seat reserved for himself, so he walked up to it and sat down slowly after thinking about it.

Later, Liu Piaopiao shouted coquettishly: "Husband really has two younger sisters, why didn't you just talk to me earlier." There seemed to be a tone of blame in the words, but there was no blame at all.

Shi Qianwei also interjected: "Yes, husband, this matter is your fault, you can speak out directly if you have anything."

Yan Zhaoxue's eyes flashed a gleam and she said: "Brother Chiyangzi once mentioned that my husband was also exiled in a foreign land and it was difficult for the sect to reunite. I also learned from your disasters these years. It’s really hard for you to hear about it from my sister.”

After listening carefully, the three women spoke in unison, as if they had negotiated, and their complexions became a little better.Since the three women can be harmonious, that is the best thing.

Then I heard Liu Piaopiao's resentful words: "Now that my husband's great achievements have been accomplished, why not plan the family incense as soon as possible so that the family blood can continue. If you wait for your husband to ascend to the upper realm, let me and other women have something to rely on." .”

As soon as this remark came out, Yi Tian's face tightened, and what Liu Piaopiao said couldn't be more sincere.In a blink of an eye, seeing Shi Qianwei's attitude of having nothing to do with herself, she knew in her heart that she must have taken care of Yi Lingfeng's affairs.

It's no wonder that the three of them seem to be standing on a united front now, so they must reveal some secrets to the bottom.

At this time, Yan Zhaoxue also has two eyes. She is the last one to enter and has no inherent advantages, so she also wants to take advantage of the present to give birth to an heir as soon as possible, so that she can stand firmly in the sect after she ascends to the upper realm.

Knowing what they were thinking, Yi Tian smiled and nodded back: "It's been hard work for the three ladies. I will stay inside the sect for a hundred years, and besides refining the wheel of the six realms, I want to cultivate my mind to improve Next. And the mundane daily affairs in the world are the only way to hone the state of mind.”

Immediately, I glanced at Liu Piaopiao and Yan Zhao, and I saw their flushed faces and shy looks, which made me feel sorry for them.Then he opened his mouth to make arrangements: "My Suzerain's cave is considered spacious, how about the three wives each choose one as their bedroom."

"Everything is arranged according to what my husband said, and I have no objection," Liu Piaopiao replied generously.

"Okay, let's do as Yi Lang said. Although the sect allocated a blessed land to the Kuiyin lineage, it's still not as good as the suzerain's here," Yan Zhaoxue replied with a look of doing her part.Yi Tian knew that she was used to being majestic in the Western Wilderness Girls' School, and now that she returned to the main line, she didn't want to be too shabby, and she could save a lot of trouble by using her name.

On the contrary, Shi Qianwei frowned and said with a sour nose: "I am the Qianling Sect Master and cannot live in Lihuo Sect for a long time. I am afraid that I will not be able to live here to accompany my husband in the future."

Liu Piaopiao spat disdainfully upon hearing the words: "Sister, why don't you step down from the position of the Qianling Sect Master, I think we all know the truth about it, but it's just a trick to cover up, and sooner or later it will be exposed."

Yan Zhaoxue didn't know the reason and hurriedly asked through voice transmission, and after a while the three women finished the voice transmission and said directly: "Husband, can you be more flexible about this matter, and let the senior sister pass on the position to someone else before moving here. We can also be more than one company.”

"Nonsense," Yi Tian said harshly, "How can the head of Qianlingzong, the top sect in Zhongzhou, give way at will? Such a joke will make the monks all over the world think about my Zhongzhou sect."

Seeing that Yi Tian was a little angry, Yan Zhaoxue closed her mouth with a snort, but her face was full of dissatisfaction.

Shi Qianwei frowned slightly and showed a look of reluctance, hesitating to speak.On the other hand, Liu Piaopiao couldn't stand it anymore and said, "You big men have the ability to figure out your own way, don't always make it difficult for women, I said that I will let my senior sister stay here, and I will never change it."

The scene became a bit cold for a while, but now Shi Qianwei was caught in a dilemma.To be honest, she absolutely wanted to stay in her heart, but she couldn't resist her husband's wishes.In a blink of an eye, there was a flash of crystal in his eyes, which made Yi Tian look at him, and suddenly he couldn't make a difference.

Later, I saw Yi Tian raised his head and smiled, and said in a tree voice: "It's not difficult. I'll teach Qianwei the method of transforming gods outside her body, and then use the hidden mist pearl to hide the clone's cultivation base."

After hearing this, Shi Qianwei's face turned from worry to joy and said, "Since Husband already has a countermeasure, why do you want to play tricks on me?"

"Yeah, yeah, Yi Lang has a lot of tricks, there must be someone behind him, senior sister, don't worry," Yan Zhaoxue followed.

At this time, Liu Piaopiao's eyes flashed brightly, and then he stared at Yi Tiandao: "In this case, why didn't my husband tell you the truth early in the morning and let me worry about it."

(End of this chapter)

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