
Chapter 878 Soaring 3

Chapter 878

After the Eagle King flew into the interface channel, the beam of light in the valley where the Ascension Platform was located slowly shrank, and the gap in the channel above the sky began to close rapidly.

After a while, the world returned to its original state, and it was not at all visible that someone had ascended to the upper realm through the space channel opened here.

After Yi Tian returned to the Houke area fifty miles away, the three major demon kings greeted him directly.The leader Qingtian Demon King stretched out his hand and handed Wang Yingwang's Soul Lamp over and said, "This object should be kept by the suzerain to the Patriarch Hall in the sect."

After reaching out to take the War Soul Lamp, he glanced at it and saw that the flames inside seemed to be a little sluggish, but anyway, it proved that the Thousand Eagle King was still alive at this moment.Although I don't know how strong the power of the void in the space channel is, but judging from the appearance of the soul lamp of the Thousand Eagle King, he must have encountered a lot of trouble at this time.

The wick of a normal soul lamp is about an inch high, but the flames in front of him are only half of normal.Turning his head and glanced at the people in front of him, he found that they all looked solemn, and seemed to be more or less worried.

Then Yi Tian said: "Don't be impatient, everyone, wait for the time being. There is a void storm in the passage between the two worlds. If the King of Eagles wants to reach the demon world smoothly, he must pass through this storm. I am quite confident about this , how about waiting for a while."

"What Sect Master Yi said is true, then I'll be looking forward to it," Old Demon Hehuan replied aloud.

So everyone in the Yaozu didn't say much and everyone waited quietly, but their eyes would turn to the soul lamp in Yi Tian's hand from time to time.

After waiting in the waiting area for a long time, suddenly the flame on the soul lamp flickered a few times and then slowly dimmed, and the expressions on everyone's faces became extremely ugly.Especially the three demon kings, Zhiying and Fat Dog, stared at the flame on the soul lamp with stern expressions on their entire faces.

Yi Tian also wondered in his heart that the Myriad Eagle King must have encountered some serious trouble in the passage. If he can't ascend to the upper realm with his strength, then it is impossible for anyone in this realm to succeed.

Suddenly Miss Qingyu yelled: "Look, the flame of the soul lamp is on again."

A cry attracted everyone's attention, and at this moment, the flame in Dao's soul lamp turned from weak to strong, slowly blooming with strong vitality.Not only did it return to its previous half-inch appearance, but it gradually brightened and became its original one-inch-long appearance.

Needless to say, this is a scene that will only appear after the Wanying King has successfully reached the demon world. The faces of the three major demon kings all showed ecstasy. Since the Wanying King can succeed, so can they.

At least the Soul Eater Mouse King was the happiest one, because it would be his turn soon.

The master on the side of the human monk also showed joy on his face. The fact that the King of Thousand Eagles successfully reached the other side of the demon world shows that the construction of the Ascension Platform was not in vain.At least everyone has hope in front of them, as long as they step into Huashen someday, they will have a chance to ascend to the upper realm.

Afterwards, all the people headed by Abbot Wuyin also came forward to exchange greetings with the three great demon kings.After a lapse of 3000 years, the Ascension Cultivator appeared again in Tianlan Continent. Although he was a monster, it also proved that this world no longer exists in isolation, and there is still a chance to go to a higher level of the spirit world.

As for Du Ziheng and Huo Chilian, they were even more open-eyed. The success of the Ascension Platform built by them is also a proof of their ability.Moreover, the two of them will definitely deserve their names as the number one mage and the number one refiner in Zhongzhou from now on.

Yi Tian didn't say much in his eyes at this time, he was just looking at the Soul Eater Mouse King carefully.Although he is the second one, there is still a gap between him and the King of Thousand Eagles in terms of strength. I really don't know how he will face the void storm.

A little later, the Soul Eater Mouse King stepped forward confidently and said, "Sovereign, I am also ready, please open the passage."

As soon as the words fell, the originally noisy scene became quiet in an instant.The eyes of the two demon kings Qingtian and Jinmao also flashed a glimmer of light, as if hesitating to speak.

Seeing this, Yi Tian just nodded slightly and said, "Will the Shu King leave a soul lamp?"

"That's natural. I also ask the suzerain to enshrine the oil lamp in the ancestral hall," the Soul Eater Mouse King also took out a simple brass lamp and handed it to the Qingtian Demon King.

"Then let's go," Yi Tian said, stretching out his hand again to open the entrance of the protective barrier, and then the figure flew in.

The Soul Eater Mouse King immediately turned into a black light to follow and plunged in.

The monks waited quietly in the waiting area as before. After all, every ascension will benefit everyone present, and no one wants to miss such a good opportunity.

Half an hour later, when Yi Tian's figure appeared outside the barrier again, a white light shot out from the valley and opened the space channel above his head.

After three breaths, the Soul Eater Mouse King flew straight into the passage under the eyes of everyone, and disappeared after a flash.

After returning to the waiting area, Yi Tian found that Qingtian Demon King and the others had a strange expression on their faces, and went up to find that the soul lamp flame left by the Soul Eater Mouse King began to dim after only a moment. The Thousand Eagle King was much earlier than that.

Needless to say, he must have been directly involved in the void storm after encountering it, so it seems that the situation is very bad.

The eyes of all the monks of the human race also showed nervous expressions. You must know that the strength of the Soul Eater Mouse King is slightly stronger than all of them.If you fail to break through, how many human monks can successfully reach the upper spirit world.

Everyone sat down and waited quietly with serious faces, all the spiritual thoughts in their eyes were fixed on the soul lamp.Half a day later, the flame in the soul lamp became darker and darker, and suddenly shrank into a trace of sparks with a 'poof', and then completely extinguished after a few flashes.

As a result, the entire waiting area suddenly became chaotic, and everyone in the Yaozu looked frustrated and said some words of comfort to each other.In particular, Qingtian Demon King and Golden Retriever King's tears flowed down their eyes, and they muttered: "Fourth brother, you care about the great way, but you may not be forced to ascend. You must know how rough this road is. You can walk through it." No one left in ten."

Hearing the complaints of the two demon kings, everyone also chose to remain silent, just as they said how difficult the journey to ascension was.It is the thousands of troops and horses crossing the single-plank bridge, and if you are not careful that there are abyss on both sides, you will put yourself in a place of eternal doom.

Miss Qingyu went to Fat Dog and cried and asked, "Are you all going to go this way from now on? Is it really so tempting to ascend?"

Fat Dog couldn't answer the question, but turned his head to look at Yi Tian, ​​wanting to find the answer from his master.

The fact that this ascension was a success and failure really shocked everyone present.Even Yi Tian himself was shocked in his heart, needless to say, his heart will definitely be greatly impacted.Seeing that everyone looked at me, I couldn't stay out of it, and then said in a deep voice: "Ascension is imperative, no matter how bumpy the future is, it can't stop me from seeking longevity. It's better to go to Ascension than to waste my life in this world." Fight in the passage."

Those words immediately attracted the attention of the frustrating monks on the scene, and a trace of determination gradually appeared in the eyes of many of them.

(End of this chapter)

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