
Chapter 881 Visit 1

Chapter 881 Visit One
The ascension of Wanying King was originally relatively secret, and not many people knew about it.However, Zhang Xian, the monster beast of the sea tribe in the South China Sea, got the news from nowhere to confirm this matter.

But this time, he even channeled the East Sea Flood Dragon Clan to put pressure together. Seeing the appearance of the Qingtian Demon King, he must have found it extremely difficult to come to him to discuss it.

Fortunately, others don't know that the Six Realm Wheels have refined two in total, so there is no need to consider the number of uses.It's just that since Zhang Xian and the others dare to make such a request, they are well prepared. You must know that this ascension is not a child's play.Taking out a few high-level treasures when asking for elixir like last time will definitely not work.

Seeing Qingtian Demon King's appearance must be because she is troubled at this time, as she has been preparing for the ascension for many years, she must not rush to make a move.

If she suffered some injuries during the fight and delayed her ascension, the gain would outweigh the gain. Presumably, her tone will slow down this time, so let Xian and the others feel that there is an opportunity to take advantage of it.

After sorting out his thoughts in his heart and considering the ins and outs of this matter, as well as the pros and cons, Yi Tian began to care about it.Then facing the two demon kings, he said: "I have basically understood this matter. The overseas Taoists are nothing more than looking for a way out. Now that they have opened this door, categorically rejecting it is not the way."

Qingtian Demon King blinked his eyes and asked, "The suzerain agreed?"

"Agreement is inevitable," Yi Tian nodded and replied: "This is also to create a harmonious atmosphere for Tianlan Continent, but they will have to pay a lot of money this time."

The Golden Retriever King said solemnly at the side: "That's inevitable. I think that building the Ascension Platform back then has exhausted the wealth of the entire Tianlan Continent's human race and monster race. How can it be easily used by them."

"I have my own plans for this matter. You two don't need to worry too much. Anyway, I have the advantage. If you want to use the Ascension Platform, you have to pay a corresponding price. Everything is done according to my requirements." Yi Tian said with a smile.

When the three of them were discussing in secret in the inner hall bedroom, Qin Fei, who was in charge of welcoming guests outside the main hall, saw two visitors coming uninvited.

Judging from their appearance, they seem to be all powerful monsters, but she has never seen them before.And judging from the fluctuating appearance of the monster power on his body, it seems that he has been completely restrained.But Qin Fei's instinctive consciousness could find that the strength of these two people was far above that of ordinary monsters, almost reaching the level of Qingtian Demon King.

Shocked, he didn't dare to act rashly and directly notified Miss Qingyu and his wife who were inside, that they are the protagonists today, and I asked the Bingli Demon King to handle it well.

Joy was playing all around, and after the main door of the main hall was opened, Fat Gou led Miss Qingyu together with his second brother Chi Yanju and Three Demons and walked out directly from it.

Qin Fei, who was outside, breathed a sigh of relief and hurried forward to explain to the three of them.Fat Dog just nodded his head slightly after hearing this, and then walked forward, glanced at the two of them, frowned and shouted loudly: "Long time no see, Dragon King, this time it happens to come in for a glass of water, as for this fellow Taoist You should be one of my generation, please join us."

The person who came was the Flood Dragon King of the Eastern Sea Clan, and the person accompanying him was naturally Zhang Xian, a great demon in shape from the Southern Sea.Although Fat Dog knew it well, he wouldn't lose his reputation. Anyway, he expected them to come early in the morning.

Zhang Xian revealed a somewhat unnatural expression after listening, and secretly looked at the couple in front of him.In any case, he is also from the same generation as the Qingtian Demon King. Now that the master's family has never seen it, it is too shameful for her daughter and son-in-law to come forward to greet him.

On the other hand, the Flood Dragon King on the side is an insider, and the Ice Glass Demon King in front of him will not be weaker than their existence in the future, and even now, he is at most half a chip away.When Dong Ao fought Thunder Dragon King back then, he was watching everything from the sidelines.

Even King Wanying, who ascended to the demon world, also personally admitted that he is the future king of all demons, so he hurriedly stepped forward and said politely: "Today is the wedding ceremony of the Ice Glass Demon King, and I will take the liberty to come here to discuss wedding wine." Eat, eat, and at the same time, I want to sit down and discuss with the Demon King of Zhongzhou."

The dragon king in the corner of his eyes spoke politely and his words were impeccable, and the fat dog also stretched out his hand without slapping his face. He knew that they came prepared this time, but he had to work hard on the surface.

Later, he led Jiaolong Wang and Zhang Xian directly into the main hall, and called Qin Fei to send someone to re-set the banquet.

Some of the transformational monsters present also recognized the Flood Dragon King in person, but they were very unfamiliar with Zhang Xian.But the person who can make the host go out to greet them in person must have a lot of background, so these big monsters also secretly care about it in the center of their eyes, and there is no guarantee that there will be some twists and turns in this banquet.

After the two of them sat down, Fat Dog also did a good job on the scene, toasted Miss Qingyu three times, and then began to chatter and chat.

The Jiaolong King is old-fashioned, so he won't talk too much if he doesn't see the rightful owner, and the politeness during these banquets is also handled with ease.

But that Zhang Xian usually dominates the South China Sea, how can the monsters in the sea have time for this kind of banquet.

After drinking three cups with Jiaolong King, he cupped his hands to Miss Qingyu and said, "Your Majesty is not in the mansion. I have sent a letter to Qingtian Demon King to discuss important matters when I come here this time. Someone can make a recommendation for you."

Although Qingyu is the head of the family, but after marrying Fat Dog, everything is guided by her husband. After hearing this, the husband who glanced aside said: "My mother has not taken care of world affairs for nearly 200 years. Now everything is handled by my husband with all his strength, Zhang Daoyou. What you want to ask is better to discuss it with my husband."

After hearing this, Zhang Xian's expression remained unchanged, but there was a hint of strangeness in his eyes, and then he saluted Fat Dog: "Since King Bingli is in charge, please listen to the next sentence."

Fat Dog smiled at the corner of his mouth and stretched out his hand, saying: "I also know the purpose of Zhang Daoyou, but the mass production of Jianmu fruit is not high. If I just take a share of the South China Sea Sea Clan like this, how can I get along with the Yao Clan people in the world?" What about explaining?"

Although the voices were not loud, all the big monsters present did not know the usefulness of this Jianmu fruit, and the original noisy voices stopped instantly.All the monster races present turned their eyes to Zhang Xian and Jiaolong King to see what they could do to get this piece of Jianmu fruit.

After feeling everyone's eyes, Zhang Xian was not afraid at all. In addition to the two demon kings, the only ones he could see were the newly promoted Northland Ice Glass Demon King in front of him. in the eyes.Even Miss Qingyu is just relying on her mother's power.

He said slowly: "I know this matter is a bit embarrassing for the Ice Glass Demon King, but the Jianmu fruit is also used to refine Du'er Dan. I am willing to use four copies of the seventh-level southern border unique every hundred years." Treasures can be exchanged for twenty pills."

As soon as the words came out, everyone present took a breath of air. These seventh-level treasures can't be taken out just because they can be taken out.And this fellow Taoist Zhang Xian actually asked for four pieces as soon as he opened his mouth. It seems that he is determined to get it.

(End of this chapter)

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