
Chapter 875

Chapter 875
The highest level of cultivation in Tianlan Continent is Wanying King, the head of the four demon kings of the demon clan. As early as 3000 years ago, when Li Huozong was in a catastrophe, he had a cultivation base of the sixth level peak.

For the next 3000 years, he stayed in Shiwanda Mountain in the east to guard the small ascending platform hidden on the top of Eagle's Nest.

Others don't know that Wanying King has been guarding here for more than three thousand years and has been conscientious, even after Li Huozong fell apart, he has never been tired.

Yi Tian saw it in his eyes and knew that he must have been ordered by Lihuo Patriarch Ji Xuanyuan to guard this place.So that some of the descendants of the Lihuo Sect can go there and copy the structure of the six realm wheel, the main component of the Ascension Platform, and then refine it again.

Yi Tian deeply admired Wanying King for his devotion to duty, so he was the first to notify him when the Ascension Platform was fully installed.

Later, the other three demon kings received messages from Yi Tian one by one, and they had stayed in this world long enough.It has grown until the cultivation base has almost reached the critical point and can no longer be improved.

The disadvantage brought about by this is that the longevity can no longer grow, and the four major demon kings are almost five thousand years old.Among the monster races, only the dragon and turtle races can live for about 4000 years, and the rest of the races can live for three to four thousand years, which is considered longevity.

Yi Tian guessed that the four demon kings could maintain such a long life after receiving a drop of Mengxin's blood.But longevity does not mean that life energy cannot be exhausted. Among the four demon kings, the Soul Eater Mouse King was the most urgent about ascension.

Needless to say, the Shu King must have overestimated his own lifespan in his heart, so he acted to support Gu Hui. Presumably, he also took some treasures to prolong his life.

It took Yi Tian a total of 25 years to refine the wheel of six realms in retreat this time.Fortunately, the harvest was quite fruitful, and two finished products were refined one after another.

And the seal in the Niwan Palace did not jump out to make trouble again during the second refining.After the first field experience, Yi Tian was very familiar with it the second time, and it only took half a year to refine the wheel of the six realms.

In view of the fact that the first finished product was still stamped with the seal of the Ascension Order, Yi Tian simply put it away, and directly installed the second Six Realms Wheel on the foundation of Qi Yaoshan's Ascension Platform.

Speaking of this set of foundations, it took 85 years to gather hundreds of Qi Pavilion disciples from the Lihuo Sect to install them. In the remaining 15 years, layers of guard formations were set up in the extension of the valley relying on the underground spiritual veins.

Among them, Du Ziheng of Tiandaozong also made great efforts, doing everything by himself.It's not just as simple as the overseer, the formation patterns of the combination of formation base accessories are all depicted by him.

Before installing the wheel of the six realms, Yi Tian went to check it, and stood in the center of the formation base of the Ascension Platform with a radius of ten feet, spread out the spiritual thoughts and covered the entire formation base.

After the spiritual thoughts fell through each place, they made an accurate comparison in their minds with the formation patterns recorded on the Ascension Platform.The entire retrieval process lasted for an hour, and when Yi Tian withdrew his spiritual thoughts, opened his eyes and looked at Du Ziheng and Huo Chi in front of him, he said sincerely after practicing: "Thanks to the great help of the two of you, the century-old hard work has finally come to fruition. When the clouds open and the moon shines."

Huo Chilian replied modestly and prudently: "Senior Brother Sect Master is over-reputed, serving the sect is inevitable."

Du Ziheng, who was on the side, also replied with a smile: "Sect Master Yi, you are being polite. I think Tiandaozong will also use it in the future. This is a win-win situation for everyone, so why not do it."

Just as he was talking, suddenly several golden rays of light flashed across the sky, and the three of them fixed their eyes and saw that they were coming in the direction of Qi Yaoshan.Needless to say, there must be a distinguished guest, Yi Tian didn't dare to be negligent and hurriedly asked all the disciples of the sect to withdraw from Qiyao Mountain within a hundred miles.

Not long after, the golden lights flew over Qiyao Mountain and circled around the valley before slowly falling to the place where the three of them were outside the valley.When the golden light faded, four figures appeared, it was Abbot Wuyin, Mrs. Miaoyin, Old Demon Hehuan and Yu Xiang.

The four of them came forward slowly, and Abbot Wuyin who was the leader smiled at the three of Yi Tian and said: "The three hundred years of hard work have benefited the cultivation world of Tianlan Continent, and this merit is immeasurable."

Yi Tian hastily stepped forward to return the gift and said: "Abbot Wuyin is serious. This sect is just a coincidence to get the blessings of our predecessors. Now we have finally opened up the channel between the human world and the spiritual world. In the future, we can connect to the upper world. Everyone has the hope of longevity."

Seeing that Yi Tian didn't take credit for himself, and his answer was impeccable, the four guests also stepped forward to congratulate him one by one.After that, he also greeted Du Ziheng and Huo Chilian one by one.

It was only later that Hehuan Old Demon asked, "Who will be the first to use the Ascension Platform this time?"

Speaking of which, all the people present here also got 12 points of energy, and all their attention was focused on Yi Tian.

It is true that the construction of the Ascension Platform consumed more than half of the resources of the major factions in Zhongzhou, so it is not surprising that Old Demon Hehuan asked this question.In fact, everyone also has the idea in their hearts to see the effect of this flying platform. After all, no matter how high the building is, it is useless if it cannot accommodate people.

After hearing this, Yi Tian smiled, and he had long expected that these visitors would ask this question.Then he cleared his throat before replying: "The construction of Feisheng Platform took a hundred years to complete, but when it comes to using it, only the Four Great Demon Kings in the entire Tianlan Continent have urgent needs."

In fact, after Yitian installed and debugged the Ascension Platform this time, he sent a message to the monks and the four demon kings, firstly to reassure them, and secondly to remind the four demon kings.

Then the message sent back by the King of Eagles is that he is willing to be the first to use the Ascension Platform, the reason is very simple, he has been in this world long enough and has long wanted to Ascension.Moreover, he used to guard the ruins of the Ascension Platform for thousands of years, so it is most appropriate for him to test the results.

After hearing this, everyone knew the result, and then under Yi Tian's arrangement, a group of seven people retreated to the waiting area fifty miles away from Qi Yaoshan.There is a special observation post set up here for the Nascent Soul cultivators to watch the ascension up close.

Everyone in the waiting area waited for a while and found that there were several escaping lights flying towards Qi Yaoshan in the four directions of the southeast, northwest, respectively.Yi Tian twitched his eyelids when he saw that this was the arrival of the four demon kings at the same time, it seemed that he was busy this time.

However, judging from the number of escapes, there are quite a few people. It's no wonder that such a major event as Ascension has never happened in Tianlan Continent for thousands of years, and it's normal for everyone to come to support it.

But the forbidden area of ​​the Ascension Platform can't let people enter at will, Yi Tian reached out and took out a palm-sized formation disk to activate it with a formula.After three breaths, a white film of light lit up within [-] miles around the valley of Feishengtai completely covering the valley, and people who came down could only observe it from a distance.

Then Yi Tian stretched out his hand again to show the emblem of Jiangli Fire Sect in the waiting area, and at this time a red flame mark appeared in the sky.After seeing the light, they all turned around and flew towards Yi Tian's direction.

 Thanks to book friends 20170610160220028, Shiliang Waterfall, and Qingfeng Playing Water 1 for monthly tickets.

(End of this chapter)

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