
Chapter 873 Years

Chapter 873
After Kui Yin's lineage returned, the entire Lihuo Sect became even more powerful. Under Yi Tian's leadership, he rearranged the exercises in the sect and stored them in the sect's Buddhist scripture pavilion.

Then select several disciples with suitable spiritual roots in the sect to teach them so that they can cultivate Xuanyang True Fire from scratch.

Today, unlike 600 years ago, there is no need to worry about the sequelae of incomplete exercises.And under Yi Tian's deliberate instruction, Qu Yifeng, the young suzerain, is solely responsible for teaching these selected disciples.

In time, Lihuozong will definitely have a group of strong disciples, and Yi Tian also set up protective restrictions in the minds of each disciple. Even if these disciples are captured outside, they will not be able to find out a trace of Lihuozong's mysteries.

In addition to these trivial matters, Yi Tian's main effort is to accompany his three beloved wives.For a whole hundred years, he only stayed in the forbidden area of ​​the Lihuo Sect, and he lived a normal life like ordinary people on weekdays.And it took Shi Qianwei more than ten years of hard work under her own teaching to cultivate into a clone with the help of her innate spirit body.

It's just that her cultivation has only reached the middle stage of Nascent Soul, so the external avatar cultivated is only at the late stage of Jindan.Fortunately, Yi Tian prepared the Misty Bead early in the morning to hide the clone's cultivation base.In this way, it is possible to send the avatar to sit in Qianlingzong, and Shi Qianwei's real body will always be by Yi Tian's side.

These hundred years can be regarded as the most leisurely and comfortable period in Yi Tian's life. During this period, he only needs to go to Qiyao Mountain once every ten years to survey the progress of the project and arrange the next allocation of resources.

The sects that participated in the negotiation and joint construction back then also kept their promises, and within 50 years, they brought together all the materials they wanted to provide.As for the four great demon kings, they were even more generous, sending their subordinates to send the [-]% of the supplies to Lihuozong early in the morning.

With these subsidies and the professional construction of Huo Chilian and others, the project of the Ascension Platform could be completed on schedule.

In the past hundred years, the Lihuo Sect also experienced rapid development, and the number of disciples in the main line, Pill Pavilion and Qi Pavilion had increased to over a thousand.Although most of them are for Qi training and foundation building, in general, the scale can be regarded as that of the first-class sects in Zhongzhou.

I believe that among these people, if we continue to eliminate the weak and retain the strong, there will be a group of amazing people who can support the scene.

Chiyangzi exhausted his lifespan less than ten years after Kuiyin's return, and his whole body melted into reincarnation.In the following ten years, Yi Tian spent three years finding Chiyangzi's reincarnation among the vast crowd by relying on Xiao Linhang's divination skills.

Then he didn't want to travel all the way to the north of Dong'ao to reintroduce him to Lihuozong.Fortunately, in his previous life, he was born with sufficient spiritual roots of wood and fire, so he did not fall behind in practicing the secret arts of the sect.

Yi Tianxin thought that his senior brother Chiyangzi still bestowed the Taoist name 'Chiyang' on his reincarnated body, and entrusted Qu Yifeng, the young patriarch, to teach him well, and he can cast his dream-returning spirit after his cultivation reaches the golden core stage. The law helps him retrieve most of the memories of his previous life.

After doing all this, Yi Tian left his free time factor to study the refining of the Six Realms Wheel.This wheel of the six realms is the key to connect the nine worlds of the upper spirit, and the engraved patterns on it are all synthesized at one time.For this reason, Yi Tian didn't dare to refine it lightly. You must know that the materials for refining the Jielun are hard to find, and all of them are materials of level seven and above.

Now there is only enough to refine it twice in my hand, but I am not sure about forming it once.Regarding the matter of refining the wheel of the six realms, I have tried dozens of times in my mind with the method of deduction with divine thoughts in the past hundred years.

In the first three or four times, the deduction was only halfway through, and the reason was very simple. This thing coincides with the ordinary refining method of heaven, and it is absolutely impossible to succeed.Moreover, the treasure materials I choose also have various restrictions, which are not enough to carry the power of heaven.

Fortunately, among the precious materials provided by Wanying King, there are still several ores from the seventh-level peaks that can be refined into rough embryos for later use.It's just that the spiritual wood core taken from Beiyuan is only enough to be refined for two parts, and if I am not fully sure, I will definitely not start refining it.

After finding out the characteristics of all the materials in his hand, Yi Tiancai used the method of deduction with spiritual thoughts again, and carefully considered every step of refining in his mind.During the period, I also tried to use Nanming Lihuo to try it a few times, only to find that the effect was surprisingly good afterwards.

It turns out that the key to ascending to the platform lies in the Lihuo Sect. If it is not done by myself, no one in this world will be able to refine it.

After dozens of deductions were completed, Yi Tian was not in a hurry to refine, but instead enjoyed family happiness with the three wives.

In the past hundred years, Liu Piaopiao and Yan Zhaoxue each gave birth to a boy and a girl, and then the two girls devoted most of their energy to taking care of their children.

When the pair of children were about ten years old, they were entrusted to Xiao Linhang and Yan Fanxin to take care of them respectively. Originally, Liu Piaopiao and Yan Zhaoxue would never agree to this matter, but they could only compromise with their own insistence.

Although he was reluctant to give up, he knew in his heart that it would not be a good thing for them to keep their children by their side. I had heard and witnessed how many second generations of cultivators were arrogant and lawless inside the sect for hundreds of years, but when they went outside, they unintentionally bumped into others and caused them to be killed. disaster.

Furthermore, I was originally born in hardship, and I know that if I don’t make progress in my cultivation, I will fall back. If I only rely on the blessings of my ancestors, it will be difficult to go further on the road in the future. Only in a harsh environment can I force them to practice hard.

Moreover, Yi Tian only left a life-saving spell on each of the pair of children, which will only be activated when they are in the most critical situation, and can instantly kill any monk below the Nascent Soul Stage.

As for the spirit weapons and other items that Liu Piaopiao and Yan Zhaoxue originally handed over to their children, they will all be taken back. If these children carry objects that do not match their identities, they will easily get burned, and in serious cases, they will invite others to peep and kill them.

During the farewell, Liu Piaopiao and Yan Zhaoxue were crying with snot and tears, making the whole scene weeping.Fortunately, Xiao Linhang and Yan Fanxin immediately stated that they would take good care of their children, and the two girls gave up under Yi Tian's power.

But after the fact, it is inevitable to secretly look at it. Yi Tian also keeps his eyes open and closes his eyes on these things, as long as he is not too spoiled.

After seven or eighty years of preparation, Yi Tian checked the project progress of the lower flying platform and found that it was faster than expected.After thinking about it in my heart, it is time to refine the wheel of the six realms.

Then Qu Yifeng and others were recruited to entrust all the affairs of the sect, and they informed the three wives that they needed to retreat for 20 years to start refining.After the preparations were done, Yi Tian brought Baocai to the important area of ​​the Lihuo Zongqi Pavilion alone, opened the inner forbidden area and walked in alone.

(End of this chapter)

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