
Chapter 874 Accident

Chapter 874 Accident
In the depths of the forbidden area of ​​the Fire Zongqi Pavilion, since the suzerain Yi Tian announced the retreat more than 20 years ago, the disciples of the sect have been forbidden to enter within a radius of a hundred miles.

Outside the vicinity, Nangong Aotian, who was seconded by Dong Ao on weekdays, is in charge of guarding. Even Liu Piaopiao's masters Qianwei and Yan Zhaoxue came to visit several times and were persuaded to go back.

Everyone knew in their hearts that the sect master had to deal with an extremely important matter, so the monks of the sect were eagerly looking forward to knowing the result as soon as possible.

This retreat was originally planned for 20 years, but when the deadline was reached, there was no sign of Yi Tian leaving the retreat.Even Nangong Aotian, who was guarding at the gate of the forbidden area, felt that something was wrong, but he didn't dare to disobey the order of the suzerain and had to stay on the edge of the forbidden area and wait.

At this time, Yi Tian, ​​who was in the forbidden cave, was sitting cross-legged with a calm face, but there were two piles of three-foot-high materials in front of him.In the past 20 years, Yi Tian didn't do refining at all, but spent all his time on the process of refining and deduction.

The reason is nothing more than finding that the seal in the body seems to be a little restless during the deduction of divine thoughts.Every time I finished refining the wheel of the six realms in the sea of ​​consciousness, the seal would vibrate accordingly.

Such signs made Yi Tian feel strange, he had never noticed such a change in the seal before.

Thinking about it carefully, there seems to be some hidden connection between the wheel of six realms and this seal.After retrieving the Wheel of the Six Realms, Yi Tian gradually had many questions in his mind.

Back then, Luo Que once rushed into his Niwan Palace and blurted out the 'Ascension Order' when he saw the seal. In this way, the function of this seal is likely to be related to the Ascension Platform.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian thought of the phantom he once saw alone in Lihuozong.In that dream, it seemed that he was the owner of such a seal, and this seal was also called 'Feixianyin'.

Both the 'Ascension Order' and the 'Feixian Yin' are closely related to Ascension, so when I comprehend the refining of the six realms wheel, the seal will respond.

After sitting cross-legged in the cave for about 20 years, Yi Tian also felt that he had thoroughly comprehended the refining method of the six realm wheels.Now is also the time to start preparing for the refinement, and the project of the Ascension Platform should be almost finished after counting the time.

Now I'm just waiting for myself to install the most critical components before it can officially operate.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian no longer wasted time stretching out his left hand to sacrifice a white Nanming Lihuo.Then the right hand controls the precious materials on the ground and puts them into the real fire one by one to start the sacrifice.

After dozens of deduction of the divine sense, the work at hand can be regarded as very familiar, and there is no difference between the steps and the previous deduction.

But Yi Tian's face is also very serious at this time, after all, deduction is deduction.The actual refining will produce slight deviations due to changes in the surrounding environment and the consumption of spiritual power.

And what I am most concerned about now is to make every step perfect and prevent any flaws from affecting the final result.

As the raw materials were continuously smelted into juice and mixed together, a disc embryo with a size of one foot and a thickness of five inches appeared in front of him.After it was formed, Yi Tian drew three marks on the disk with a wave of both hands, directly dividing the entire disk into six sectors.

Then gather the flames into a thin wisp in his hand, and engrave the names of the Asura Realm, the Demon Realm, and the Spirit Realm on the upper half of the upper part in the order of the Nine Realms of the Spiritual Realm.

Then halve the lower third half of the sixth, dividing it into six again.These six copies are engraved in order from left to right, the names of the three realms, the Buddha Spirit Realm, the Demon Spirit Realm and the Yin Corpse Realm.Then he wrote down the words of the ghost world, the hell world and the nether world, the three lower worlds.

It's just that when I started to engrave the strokes of the nether world, the seal in Niwan Palace seemed to start to move violently.What followed was that the seal seemed to start to mobilize the spiritual power of the whole body, and then it was about to fly out.

This time it was Yi Tian's turn to be shocked, he had finally refined the wheel of the six realms to such an extent that he could complete the last step of the wheel of the six realms as long as he sacrificed some more.

But during this period, his own spiritual power must remain stable so that Nanming Lihuo can maintain its output, and there must be no drastic fluctuations, otherwise the success will fall short.

The seal so unscrupulously mobilized the whole body's spiritual power, and the Nanming Lihuo sacrificed on the left hand in front of him began to faintly show signs of instability.This scene directly scared Yi Tian into a cold sweat, he immediately stretched out his heart and took out half of the white jade lotus root with his right hand, chewed it in his mouth and swallowed it into his stomach.

In an instant, a pure spiritual power radiated from the stomach and scattered into the limbs and bones. After the spiritual power in the body was replenished, Yi Tian directly urged the magic formula to maintain Nanming Lihuo and wrap the six realm wheels.At the same time, the seal came out of the Niwan Palace with a 'swish' sound, and then circled over the cave for a circle, and then the whole body flashed a dazzling purple halo.

At the same time, the spiritual pressure fluctuations driven by the seal directly broke the peaceful scene in the cave, and the surrounding spiritual power was continuously absorbed into it by mobilizing it.

The purple light was very dazzling, and Yi Tian had to close his eyes to avoid its sharpness.All of a sudden, with a sound of 'dang', the seal automatically flew to the front of the wheel of the six realms and covered the blank space engraved with the nether world.

After three breaths, the seal automatically flew up, hovered in the air, and then flew back to his Niwan Palace.So far, the fluctuation of spiritual power in the entire cave has gradually stabilized.

When Yi Tian came back to his senses and looked at the wheel of the six realms, he saw a purple mark appearing next to the words Nether Realm.Needless to say, this is the sample of the seal stamped on it, but I can't recognize the pattern of the words on the seal even if I lean over my head and glance at it.

I thought I was quite knowledgeable, and I knew a lot about the words of the upper spirit world, but I couldn't find out when I faced the seal.Immediately, he became anxious, and slowly put Nanming Lihuo away and completed the final sacrifice, Yi Tian stared blankly at the wheel of the six realms in his hand.

I thought to myself: "I don't know if the wheel of the six realms that has overprinted the seal can be used." Fortunately, there is another material that can be refined again, so I am quite sure at the moment.

Just staring at the location of the seal, the netherworld looked in a daze.The seal didn't move sooner or later, and it didn't activate automatically until he carved the Netherworld.Could it be that he wanted to remind himself that he would be involved in this Netherworld, or that he had an inseparable relationship with that seal.

(End of this chapter)

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