
Chapter 879

Chapter 879
Although the opening of the Ascension Platform was obvious to all, those sect disciples who were in charge of guarding Qi Yaoshan's Ascension Platform all retreated to the boundary hundreds of miles away to witness the two monks flying into the Ascension Passage.

No matter how much these things are covered up, it will be useless. Sooner or later, they will pass through the entire Tianlan Continent.But as for the details of Ascension Cultivator, only the dozen or so people who were in the waiting area fifty miles away at that time knew.

Although more than half a year has passed since the incident, there has not been the slightest rumor outside.Since Yi Tian returned from Qi Yaoshan, he first sent two soul lamps to the Patriarch Hall to worship.

It is Nangong Aotian who is on duty in the Patriarch Hall, and now Yi Tian has to rely on the veteran Yuanying monks from the Xuanyang lineage to maintain the huge scene.

When he took the two oil lamps over, Nangong Aotian's face froze immediately after seeing it, and his face changed several times after his divine sense swept over the name engraved on the soul lamp.

Yi Tian knew that he couldn't hide it from him, so he got the result of the ascension in detail.After hearing this, Nangong Aotian showed the same heavy expression on his face. Although his strength is only in the early stage of Yuanying, he will not be able to improve half a point in this life, but he can rely on the method of reincarnation and rebuilding to hope that he will have the opportunity to return to the gate wall in the next life.

But after hearing Yi Tian's description, he was also shocked by the results here, and then Yi Tian repeatedly asked not to leak the news, after all, Li Huozong will become the target of this world from now on, but if there is a trace of ascension All possible characters would definitely come to Li Huo Sect to discuss with him.

After returning to his cave, he told the three wives exactly what happened this time out, and a tear flashed in their eyes.I must take the path of ascension, no matter if I succeed or fail, I will be separated afterwards.

Looking at the appearance of the three daughters, Yi Tian didn't say much and directly explained the affairs of the sect, then returned to his cave and began to concentrate on cultivation.

To be honest, since Tianya Haiend came out, he has spent most of his time dealing with the mundane affairs of this world.There is not much time left for him to practice.

Originally thought that the ascension journey could be easily achieved, but the failure of the Soul Eater Rat King's ascension was a wake-up call for himself.He also secretly made up his mind in his heart that he had to improve his cultivation to a stable state in the initial stage of incarnation before attempting to ascend.

And I originally thought that it would be enough to practice the Lihuo Sect's secret skills to the fourth level, but now it seems that I have to go up to another level.

Back then, Patriarch Wuye could forcibly open the ascension channel and ascend directly after restoring his cultivation base to the incarnation stage.

The ascension passage opened after the ascension platform is connected to the receiving platform of the upper spirit world is bound to be safer than those irregular ascension passages that are forcibly broken.

But Patriarch Wuye's soaring on dry land shows that he has absolute confidence in his own strength.Needless to say, with his strength at the time, even if the four demon kings joined forces, they might not be his opponent.

Xin Hao also pointed out that as long as he refines the fifth grade of Lihuo Nine Changes, he can survive the catastrophe safely.It's not too late for this matter. At present, Yi Tian sat cross-legged in the cave, took out the Zixiao lamp, and began to re-sacrifice the real fire of physical fitness.

Time flies, Yi Tian does not care about the outside world when he is practicing in seclusion in the cave, but since the two demon kings used the Feisheng Platform 50 years later, this matter has been leaked from the Tianlan Continent.

It is impossible to verify its source, but most of it leaked from the mouths of the monks who watched the ceremony.

Qiyao Mountain, where the Ascension Platform is located, is currently guarded by the five sects in turn. Every hundred years, there will be three Nascent Soul stage monks or sixth-level metamorphosis monsters guarding around the barrier of Qiyao Mountain.

The area within a radius of [-] miles has long been designated as a restricted area, and any monks who want to step into it will be expelled by the Jindan disciples who are in charge of patrolling.

Those foreign Nascent Soul casual cultivators or overseas high-level monsters who wanted to know the situation were persuaded to retreat by the Nascent Soul monks on duty. After being notified, they went straight to Lihuo Sect or other top sects. Those big monks came forward to entertain them in person.

So after a hundred years, the cave door where Yi Tian retreated was still closed. At this time, the cultivation base of the three wives also made great progress, and they all advanced to the middle stage of Nascent Soul.Qu Yifeng was still the one to deal with all the big and small matters in the Lihuo Sect, but Yan Zhaoxue would be asked to come forward when there were some difficult problems.

As for Yi Tian, ​​he didn't care about it at all, and after passing on the position of suzerain to Qu Yifeng, he only cared about his own cultivation.Because they are rarely in the sect, those recent monks only know that there is an extremely powerful existence in the Lihuo sect, but they have never been able to see Tian Yan.

As for the area where the Four Great Demon Kings are located, it is also surprisingly calm. Even without King Thousand Eagle and Queen Soul Eater, there is no sign of chaos among these demon clans.The reason is nothing more than the result of Fat Dog coming forward to suppress Beiyuan, while Dongao has been ruled by the Eagle Clan for more than 3000 years.

The ones who have really changed are the Qingtian Demon King in Southern Xinjiang and the Golden Retriever King in the Western Wilderness.After the opening of the Ascension Platform, the two demon kings returned to their caves and began a long retreat.

On weekdays, the power is put down, and only a few people close to him can see his real body.It didn't take long for the control of the Western Wilderness Monster Race to fall into the hands of Chi Yanju. As for the Southern Border, it was Qin Fei who assisted Miss Qingyu to handle the Monster Race affairs.

In this way, Tianlan Continent ushered in a period of relatively peaceful development, and the number of exchanges between the several top sects in Zhongzhou became more and more frequent.

In private, everyone gradually spread word of mouth about the ascension of the demon king, and the whole cultivation world was shocked by it.Those human monks who dared to spy on Beiyuan and Dongao tried to poach, but the result was often gone forever.

And the name of the newly emerged Ice Glass Demon King in Beiyuan gradually spread among the human monks.It is said that this Ice Glass Demon King has a worse temper than the Soul Eater Mouse King, but his cultivation seems to be on par.In this way, the casual cultivators and those monks who didn't know the inside story were so frightened that they dared not look at Beiyuan squarely.

One day after 200 years, a flash of red flashed across the sky, and its target turned out to be the hinterland of Lihuo Sect in Zhongzhou.That light directly pierced through the sect's protective formation and flew to the forbidden area of ​​the back mountain.

After making several circles in the air, he found the final goal and plunged into the cave of the suzerain Yi Tian.

A little later, it continued to fly in the cave for a while, and stopped in front of a stone gate full of thorns in the deepest part of the cave.After three breaths, the Shimen loosened slightly, and a hot and hot Qi was released from it, and the red light flew into it, and then the Shimen slowly closed again without any trace of movement.

At this moment, Yi Tian sat in the cave, looked at the messenger jade talisman in his hand, and said to himself: "Is the Qingtian Demon King about to start to ascend?"

(End of this chapter)

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